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Posts: 167
Ok Romain, here's my best explanation. I'm an initiate of an eastern indian spiritual practice called Sant Mat. It's not a religion, but a meditational, spiritual practice. Some of the books I have read by the spiritual masters of the practice speak about karma and the various types of karma. One of the spiritual masters, Sant Kirpal Singh, states that we should avoid spiritual healers since the karma involved that would cause a spiritual effect tha has to be paid by someone. Karma in this tradition is not a punishment, but a simple force of nature.
So, if I have a spiritual crises or impediment that is causing physical or spiritual effects and I go to a spiritual healer (or in this case, the Brennan method uses the auric field to determine the impediments in your life, from how I understand it), it could be that the healer is removing karma from me. That karma has to go somewhere, someone has to pay it, so to speak.
I asked my hubby about this, wondering how is this different from going to a physical doctor that gives you physical treatment. His first response was that I pay the physician and that is his job. I said, well I pay the Brennan healer, and that is her job. But, he said it's different, and as much as I would like to say I understand it all, I don't.
This is from The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, volume 3, p. 67, "Spiritual Healing."
"Spiritual healing is prohibited by the Masters. It has reasons and deeper significance behind it, which ordinarily people ignore, considering the face value of the profits accrued and attributing it as a service to the suffering of humanity. The inexorable Law of Karma is supreme and demands adjustment of each farthing. . . . Soul in its present state is gravely enmeshed by body and bodily attachments, which are more or less the reaction of past karma, which it has been contracting all through up to the present incarnation. ..... Now the sufferings demanding spiritual healing fall mainly in the domain of physical troubles, which may include even mental agonies such as nervous breakdown, etc. These being the reactions of past karma must demand adjustment and as such are to be borne by the victim. The healer, whosoever he may be, conducting this service, takes the karma on his head, to be borne by him at a later stage. Besides, the bit of spiritual attainment he has attained in silencing his mind is dissipated in such gestures of a miracle healing. Moreover, this process of healing is administered on weaker minds which usually fall a prey to their sentiments. What can ordinarily be cured by undergoing a bit of suffering and medicine, is exchanged for spiritual dissipation, and the debt remains standing, awaiting adjustment at a later stage. Again, this sort of healing becomes professional and at times encourages corruption and misery. It not only invites malpractices, but brings in more of mental agony and wretchedness in multiplied form added with interest. This a causal postponement of payment for a future date, and adds strong fetters over the soul."
Eh, so I don't know if this a correct pronouncement or not, but considering the possible effects, it is something it wouldn't hurt me to avoid and also may not provide that much help. When I went to the Brennan healer, it was primarily to confirm that my chakras were spinning correctly and out of general curiosity. It was interesting, she said the chakras were fine, and I'll probably leave it at that.