spooky2 wrote on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 8:18pm:Well yes, maybe it's not that important, but if you don't mind me phantasizing a bit...
The fire, in the four elements concept, is the basic life energy, it stands for existence, life, power. So, on the one hand it came to you, on the other hand you didn't want it to come closer.
Maybe it shows a dilemma: On the one hand you're exhausted and you could need more energy. On the other hand you're longing for a rest, quietness (because you're exhausted) and therefore energy seems not to fit. It's a vicious circle.
A solution could be that you invite this energy, but use it in a new way which is not going to stress you, not going to set you under pressure, and is compatible with inner peace.
Thanks Spooky. That made a lot of sense. I am exhausted but I energy is what I'm going to need to finish some of the projects I have.
My job takes A LOT out of me. I drive the bus in some of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago. But I still have to find time for my child and getting this writing career off the ground.
I've made some advances but not enough for me.