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Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000? (Read 8289 times)
Mark Andrew
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Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:33pm
I tend to believe there are real psychics out there amongst many, many more fake ones.

With that said, why hasn't one of the real ones taken a stab at James Randi's offer of $1,000,000 to someone who can demonstrate their ability in a lab?

I have some thoughts of my own, but I want to hear from you first.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #1 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:54pm
I wish someone would shut that man up already.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #2 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 3:43pm
Proof will never make it true for Randi because his belief system cannot allow for the possibility. Most people in the field know this and ignore him. It would be like trying to prove there is no God to a preacher. The preacher will always punch holes in the logic. Randi's belief system consists of the idea that there is nothing beyond C1 and anyone who tries to show otherwise is deluded. His science will always come up with  a means of explanation because it focuses on a limited decision space of here and now. The same rules do not apply outside of C1, but if you deny the existence of it how can you not disprove it all?
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Mark Andrew
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #3 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 5:12pm

Nevermind, I'm reading up on him.

But I would like to know, generally, why you are so dismissive of him?  What is your synopsis of this man or his history to make you believe this?
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #4 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 5:56pm
<<Proof will never make it true for Randi because his belief system cannot allow for the possibility.>>

Hi Beau-

But on the other hand, isn't it equally possible that your belief system cannot allow for the possibility that the afterlife might not exist?

Isn't it highly likely that anyone who challenges our particular belief system will not be welcome?  For example, here is a post on the thread that I find disturbing:  <<I wish someone would shut that man up already.>>

For me, skeptics are valuable, whether it involves the afterlife or any other aspect of human endeavor.

For instance, skeptics gave impetus for the Wright Bros to prove once and for all that an airplane was possible.  Skeptics provided the push that Edison needed to continue to persevere until he proved that electricity could be harnessed to provide light.

A parent tells a child he or she will never amount to anything, and the child becomes determined to show that they can succeed in spite of skepticism.

I would much rather have skeptics than to have mindless cheerleaders who accept without question whatever they are told or taught. 

Too bad there weren't more skeptics when Jim Jones urged his followers to drink the kool aid.  Too bad his followers didn't have  independent thinkers with courage enough to leave the Peoples Temple in Guyana before over 900 people died.

The point really is not Randi.  The point is that we all should recognize the value that skeptics bring to the table.  They sharpen our thinking, force us to re-think our assumptions, and hopefully will make us even better in finding ways of verifying our own claims regarding the afterlife.

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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #5 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Excellent point Rondele
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #6 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 7:59pm
Skeptics often shoot themselves in their own foots, because without intending to they show how biased they are.  They would be taken more seriously when they do speak the truth, if they were willing to take a look on the other side of the fence once in a while.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #7 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 8:24pm
Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #2 - Today at 1:43pm    Proof will never make it true for Randi because his belief system cannot allow for the possibility.

Just an example - I've posted my experience with a psychic where I had pulled up part of the kitchen floor over an old staircase that few people knew was there, no one knew I'd uncoverd it, and while standing on it the first time (which left me waist deep in the kitchen floor), I said to John (who was dead at the time), "Can you see what I've done to the house?"

The psychic at one point, in the middle of a totally unrelated conversation, said "Did someone fall through the floor?"  I told her no...she said "He's showing me someone half-way down through the floor."

Now, *nothing* is impossible, but I'd have to say that the odds of coming up with that while "cold reading" are somewhere between slim and none.  Even slimmer odds, however, are on being able to prove that it happened, since the whole reason it's convincing *to me* is the very fact that makes it useless as proof - *no one* else knew about it.

Given that stuff like that seems to happen when it happens, not when we (or the lab) wants it to, the chance of coming up with proof that would convince a real skeptic, let alone someone like Randi (who's as far from a true skeptic as I am from a Russian astronaut) is right up there with winning the lottery three weeks running.
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Mark Andrew
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #8 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 11:39pm

Thank you for sharing that!

I love reading/hearing stories like that.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #9 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 8:44am
Hello Rondele and Mark,

I wasn't trying to say that all skeptics are unworthy. I believe quite the contrary. I am a skeptic except for what I have found to be true. I suppose all I should have said is that when when one's livelihood is generated by being a proponent of a certain belief then one must and should be skeptical. Nothing against Randi, I just don't think he will ever be convinced of anything outside his own decision space because that's where he generates his attention...rather than expanding that decision space he employs an old school science that doesn't allow for a subjective possibility.

Anyway I definitely didn't mean to give the impression that skeptics were bad. I've read up on Randi's explanations and some are quite plausible, but others are as out there as what he is trying to refute. It's great that he's out there...but I predict no one will ever wrestle that million from him. IMO.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #10 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:45am
Hi Beau-

This thread has motivated me to re-read Gary Schwartz's book The Afterlife Experiments, subtitled Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death.

Schwartz approached this book from the point of view of a skeptic, and that was good because his experiments were highly controlled and designed to eliminate, as much as he could, the possibility of fraud or deception or coincidence.

It makes the outcome of his experiments all that much more compelling.

Bruce knows Gary and respects his methodology.

Book was published in 2002.  John Edward and other well known mediums participated in the experiments.  If you get a chance you might want to pick it up, fascinating reading.

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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #11 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:52am
Tons of people have TRIED to take his challenge, HE WONT LET THEM.  I believe it's because the money isn't really there, or he's not serious about the challenge, because he's made up his mind and doesn't care about evidence.  Victor Zammit in particular has been VERY vocal about Randi and his challenge, issuing one of his own and offering to let independent officials hold the money, etc., but Randi wont have anything to do with it.

Randi is NOT a skeptic - he's just as blinded by his own beliefs as any fundamentalist, because he isn't even willing to CONSIDER other evidence and information.  He's totally brainwashed.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #12 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 11:22am
An excellent book Rondele. I read it about a year ago and it is one of the main reasons I posted on this thread. Gary has a whole chapter devoted to Randi's inability to take him up on the bet. When I finish My Big TOE I may go back and check it out again. It has some very interesting things in it. I can't say how I feel about John Edward as I haven't been in the room with him, but Gary seems pretty convinced and that goes a long wayh with me.
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #13 - Jul 1st, 2009 at 6:01am
Mark Andrew wrote on Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:33pm:
I tend to believe there are real psychics out there amongst many, many more fake ones.

With that said, why hasn't one of the real ones taken a stab at James Randi's offer of $1,000,000 to someone who can demonstrate their ability in a lab?

I have some thoughts of my own, but I want to hear from you first.

subjective... everything is subjective, that is why it won't happen either way Wink
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Mark Andrew
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Re: Why no one has accepted James Randi's $1,000,000?
Reply #14 - Jul 1st, 2009 at 1:08pm
rondele wrote on Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:45am:
Hi Beau-

This thread has motivated me to re-read Gary Schwartz's book The Afterlife Experiments, subtitled Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death.

Schwartz approached this book from the point of view of a skeptic, and that was good because his experiments were highly controlled and designed to eliminate, as much as he could, the possibility of fraud or deception or coincidence.

It makes the outcome of his experiments all that much more compelling.

Bruce knows Gary and respects his methodology.

Book was published in 2002.  John Edward and other well known mediums participated in the experiments.  If you get a chance you might want to pick it up, fascinating reading.


I'm glad you brought this up because I've been meaning to ask you all about it.

I read this book during the winter and enjoyed it.

I made the mistake (IMO because my faith is fragile and I was beaten down at the time in that regard) of reading some skeptic's website that attacks Schwartz and this book.

They claim that it's all bogus because of those studies back in the day where they gave a bunch of people personality tests and asked them to rate their results from 1 to 5, 5 being best.

The average result was over 4 out of 5.  Turns out, the experiments merely made up a single, generic report based on horoscopes (or something like that).

That was the skeptic's response to what Schwartz was doing.

This bugged the crap out of me (from my admitted weakness of faith and my worry in that regard), but I want to know if what I eventually thought about makes sense to you guys:

Isn't this an apples to oranges comparison? 

I mean I think cold readers could compare to that study in the sense of being generic and people seeing what they want to see and saying the reader is legit, but in Schwartz's book, they clearly had these mediums giving out SPECIFIC information that, generically speaking, WOULD NOT apply to the vast majority of people.

I recall things like "Did you ever consider raising cattle?" be asked by a medium to someone.  And they were right.  Now now many lay persons would score that as an accurate hit?

Or another that involved goats on a mountain?  There were several times where, IMO, it couldn't have been a cold read without a VERY VERY LUCKY coincidence being the answer.

So to me, the skeptic's claims are misleading garbage.  Especially once I read for myself what the "personality result" that those experimenters provided.  It's ridiculously generic and covers all sorts of things that generally apply to nearly everyone.

The fact is, a lot of times mediums spit stuff out that, if they're faking, would be career suicide in terms of how risky it is.  Unless it's real.

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