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Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle? (Read 17507 times)
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #30 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:12pm
You are Tim. Perhaps you do have a history with the San Francisco Zen Center.

Whatever the case, I'll stop doing what I do when I stop caring...I don't see how that is going to happen.

If you believe fraudulent sources should be able to speak with impunity while everybody else has to keep mum, that's your story, not mine.

You probably think I'm some kind of fundamentalist, even though I am not. The funny thing is, if Satan ad his demons actually did exist, fundamentalists would be correct to stand against him. This would certainly be a much better approach than acting as if nothing is wrong and finding out some day that something is wrong.

I don't believe in Satan and his demons, but I do believe that there are many misleading sources of information, and people should be completely free to speak against these sources.

Was it really wrong for me to say what I said about Premiere Operator, when he had some really negative things to say? He sure doesn't have a problem with saying negative things about people on this forum? Why don't you say something to him? It seems to me that Kathy chose to patronize him by saying that he has interesting things to say when several of the things he said are quite negative.

Is it really wrong for me to say that Carlos Castaneda wrote fictional stories when he did?

Is it really wrong for me to disagree with Kathy's timid approach, except for when it comes to me?

Is it really wrong for me to speak against something such as ACIM, if this is what you have in mind, when I have very good reasons for believing that it misleads people?

Perhaps your uptightness with me has more to do with yourself than me.  Please don't point your finger at me, because of an issue or two you haven't dealt with. If everybody took the approach you took, places like the Rick Ross website wouldn't exist.

Thank goodness there are people like Rick Ross, who doesn't concern himself with people who believe that you can't be honest about the facts.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #31 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:24pm

You don't live that far from me. We're having our next music party in Sept. or Oct. It's for both musicians and non-musicians. Guitars, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, voices. It's fun! Sometimes I do stupid magic tricks too. It's drug-free except for beer & wine. I'll pm you here to invite you when the date is firmed up.
I wish you would come.

Hey Kathy! Man, I gotta holler at you if reading you here makes my heart sing like this! Whooo-weee!

"On my journey, reading the words from others has been very helpful, either in a book or on the net. At some point though, it's enough. The mind ends it's love affair with words and concepts and embarks on new adventures, seeking new challenges and ways to experience this life"
                               M. B.

Have a great day or night everybody!

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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #32 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:29pm

I find it quite interesting that with all of the fraudulent sources that have been spoken about during the past few years, you never have anything to add to show that they are fraudulent. If anything, you defend them, no matter how misleading they are.

On the other hand you're more than happy to speak about me.

Do you truly believe it is loving to sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing as fraudulent sources of information intentionally try to mislead people who are trying to find spiritual truth?

I don't not believe that your indifferent approach represents what this World needs. This World needs dynamic people who will make a difference.

I don't believe for one second that you show some high level of transcendence when you defend misleading sources of information. You demonstrate a form of apathy that won't help anybody.

Okay, I spoke my mind, I didn't patronize anybody. People can judge me as they choose.

Lights of Love wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:59pm:
Hey Tim!

I couldn't agree more.

Life is about living, otherwise we'd be "there" instead of "here."


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Lights of Love
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #33 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:10pm
Albert, as usual you are projecting your beliefs onto me.  I say I find someone's posts interesting and you interpret that to mean I agree with what they are saying or some such other thing.  I have my own reasons for being interested in all people.  They are after all a part of the One Consciousness.

I find it quite interesting that with all of the fraudulent sources that have been spoken about during the past few years, you never have anything to add to show that they are fraudulent. If anything, you defend them, no matter how misleading they are.

Speaking out against what you consider fraudulent sources seems to be your mission.  Not mine. 

Do you truly believe it is loving to sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing as fraudulent sources of information intentionally try to mislead people who are trying to find spiritual truth?

Again, you project your belief system onto me. I'm here to help people that ask me for help. Helping someone always begins from where a person is at physically, emotionally and spiritually. Helping someone is done without degrading them or interfering with their free will. Quite frankly your way... boldly speaking out against whatever... doesn't work. 

I have no desire to try to change anyone.  Only they can do that for their self, in their own time and in whatever way they choose.

Love is patient, love is kind, love is enduring... love is not boastful, nor is it arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful...

I don't not believe that your indifferent approach represents what this World needs. This World needs dynamic people who will make a difference.

The way the world is... is the way you have created it to be. It is a reflection of the way you are... a reflection of the quality of your being. The only way to change the world is to change yourself.

I don't believe for one second that you show some high level of transcendence when you defend misleading sources of information. You demonstrate a form of apathy that won't help anybody.

You really don't have a clue, Albert.

People can judge me as they choose.   

And they will... you get what you give... you reap what you sow... this is the world you have created by your own interpretation of it.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #34 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:14pm
Okay Tim, we didn't disagree with each other when we spoke to each other on the phone a few years ago. Despite how it might seem, I've cleared some of the debris from my heart chakra since then. Boy did I clear some of the debris from that time period. I was going through an intense fear period when I spoke to you. Thank goodness I've overcome that fear with much help from above, or should I say within?

Griffin wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:24pm:

You don't live that far from me. We're having our next music party in Sept. or Oct. It's for both musicians and non-musicians. Guitars, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, voices. It's fun! Sometimes I do stupid magic tricks too. It's drug-free except for beer & wine. I'll pm you here to invite you when the date is firmed up.
I wish you would come.

Hey Kathy! Man, I gotta holler at you if reading you here makes my heart sing like this! Whooo-weee!

"On my journey, reading the words from others has been very helpful, either in a book or on the net. At some point though, it's enough. The mind ends it's love affair with words and concepts and embarks on new adventures, seeking new challenges and ways to experience this life"
                               M. B.

Have a great day or night everybody!

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Lights of Love
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #35 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:04pm
Hey Kathy! Man, I gotta holler at you if reading you here makes my heart sing like this! Whooo-weee!

Oh yes... hope to hear from you soon my dear friend.
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #36 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 10:24pm

Speaking about fraudulent sources of information isn't my sole purpose in life, but it is certainly one of my purposes. I don't regret being committed in such a way. In fact I'm am grateful for seeing the need, despite what some people might think.

Regarding imposing on somebody else's freewill, it's questionable that you bring up this factor, because some of the sources I speak against have anything but the free will of other people in mind. Some of these sources brainwash people in mass, I know, because I was one of the many people who have been brainwashed.

I'm not telling people to give up one belief system and then believe in my belief system instead.

If some people choose to learn the hard way, perhaps for the rest of their life and beyond, which is often the case, I don't believe this is meaningless. If some people benefit by what people such as myself say, then I'm thrilled that this is so despite what my critics have to say.

I believe that many of the souls that have incarnated into this World to help raise its consciousness level lose their way, because of the many misleading sources that exist. Considering the state of this World, too many people lose their way.

This isn't just my way of seeing the World. Watch the news. Please don't provide me with a response that parallels ACIM. that nothing you see is real business. Many people do in fact suffer in this World, despite what some people aren't willing to see. Perhaps some people choose to see things in such a way because they don't want to deal with the pain and struggle of trying to make things better.

You metioned the oneness.  Does the oneness really want us to sit on our hands and be indifferent, apathetic and lackadasical when it comes to the sources of information that mislead so many people? Until enough people with moxie stand up for what's right, misleading sources of information will continue to thrive.

Before being so critical of my approach, perhaps you should try to understand where I'm coming from. It's not about having a grudge or being a part of a lost cause, it's about trying to make a difference for something that does matter.

You suggest that I don't understand you, perhaps your one directional approach suggests that something else needs to be considered.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #37 - Aug 22nd, 2009 at 8:10pm
Everyone is here in ELS to learn, to grow, to evolve the quality of our consciousness and that growth has to be from the inside out. It's not an intellectual thing. In fact our intellect has very little to do with spiritual growth. We are here to change our inner being. This is done by letting go of our fears. As fear is let go of, the love that the fear covers up is released and fills our inner being. This process is not all that complex because it is simply a feedback process. However, is a slow process and not always an easy one. Sometimes we take a few steps forward, then go backward, then forward again and so on.  It is the millions of little decisions we make throughout our daily throughout our life that determines if we are evolving or devolving... whether we gain or lose spiritual growth from the standpoint of where we began during our lifetime.

This world and how we interact with each other... our relationships gives us many opportunities to make decisions and these decisions reflect our intent. If our intent is good/loving then we evolve, if not, if it stems from fear, then we devolve. The reason we can make poor decisions and get caught up in fear is because we have freewill. If we have freewill, then we have to be able to go either way of making both good and bad decisions. Fear is the source of egotism, and for the most part fear is the source of our wants and needs, our insecurities, and our desires for our relationships with others to be a certain way. Fear is always about you and what you want. Fear is always a self focused problem, no matter how we involve other people in our fears.

As a society we all have gotten caught up in a victim mentality where we feel the need to place blame. (So and so that wrote this book or that book is at fault... so and so that teaches this religion or that religion is at fault... etc., etc., etc.) You can project anger at other people for whatever you've perceived they've done, but the anger is really about you. You can project your anger toward someone/something else, but your anger is not about them... it's about you because you are the one generating the anger. The other person is just the focus of your anger. It's a challenge, but you have to be responsible for yourself. If you're angry or upset, if you're feeling unhappy with whatever... it's not because of them, it's because of you. The problem is inside of you and that's where the growth has to start. When you tell someone that they will be sorry if they follow this teacher or that teacher... what you are doing is justifying your own self-centered, egotistical need to be right. What is right for one person may not be the same for another. Everyone has their own interpretation of their personal relationships within this world. It is personal because that is the way it is set up. We are individuals and the path we follow toward growth is also individual.

I'm sure your inner intent may be good and loving Albert, but if you want to learn how to really help people, then you need to learn to listen to what they are saying... where they are coming from... really try to understand their perspective rather than projecting your own belief onto them... denouncing them simply because you assume they are not on a correct path according to your own standards, which is based on your own personal interpretation of your own personal experiences is not necessarily helpful.  When someone projects their belief system onto someone else, what they are doing is making assumptions, jumping to conclusions about another person, which makes it next to impossible for effective communication to take place, and you run the risk of causing harm rather than being helpful.

Certainly people should be skeptical about anything they read or hear, yet at the same time people need to be open minded enough to learn and grow, otherwise they remain stuck in a belief system that limits them, keeping them from becoming more aware of and understanding the bigger picture. However, the understanding of the bigger picture is individual interpretation based on an individual's own experiences. The larger consciousness system is continually interacting with and guiding each of us, even when we're not aware of it doing so. It provides us with the opportunities to optimize our growth from any and all sources, especially in our relationships and our interactions with these. If dualities were not present in our lives, few opportunities for growth would be available.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Junior Member

Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #38 - Aug 22nd, 2009 at 11:53pm

This is specially for what was you and your crew. It means for the void.


Blood of my enemies

Three sons have I, and they
Ride by my side.-The fierce,
The black, and the wicked are
their names-we ride down my
enemies on their half-hearted flight.
No voice of mercy-no evangels of light.

Mighty messengers-heathens rage
Witness our coming-gods of the dead.
I ride through the air-
I laugh as I die-with powers of evel
Dark knowledge is mine.
The 1st sin was trust.-
Kill without warning-for blood now
I lust

Strong wind-magic mist
To Asgard the Valkries fly
High overhead-they carry the dead
Where blood of my enemies lies.

Three sons have I, and they
Ride by my side.-The fierce,
The black,and the wicked are
their names-we ride down my
enemies on their half-hearted flight.
No voice of mercy-no evangels of light.

Strong wind-magic mist
To Asgard the Valkries fly
High overhead-they carry the dead
Where blood of my enemies lies.

I would play it on your grave, but there won't be anything left to bury.
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Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #39 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 12:18am

This is also dedicated to already non-existing beings like you and your music group, and to The Men of Power, like Me, who have already turned you into vacuum. Had much fun reading your PMs with kiddie threats.


Hand Of Doom

Hands Of Doom Are Reaching Out To Crush All Infidels Who Stray
Time To Know The Pain But No Time To Run Within
And These Hands You See Before You Will End The Light Of Day
Your Ashes Will Be Cast Into The Wind
Your Bloods Upon The Soil Your Body Fed To Wolves
Not One Of You Will Be Left Alive
Hear The Sound, Pounding, And The Army Of The Night
By The Hammer Of Thor You Now Shall Die

Tonight We Strike There Is Thunder In The Sky
Together We'll Fight Some Of Us Will Die
We'll Always Remember That We Made A Stand
And Many Will Die By My Hand!

We Are High Atop A Mountain With Hammers In The Wind
Lusting For Blood And Death Again
In A Flash Of Lightning Strike
Now The House Of Death Invites You, Body And Soul To Come Within

I See The Fear You Have Inside You Can Run But Never Hide
I Will Hunt You Down And Tear You Limb From Limb
Nothing Shall Remain Not Your Memory, Your Name
It Will Be As Though You Never Ever Lived

Tonight We Strike There Is Thunder In The Sky
Together We'll Fight Some Of Us Will Die
We'll Always Remember That We Made A Stand
Many Will Die By My Hand!
They Will Die....

High Atop A Mountain With Hammers In The Wind
Lusting For Blood And Death Again
In A Flash Of Lightning Strike
Now The House Of Death Invites You, Body And Soul To Come Within

I See The Fear You Have Inside You Can Run But Never Hide
I Will Hunt You Down And Tear You Limb From Limb
Nothing Shall Remain Not Your Memory, Your Name
It Will Be As Though You Never Ever Lived
Tonight We Strike There Is Thunder In The Sky
Together We'll Fight And Some Of Us Will Die
But We'll Always Remember That We Made A Stand
And Many Will Die By My Hand
Tonight We Strike There Is Thunder In The Sky
Together We'll Fight And Some Of Us Will Die
But We'll Always Remember That We Made A Stand
And Many Will Die By My Hand
Tonight We Strike There Is Thunder In The Sky
Together We'll Fight And Some Of Us Will Die
But We'll Always Remember That We Made A Stand
And Many Will Die By My Hand
They Will Die, By My Hand......They Will Die...

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Right here and right there
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #40 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 5:35pm
Premierre Operator,
A manowar concert is a real snoozefest, but for comic relief they are ok. Their lyrics have a romantic tinted sense view of battle. For songs more close to war in terms of energy on youtube, behemoth - slaves shall serve & marduk - everything bleeds.

Being a man (or woman) is yet another of many layers of identification to peel off. But here's a suggestion if you really want to be a man - the next time you see a sailor's armpit, let your nose go to town, become invigorated by pure and burly manliness.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Posts: 62
Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #41 - Aug 23rd, 2009 at 7:03pm

No... Black Metal and Death Metal produce another energy. Depressive gloomy hate. Though I like them too. Satyricon - "Mother North" is an awesome song and clip. But ManowaR can really rise the cundalini stream. It's a very specific crew.

But here's a suggestion if you really want to be a man

Thanks for suggestion, but I'm a man, and don't need to place an intent for it.
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #42 - Aug 24th, 2009 at 10:34am
This Topic was moved here from Afterlife Knowledge by Bruce Moen.
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Junior Member

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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #43 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 1:18pm

Was it really wrong for me to say what I said about Premiere Operator, when he had some really negative things to say? He sure doesn't have a problem with saying negative things about people on this forum? Why don't you say something to him?

He said using Private Message. It was so stupid trying to threaten me. Never with a stranger. You don't know, maybe in fact I'm Charles Cosimano himself, imitating some Russian guy. Or maybe somebody even much more dangerous. Do you think anybody would live long after promising Uncle Chuckie to penetrate and attack him via his dream? Smiley
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