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Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra (Read 4127 times)
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Posts: 1158
Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Aug 1st, 2009 at 10:23pm
Does anyone have any experiences to share about healing and the 5th chakra? What have you seen work and how did it work?

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Re: Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2009 at 2:43pm
Hello Lucy:

I've found that energetic blocks tend to cause chakra problems. If you get clear on the psychological issue that causes the block, it will go away. Either ask for a clue in the form of a dream, or try to receive a message while you meditate.  Perhaps you can focus on the problem area while you meditate, and see comes to mind in some way.

Spirit guidance has helped me clear blocks. They can't force a block to clear, but if for the most part I'm willing to let go of the issue that causes a block, a flow of energy will push it away. I've also found that when I feel energy flow in the area where a block is located, by mental intent I can cause energy to move back and forth in that area, until a block is cleared.

The throat chakra tends to relate to communication.
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Re: Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Reply #2 - Aug 6th, 2009 at 8:18pm
Thanks for the comments. Is communication a psychological issue?

I tend to think of communication issues as ones of being able to express myself and make myself clear to others, but it occurs to me that things could work ...or not work...the other way.

Sometimes when I have a "hurt" body part I  notice that that is the part that bumps into tables or doors or whatever and hurts more. The other day, I was taking the non-collapsable full-sized umbrella out of the car trunk when I thought I dropped it. I bent over to catch it better but it didn't fall sideways; it fell straight down. I hit the middle of my throat on the straight-up handle. Ouch! Thank goodness it wasn't sharp; I would have been impaled at the throat.

I've never been able to sit and meditate or pray, or to sleep and dream, and get a clear answer to a question. But sometimes a hint will come indirectly, when least expected, or when I am reading or searching for something else. Funny how that works.

This question came out of trying to get a deeper explanation to a question about a potential thyroid out of whack. I did find something on the internet about the 5th chakra and communication in a different context and it resonated. I am frustrated that I cannot seem to express certain things about myself and be understood. Tnis has been going on for years and I always thought I should be patient and it would resolve itself. Guess I need to take a more direct approach. (Analagous to talking about the stuff we discuss here and having people look at you cross-eyed because they haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. Retrievals, OBE, experiencing God...they think you must be nuts. No communication going on). Maybe that's why I chatter on sometmes like I am now.
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Re: Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Reply #3 - Aug 6th, 2009 at 8:21pm
oh yeah, what does the energy flow feel like to you? How do you experience that?
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Reply #4 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 8:15pm
It is very noticeable. This doesn't mean it has to be real noticeable in order to have effect.

Lucy wrote on Aug 6th, 2009 at 8:21pm:
oh yeah, what does the energy flow feel like to you? How do you experience that?

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Re: Opinions/Experiences with healing and 5th chakra
Reply #5 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 1:56am
Lucy wrote on Aug 6th, 2009 at 8:21pm:
oh yeah, what does the energy flow feel like to you? How do you experience that?


If you will refer to the other thread you made called "how does Reiki feel to you?", I left a rather lengthy post there about my experiences with Reiki, including how it feels to me, etc.

Check it out! Smiley
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