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The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self (Read 5379 times)
I Am Dude
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The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Aug 25th, 2009 at 7:12pm
This is an excerpt from the Our Ultimate Reality newsletter.
It seems to be a perfect combination of the work of Robert Monroe, Robert Bruce, and Seth, combining key aspects of all three's core ideas.  I agree with basically all of what is said.  I would be interested to hear others opinions.

What people think of as the "afterlife" - the "place" where people "go" to after they "die" - actually does exist as a very "narrow", relative to the Whole, band of Energy at a massively higher Vibratory frequency than that of Earth, and which therefore cannot be measured or observed with scientific instruments. This does not make them "imaginary" in some way - it simply means that they cannot currently be instrumentally substantiated.

Even so, the "afterlife" - Astral Spheres of Energy - are still only, relatively speaking, just "beyond" 3 dimensional Universal potential, characterised by an infinitesimally low frequency of Vibration comparative to Source.

And this then is why the entire 3D Universe is measured to be of a substantially uniform ambient temperature throughout, originating uniformly "from the inside out", from a 3D perspective, not from some arbitrary "point" within a pre-existent 3D void of nothingness.

In describing the nature of "All that Is", I frequently make use of the humble Apple as a useful and familiar metaphor.

If we let the Apple represent the Entire, Complete "Universe" of "All that Is" - "All in Creation" if you prefer - then this then is what we may observe:
At the very "Core" of the Apple is "Source" Energy, First Cause, Source Mind, - Supreme Intelligence - the Only True Objective Reality - Existing at the very highest Energy frequency of Vibration, vibrating at such a rate that it can be regarded as static.

This is analogous to a spoked wheel - the faster it spins the less visible the spokes become, until upon attaining a certain speed of revolution, the spokes become invisible.

The physical Newtonian Universe of "matter" may be represented in this model by the very thin outer skin of the Apple, analogous to the point or moment at which Energy Vibratory Potential slowed to a frequency at which it achieved the Potentiality, but not the actuality to differentiate in to what humans now regard as "matter" - "frozen Light" as David Bohm metaphorically suggested.

Between the skin of the Apple and its Core we find the flesh of the Apple. The flesh of the Apple is analogous to the vast majority of "All Creation" - the Whole - the 99.99999%.... of Energy spectrum between the Apple skin and the core - Source Mind.

Let the flesh of the Apple then represent the Infinite Continuum of Energy, the fundamental characteristic of which is Vibration, with Infinite Potential, existing between the skin of the apple and its core, where may be found the Infinite and diverse Spheres of Life, Mind and Being far beyond the reach of normal conscious human perception and certainly of any scientific instruments.

Now again let me stress again that in applying numbers, limits, and even words such as "the" are in and of themselves fundamentally flawed, because ultimately we are referring Only to the Infinite. These words will however suffice in the interests of understanding, and in the complete absence of more appropriate language.

Most mainstream science, even today, denies the existence of these higher levels of Energy and Vibration, simply because they can neither be measured, substantiated or otherwise quantified by the physical instruments upon which their entire paradigm rests.

As previously mentioned, David Bohm was a notable exception. His thesis on "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" remains a practical conceptual model of all "Creation", taking into account Spheres of potential beyond the concepts of the Newtonian model of the physical Universe. Indeed Bohm later even takes into account Consciousness which, with Mind, is Principle, and without which nothing could or would exist.

Just under the skin of our metaphoric Apple then lies the Etheric Sphere of Energy - this is where people first find themselves after the change known as "death", and also the realm of the entities known as "ghosts" - departed human beings - who have become "stuck" for various reasons - usually due to some form of emotional attachment to Earth.

Just beyond the Etheric Spheres of Energy Frequency lies the Astral Spheres. It is to these Astral Planes of Energy that humans usually transition after leaving the physical body during the change known as "death". The Astral spheres are sometimes therefore more frequently referred to as the "Afterlife" or much more erroneously as "heaven".

Without becoming too deeply involved in our Apple metaphor, and beyond the scope of this discussion, suffice it to say that it is the destiny of all humans to commence the Great, Divine Journey at the skin of the Apple - analogous to Earth or other physical planet - and to Evolve through the seamless layers of the "flesh" of the Apple - representing Energy at increasing vibratory frequencies and resolutions - until finally, through the process of Evolution and Perfection, the Core of the Apple from Whence we "came" in the "beginning" is ultimately attained, and with it the potential to reunite, or "merge" with Source Mind.

This Evolutionary Process takes place as Experience assimilated by the Complete Spiritual "I", giving rise to ever increasing degrees of Perfection and thereby corresponding increase in the Vibratory Frequency and Resolution associated with the Unique Energy Field that represents and identifies Who we "Are".

Individuality, within the context of The All, is represented by our Unique Energy Configuration - our Energy Field - which continually changes in Nature and increases in Vibratory Frequency as we Evolve through Experience during the process of Perfection.

As Individual Energy Field Increases in Vibration, Transition automatically continues to the precise Sphere of Energy Vibratory Frequency, thus facilitating a seamless and automatic progression of Individual Evolution, which is always Perfect in Nature.

This then is the solution of the true nature of Spiritual Evolution, ultimately driven by an Individual, Subconscious quest for Perfection, a quest that is intimately incorporated in to our Unique Spiritual Nature, through Experience made possible by Individual Freewill.

Earth - indeed the entire physical Universe - may be regarded metaphorically as the "Kindergarten of Life".

The Etheric and Astral Planes are a very close extension of that same Kindergarten.

Why then is this necessary?

Well quite simply because only when sufficient Experience has been gained through cycles of physical "incarnation", is there a natural progression to increasingly more responsible and powerful roles within the context of the greater spheres of Life and Reality within the Greater Universe as a Whole, far beyond even the remotest comprehension of most Earthly humans, a role carrying with it massive responsibilities that can only be continued after the complete assimilation of appropriate Experience, characterised by attaining corresponding Vibratory Frequency of the Spiritual Body.

Allowing a human to "graduate" directly from Earth to such levels of responsibility - even if it were possible - which it is most assuredly not, would be akin to giving a 3 year old child the trigger of fully armed thermonuclear atomic weapon to play with, such would be the disruptive potential of the situation - in fact the potential disruption would be infinitely greater, because the very fabric and harmony would be compromised.

So the initial phase of incarnations of the Individuality of the Higher Self - experiential windows - on Earth and/or other planets is an absolutely fundamental and necessary process, wherefrom every Unique Energy Field - encompassing All Life whether "animate" or not, - must graduate before moving on to the infinitely, and to humans at this stage incomprehensibly, greater glories, powers and responsibilities.

Each phase in this process continually facilitates the progression through inner Spheres of Energy, Vibration, Life, Mind and Consciousness, glorious far, far beyond the consciousness and even very remotest comprehension of most Earthly humans. The Higher Self knows very well however, and will continually encourage Its fragments, or "representatives" to pursue graduation and experience of these greater glories.

This is also the solution to the metaphor of the "fallen angel" known as "Lucifer".
"Lucifer is a metaphor for the Human Ego Mind which "left or "fell from" "Source Mind", "Christ Mind" in the "beginning" , "cast down" to the physical Universe of matter. This was no punishment, but rather out of Divine Freewill - there is always a choice.

As previously discussed, it is the objective and indeed destiny, whether comprehended or not, of every Human Being to "reunite" with "Christ Mind" through the Divine process of Evolution and Perfection through the medium of Experience - thus fulfilling the cycle.

In theological or metaphorical terms, depending on your perspective, "Lucifer" reunites with "Christ" or if you prefer, the "Son" is reunited with the "Father". Of course there is no "gender" beyond Earth, so the concepts of the masculine are entirely erroneous.

This however is the ultimate meaning of "Life".

But again, this is no metaphorical "punishment". Quite the contrary in fact. It is rather a metaphor for Divine process chosen by each individuation of Source Mind - indeed all Life of every nature - and should accordingly be Joyfully embraced and never feared.

A word at this point about "Reincarnation" or the process of experiencing multiple "lives" on Earth or other planets.

Due to the physical nature of Earth, it is generally impossible to gather sufficient Experience to "graduate" in a single "lifetime" or even hundreds or thousands of "lifetimes".

The true, Evolving Self is generally known as the "Higher Self" - our Individuality - Who resides within much higher Energy levels - far beyond the Astral - but still only a relatively "short" Vibration way from the metaphoric Apple skin relative to the All as a Whole.

"Higher Self" is our Eternal Individuality.

Note: "Higher Self " is a recognised term which would be more appropriately described as "Inner Self". In absolute terms the concepts of "higher", "lower" even "inner are duality based and accordingly do not exist. They will however suffice for the purposes of gaining access to the considerations encompassed within these discussions.

Each "life" on Earth is experienced through and as a Personality of that Individuality.

The more Personalities our Individuality "sends to Earth", and/or other planets in the material Universe, the more Experience is returned to Eternal Individuality, and the more complete Higher Self - Individuality - becomes.

So Higher Self - Individuality - usually sends numerous "messengers" to Earth - or other planet - as both genders, all races, countries, cultures and circumstances, until finally a messenger attains the ultimate objective of Enlightenment while still in the context of a physical body.

This then signifies the end of this initial but crucial phase of Individual Evolution - "incarnational" cycle - where the Enlightened "fraction" of the Higher Self returns to Higher Self Who then assumes the Personality of the "Enlightened Incarnation".

So Individuality continues with its acquired Personality, ceases to be a "Higher Self" - there are no longer any aspects of Itself to be "Higher" than - to the next phase of the greater Evolutional cycle.

I must dispel another prevalent misunderstanding before continuing - that of so called "past lives".

Each messenger of the Higher Self - each Personality - experiences one single "life" on Earth, or other planet, only, and then, after the physical body "dies" - no longer viable as an organic vehicle - transitions to the Etheric and then Astral Spheres of Energy in most cases.

Enlightened or Evolved Spirits or Beings who came to Earth for a specific purpose or specific "mission" for humanity - for example the figures known as "Jesus" or the "Buddha" - are exceptions, as are Beings known as "Avatars" and also others, who simply return directly to the Spiritual Sphere of Energy from whence they came.

The Astral Energy Sphere is an environment where Earth people usually feel completely at "home" or even regard as "heaven", simply because they can experience anything they can possibly imagine at will, without the needs of "money", "work" and all those other typical trappings and dark and insidious instruments of control of human society.

The "afterlife" also seems much more "solid", "real" and "substantial" than Earth.
Astral residents will linger until they have fully satiated all materially motivated desires, infatuations, additions and ultimately concepts accumulated as a result of Earth experience, which experiences are eventually recognised and assimilated as the illusions or "delusions" they really are. The journey of the Personality to the Individuality of Higher Self continues with a unique package of experience contributing to the Whole potential Individuality that the Higher Self represents at that stage of Evolution, on the path of Evolving Spiritual "I" within the context of All of Universal Mind Principle.

This is why it is totally and completely erroneous to speak or think in terms of "past lives". There is absolutely no such thing as a "past life" simply because each "life" represents a complete cycle in its own right originating and terminating with Higher Self.

Equally as erroneous is the concept of "sequential" lives - in other words the idea that every "person" experiences a sequential series of "lives" or "incarnations", each at a progressively "later" period in Earth's history than the previous, thus giving rise to the erroneous notion that a "past life" took place for example in Ancient Egypt, or Babylon, or very popularly Atlantis and so on.

"Past lives" are invariably perceived as glamorous - never "hard" or "ordinary". Everyone likes to think of themselves as living as a "King", "Princess" or famous figure such as Jesus in "previous lives".

This is in turn responsible for the equally erroneous idea of "past life regressions" where, under hypnosis or other form of access to the Subconscious Sphere of Mind, a person is led to believe that they may "discover" their "identity" and physical "circumstances" and "lifestyle" during a "previous" incarnation, or "life" in Earth's history. Such "past life experiences" are invariably inexorably linked to the Ego.

In actual fact - all "lives" - Personalities - "incarnations" - take place concurrently,
and not therefore "sequential" at all. This is true because our Individuality, our Totality, our Higher, Spiritual "I" Self, resides on a Vibration far beyond the human concept of "time".

Higher Self knows precisely the nature of Experiences required in order to achieve the level of "completeness" and therefore of Perfection and Evolution required to complete this initial phase on the great Path, to facilitate moving on to greater experiences.

Individuality, Higher Self, therefore "fills in" experiential "gaps" in Its "completeness" by choosing, as far as possible from the range of possibilities, the circumstances that would best facilitate the opportunity for the gathering of specifics aspects of required experience to contribute to the Whole.

To this end Higher Self chooses the "time-line" relative to the concept of Earth "time", country, culture, circumstances and parents which provide the best probability of gaining that particular "packet" of experience.

Yes you chose your own parents, and your own children likewise chose you, so always treat each other with the greatest Love and respect, while keeping in Mind that "age" is utterly meaningless. Your own kids, while you may perceive them as "children", may well be far more Spiritually mature than you. This is particularly true during this Transitional Epoch where numerous Spiritually highly advanced children are being born to assist parents and humanity through their particular abilities, very often through the Arts, and any other ability with the profound potential to influence the human Mind and Vibratory Frequency, both through the senses, and through the Soul and Spirit.

A useful metaphor that may assist in the understanding of this process of "concurrent incarnation" is that of a wooden cart wheel, with its hub and outer rim connected by its spokes.

Consider then the physical Universe which is recognised as being constituted of "matter as the outer rim of the wheel, Higher Self as the hub, and with each Personality or "incarnation" represented by each distinct spoke in the wheel.

Even as you read this you, as your Higher Self, may be experiencing alternative concurrent "incarnations" as, for example, a Neanderthal women, a medieval gentleman
land owner, a teenage soldier in the trenches of the first world war, an Egyptian Queen, or numerous other such "role playing games" - all in the same Eternal Moment of Now.

You are not aware of this situation simply because each Personality experiences each distinct but related incarnation through the mediation of the individual Conscious Ego Mind, which actually represents only a very tiny subset of the "Higher" Individual Mind.

Each individual incarnation is "firewalled" from the other at the normal level of waking consciousness in order to prevent the possibility of any cross-influencing of incarnations, which would have the potential to compromise or even corrupt them.

The individual Ego Mind of each personality is bound by the current temporal experience as it relates to the human concept and perception of "time" and "space" which it chooses to subscribe to. Only Higher Self has a complete perspective over all concurrent incarnations, which, in any case Higher Self sees only as "circumstances" with experiential potential or opportunities, but never "ages" in the "history" of Earth or another planet. Higher Self is not concerned with "time", only Evolutionary Potential.

As each personality, incarnation, Ego concludes its mission on Earth, the organic body "dies" and the Ego, the Personality - the Soul - leaves the physical shell they once used and identified with on Earth, to begin the journey back to the Individual "I", Higher Self. Upon reaching Higher Self, the package of experience, to the extent it has been attained, is then assimilated to the Whole Self Individuality, Which thus expands and accordingly becomes more Evolved and Complete in the only objective of progression beyond the material incarnational process, and to attain a more Complete Spiritual "I".

So you see, if we are to progress, both on an individual and a collective level as the human race, it is absolutely crucial not to cling to false paradigms simply to remain in a comfort zone or to take the path of least resistance.

We are all here on Earth to Evolve through Experience. If you reject the challenges and our inner guidance then nothing of value will be gained, and you Higher Self will have no choice but to send another representative to do it all again - and that representative, personality will be experienced as you - there is no escape. Your Individuality, your Higher Self yearns to Evolve beyond the kindergarten of the physical Universe and on to much greater adventures, but cannot do so until complete in every sense.

The Individual Point of Energy and Consciousness Experiencing these greater adventures, beyond your current comprehension will be Experienced as You - Glories that if only you were aware of no effort would be spared in reaching.

There is no "past", there is no "future", there is only Now - Now is All That Is and All That Matters. Your Experience is Created in this Moment of Now and you choose that Experience.

Above all only listen to and follow your Inner Guidance - never ignore your Inner Guidance if it is outside your comfort zone - your Inner Guidance is always correct.

Never care "what others might think" - just be yourself. You are not here to live life for others - only for yourself - your Higher Self. But always help others and be of Service when appropriate. Service to others before Service to Self providing the Service is requested and does not violate your Inner Guidance.

This is Your Experience - do not abrogate it to others or to false paradigm.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #1 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 8:47pm
I read through it fairly quickly. A fair amount seems accurate. I agree that each member of a total self incarnates only once, "perhaps" with an occasional exception.

The article isn't clear about what happens to each incarnating self as it returns to higher self. If a higher self incarnated 1,000 selves, would each self be assimilated by its higher self and stop existing as a unique individual? I believe the answer to this question is, "no," because if the answer was yes, this would mean that even after 1,000 incarnations higher self didn't learn about love.  Since I believe higher selves understand about love and value the existence of all beings, each incarnating self does continue to exist after it joins higher self.  Going by the information I've received what I just said is true.

Eradication doesn't need to take place in order for information to be received. In fact, I believe that higher selves obtain information from incarnating selves while they are incarnated. Therefore, where is the need for erradication? If erradication does take place, the higher selves of this universe better hope that there isn't an even larger self waiting to erradicate them. Wink

Avatar is a poor choice of words because a lot of people, mainly men, have claimed to be Avatars, often incarnations of God, when they weren't.

Regarding Lucifer, a man named Jerome made a translational error and a king of Babylonia, a physical person, ended up being known as a fallen angel. This translational error was made about 1,000 years after the book of Isaiah was written. I suppose the author's viewpoint is better than the viewpoint that the supposed story of a fallen angel named Lucifer provides an explanation for where Satan came from.

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I Am Dude
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 10:42pm
It's true, he doesn't go into what happens after the assimilation of all of the individual incarnations of the higer self, although I believe he did in a past newletter.  Ill take a look and see if I can find it.  I believe that when the higer self completes the ELS it phases into a higher plane in which new types of experiences are available,  perhaps experiences with a much greater degree of conscious creation. 

Of course eradication of the individual incarnation does not take place!  I believe we retain our individuality and at the same time adopt a much more expanded perspective in which our individual minds are intimately and consciously connected with the minds of every other aspect of the higher self, and so constant telepathic and empathic communication occurs.  But maybe each aspect merges into ONE being consisting of a multitude of personalities, with each aspect having the SAME perspective as the new, complete higher self.  This would be a consciousness unlike anything we can imagine.  All individuals would be completely merged, and would operate as one supreme being...while at the same time retaining their individuality.   
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2009 at 12:42am by I Am Dude »  

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #3 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 8:04am
Interesting article...

I quote from it:

"Even as you read this you, as your Higher Self, may be experiencing alternative concurrent "incarnations" as, for example, a Neanderthal women, a medieval gentleman
land owner, a teenage soldier in the trenches of the first world war, an Egyptian Queen, or numerous other such "role playing games" - all in the same Eternal Moment of Now."

So, I have remembered a few. Very different time periods, very different locations. Different emotions. No matter how difficult the incarnation, there were positive aspects to it, no matter how great the difference in personal wealth or environment.

So, if the incarnations are all expressing themselves simultaneously in 'no time', then it would not be impossible to imagine that more than one incarnation could also exist in the 'present' time period, which is also part of the 'no time' experiencer/knowledge/greater self/greater mind.

Then, it is not impossible to imagine that any of us might be speaking to a part of our 'greater self' right now, interacting with a part of our 'greater self' which is shared between us. Which is sometimes how we speak of each other on this board.

When this train of thought is carried out, it demolishes the idea of separation. It seems that nothing is real except that which we believe is so. It is like a creator with many many hands. Painting a picture. All the hands are moving and the artist comprehends all of the progress and meaning at once. The  experience of the creator, as the larger instrument, as a oneness of perfection completing itself, must be the gift we receive at the end of all 'this'. It makes me dizzy, but someday I'll get to that 'still' place where all the perfection 'is' -- and that will be greater than anything I can imagine now.

Something to look forward to, like George says a voice said to him, reassuring him about death, that it is like waking up in the morning to a bright new day.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #4 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 12:30pm
"At the time I was into the new age belief of , you get to choose what you believe, and because of that, I was informing people I was communicating with, lets just say with wrong belief. Of which there is karmic debt attached. As` all action has energy return, we must be mindful of effect when in communication with another."

Not sure I'm getting the above - you've previously communicated something that you now see as wrong, and your incarnation is now in debt because of that?

All actions do have consequences. One action has a sequence of events follwing that decision, but I see that as different than being in debt and punished like Sisyphus, but only having to roll the boulder up a hill a finite number of times.

If I told somebody they should be shameful for doing something (new age/light polarity control), and later view saying that as as wrong; I could apologize to that somebody, or ask for forgiveness. The consequences for taking to heart the shame-controls-me-game would perhaps be the somebody walking some steps backwards instead of forwards. Still, the integration of those words would be that somebody's choice, which would make it that somebody's responsibility. Worst case scenario, my consequence might have been to lose touch with that somebody in that imaginary incarnation, and whom I possibly might have really, really enjoyed being with. Consequence.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #5 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 12:41pm
Related to what Balance wrote, I believe Wink that it isn't a matter of not having a choice of what you believe, it is more of a matter of when you connect with your higher self, what would be the point of continuing to believe something that doesn't represent the truth? I figure that when an incarnating self reaches the point where it wants to merge with its higher self/disc, it isn't interested in clinging onto false beliefs.

Even though I believe that each returning self continues to exist, I don't believe that they remain in the limited form they existed as while human. We assume personalities for a while not for the sake of maintaining them eternally, but for the sake of the lessons that are learned. We collect knowledge and then dispense with what isn't necessary.

I've spoken on this forum before about when my higher self enabled me to be aware of 12 incarnations at the same time. I still felt like I was me, but I was a large spacious spirit being, not a human like personality. It felt really cool. Smiley

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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #6 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 5:18pm
"I've spoken on this forum before about when my higher self enabled me to be aware of 12 incarnations at the same time. I still felt like I was me, but I was a large spacious spirit being, not a human like personality. It felt really cool. Smiley"

It does sound awesome and very cool, indeed! Have you been inside your higher self? Maybe my recall is off, but think I've read that in one of your posts. If so, can you describe how the inside looks?
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #7 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 5:40pm

I don't know what the inside of my higher self looks like. I don't know that it looks like anything in particular. I've had the experience of like being within this liquid bubble of being, size unknown, it was shared with other members of my disk, but I didn't see what it looked like.

I can't say that I've experienced complete merger.

One time I was shown what the outside of higher self grids might look like. Even this image might've been symbolic rather than factual.

Volu wrote on Aug 26th, 2009 at 5:18pm:
"I've spoken on this forum before about when my higher self enabled me to be aware of 12 incarnations at the same time. I still felt like I was me, but I was a large spacious spirit being, not a human like personality. It felt really cool. Smiley"

It does sound awesome and very cool, indeed! Have you been inside your higher self? Maybe my recall is off, but think I've read that in one of your posts. If so, can you describe how the inside looks?

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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #8 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 6:24pm

What do you mean by a test?

Regarding greater responsibility, I think in terms of what serves the greater good.  When we  "completely" care about what serves the greater good, doesn't our want became the same as higher self's want?

I highlighted "completely" because apparently I'm clinging to a few things that prevent me from partaking completely.

What about the sex drive? One night I had this dream. I was in a building and I understood that this buiding represented my disk. As soon as I entered the building the lady members ran out and hid behind a wall, because they found my sexual energy a problem (I had this dream a while ago). I'm not a sex maniac and I'm very dicrimating about how I partake, but I can't say that I've overcome my sex drive.  I doubt that higher selves and other light beings still have an attachment to sex. I've tried so hard to let go of it, but, that part of my body keeps functioning. This is a difficult matter to figure out, because it isn't something you can read about in a book.

Actually, I received a message a few years ago stating that I merged with my higher self, but I can't say that I feel as if I've done so completely.
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I Am Dude
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #9 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 2:58pm

I was and still am merged within the physical with my over soul.

You most certainly are.  But so is everyone else!  It is erroneous to believe that we are separate from our higher selves, for we ARE our higher selves.  I suppose what you speak of is having an open connection with your higher self while physically conscious?  If this is the case, then that is awesome.  I hope, plan, to achieve that state as well.  I think the idea of merging with our oversoul is false... rather, the idea is to become aware of our connection with HS which already exists.

About getting to choose what we believe...

Of course we get to choose what we believe!  That is a huge part of this ELS.  To choose the beliefs which most closely resonate with our inner self.  Everyone chooses their beliefs.  Some choose false, inhibiting beliefs, and others choose beliefs which promote the expansion of love, conscious evolution, and abundance.  It is up to us to realize when a belief doesn't work and change it accordingly.  It is great that your higher self has provided you with an ideal belief system, as you claim.. but most are not even aware of their higher self, and so they have to choose the hard way.  I think its less about a belief being True or False and more about a belief being limiting or not, for our beliefs shape our reality, and a limiting belief WILL manifest in ones life just as validly as a positive belief.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #10 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 5:44pm
Thank you for the response balance.


I agree with what you wrote.
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #11 - Aug 30th, 2009 at 12:57pm
I think you are right on, OutOfBodyDude. Who else is creating it if we are not choosing it, ALL OF IT. Isn't this what "I AM THAT I AM" means?

I too have glimpses of my HS (what I call my Highest Self) having all my lives simultaneously, my "me" just a speck of personalized projection into the dream. HS is me, and I am HS, and having that connection consciously is awesome indeed.

I guess we'll see pretty soon now...

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I Am Dude
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Re: The Afterlife, Apples, and the Higher Self
Reply #12 - Aug 30th, 2009 at 1:17pm
I guess we'll see pretty soon now...

I just have to ask.  What do you think is going to happen?  Are you referring to the shift in 2012?
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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