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Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL? (Read 13373 times)
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Posts: 98
Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Jul 30th, 2009 at 3:10am
I just thought I would share a fascinating article about the healing properties of the oil of the lowly castor bean plant, that will really make you sit and think about healing in a new way. Perhaps an exceptional new treatment for people could be a combination of sending PUL and using Castor Oil?

Here is the article:

The Palma Christi

    The Palma Christi - the Palm of Christ - is the name given during the Middle Ages to the common castor oil plant.  No one knows exactly why it was so named.  But it's interesting to consider the importance of symbols and the place symbology plays in the lives of men.

    Was it just coincidence when our son, David, told us one morning that he had had a dream that Jesus put his hand on his back, and his back got better?  David had fallen on the sharp edge of a step just before going to bed; the blow had been so severe we were apprehensive about a possible fracture of a vertebra.  It hurt him so much, at eight years of age, that nothing helped except to keep him quiet.  We placed a castor oil pack on his injured part and he slept on the floor beside us that night, very restless until about four o'clock a.m., when he suddenly quieted down and went soundly to sleep.

    When he awakened and told us the dream, we examined his back.  It was fully normal in all respects.  There was no pain, no aching, no sign of injury.  David was well.  What did the job?  Was it imagination?  Was it only the soothing of the oil pack?  Was it a vibratory effect?  Was it a spiritual healing?  Certainly my medical experience of more than twenty years told me that there Should have been some very painful muscles and bones in the morning at the very least.  How does healing come about anyway?

    Garth Nicholson, who heads the Electron Microscopy Laboratory of the Salk Institute in LaJolla, California, grows cultures of normal and cancer cells in his laboratory. He reports that one of the lectins which they have purified "from toxic local wild castor plants in the marsh regions of San Diego County . . . can kill cancer cells at concentrations at which normal cells are not affected." The process apparently is related to the ability of the protein to agglutinate apparently is related to the ability of the protein to agglutinate cancer cells and destroy them by a process operating at the cell membrane structural level.

    By this time, no story about the castor bean plant would surprise me - I've heard too much about its healing power as found in the oil extracted from the beans.  But let's consider man's place in the larger scheme of things, for healing of the body is the potential of every human being.  And we should know our nature better - then, perhaps, we might know more about how a lectin destroys the cancer cell, how an oil pack might ease an injury or an illness.

    The readings relate illness and health to error and right action; this concept is superimposed on a cosmic plan that places man in the center of things, with a spiritual origin and a spiritual destiny.  Space, time and patience become important concepts to contend with and work with.

    As has been given, error or separation began before there appeared what we know as the Earth, the Heavens; or before Space was manifested.
    This becomes hard to conceive in the finite mind; as does the finite mind fail to grasp the lack of or no time.  Yet out of Time, Space, Patience, is it possible for the consciousness of the finite to know the infinite.
    Hence, then, the interpretations of Spirit as it manifests to the sons of men must follow closely what we have chosen as Holy Writ.
    Before this began (this not as history but as the basis of the interpretation), we have had how one Amilius with that projection of self brought into being the awareness of desires as related to relationships with the beings - or matter - about.
    Hence there began what is now known as the correlating, or the cohesive activity, or the relativity of matter as it relates to what becomes positive and negative.
    Remember, negative is only error.  (262-115)  Reading by Edgar Cayce, psychic diagnostician.

    The human body and its mystery is like space and its infinitude, like the atom and its vastness, for we understand none of these with our finite minds - even as we understand God only partially and our own spiritual nature with limited vision.  But all of these mysteries help us understand that healing of the body might well come to us in many forms, for we indeed do not know what we are - not yet!

    Thus the lowly castor bean plant, which someone called the Palma Christi, may have many secrets locked within its nature which could be a healing influence when its full potential is discovered.

[Note: The preceding report was provided by William McGarey, M. D. and is excerpted from The A.R.E. Journal, September, 1973, Volume 8, No. 5, page 221, Copyright © 1973 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

P.S: Here is a link to many case reports about the variety of uses and healings with castor oil.
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 7:25pm
I have read many books re: Cayce.  He certainly makes Castor Oil sound like a miracle cure.  Very interesting stuff.  I was so convinced that when my son's foot swelled like a balloon because of an unknown bug bite, I applied a castor oil poltice and kept it in place using a sock...the swelling was noticeably reduced after just an hour, but the coloring of his skin was scary (really purple).  The next day, it was gone.  I don't know if castor oil had anything to do with the quick healing, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

Thanks for sharing that!
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #2 - Jul 31st, 2009 at 12:39am
Oh, yes, I can personally testament that the Castor Oil works! Smiley But, spiritual factors must also come into play. For instance castor oil will still work on an Atheist because of it's properties, but much less effectively because of the person's lack of belief.

Therefore, the oil is more effective when the person using it *believes* in it, and yes, the loving intent of whoever the second person applying the care may be, if there is a second person there. But I do believe that this oil is one of the few rare natural miracle *cure-alls* that exist on this earth. Edgar Cayce himself once said that there is as much God in a teaspoonful of castor oil as there is in a prayer! An incredible notion!

I have used it on myself for many different things and there are several things I Know for sure are true about it. Smiley It eliminates pain, for cuts and scratches in a matter of *seconds. It speeds up healing and won't leave you with a scar if you continue to apply it. It heals internal pains and aches very quickly and effectively, considering the time and effort it takes for other more *conventional means. It even eliminates the ache of bruises and makes them fade faster. It closes up deep cuts and prevents infection, and clears up infections that were already there.

It is so versatile and fascinating! I'm really happy you tried it, and believe in it! I wish that this thread will spread the knowledge of this wonderful oil to so many more people, through their beliefs and loving intents. Smiley

PUL to everyone who reads this and gains help through it!

And, you're welcome! Smiley
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #3 - Jul 31st, 2009 at 10:41am
Hi Ally,

Good thoughts!
Back many decades ago before pharmceuticals were so developed, castor oil was very popular. I remember my mother (a nurse) talking about it -- and administering it!  But it got overused and health problems developed from too much of a good thing.

however today with the variety of choices we have, I don't think we would ever get to that saturation point of using too much. Thanks for the reminder! As I recall it took care of alot of problems!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #4 - Jul 31st, 2009 at 12:50pm
You're welcome, Bets! Smiley

Yes, it seems that in the recent couple of generations, Castor Oil has been almost totally forgotten about. I first learned about it and began researching into it just in the past couple of years. Actually, if you had asked me 3 years ago who was Edgar Cayce, and what was a Castor Oil pack, I wouldn't have been able to tell you! Tongue

Even I haven't yet used it to it's full potential as in cleansing my body by using it as a pack. Here is a link on how to use a Castor Oil pack.

Did your mother ever mention how she and her co-workers administered the castor oil? If it was overused, then the hospital they worked at probably didn't follow closely enough the Cayce readings.

It's not necessary to use large amounts for it to be effective. Plus it must not be used constantly. It has to be in cyclical patterns. i.e. 3 days on for an hour and a half per day, then 4 days break, before repeating. You only need a constant pack present if you are healing open wounds.

Ask your mom if the hospital she worked at followed the Cayce readings very closely, or if they just guessed, and over applied it and had people take it internally too often. (It's more effective and beneficial externally than internally!)

People continue to discover more and more ways this oil can help through experimenting, all the time. It is safe to use, but moderation is key! Smiley

BTW, I'm still young, in my mid 20's, and am becoming inspired to help people through this ancient medical cure, and the Edgar Cayce readings. I'd like to start a therapy business that combines the use of hemi-sync, Edgar Cayce readings and castor oil, massage, osteopathic adjustments, reiki, and giving PUL energy. Oh, and perhaps herbal remedies, also!

Has anyone ever done that before? Cheesy

PUL, everyone!

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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #5 - Aug 1st, 2009 at 8:07pm
Hi Ally-

You sound very ambitious and that's a great thing!  Alternative healing is taking a firm foothold these days.  I don't know where you're located, but my bestfriend graduated from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN with her Master's in Holistic Health (emphasizing energy healing).  She absolutely loved the program and would recommend it to anyone serious about this type of work.  I don't know what your educational background is, but they may offer BA/BSs in the same subject matter.  Here's a link:

Good luck and best wishes!
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #6 - Aug 2nd, 2009 at 7:59am
betson wrote on Jul 31st, 2009 at 10:41am:
Hi Ally,

Good thoughts!
Back many decades ago before pharmceuticals were so developed, castor oil was very popular. I remember my mother (a nurse) talking about it -- and administering it!  But it got overused and health problems developed from too much of a good thing.

however today with the variety of choices we have, I don't think we would ever get to that saturation point of using too much. Thanks for the reminder! As I recall it took care of alot of problems!


  It depends on how one uses it.   In the bygone days of yester year, many would use it internally and it can easily be abused in such a manner.  Internally taken, it makes one want to go number 2 and in a mainstream sense it was popular for that, and as a skin softener.  It in some form is still used in a lot of skin care products.   

The guidance that Cayce connected to, rarely ever prescribed it for internal use (there are a couple cases that i know of), but almost always externally--particularly in the form of externally placed castor oil packs. 

  It would be hard to be abused in such a manner, and have heard from many sources that such packs are very healing in nature.

  Castor oil is also good for getting rid of moles, and while i have limited experience with the packs (probably should have more), i have experienced first hand the ability of castor oil to reduce and dissipate moles.
  In such cases, it's slow acting and one needs to be consistent with it.  It usually takes at least of few months of consistent daily application to start to get noticeable results.   

  It's important to point out that there is really no one material cure all, beyond that of PUL and right belief. 

  Cayce's guidance almost always recommended a holistic and multi-faceted approach to healing of which usually included attitude/belief changes, major diet changes, prayer and/or meditation suggestions, exercise changes, as well as specific treatments like castor oil packs, violet ray applications, wet cell appliance, radiac device, etc. 

Constructive Attitude and proper diet were perhaps stressed more than anything on average.  Then proper and enough exercise (particularly walking and swimming).
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #7 - Aug 4th, 2009 at 10:29pm
Constructive Attitude and proper diet were perhaps stressed more than anything on average.  Then proper and enough exercise (particularly walking and swimming).  [/quote]

hi guys..i tend to agree with "Constructive attitude"..a good frame of mind can and will help in healing.
Of course there're also alternative,and  it up to the individual/s to look and find what's  best for  him/her.
Never did like the taste of Caster Oil..yuck..brought back memories of younger years.
Pul, R.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2009 at 9:56am
Hi Ally,

I'm intriguedby your title where you suggest the possibility that castor oil is a physical manifestation of PUL.  ( I love ideas that compare different aspects of reality! )

I've heard that a cat's purr and a musical tone (middle C?) approximate the energy of PUL with their energy. Cleve Backster who measures energy from plants and single cells says that they have an on-going vibratory rate which also denotes love and caring,,creating a background vibe that is PUL-like. Smiley

How one could measure a liquid --I don't know. Maybe I'll go to Backster's website and ask if he's interested. It's a very intriguing possibility.

I recall from childhood doses of castor oil that it felt both light and also heavy--and very comforting. Perhaps its viscosity is heavy enough to quiet sharper jabs of energy and yet has the right chemicals to lift up lower energies, thus adjusting the energy situation into a range the same as PUL.  ??   Intriguing!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Posts: 98
Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #9 - Aug 6th, 2009 at 3:54am
betson wrote on Aug 5th, 2009 at 9:56am:
Hi Ally,

I'm intrigued by your title where you suggest the possibility that castor oil is a physical manifestation of PUL.  ( I love ideas that compare different aspects of reality! )

I've heard that a cat's purr and a musical tone (middle C?) approximate the energy of PUL with their energy. Cleve Backster who measures energy from plants and single cells says that they have an on-going vibratory rate which also denotes love and caring,,creating a background vibe that is PUL-like. Smiley

How one could measure a liquid --I don't know. Maybe I'll go to Backster's website and ask if he's interested. It's a very intriguing possibility.

I recall from childhood doses of castor oil that it felt both light and also heavy--and very comforting. Perhaps its viscosity is heavy enough to quiet sharper jabs of energy and yet has the right chemicals to lift up lower energies, thus adjusting the energy situation into a range the same as PUL.  ??   Intriguing!


That is intriguing, isn't it? Smiley 

I've heard about cat's purrs, they are so comforting, when your cat is happy, you can't help but be happy, too. Smiley Didn't know about the note and the plants, though; very interesting.

Yeah, I've read that castor oil is incredibly soothing when placed on the skin as a pack. It calms so many ailments, and even relieves the pain of terminal illnesses like cancer. I have heard of it being used post operatively to relieve pain from surgery and speed up healing, and I have also heard of it being used to soothe patients in hospitals dying from terminal illnesses. They would report feeling no more pain, and dying calmly and serenely with no suffering.
I do not doubt that castor oil creates vibrations close to that of PUL.

And to other folks comments, yes, I also think that a constructive attitude plays a big part in healing. Plus taking a multi-faceted approach like excercise and diet change. It all fits together. But I think that castor oil has to be one of the best single-use cure-alls  that I've ever heard of! Wink
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Re: Castor Oil: A Physical Manifestation of PUL?
Reply #10 - Aug 11th, 2009 at 2:58pm
Rebecca wrote on Aug 1st, 2009 at 8:07pm:
Hi Ally-

You sound very ambitious and that's a great thing!  Alternative healing is taking a firm foothold these days.  I don't know where you're located, but my bestfriend graduated from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN with her Master's in Holistic Health (emphasizing energy healing).  She absolutely loved the program and would recommend it to anyone serious about this type of work.  I don't know what your educational background is, but they may offer BA/BSs in the same subject matter.  Here's a link:

Good luck and best wishes!

Hi, Rebecca! Smiley

Sorry about overlooking your last response; I wasn't sure how to respond. Tongue

I sure wish I could go to school for such a thing, but unfortunately money is definitely an issue and a loan is the worst thing I could do to myself, right now! Cheesy Plus, I'm nowhere near Minnesota, either. I'm from Texas. Sounds like a nice school, though. Thanks for the link. Smiley

I have visited Mexico a few times, and have been thinking about moving there in a few years and starting my business there in a highly touristic area, like Guanajuato, perhaps. Wink

Any other ideas that would be helpful that doesn't cost lots of $$$ would be greatly appreciated. Like for instance, how do I learn about Osteopathy without going to school to be an Osteopath? I just want a basic knowledge to include in my combinative therapy.


love and light,


P.S.  Thank you for wishing me luck and best wishes! My educational background has absolutely nothing to do with medicine and therapy. I have no degree or certificates, either, I left my education unfinished. It was for Music education and singing.   Grin
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