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Faraday Cage (Read 5485 times)
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Faraday Cage
Aug 25th, 2009 at 2:15am
I am not sure where to post this, the discussion sections on Robert Monroe's books seem so quiet  - please would a kind Moderator move it if this is the wrong place?

I wonder whether anyone besides Robert Monroe has tried the experiment with the Faraday Cage, I have just read about in his book "Journeys out of the Body" (which I downloaded off the net? ) It seems somehow strange that electric force would be able to influence  & actually "trap" a spirit, or energy body, yet I have felt something odd near electrical wires when out of the body, myself. 

Also, he mentions having been able to actually pinch someone while they were IN the body; I have never been able to influence the physical world at all, in fact I tend to recoil from touching or passing though matter, & never even glanced at my own body when out. 

As he mentions, the ability to influence the physical could be put to nefarious uses, for example a pinch to an artery in the left brain could cause a stroke. . .
Has anyone experimented with these thing at all (without causing harm, just to be clear!)

Thanks & good wishes to all
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #1 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 8:59am
Greetings b2,

Yikes!  I too have been pinched and have also felt some effects from electricity.

Pinching is a very rude invasive method of determining whether another OB entity is human or not. Tongue Angry  I thought as it happened that it was some mistake I was making so I didn't try to get away at first. I tried to mentally introduce myself, but got no response. The light energy of this being was quite bright and I had equated that with goodwill. It was probably my fault because at that time I was giddy with PUL and was going OB to offer soulmelds to bright lightforms.  Undecided  That was duh duh dumb!
The pain remained when I returned to the physical.

The electrical effects were stronger during the first year I was actively retrieving and exploring, and now are not so noticeable.  I did ask for extra protection from my Guidance and soon felt a change.   Some kitchens, computers, video stores with many racks of CDs and DVDs, and transformers on power lines were all problems for me at one time. After these connections I get alot of restoration from a large glass of watermixed with lime syrup and sugar.

Maybe it depends on what subtle body you go out in. Using the phasing method of mentally tuning in to your goal seems to avoid all that.

Smiley Robert Monroe was an amazing explorer who opened up these realms of experience.  We can be very grateful to him that he was willing and curious about a wide range of experiences--some of which I prefer to read about than try  Smiley Smiley

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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 7:37pm
I remember an AKboard member (I think Bob McKelvy) told about power lines having an effect on him in his second body, having an attractive force on it.

Robert Bruce told he was able to scare a cat while in his second body.

What I've never heard is that people in their second body were able to manipulate non-living physical matter with their second body. We could speculate that Monroe's pinch and such occurings actually take place at a level different from the physical, and then the "victim" translates this into the physical, manifesting bodily symptoms; Monroe (and other OBEers) told that he was able to talk to physical people while OBEing, and they did respond, though not quite in a physical way. Those people, questioned in the physical about it, couldn't remember.

You tell interesting things, Bets.


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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #3 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 12:16pm
Hi ,

Spooky, you said:
the "victim" translates this into the physical,
manifesting bodily symptoms; Monroe (and
other OBEers) told that he was able to talk
to physical people while OBEing, and they did
respond, though not quite in a physical way.
Those people, questioned in the physical about
it, couldn't remember.

I't's unfortunate that we don't remember our conversations while in other realms, but that would explain alot about why we don't get closer matches when comparing our meetings OB-- the speaking person is relying on words and the other is only aware of images -?

Also I'm confused about how an OB person could pinch someone. While I'm in the non-physical realms, just energy fields appear, not astral body-like shapes, so I 'didn't see it coming,'  only felt it. 
I wonder why we don't have a means to protect ourselves there.
In this case I can't say that projecting PUL would be the protection because that's what got me into trouble in the first place.  Smiley  Huh

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #4 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 2:39am
Bets, This is why I advocate having a spiritual teacher and protector.  While I am not "pushing" it as something you must have, (I hate the idea of converting anyone to anything, lol) I have no fear because I have a spiritual mentor protecting me and have been initiated with words of protection to use on my spiritual travels into the astral and beyond.

So, there is help available. There can be lots of strange things that happen in the astral. Not all entities should be interacted with IMO. Not that I think there are "evil" entities so to speak as much as those not so highly enlightened, just like on earth. You wouldn't walk into gangland here and just start pouring love, cuz they don't care, they'd just as soon shoot you.

As above, so below.

I have been faithfully practicing simran (words of protection) and now I even use it in bad "dreams." I've never been one to chant, but I really feel simran and spiritual protection can be a help.  I think some of this is not emphasized as much. While I remember reading how Monroe saw some really weird things and experienced some somewhat frightening things, I think this is partly because he was traveling the lower astral regions.  Best not to get too stuck there I think.

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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #5 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 8:31am
Thank you, GG.

I consider it a lesson learned  Smiley I've had trouble in the past discerning how far to extend my trust and this helps me realize that. Wink

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #6 - Aug 28th, 2009 at 2:24pm
Interesting  stuff this communication with other who are in body, while you are OOB. A simple slipping out of phase for the receiver could help with the communication.(?) And why not? We are continually influencing others by thought, so communication is happining also. The common denominator would be shared agreement of the NVC. If I project love as a kitten rubbing up against its mother, and the receiver sees this same act as love, then by projecting a "picture' or this energy's thought form, IE the ,kitten and it mother,  to the receiver and it is picked up and accepted  and receaved, then you would have a successful communication. Doable in body as well as OOB or between the two differant phases. We allready do it all the time. An example, when you dislike someone at the office. They pick up on it. You can be a nice as apple pie to their face but they still get the "picture".
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #7 - Aug 29th, 2009 at 10:03am
Spooky and Hawkeye,

So you are pointing out that we sense intent and  that our nervous system or body or some system directly reacts to this intent?
And this unconscious process works while OB,  even to my extent of inflicting pain on myself ? Then when sensing negative intent one does have time to react, not just stand/float there like a dork like I did.  Such sensing could be protective, I see. Even Pul can be inappropriate and be protected against, I now see. Many thanks!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #8 - Aug 29th, 2009 at 11:13pm
Yes, I think it is this way. Thoughts (and/or emotions etc.) do alter our physiological state. For example, you sit very relaxed in your favorite armchair, and suddenly you remember you right now have this very important date. Your bodily state would change considerably. So, if, while OBEing / phasing, there's still a connection to the body, then what we experience will influence the body, and the memory of it will, of course, too. In some dream states we can observe that the dreamer's body is murmuring or even yelling, tossing and turning, while the actual dreamer is somewhere else. Or think of that hypnosis story (which I don't know if true) where a hypnotizer puts a coin on the hand of the hypnotized person, suggesting the coin is glowing hot, and at the spot where the (cold) coin lies a burn develops.

I wouldn't say PUL is wrong in attack-like situations, but a sort of observing coolness won't be wrong as well, like "Ah, that guy is trying to impress me, I know I can't be harmed, so let's see". This would be a good protection, because it can happen that we, in the first moment, due to surprise or shock, take a situation in the nonphysical as if it were in the physical, and then the bleed-through to our actual physical body would be higher than if we had been all the time aware that if we don't want to be pinched, the pincher would pinch right through us like through thin air. Or so  Cheesy .

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #9 - Aug 30th, 2009 at 1:17pm
I once pinched myself in the cheek. I could feel the softness and warmness of my cheek but I'm not sure if my physical body felt anything. It was more like when you move through a roof and you feel the wood, nails, sawdust etc.
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Re: Faraday Cage
Reply #10 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:59am
Just had another thought - perhaps it would depend on "which" energy body we are using at the time. . .each being of a different "density"?

PS You are really brave, touching you rown cheeck - I am repulsed by the thought of my physical body & get as far away as I can, as fast as I can go! 

(Still referring to past APs, I have't been able to get out properly for a few months now, I feel quite bereft!!)
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