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Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open? (Read 4869 times)
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Posts: 62
Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Aug 19th, 2009 at 6:49am

Everything with closed eyes... Good for OBE. Good for gathering enegry etc. But if I want to see like Don Juan Matus, then what? He didn't close eyes. And didn't smoke mushrooms and eat peyot all the time. But he and Karlos did wonderful things with open eyes too, not only in dreams or after psychoactive drugs aid. Yep, I've tried all that drugs and even more. Great. You can see with physical eyes such things, that... But no control.

Does any of Hemi-Sync products alter the state of mind so intensively, that the information flow perceived by one's eyes can't block the perception of something beyond the static picture of reality?
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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #1 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:25am
Why do you search so intensively for a technique? What you are meant to have you will have. What you are meant to do you will do.
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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #2 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:48am
With a lot of practice it is possible to be awake while maintaining expanded states of consciousness. How else do you think The Masters who have walked the Earth did it?

No HemiSynch alone that I am aware of (at least the stuff used publicly) is really strong enough on its own to do that. There are many other binaural things available besuides those from Monroe Products and Monroe Institute (in fact MUCH MUCH more) and Bob Monroe did not "invent" binaural beats at all. They were discovered in the 1830s by a German man named Dove.

There are certain things that people use to enhance their light body and energetic bodies, and these can help maintain expanded awareness in awake states as well as the binaural stuff. THe changes in the brain are, in fect, identical with full synchronization after intake of ORMUS or ORMEs, which stands for "orbitally re-arranged monoatomic elements." You can read about then at, and there is a conference in Georgia over Labor Day weekend about them.

This is one the the aeas of my keenest interest. Being awake and alert in an expanded energetic state is my goal, and our heritage to reclaim. It is my position that we will need familiarity with such energetic states in the coming times. I believe that these Focus levels are really just designations for various dimensions, and that the whole structure TMI engneders is a barrier and actually prevents exploration of all there reallyis out there by forcing one in to their specific thought prison. I have found it very liberating to abandon "TMI There" and use my own techniques to explore beyond rather than their "Voyager 8" Spaceship and the "Space Station Alpha" that you get o through the crystal at TMI there, and only through the crystal at TMI there.

Masters create other Masters, not customers.

So-- to answer your questions in a word: YES.

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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #3 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 3:46am
Hi B2,

Why do you search so intensively for a technique? What you are meant to have you will have. What you are meant to do you will do.

Because, those, who search, shall find.

Meant by whom? No one shall ever control me. One, who tries - shall regret.
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« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2009 at 5:01am by Premierre.operator »  
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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #4 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:14am
Hi Thomas,

It's VERY interesting and highly informative, what you write. Thank you.

I'll do a research on ORMUS. Sounds like a dangerous thing, or like an attempt to create one more "collective placebo". And earn tons of money.

No HemiSynch alone that I am aware of (at least the stuff used publicly) is really strong enough on its own to do that.

It's a pity. In your opinion, mind-machines with additional light stimulation are more efficient? Some have semi-transparent googles.

Maybe Orgone Generators, working like mind-machines. Google Karl Hans Welz. He's the best in this industry. No need to close eyes or use headphones. You get any of the brain wave states instantly and steadily, together with enormous load of life force via the modulated transfer of Orgene (Chi) energy. This is what they claim.

This is one the the aeas of my keenest interest. Being awake and alert in an expanded energetic state is my goal, and our heritage to reclaim.

I fully agree with you. Atlanteans had that powers. The tribe, to which Don Juan belongs, are the descendants of Tolteks, one of the Atlantean Races.

I believe that these Focus levels are really just designations for various dimensions, and that the whole structure TMI engneders is a barrier and actually prevents exploration of all there reallyis out there by forcing one in to their specific thought prison. I have found it very liberating to abandon "TMI There"

You mean placing one's consciousness in a "box"? Maybe it's merging with their egregore? Such things mean certain ideology. IMHO, Monroe didn't have any ideology at all. I didn't find it in "The Gateway Experience". Right the opposite. "You, and only you..." And so on. I like it. But what they are producing now, reminds me New Age things. Too many words about Love, Heart and Spiritual Development. Monroe never "sang gospels". He encouraged obtaining Knowledge, Control and Use. What control and what use? That benefits me and those, who are close and near to me. Absolutely correct. I fully accept it. A Typical Way of "Left Hand Path", nothing to do with these so-called "white teachings" with their f.cking ascending and Universal Love, which is bullshit, leading to slavery.

use my own techniques to explore beyond rather than their "Voyager 8" Spaceship and the "Space Station Alpha" that you get o through the crystal at TMI there, and only through the crystal at TMI there.

Can you tell me more about their Space stuff (contacts with ETs?) and your own techniques? You may PM me, I would be grateful.

What we search for, many Schools do as easy as drinking a cup of water. I just thought psychotronics would make it much easier. In Russia there are several Schools tatally based on cybernetics and psychotronics. Human mind plus machine, or even some biological super-brains, they try to grow using regression to the time of Atlantis and gathering info from there. But all these Schools are hierachy sects. While one is just a beginner - he's simply a rat for experiments.
Grabovoy always taught to work with open eyes in concentration, no way in trance or meditaton. He recommended to use some kind of active meditation to reach the coherent work of hemispheres. But during the operations everything only with open eyes and via the concentration. But... I can't name a single person, who has mastered the Teaching of Grabovoy to such an extent, that to be able to walk through walls or travel in time, or teleportate, though he says it's very simple. I mean in physical body, of course. For this purpose one has to master the fourth dimension of the physical world. No non-physical stuff. The fourth dimension. But nobody is able to understand from his works, how to do it. Maybe someone is able, but I've never heard about this person. Maybe he doesn't want to display it.   



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« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:31am by Premierre.operator »  
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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #5 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:46am
Search away. Good for you.

I will note, however, that someone who is eager to gain power is operating from a position of 'lack' and the universe will be happy to provide 'lack' for as long as anyone wants 'lack' in their lives.


Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 3:46am:
Hi B2,

Why do you search so intensively for a technique? What you are meant to have you will have. What you are meant to do you will do.

Because, those, who search, shall find.

Meant by whom? No one shall ever control me. One, who tries - shall regret.

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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #6 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 1:03pm
Excellent point B2.

Search away. Good for you.

I will note, however, that someone who is eager to gain power is operating from a position of 'lack' and the universe will be happy to provide 'lack' for as long as anyone wants 'lack' in their lives.


Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 3:46am:
Hi B2,

Why do you search so intensively for a technique? What you are meant to have you will have. What you are meant to do you will do.

Because, those, who search, shall find.

Meant by whom? No one shall ever control me. One, who tries - shall regret.

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Posts: 62
Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #7 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 6:32am
I will note, however, that someone who is eager to gain power is operating from a position of 'lack' and the universe will be happy to provide 'lack' for as long as anyone wants 'lack' in their lives.

When God Created the Universe (if you believe, He Did), His position also was "lack"?
"Not enought of ME. I'll Expand right now and Forever". "Lack"?
Not the position "lack", but the position " I Want More, I Want All."

B2 and Recoverer,

Good luck in remaining under the control and enjoying your position of sumbission.
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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #8 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 7:45am
And good luck to you too.

Who I am and Who You are


To defend with words is belief in the power of words
To defend with silence is belief in the power of no words

Therefore, I just open my eyes and I see what I see
I do not claim it is more real or better than what you see

So, good luck to you good luck to me good luck to all of us good luck to all
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Posts: 62
Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #9 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 8:17am
Hasn't Bob taught you to KNOW, who you really ARE? You still believe?


I've no more comments.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Will Hemi-Sync work, if want to keep eyes open?
Reply #10 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:01am

I notice this thread is way off topic. Perhaps it's time to begin a new thread with the topic you're discussing in the title, or just go on.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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