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Spirit say you have to go through suffering events (Read 3082 times)
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Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:17am
Hi I and deanna were told by this medium communing with spirit that we have to go through certain amounts of suffering for our spirit to learn,also when dad came through he said that he had picked up my thoughts that i want to be in the spirit world with him more than on the earth plain and dad said if i so much as try to commit suicide and join him ,he will put his foot up my backside and send me straight back again.

And then spirit came in and said to me ,"Do lot leave deanna on his earth plain without you because she cannot survive without you,this gave me a wake up call and i had been thinking all the time about suicide and wanting to be with dad, dad and spirit had other ideas for me,spirit said through the medium that they are sorry that me and deanna have so much suffering and they also said that we are not to get angry as God is now going to pay his debts.

They told me and deanna to always stay together as each one of us keeps the scales even,we were also told that we have been through many past lives together as twins,many times spirt have said that they feel our suffering and that they send much love to us both.

Because of spirit and my dad it helped me to rid my mind of suicidal thoughts that were starting to get very strong but i and deanna know now, that no matter how much suffering we do on this earth plain we will go to spirit oneday to Gods loving spirit land.We were both told by spirit that when we both die there wont be very long between both of us passing over.

So no matter how much all of you suffer in this world spirit are always sending you love and trying to guide you in the right direction.God is walking beside us every day loving us, with unconditional love from him and all spirit love.

Love and God bless   love juditha

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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #1 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 6:10am
Hi i put this on here to remind us of the love of God and his son Jesus.

Love and God bless all of you and all countries in the world ,that they may oneday be able to live in peace and serenety and finally love thy neighbour,which is what God wanted.

Love judithaxx
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Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2009 at 8:38pm

everyone suffers!, there's not one soul alive who, somewhere during there incarnation will not have some form of suffering.True this suffering is based on the souls level of evolution and in truth this suffering needs to be increased as the soul evolves. But You see without suffering the soul would not grow!

If a soul was to have a life without suffering then it would be a waste of that life. For through our suffering we are forced to evaluate! And from this if you are strong enough and willing enough to face what it is, then, suffering will allow your soul grow. Where ever there is suffering it is their because of a false belief.

The reason we suffer is there is something wrong within our belief system. For if we where balanced then there would be no suffering.

In the end when ever we look outside ourselves for validation, being prays, confirmation, or just plain ego support of our belief we will encounter suffering/pain.

We must in the end learn to be self sufficient and in so doing learn to love ourselves. It matters not what has gone on during our lives, for if we can learn to love who we are with all our mistakes all our so called faults. Then in truth we have achieved what we came here to do.

You need to learn this lesson, LOVE YOURSELF!!

Stop looking outside for validation for that will never come as we are in a school all of us are here to learn!

In truth how can you get validation from any student, which we all are.
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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #3 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 10:53am
I do not believe we have to suffer at all. That is our choice. The point of the Cruxifixion, after all, was the Resurrection. Time to get off the Cross, we need the wood (as they say). Get on with your Resurrection, dear Ones. Do not linger on the suffering unless you enjoy it...

Deepak Chopra says we are addicted to the chemicals our brains produce when we suffer, all overstimulated and stressed by our lives. I dunno. I would rather think about love and light, and enjoy those chemicals in my brain. It gets me a LOT farther.

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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 11:46am
I agree with T Gecks.  It is really quite simple.  Your mind brings to you not what you want in a fleeting way, but what you deeply believe, whether it is a love or a fear.  The law of attraction and karma are supposed to teach us this throughout our lives.  Live by the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

The more we concentrate on love, and manifest it, the more we truly expect love and joy (deep down), the more it manifests.  If a person's mind works in what Kathy on this board termed as "cross purposes," we see mixed results.

Our subconscious mind is tied into a universal mind or template which brings things to pass in our lives based on our strongest beliefs.  If we believe we must suffer, then oh boy, suffer we will.  By using this pattern, each person at the end of his or her life can see, upon reflection that what was experienced and transpired was in one way or another (barring random acts of nature), a direct result of the need in his or her own mind and thoughts.

Cross purpose thoughts occur when we all say to ourselves "I want to succeed at this task," but deeper down we say "I know it will never happen for me."  The subconscious hears not our fleeting thoughts but what is believed as fact. 

If we understand these laws of the mind and consciousness, we can see that suffering is not required for spiritual growth, unless we need it to be.  It is true that in this world with people of various spirituality we are bound to lock horns with another.  You can sit on a train or be at a movie, and find someone you perceive as rude, and that sets up a negative confrontation.  However, if you return the rudeness with love and forgiveness, you are bound to get out of the conflict quicker than having a full blown fight on your hands.

The other situation that gels with this topic is that of wealth or money.  Sayings such as "money is the root of all evil," tend to make our subconscious associate weath in a negative way.  The law of attraction acts here, and if we think it is noble and "good" to be poor, than it shall come to pass ("ask and ye shall receive"). 

However, the converse is true.  If one sees wealth or money as a good which one works for and releases freely - sort of a sign of health, than one can rid the subconscious of guilt associated with making money.  This truly tends to work - and in fact is the basis for many "get rich quick" paper back books but it really is associated with our thoughts. 

I think the key point is to realize that Karma and the Law of Attraction work both for good or for bad.  If we focus on suffering, we find it.  If we focus on love and kindness, we find that.  It all is a matter what we believe deep deep down.

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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #5 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 8:49pm

The story of Jesus has been misinterpreted of course, for man always tries to take the easy road. When in-fact there is no easy road.

Jesus sacrifice not to save the human race! and remove your sins, for this would deign you your lessons. No the whole point of his incarnation was to show you the way. To show you how you can ascend.He was a way-shower! And that way is through sacrifice the trick tho, is it has to be through love!. If you perceive that you have suffered and its only through a false belief system, then that suffering is not based on love you see.Its based on ego and your over soul has brought you this suffering in-order to breakdown these false beliefs.

It this suffering is brought to your soul to learn. For instance if you have lived in an abusive marriage  and through your belief system. You have not valued your own soul, then your suffering has been brought on by your own need to be right! The longer you continue with the false belief the longer you will suffer until you get it!

Had you re-evaluated and valued your own soul above your belief then, you would have got what the lesson was  trying to show you and that is that no! one dissevers to dishonor there soul. We are all Gods little creatures and we are each unique and beautiful, all be it slow learners. Our ego is what makes us hold to such wrong belief systems.

Just the way most people who are involved with say spiritual belief systems, want to believe that suffering is unjustified and how could anyone who is truly spiritual see an benefit in such a system that would create such.

Well from the higher perspective this is the system, in-fact its the only way for the soul to breakdown false belief, without suffering we would not move forward.

And as a whole we need to move beyond the Jesus saved us! For this couldn't be further from the truth, he sacrificed to show you and I the way. That's if you want to ascend. then you must sacrifice through love not ego there is a marked difference.
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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #6 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 7:46am
Juditha, I will just add here that it is so good to see you here, after a long absence. I had been thinking about you, wondering if you would return here, and then you did. I know I am not the only one who missed you here.

You said:

"So no matter how much all of you suffer in this world spirit are always sending you love and trying to guide you in the right direction."

You also said:

"Love and God bless all of you and all countries in the world ,that they may oneday be able to live in peace and serenety and finally love thy neighbour,which is what God wanted."

It is this that I missed, your loving thoughts and prayers toward all of us, your kind thoughts, your longing for what is beautiful and good.

Perhaps it is not so much about suffering, your message, but about love. Your love for everyone in this world, no matter whether the suffering here, at times, is great or small.

It is rare to hear someone consistently pray for and wish for the welfare of others, at least out loud, using the language of love that you know, without reservation. This is the quality in you which I applaud.

How refreshing it is!
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Re: Spirit say you have to go through suffering events
Reply #7 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 3:14am
Hi b2,Thankyou so much for those loving words you have written to me,i missed you and all on here as well,thankyou matthew and all of you for your replys to me.

Love and God bless you all love juditha
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