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A question about Mr. Moen's point of view. (Read 6035 times)
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A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Jun 29th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Mr. Moen,

Do these creatures and the Planning Centers from Focus Fifteen exist objectively (for all) and influence all? Can they really murder a big part of Mankind? Are they already doing it? If they are, in Your opinion, is it normal to tolerate it? Was it normal to submit to German Nazi Regime, when they murdered millions of people? I’m sure, it was normal to do, what our countries did. Destroyed them.

Do You, Mr. Moen, consider what You have perceived as something Good for Mankind?

Are you sure, these Focuses, haven’t been prompted to Mr. Monroe by these aliens or hat aliens? That they have been created artificially, for the need of the aliens? For control over Humanity? That visiting these “stations” one also gets under their influence?
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Bruce Moen
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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:50pm

They are not, in my experience, "creatures" they are people, human beings providing assistance between "There" and "Here."  They are not murdering mankind.  They are in my opinion mitgating and managing the natural outcome of the greed-driven decisions made by the majority of humans that is leading to collapse of the ecosystem we call planet earth.

Whether this planning center existed or not, the outcome for physical humans would be moving in the same direction.  Massive population reductions due to human being's fouling of their own nest.  Global climate change, for example, is not caused by nonphysical humans but rather by us physicals.  We continue to consume ever greater quantities of dwindling resources and push earth's climate further out of equilibrium.  We physicals will reap the harvest of what we have planted.

Planning Center humans appear to be working with physical humans to mitigate to effects of our actions and utilize the results to provide for us what we state as our desires.

When you ask, "in Your opinion, is it normal to tolerate it?" I feel you don't understand the source of this "mass murder"  The source is us.  We physical humans are responsible for the deterioring state of our ecosystem, not "them."  The Nazi Regime is us as far as the condition of our planet is concerned.  There is no need for any diabolical outside force to do us in, we are doing a really effective job of it ourselves.

When you asks, "Do You, Mr. Moen, consider what You have perceived as something Good for Mankind? "  I don't know how to answer.  Since we are Mankind, and we are doing this to ourselves, and all of us knew of these conditions before we were born into these lifetimes, and all of us accepted these conditions prior to birth, there may be som "good reason" Mankind is doing this to itself.  Or, maybe we are just stupid.

Aliens?  Control over Humanity?  I guess when a person believes, as you state that you do, that we must fight to be free there needs to be some kind of enemy to fight with who is attempting to contol our fate.  But, we humans are the ones responsible for the fate of this planet.  Like someone before me once said, we have met the enemy and they are us.  Maybe all this belief in the need to fight has only served to distract us from what is really going on.  We are driving this planet into a time of very unstable climate patterns.  We will find ways to adapt to this as we humans and all other animals who can do.  Life will go on in some form under some kind of conditions with a human population the planet can still support.  If we don't like that, we can start NOW to do something to mitigate and heal our effects on the planet.  Or, we can go look for another planet to live on until we render that one useless.


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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 6:45pm
Mr. Moen,

I’ll reply You mostly using quotes from the book by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy "Resurrection And Eternal Life - Since Now Is Our Reality!" I have a permission to distrubute his Book the way I want. The only term is FOR FREE.

By Grigory Grabovoy
Moscow, 2002

«This book is from the series of books dedicated to a genuine world understanding.
Here I explain my experience concerning the resurrection of human beings. I will discuss the human’s resurrection only, and will not debate the resurrection of animals, plants, and so on.
For most of us, the idea of resurrection is symbolic. However, the soul of everyone accepts that resurrection is a reality. Many people correctly recognize the RESURRECTION on the soul level. Everyone needs to understand how that human being who was dead and gone can resurrect.
Many people do not care about -- how God created the world, what its laws are, and what life is by itself. These people get confuse about many facts -- healing from AIDS, cancer in its last stages, materialization and dematerialization of things, diagnostics for technical equipment (even for cosmic objects), remote computer management through thought, changing the past and present and future, understanding the conversation between people an any distance in an any language, and on and on. All of these facts confirmed in official documentation, consolidated into numerous tomes. Many of these facts accept as miracles, but we need to keep in mind that miracles not contradict the nature’s laws – they contradict only to our understanding of nature’s laws.
It is time to change how we think about the world and it laws – and this we have to done at the beginning of this new millennium; it is necessary for the world salvation.»

He cured AIDS and any disease. I also can cure some terrible diseases. You just blame people in various sins, and state, that they are responsible for their suffering, getting what they deserve. Nobody deserves it. Suffering is nonsense.
He Resurrected people. All of the Adepts of his teaching, including me, also can. You just say - death is okay. It's the choice of people. Nope. It's the choice of non-humans, who efficienly affect human minds. We f..k their choice as they f..k ours.

«Humankind has come to a new epoch of development, in which will be solved the problem of deathless people – the resurrection of people “dead and gone.” The problem exists not just in theoretical aspect, but also as a contemporary practice. It is a living reality saving all humankind.
Facts concerning resurrection prove the real, ongoing restoration of all material things – there is no destruction, ever.
The practice of resurrection is the way to salvation in this time – a time of accumulating weapons of mass destruction. The practice of resurrection points to an alternative way to develop civilization.                                
The development of regeneration and restoration mechanisms provides a solution to the problem of “creation without destruction.” The principle of restoration easily extends to all areas of human life. It can be the basis for the development of constructive thinking for future generations.
Any aggressive environment is possible to transform via non-aggressive elements emerging in an altogether new environment. As result, it will be possible to find effective behavior, which will prevent ecological disaster.
Keep this in mind: resurrection brings change everywhere -- throughout all outer space!
The world harmonizes if, for example, we create materials, which do not tear apart cars. This would not require very many resources. It is all so real. Real as is real the resurrection. We can aim for that; and we can have it.
Always remember one truth: we are born for joy, happiness, fulfillment, and eternal life.»


Consciousness this is structure provides control from soul to body. Soul has the body as material part. Soul interacts with reality through structure of consciousness.
Interaction between body and cells of body also accomplished through consciousness, but this consciousness of cells.
In broaden sense consciousness is structure joined spiritual and physical matter.
Changes of consciousness can transform spirit and then reproduce actions or events. Soul is part of World and thus soul manifested in any event.”

“2.1. First principle group
As we had remarked in introduction the main purpose of human life is extending of consciousness. Extending of consciousness is genuine method for changes itself and surrounding world.
Nowadays one of paradigm is that world not depends on us and exists by itself objectively. The man can only study it and it laws for practical use.
In fact, the matter is very different.
Let us think about why the people have that imagination. The man saw everyday how arised the sun and then how sun set down. He saw regular changes of seasons in the same sequence. Always at same place in sky, the man can found Polar star and other stars. Newton’s apple always falls down. All these processes working permanently and the man begin to consider these as independent of him processes which is not under his control and will. Thus, exactly this conclusion is big confusion of man.
To clear this situation it is necessary to implement term collective mind. Collective mind is joined consciousness of all people. Later we can see that in collective mind also included the consciousness of other beings, for example consciousness of animal and other creatures.
In collective mind, it is existed stable imagination. Stability provides with average level of consciousness across all people.
For better understanding Let us consider concrete example. Let us suppose that we flip coin. Can we predict the result of which side fall down coin: heads or tails? If coin is standard then it is impossible (without direct vision). Can we predict the result if we flip the coin seven times? Again, it is not. It is possible that seven times will fall heads or seven times will fall tails. Alternatively, several times heads and several times tails. If we calculate the ratio between heads number and tails number, we still cannot say which value it will be after seven times of flips.
Nevertheless, if we flip coin several thousand times then our ratio will be close to one. If we flip the coin million times then ratio will in practice equal to one. Therefore, we can see if number of coin flips will be very big, then we can predict the result. Thus, this is not sporadic. Well known, if number of coin flip is big enough, then begin to work statistical conformity to natural laws.
Therefore, after several unique experiences it is unable to detect any conformity to natural laws. Result is sporadic. Nevertheless, if number of experiences will be big enough, then appear statistical conformity to natural laws.
Such conformities are a lot around us. Let us consider for example keyboard of computer. We can see that the letter on keyboard not ordered alphabetically. They ordered different way. How defined the order?
In center of keyboard are placed most frequent used keys and along the edges less frequent of them. It is clear that with index fingers you can work easier than with little fingers.
How we can recognize which letters are most frequent used? For example we can use the computer for calculate that form number of books. Therefore, we can calculate probability of appearances of each letter and then place in center of keyboard letters according to probability value.
These data can use in printing-house. It is not necessary to create all letters in same number. Better to create number of letters according to probability of their appearances.
The same idea realized in a thesaurus. Computer can calculate list of most frequent used words. Such thesaurus is useful for learning foreign language. Therefore, for example 3000 most frequent words covered almost 90% of text in belles-lettres. By the way, Webster’s Thesaurus contains more than 3000 entries. We can see how usage of thesaurus can improve learning of foreign language. Just 3000 words and you can talk and discuss lot of topics.
Let us went to discussion. Everybody has his own imagination about everything, and this imagination differs from anybody. Nevertheless, for big number of people these imaginations will be averaging. As result in collective mind, it is existed stable average imagination about everything. Thus, this collective imagination accepts as objective reality. Illusion appears because stability of imagination, but this is only average of people imaginations.
When I make diagnostics of man, which call me to help, I see that state of organism is continuously changed. However, if this man will diagnose at X-Ray, then on screen will appear a stable picture. The matter is that devices shown only imagination of collective consciousness about this situation.
Therefore, we near to form one of the most important principle.
When you are thinking about some thing then for consciousness this thing is reality. This reality is like reality of your environment, which you see with regular vision.
This principle is fundamental while when you correspond your thinking with seems like reality environment on the level of action then you can materialize objects and you can resurrect.
It is existed two realities: one in thinking area of consciousness and one in consciousness reality in area of perception of physical environment (this accepts like objectively existing).
It is important to understand that all objects like Let us say chair, table, car all these things and all parts of these and any element of World is built on integrated consciousness of all living people. Then if one part of consciousness will change, then World will transform. Therefore, it is necessary to transform without destruction and transform on base creative knowledge. Therefore, when we watch at World, we see not existing reality. We watch only integrated imagination of all living people with all existing objects. We perceive collective reality in space-time. Thus, our Earth, for example, or physical bodies - these are all subjects of integrated consciousness of all people and other beings.    
If we know this principle then we can say that resurrection is only correct technological supplement in general connections structure.
Once again, all objects: Earth, Sun, stars, space, and our World, in fact, created on consciousness structure, included consciousness of Lord. Thus, we know about space, spirit, and consciousness. We can resurrect, we can create space, we can create World, and finally we can accomplish any creative actions.
In practice changes of reality is possible because reality created as consciousness decision of each person and consciousness of any object of information.
Therefore, it needs to decide of each person to take this viewpoint for resurrection, for eternity life, for happy life. If the viewpoint this way of life will be accepted with more people, then faster will be transformed the reality in that direction.
Consequently, if we will implemented in collective mind paradigm that destruction is impossible and that all people who was gone must be resurrect and that life is eternal then exactly this paradigm will be realized. When this paradigm will accept in collective mind, then this paradigm will realize as stable objective reality.
Physical or objective reality is not existed at all. What we are accepted as reality is created by structure of consciousness and structure of spirit. Are you remember that consciousness accept as reality only what is existed in consciousness? Therefore, our Earth, for example, this is only projection of collective mind along one of parameters.
Based on collective mind it is possible to increase size of Earth. It is possible also to create new Earth, new Space. This possibilities considered in my books were dedicated World construction…”

“At present time, we have the situation when the people who are gone interesting in went to life. Humankind has created nuclear weapon and neared to danger of total demolition itself. In that case will be damaged reality of people who are gone. That created danger of demolition history of people who are gone, and sometimes dispersed their reality. This can be happen because the law of information development: TOTAL DEMOLITION OF INFORMATION BASIC ELEMENT CAN INDUCE DEMOLITION OF WHOLE INFORMATION AREA AND THEREFORE, CHANGE FURTHER REALITY RADICALLY.
Because the problem of total destruction appears among living people, the people who are gone begin to resurrect. They want to return to life and prove that physical matter of living people is outstanding important. They want to help living people for prevent catastrophe.
It is existed another reason why the people who are gone want to resurrect. In the past biological death used for transition on higher level of being, and receiving new knowledge (we are talking above about level of consciousness as enlightenment for people who are gone). Body decay has not logical basis now, as was before in past. Biological death as mechanism and action of understanding is in practice expired. That confirmed the resurrected people. They say that the knowledge on the higher level after biological death can be received in physical body.
Therefore, it is no reason to refuse from physical body for new knowledge and new experience. It is possible to stay in physical boy and after development sensitive level receive knowledge and work up level of information control.
Life is going forward and with changes in condition appears new understanding of development process.”

“Life has changed. Conditions of life are changed. Rhythm of life is different.
Consequently, old slow mechanism of understanding highest truth and spiritual development based on refusing at physical body and temporary existence on fine level being with reincarnation in new physical body is not corresponded with modern rhythm of life. Therefore, not needed to spent time for reincarnation. It is possible to develop in same physical body with special methods ability to access at fine level of consciousness and provide with that spiritual progress of yourself.
It is necessary to resurrect people who are gone need.
Notice to, that always were people who living so long how they want. They belong to people category of who understand and come through fine level of consciousness. They understand that life itself is simplest accessible and natural reality. That reality achieves via consciousness development.
Life from usual viewpoint is not life from fine consciousness level. Genuine life is eternal life. Even the biology, which is “science of life,” not understands the life itself, even has lot of achievements. The reason of misunderstanding is spiritual basis of life and unclear imagination about role of consciousness.
Consciousness is key element. Consciousness, which corresponded with destruction of physical matter, can be disappeared as unnecessary for World development. Then death will be disappeared. Death will be not necessary. Furthermore, death is beginning to stay challenge in rhythm of spiritual development.
Therefore, schema of spiritual development, which used before (with refusing from physical body) is not relevant for modern rhythm of society development and development of science and technique. That is the reason why the man beginning to confuse in front from complexity of technique and problems of common character for example nuclear danger of total destruction or global ecological catastrophe.
Human beings feel that he is not able to succeed with growing problems of outer World. The reason of that is slow development of inner World than needed. Today problem is speed up the development and use whole potential of inner world. From solution of this problem is depended fortune of humankind, fortune of World.
By the way, let us consider potential. Science evaluates that human brain uses no more than 5% of it ability. Some of the organs functions are still unknown, for example pituitary gland. Therefore, brain not uses even at 5% of ability. Usage potential of human in practice not started yet. We can compare with situation when the man lives in lobby of multi floor building. This building belongs to him, but he did not know about other floor and rooms. Understanding whole building achieves only with consciousness development.
Therefore, needs to use new schema of development, new way without death and with resurrection. Then individual can finally succeeded in development harmony of inner and outer World. That provides moving to happy and joyful life.
In information exists the principle: if somewhat was once created then in time of creation this thing forever be existent.
Therefore, if something created and then based on time of creation this action is possible to repeat in any other time moment. Therefore, if exist at least one fact of materialization some object materialization can be accomplished in any time and extend it on any other object. Analogically resurrection is possible to extend. We can say that if somewhat created once then that cannot be destroyed.
For person that means idea of World eternity always caused realization of Eternity in all realities. If person can be resurrected and World restored then World never can be destroyed.
Confirmation fact of resurrection immediately embraces whole World structures without transferring of information from place to place. That means after resurrection information about it will be everywhere…”

This is the way to avoid the possible catastriphe. First of all - nuclear. And the ecological too. In his Book Grigory Graboboy gives practical methods. It's the Magick of The Atlantean Elite.
So, not to exterminate people, but to transform this ugly reality to NORMAL.


Creative consciousness is an attribute of human being from birth moment. When organism is growing, he creates World around him until he not involved in system of artificial ideological canons, non-natural form of thought, non-correct psychological affirmations. This system blocked development of organism connections with World. This system creates deformation of natural development and causes shadowed consciousness of human being. Therefore, exceptional importance has problem of restoration creative consciousness of living people. One of method, which solved that problem, is meditation (see Introduction). Universal method is practice of resurrection, which realized eternal life.
After restoration creative consciousness of individual, he’s beginning to understand how he is organized and then he can resurrect other people.”

The last quote explains how the corruption of Human minds is accomplished by the destructive systems and forces. You take an active part in this process of hindering the development of Human-Gods.

“5.7. Myths and delusions
That book helps to divulge the biggest illusion of our civilization: myth about objective existence of physical reality independent from human consciousness.
Such conception arise the problem about genuine origin of human being, neglect his/her veritable greatness and creation in God’s image.
Many other myths and delusions cover the genuine nature of human’s life. Let us take a problem of suffering. We know the sentence that the suffering is an attribute of our life. That is wrong, because the suffering has not any basis and reasons in that world. Similar conceptions about suffering connected with misunderstanding about real world construction.
Indeed, Let us consider one of the most serious reasons of suffering – death of the relatives or friends. That is serious reason without any doubt. However, we already know how resurrect the people, and we know that death must not exist in our life. Death exists only as corollary of misunderstanding. Soon that conception will disappear fully.
Same things are happen with other wrong causes of suffering. Together with those will be disappeared an absurd idea about understanding via suffering. In nowadays reality, that idea can lead to global catastrophe. The thought about getting something via suffering was implemented in human’s consciousness during hundreds years. Now is the time to release of these delusions. Indeed, for suffering and negative emotions is not existed the basis. With the beginning of resurrection process, these delusions and myths already start to disappear. Thus, main criterion for control of accuracy of resurrection process is positive changes in the life of person who accomplish the resurrection and in the life of the people surrounding that person…”

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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #3 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 7:10pm
I can appreciate you sharing what Mr Petrovich thinks is reality, but, what do personally believe? Or do you only believe in what he believes? If that is the case then I extend my sympathies to do. Having no mind of your own would not be something I would want to experience. I have no problem with people having eternal life. But if you have eternal life then there is no need for resurrection into the phyical. Unless you desire to continue with phyical life experience and the lessons possibly learned by doing so or sharing the experience. And there is no need for the assistance of Mr Petrovich to insure you can reincarnate. That I can promise you. But I also would expect it to leave a poor taste in your mouth.
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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 7:57pm
I continue.

Now I'm quating Your reply:

They are not, in my experience, "creatures" they are people, human beings providing assistance between "There" and "Here."  They are not murdering mankind.  They are in my opinion mitgating and managing the natural outcome of the greed-driven decisions made by the majority of humans that is leading to collapse of the ecosystem we call planet earth.

"- What does the preparation of a Planning Center?

- We have some special projects, such as AIDS, for example..."

Are there such words in Your book? Or something close to that, I read it in Polish.

Whether this planning center existed or not, the outcome for physical humans would be moving in the same direction.  Massive population reductions due to human being's fouling of their own nest.  Global climate change, for example, is not caused by nonphysical humans but rather by us physicals.  We continue to consume ever greater quantities of dwindling resources and push earth's climate further out of equilibrium.  We physicals will reap the harvest of what we have planted.

You aren't sure it exists? What for do You write it then? People believe, think it's Your Insight. I now start thinking it was Your bad trip after a good joint of pot, perhaps combined with the psychotronic effect of Hemi-Sync. So, You just saw what You thought about before. The vision expresses You point of view, maybe partly subliminal. Hatred and to gays, envy to wealthy people, like Your boss Robert Monroe. Hatred to Mankind in general and to Physical Life. And first of all - deeply hidden hatred to Yourself as to person not so gifted as Your Teacher. I listened to Your workshop. It's all on the surface.

By the way, no people have such a power to play with reality as You describe.

I feel you don't understand the source of this "mass murder"  The source is us.  We physical humans are responsible for the deterioring state of our ecosystem, not "them."  The Nazi Regime is us as far as the condition of our planet is concerned.  There is no need for any diabolical outside force to do us in, we are doing a really effective job of it ourselves.

Either You know nothing about the occult roots of the III Reich, SS and Ahnenerbe, or You pretent. They had close contacts with extra-terrestials, had ready for use battle starcraft as UFO's. Your fleet onse was attacked by UFOs with swastikas on them. The Nazi regime isn't us. It's the result of invocation of THEM. Extermination of Jews was a human sacrifice to THEM. There's a proof that it was so. I read lots of documents about Ahnenerbe. And also an attempt to destroy one of the remaining almost pure Atlantean races.

Aliens?  Control over Humanity?  I guess when a person believes, as you state that you do, that we must fight to be free there needs to be some kind of enemy to fight with who is attempting to contol our fate.  But, we humans are the ones responsible for the fate of this planet.  Like someone before me once said, we have met the enemy and they are us.  Maybe all this belief in the need to fight has only served to distract us from what is really going on.  We are driving this planet into a time of very unstable climate patterns.  We will find ways to adapt to this as we humans and all other animals who can do.  Life will go on in some form under some kind of conditions with a human population the planet can still support.  If we don't like that, we can start NOW to do something to mitigate and heal our effects on the planet.  Or, we can go look for another planet to live on until we render that one useless.

No. The studies by great number of ufologists, the information from contacters, the information from American and Russian ex-military men, who collaborated with aliens in experimenting with people is an invincible evidence, that the total destrustion of Humans is being planned by the alien civilization of Pleyades. They are ifluencing the Governments, so these are just puppets. They, for example, suggest them to buid such weapons of mass extermination as HAARP. In 2012-th they plan either to change the Earth polarity or to rise the etherial vibrations to a level uncompatible with physical life. Maybe they'll just use HAARP, it will be enough to clear the planet from life. After that they're gonna inhabit it.

Grabovoy and the Government of Orion (the Orion civilization is also sentenced to death) sent The Mankind the practical methods of Salvation. Grabovoy cought such a Tartar, that it'll take a lot of time to write this tragic history down in English, how it was and is in fact. You can look the Wikipedia, of course, but there's just a bit of truth, of real events there.

The scale of force, which opposes salvation of Mankind and the Planet from posible catastrophe is hard to imagine. Pleyades have done a great preparatory work. The mistake of Orion was the attempt of peaceful revolution. By the way, not in their style. Their Messenger, his political party and the major part of followers have been suppressed. The "right wing" still exists and continues what he started. Now sometimes with methods of rude force. Orion prepares the military invasion, when all the Pleyade's forces in the Solar System will be destroyed, and all the Pleyadians killed. Some Atlantean incarnates as myself and others will join the Orion Warriors as it was in Atlantis, when we fought together against other civilizations. Now we fight in the informational and energy levels, defending Our Goal, described in the Teaching, everyone of You can read (I gave the link to the Book), soon we'll fight on the Physical Plane. The 2012-th is coming. Atlantis is being Reborn By Fire And Steel.

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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #5 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 8:11pm

I can appreciate you sharing what Mr Petrovich thinks is reality, but, what do personally believe? Or do you only believe in what he believes?

I don't belive in anything. There are things, that I know. It's the Atlantean Knowledge. I had just to read, and it resonated in my soul. I KNOW it's true, and if you read the Book, you'll understand, that the Teaching is 90 percent practical, not theoretical. It's practice. And practice is the criteria in cognition. And we all are doing it.

You wanna die? We won't be an obstacle. If you don't believe in Resurrection, try to die ASAP, not to spoil the collective consciousness with emanations of your mind. In any case we'll Rise you a bit later, if you are a human of course. Pleyadians will be resurrected on their Planets.
So is written in Holy Bible, so will be.
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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #6 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 10:22pm

You seem so firmly grounded in the physical world, that you appear to fear the notion that our consciousness exists independent of it.  You have posted your opinion that our true nature or state should be that of immortality in the physical plane. 

Bruce documented his experiences.  They are not meant to be taken as some sort of law or commandments.  However, it was great that he wrote of them, and that others at TMI have explored and written down there observations.  He encourages you to do so, and share your findings. 

What I believe, through my own explorations is that your afterlife experience will follow your thoughts in this world.  If you live in a dog-eat-dog world of misery, and believe in kill or be killed, then that is what you will find in your mind when your body falls away. 

The thing is that the true "us" is our consciousness.  Physcial existence is our willing constriction of our minds into bodies.  The attachment to the physical world, the separation of our true selves from God and love, keeps us coming back to the physical plane, and is the root of misery for most people. 

This is why the notion of immortality in a physical body seems so sad to me.  It is a way to hold onto the false separation of the physical and hold back our spiritual evolution.  It speaks to a fundamental lack of understanding of spirituality and our true nature.

In any event, if you are a true seeker, you will take Bruce's point of view and then try to explore on your own.  Rather than grilling him, or insulting him, why not thank him for putting himself out here so that we can share these experiences?


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Re: A question about Mr. Moen's point of view.
Reply #7 - Jul 1st, 2009 at 10:56pm
You, guys, are enemies to a NORMAL life. If God gave you The Physical Body, then you need it. I explained, that your mistake and even crime is considering the Physical Body some obstacle for spiritual development. Such point of view helps, supports and leads to a possible mass extermination of humans.

You speak on behalf of Mr. Moen? He has swallowed his tongue or lost his arms, so he can't print? Quite possible, if to spend most of your life outside the Body.

Don't warry about me parting with my Body. I'm Physically Immortal, I'm not getting old. My regeneration mechanism works so, that it's even impossible to poison me. Thanks to Grabovoy's methods.
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