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Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle? (Read 17513 times)
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #15 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 3:07pm
Are Premiere Operator's posts actually interesting? He seems to be a fan of Grigory Grabovoy. Google his name and see what you find. Welcoming somebody means that you want to share love with them. If Premiere Operator wants to share love with us, I'm more than happy to do so, but it seems as if he has something else in mind.  Below are some of the things he wrote:

How did you manage to get into that realms, so "white" and so full of PUL? 
Tell these fairy tails to ignorant sheep. I can just smile, because I've been in pretty close relations with perhaps some of the the "Blackest" people on the Earth. "Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua
& La Couleuvre Noire" (O.T.O.A.). It's the Gnostic Voodoo Order. And "The Typhonian O.T.O." They rule here, and they rule "there". Only Force and Will is the Law. Who's stronger - he's always right.
Never will Soul of a Powerful Black Master be stuck anywhere. From the Astral Plane he'll possess his victim in a minute, and the victims body will become his property. The Soul of the possessed will be his slave. That's it. Also, he can never die if doesn't want.
You simply don't know, what a true man of Dark Knowledge and Power is able to do.

Do you know, that Christ was very aggressive and he was The Warrior? He demolished the World Order and the systen of beliefs of that time. And his words were: "...I've taken over The World." Sorry it may be not precise, since I haven't read the Holy Bible in Eglish. But the essence is correct.

In this quote you use two contradicting words: "freedom" and "requires". If somebody or something requires from you anything - it can never be Freedom. It's an illusion, a mental prison, like Tgecks says. It's their reality, not yours. DO WHAT THOU WILT - SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW. A. Crowley. That's true FREEDOM.

Sure. To make the nation approve the war in Iraq. And probably, soon in Iran too... To me, it would be nice to sweep Iran from the face of the Earth, they are a real threat. If they only possess nuclear weapons, the US will be drown in blood, and Israel will just disappear. Too many offences and threats from their leader. If I were the President of the US, I would use strategic nuclear weapons for spot strikes to destroy all their industry and infrastructures to ashes. Mentality of medieval times deserves medieval approach. And people always deserve their government and the order they have in their country.

I took lessons from one well-known Russian Master, but that program didn't include working with all and any incarnations. It was a program for total physical and mental domination, called "OverHuman" or "OverLord"or "Superior Man" (not sure how it's should properly sound in English). In German it's exactly: "Über Mensch". In Russian: "Sverhсhelovek". "Сверхчеловек". Invocation of invincible unvulnerable Warrior achetype was part of the exercises. But a weak point is that it was meant only for destruction of the enemies. In a Berserk-like transe I could take over lots of people. First - suggestion, like a snake, making them kid of stoned, then attack, and all were scattered arround, no none could stand. I full force stab of a razor-sharp knife or a slash of a Japanese sword did nothing to me. Firearms always missed. They couldn't take aim, or bullets just flew in wrong direction, difficult to say. In this way special troops are trained in Russia, and this Master is an ex-instuctor of such troops. His name is Vadim Schlachter.
How to use it for constructive purposes... I don't know.

Thank you. I don't care who's "white", and who's "black". A guy wirking for CIA is a murderer or an abettor in any case. CIA and KGB (FSB) are legalized mafia, the worst kind of it. I just need a specialist in a narrow field, his human qualities are of no meaning to me.

Yes, Spooky. Cosimano, as every Satanist, lives with a motto, written in the "Satanic Bible" by LaVey: "Good - is what works for me, bad is what works against me."
"Trust only yourself" - to me is better, than to trust for example a Christian egregore, because there's no God there, but just summary psychical forces of humble people, affected by ETs, who have created and continue feeding their morbid (in my opinion) collective reality. But netter is not to trust even oneself. Best of all  - is to Know. No trust at all - only Knowledge.

By the way, Jesus was one of the Greatest People, who has f.cked the entire World. He send death to itself, and Resurrected.

Premiere operator wrote that Heimbdall is his right hand mand. Do you remember Heimbdall? Below is something Heimbdall wrote:

Those who try to make money on his name (Grigory Grabovoy) or The Teaching are our enemies. I promised the woman, who runs one of his churches is the US to hang her on the inverted cross with her guts out. A pay for discreditation of our Goal and Ideas.

P.S. to Premiere Operator

You referred to Carlos Castaneda a couple of times. If you do a little research you'll find that his stories are fictional. Are any of the other people you follow frauds? Why doesn't Grigory free himself from prison by walking through a wall?

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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #16 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:23pm
It is clear that this man is in a very dark place and severely cut off from the Divine Love, else he wouldn't talk about such things. He thinks that power is the true source of happiness, a typical view coming from someone who has little to no love in their soul. He doesn't even believe there is a God. How in the world he came to that conclusion and still believe in divine beings, dark magic, and the afterlife is beyond me.

He is obviously in desperate need of being sent lots of PUL. I don't like the kinds of things he says, but it is typical of all humans who are trapped within the state of illusion and error. Bob Monroe also said once that there is no true Evil. Only a state of 'love', and 'no love'. People trapped in evil, are stuck in a chronic state of 'no love'.

Premierre, I'm sorry that you have been so cut off from the True state of love and light, and that you view things from a state of the absence of love.

I still send you a big dose of PUL. You deserve it. Others should send him lots of PUL, too. Hate only breeds more of the same. Love breeds love.

Love and Light,

Ally   Smiley
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #17 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:40pm

Premierre Operator claimed that Robert Monroe didn't believe in God. Robert didn't use the word God, but he did use the word Creator. I didn't know Robert Monroe personally, but I figure he believed that love is important, and wasn't interested in a dark way of being. In fact, in Ultimate Journey, he expressed his concern about unfriendly influences to his I-there, he had no interest in making contact with such influences.

It seems to me that Robert approached his I-there with feelings of love, respect and humility. It seems as if he was interested in what serves the greater good. Why else would he be interested in returning to his I-there with gifts, as opposed to wanting to tell them, "Look how powerful I am. I'll destroy you if you do anything to offend me."

Therefore, I believe it is inaccurate for Premier Operator to use Robert Monroe as a means to support his viewpoint that God doesn't exist and that there isn't a being or beings to have reverential feelings for.

I figure Robert is all about love now, not meaningless self-centerdness.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #18 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:05pm
recoverer wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:40pm:

Premierre Operator claimed that Robert Monroe didn't believe in God. Robert didn't use the word God, but he did use the word Creator. I didn't know Robert Monroe personally, but I figure he believed that love is important, and wasn't interested in a dark way of being. In fact, in Ultimate Journey, he expressed his concern about unfriendly influences to his I-there, he had no interest in making contact with such influences.

It seems to me that Robert approached his I-there with feelings of love, respect and humility. It seems as if he was interested in what serves the greater good. Why else would he be interested in returning to his I-there with gifts, as opposed to wanting to tell them, "Look how powerful I am. I'll destroy you if you do anything to offend me."

Therefore, I believe it is inaccurate for Premier Operator to use Robert Monroe as a means to support his viewpoint that God doesn't exist and that there isn't a being or beings to have reverential feelings for.

I figure Robert is all about love now, not meaningless self-centerdness.

Yes, you are absolutely right.

This guy shouldn't be using Monroe as his support for his anti-belief in God, because he has a very skewed view and perspective of things, anyway. But since his perspective is so skewed, he sees only what he wants to see. So, he misinterpreted what Monroe taught and believed to be true.

Send him PUL, anyway.

Did not even Jesus himself say to "Love thy enemy"? and "Bless those that curse you"?  A very easy thing to say, and a very hard thing to do, indeed. Still, do it anyway. Don't let your pride get in the way. Try.


Ally  Smiley
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #19 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:17pm
Here are some links that speak about Carlos Castaneda. There is also a documentary where people who knew him speak about him. It is a shame if somebody ends up on a personal power trip rather than seeking true spiritual growth, partly because he or she reads about Carlos Castaneda's fictional accounts of some dude named Don Juan.

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Lights of Love
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #20 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 11:10pm
Yes Albert, I do find PO's posts interesting just like I find yours and everyone else's posts interesting. I certainly don't think there is anything wrong with that as you seem to be implying.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #21 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 4:52am

Regardless of the skepticism behind Castaneda's works, he offers valuable advice and insight into lucid dreaming which has helped me in more ways than one.  Just because someone says his stories are fiction doesn't mean they are valueless.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #22 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 8:10am

It is clear that this man is in a very dark place and severely cut off from the Divine Love, else he wouldn't talk about such things. He thinks that power is the true source of happiness, a typical view coming from someone who has little to no love in their soul. He doesn't even believe there is a God. How in the world he came to that conclusion and still believe in divine beings, dark magic, and the afterlife is beyond me.

Special thanks for compliments.
"You believe wrong is right, when you travel uside down..." Accept.
You, guys spend too much time in Astral, that's why you see everething perverted. Like in a false mirror. Add to this your constant cooperation with inorganics... So when you say I'm dark or in darkness, it actually means I'm shining like a brilliant.
Correct, I don't believe in God. I KNOW there's Creator. He's in Me, in you, in every Human. God is Human. And no isolated God out there or somewhere in high spheres. Read Grabovoy and study modern quantum physics for better understanding.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #23 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:03am

Does anyone other than me notice this thread is also off topic?  It seems that it's time to move on to afterlife concerns!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #24 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 11:31am
"Does anyone other than me notice this thread is also off topic?  It seems that it's time to move on to afterlife concerns!"

Obviously, and even more so when making four posts about it. I've observed quite a few interesting interactions and points here, and the main topic isn't one of them. I don't think the heading text of a topic cares if different topics within don't match it.

Holding hands with ones friends is easy. How you deal with spirits (with characteristics that you don't like in particular) in 3D is an afterlife "concern" - spirits are different there too.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #25 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:41pm

Yeah, and I suppose some people found Mein Kampf interesting.

Perhaps if some people spoke up against Adolph Hitler rather than taking an everything is groovy approach events would not had played out as they did during his time period.

I'll say this about Premiere Operator, he might be a confused lion, but at least ways he's not a sheep. Perhaps spunk and love can go together at times.

Lights of Love wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 11:10pm:
Yes Albert, I do find PO's posts interesting just like I find yours and everyone else's posts interesting. I certainly don't think there is anything wrong with that as you seem to be implying.


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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #26 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:46pm

If you hear what the people who knew Castaneda had to say, you'll find that the stories are fictional. Even if you don't hear what they have to say, and read his stories with discernment, you'll find that they are fictional.

Sure he has some good things to say, but it doesn't seem as if the approach he spoke about is service oriented. It was rather self serving. The sort of thing that might appeal to a person who is more interested in being a metaphysical superstar rather than serving the light.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out when a source of information is fraudulent. Not unless it is preferable to stick our heads in the sand and not see what is true.

I Am Dude wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 4:52am:

Regardless of the skepticism behind Castaneda's works, he offers valuable advice and insight into lucid dreaming which has helped me in more ways than one.  Just because someone says his stories are fiction doesn't mean they are valueless.   

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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #27 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 1:27pm
Love/no love....Is anyone getting this message?
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I Am Dude
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #28 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 1:47pm
I was already aware that his stories were fictional.  However, there was much truth hidden within the fiction.  It is clear from his books that Castaneda had at least a decent amount of experience exploring in different modes of consciousness.  In The Art of Dreaming he outlined specific techniques for lucid dreaming and projecting.. not just how to achieve these state, but new and interesting ways of exploring the astral environments and interacting with beings there.  All I am saying is that although his works are fiction, much can still be gained from them.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Anyone knows the actual e-mail of Joe McMoneagle?
Reply #29 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:59pm
Hey Tim!

I couldn't agree more.

Life is about living, otherwise we'd be "there" instead of "here."

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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