Thanks for the comments. Is communication a psychological issue?
I tend to think of communication issues as ones of being able to express myself and make myself clear to others, but it occurs to me that things could work ...or not work...the other way.
Sometimes when I have a "hurt" body part I notice that that is the part that bumps into tables or doors or whatever and hurts more. The other day, I was taking the non-collapsable full-sized umbrella out of the car trunk when I thought I dropped it. I bent over to catch it better but it didn't fall sideways; it fell straight down. I hit the middle of my throat on the straight-up handle. Ouch! Thank goodness it wasn't sharp; I would have been impaled at the throat.
I've never been able to sit and meditate or pray, or to sleep and dream, and get a clear answer to a question. But sometimes a hint will come indirectly, when least expected, or when I am reading or searching for something else. Funny how that works.
This question came out of trying to get a deeper explanation to a question about a potential thyroid out of whack. I did find something on the internet about the 5th chakra and communication in a different context and it resonated. I am frustrated that I cannot seem to express certain things about myself and be understood. Tnis has been going on for years and I always thought I should be patient and it would resolve itself. Guess I need to take a more direct approach. (Analagous to talking about the stuff we discuss here and having people look at you cross-eyed because they haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. Retrievals, OBE, experiencing God...they think you must be nuts. No communication going on). Maybe that's why I chatter on sometmes like I am now.