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Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle? (Read 17548 times)
Junior Member

Posts: 62
Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Aug 12th, 2009 at 3:02pm

Only snail mail specified on his sites. It's 21-th century now. And not all documents might be sent via snail mail due to several reasons. If he hides his mail, just PM me, I won't share with anyone. Got a very serious and unusual work for him.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 1:12pm
Perhaps TMI can help you out. Or try through his blog. I was updated just a few days ago.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 5:17pm
Hi Hawkeye,

Thanks, but TMI also recommends to contact via his blog. But there isn't an e-mail specified there, only snail mail and fax. In some cases, like mine it's impossible to send the necesssary info via fax or snail mail. I understand, that he's tired of fans, but what about serious things...
I must join the blog to post a private message to him, or what? As far as I see, his own posts on the blog are very rare. Mostly by webmaster.
Seems like the guy is so wealthy, that he simply doesn't need more.
Maybe there's anyone also from the StarGate project or other similar Government project, who is as good as Joe, or even better, but easier to contact? Then, Hawk, recommend me this person, please. I believe, that the military and intelligence psychics are the best. Simply, the Government always searches for those, who are really talented. If one worked for the military intelligence or for CIA, for KGB, Massad, MI-6 etc., he's excellent in his field, it may be stated for sure.
If I get it right, TMI also was (and perhaps is) in close relations with CIA. Promoted by CIA, I suppose.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 11:28pm
What about contacting him via good old paper mail?
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Junior Member

Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #4 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 12:32am
Maybe he'll require that I write using pen-and-ink and sheepskin paper?  Smiley
It's 21st century now...
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #5 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 12:54pm
I still suggest joining the blog and asking for contact with him. Then if after you join the blog you can leave a more personal message, you should do so. I don't believe Joe is  extreamly wealthy. More like comfortable. The truth is that there are lots of wackos out there, and some need to be weeded out. In fact some people are dangerous. By properly expressing yourself I would think you would have a far better chance of getting through to him. I beleave his wife did a number of the posts on the blog. Joe's not hard to find. He has a cabin just down the road from Roberts Mountain Retreat. If there is something you need to get out there, then get it out. (Not that I know for sure) I don't think Joe is out there looking for fame or further "fortune" as you call it. My understanding is that he is semi retired and runs a almost, entertainment sort of business, mostly in Japan. Hes not 100% successful in relaying or deciphering what he "sees". As for the whole CIA thing at TMI..well I don't believe they are a front, but perhaps if you were to be found as being extremely proficient in remote viewing, introductions could be made by those in the know of who's, who. Joe's not the only one from the old StarGate who is still involved with TMI. Through Bob Monroes use and development of HemiSync, certain frequencies assist in clearing the mind, so that perhaps better opportunities to see more clearly to the remote viewer, become easier. Its not a spy finding center. I say make your intention to contact him, and get on it if its important to you. 
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Junior Member

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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #6 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 7:28pm
Hi Hawkeye,

Thank You. Yes, will try. Not sure he's able or will want to help me, though.
He has a cabin just down the road from Roberts Mountain Retreat.

Do you think I live in the USA? Smiley Very, very far from there...

Hey, Hawk, maybe you are as strong as he is, but too modest? And linked to CIA or Defence Department? Drop me a private message, then. Feel free. A profound knowledge and experience in the ET field is one of the requirements.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #7 - Aug 16th, 2009 at 8:18am
I agree. He lists that way of contact because he gets so much correspondence. Let me assure you, however, that there are those of us who have not ever, and will never, work with black ops and covert spying like your government has done with Project Stargate, and MANY similar and ever more sinister operations. Solicitations have been declined by many, many people.

Alternatively, many people who have been (in their word) "programmed" have been to places like TMI and solicited help in de-programming or re-programming what was done to them during their service. Please do not assume that mind control, black and covert ops, and such are benign or non-existent. Joe would confirm this, as he has in a conversation with me at the RV program at TMI a few years back.

And finally, just go to a TMI program. I bet Joe will show up. As part of Gateway they post two lattitude-longitude co-ordinates and ask you to remote view them. If you get a hit (like I did on BOTH), then either Joe or Skip comes up and chats.... They had forgotten I had declined the solicitation in 1972 at the Duke Psychic Research Center.

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Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #8 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 6:13am
Hi Tgecks,

Thank you. I don't care who's "white", and who's "black". A guy wirking for CIA is a murderer or an abettor in any case. CIA and KGB (FSB) are legalized mafia, the worst kind of it. I just need a specialist in a narrow field, his human qualities are of no meaning to me.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #9 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 12:41pm
Prem Op, Are you in Russia? They have just as extensive of a government remote viewing program as USA. Perhaps bigger.
I personally am in Canada. I do work for the government... but only in a small Post Office setting. If you have had contact (ET) I would love to hear about it. Or even better yet, have found on of their crafts. To some it sounds a little ridiculous, but many here have had contact with those described as ETs and /or those not of this phyical existence. Communication is not rare. Recognising the communication is far rarer. You can experience it yourself if you want to.
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Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 5:29am
Hi Hawkeye,

Yes, I'm in Russia. But I don't work for the Government. In Russia, even if he's retired, he remains under the seal of secrecy, and such groups of ex-psy-spies, like McMoneagle's don't exist on the market. Psychotronic weapons also don't appear on the market, though in Canada, the USA, the UK and many other countries such things as Orgone-Radionics are legal. And it can be used for mind control.
If you are as capable in RV as Joe, maybe you want to cooperate with us? Can you read a text and figure out what's truth, and what's a lie there? And what was actually meant by the author? With near to 11 percent probability? For this purpose it may be necessary to penetrate into the mind of the author. Also, can you, using a digital photo, figure out if a person is physically alive, and where exacly is located? Find out her (his) full name, date of birth?

Yes, I think, I had contact with the Orion Civilization. But I wouldn't like to discuss it publically...

PM me, and we might have a talk.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #11 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 3:01pm
Premierre operator:

One time I was shown the below sequence of images.

First, I was shown a lifesize heavy metal rocker dude. I could see kundalini flowing within him. He said he uses his kundalini for evil.

Next, I was shown a lifesize demonic image of myself.

Next, I was shown the face of Jesus Christ.

Translation: A person can use his (or her) kundalini, creative aspect of being, inner power in just about any way; it is best that he does so with Christ Consciousness/ love in mind, or he might not like the results.

The more a person seeks to grow in love, the better his life will become. The desire to become some sort of super star mystic warrior leads nowhere, and only people who lack wisdom are impressed by what such people can do. Certainly beings who abide at a higher level aren't impressed by self-serving displays of supernatural ability.

I for one wouldn't use whatever abilities I have to aid an agency such as the CIA.  If one does so, one becomes personally responsible for the people who are killed and tortured as the result of the information one provides. I also wouldn't seek the assistance of a person who uses his abilities in manner that isn't representative of love.

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Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #12 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 5:46am

Do you know, that Christ was very aggressive and he was The Warrior? He demolished the World Order and the systen of beliefs of that time. And his words were: "...I've taken over The World." Sorry it may be not precise, since I haven't read the Holy Bible in Eglish. But the essence is correct.

By the way, read the Evangel from Judas as well.

Certainly beings who abide at a higher level aren't impressed by self-serving displays of supernatural ability.

"Abide". One more word from the "slavery dictionary". These beings' only purpose is to block your free will, your development into a Human, Gods are tremling to hear the name of.
Serve and obey.
I'll control and use, like Bob recommended.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #13 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 1:00pm
Premierre operator said:  "Abide". One more word from the "slavery dictionary". These beings' only purpose is to block your free will, your development into a Human, Gods are tremling to hear the name of.
Serve and obey.
I'll control and use, like Bob recommended.

Recoverer responds: Such words can be spoken only by a person who hasn't experienced divine love. Beings who live completely according to love, have nothing but our best interests in mind.
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Lights of Love
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 881
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #14 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 2:09pm
The word abide has two different meanings.
1. to tolerate something
2. to dwell within

R's use of abide means to dwell within and PO's understanding was to tolerate something.  The two of you are not on the same page here.


PS  Welcome Premierre.operator.  I'm finding your posts interesting.
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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