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I'm New Here... (Read 2885 times)
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I'm New Here...
Jun 11th, 2009 at 8:20pm
Been lurking this forum for a few days here and am very encouraged as to what I've been reading.

I've been struggling with the idea of an afterlife since I was seven and lost my father.


I had the chance to connect with my spirit guide but I'm not sure what her name is. She came to me back in February of this year and introduced herself at 130am.

Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind and mentally told her that I wasn't ready to see her....(although earlier in the day I was telling my friend that I wanted to meet careful what you wish for huh)

Well recently, I was in bed sleeping when I felt incredible it was pushing me down. I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on but something was preventing that as well.

It happened at least three times that night. Only when I called out to my spirit guide did it stop.

For reference, I was having an extremely spiritual conversation with a friend over life and death earlier that evening and left feeling very...uneasy to say the least.

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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #1 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 9:19pm
Hi, seems there's something going on inside of you? Thoughts and conversations about spiritual matters can be quite shaking as sometimes our belief system comes in movement and is about to change. It can be frightening, mostly at the beginning, but as well freeing. That's the thing with curiousity, you want to know but new things can make one feel uncomfortable; but often the old stuff makes you feel even more uncomfortable as you're outgrown of it!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #2 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 9:24pm
spooky2 wrote on Jun 11th, 2009 at 9:19pm:
Hi, seems there's something going on inside of you? Thoughts and conversations about spiritual matters can be quite shaking as sometimes our belief system comes in movement and is about to change. It can be frightening, mostly at the beginning, but as well freeing. That's the thing with curiousity, you want to know but new things can make one feel uncomfortable; but often the old stuff makes you feel even more uncomfortable as you're outgrown of it!


Hi spooky and thanks for responding?

What do you mean exactly when you say something is going on inside me?
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #3 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 9:38pm
Nothing in specific, but since you're pondering thoughts about an afterlife for a while, and you are curious to know, then your life probably tends to experiences which will give you a hint.
   When you feel like you are about to make conscious contact with your spirit guide and have strange sensations at night, like this pressure, then it might be you slip into a special state of consciousness where the body is asleep, but your mind awake, the state in which one can have visions, out of body experiences, lucid dreams and such. This can be accompanied by many kinds of strange symptons. Out of body experiences, when one is new to it, can be accompanied by lots of fear, and fear sometimes is felt as pressure.

Probably the best is to relax with the thought that other people were frightened at first but then became familiar with it and became able to open up for nonphysical experiences and different ways of thinking.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #4 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 9:44pm
Thanks spooky for all your help! That sorta makes sense to me now. As I delve in deeper, I'm curious as to what my journey will bring.
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #5 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 12:56pm
I think you did the right thing Supermodel. You asked for help. There are some trouble makers out there and it is possible one made an attempt to attach its self to you for a free ride. Sometimes in an effort to feel the emotions or the phyical body, a soul could attempt to attach its self to a living person in an effort to "feel" again. Not to worry. I as sure you can take care of yourself. If you read...give Bruces and Bob Monroes book a look see. They could really open up your eyes. Good luck to you.
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #6 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:13pm
Hello Supermodel:

Such experiences can be confusing. On the one hand an unfriendly spirit might've been involved and your spirit friends chased it away when you called for help.  Another possibility is that you chased the spirit away when you became conscious enough to ask for help. Another possibility is that you felt pressure because your guidance is trying to help you with some energetic changes, and when you became afraid, it stopped doing what it was doing.

There was a time when my guidance needed to make a couple of adjustments on me. The first couple of times this happened I didn't know what was going on, and I chased the presence away. One night I felt something tap on the nail of one of my big toes twice. This led me to believe that perhaps my guidance is trying to help me in some way and needs to touch me.

One night as I lay on my side I felt what seemed to be a hand on my back. I mentally asked if this is a spirit guide. I saw a bright point of white light flash and received the answer "yes." I said, "so everything is okay." I saw another bright point of white light flash, and received the thought "yes."  I felt a pair of hands make some ajustments for a few minutes, and everything worked out fine.

Below is from a book I'm writing. It isn't final. If it's too long, I'll understand if you don't have the time to read it.

Making contact with one's higher self/spirit guidance

You have probably noticed that when I speak of higher self (total self) and spirit guidance throughout this book, I often combine the two terms. I do this because there isn't one way in which people make contact with spirit guidance. Sometimes they make contact with their higher self, a greater part of themselves, as spoken about in chapters [] and []. Sometimes they make contact with a part of their total self. Sometimes they make contact with a guide who isn't a part of their self. Perhaps they made contact with the spirit of Christ, if factors such as their desire to make contact with Christ came into play. Perhaps they make contact with God!  Often some combination takes place according to need.

Before you attempt to make contact with your higher self/spirit guidance, you need to consider if it is something you want to do. It isn't essential that everybody does so in a conscious way. Sometimes it suffices for people to receive guidance in a more subtle way, through dreams, thoughts, intuitions, and perhaps out of body experiences that are assisted by person's guidance without he (or she) realizing that he is receiving such assistance. Many people don't realize that they receive assistance through their dreams.

Some people decide to make contact because they believe it will help their spiritual growth. Such assistance not only benefits the person who is helped, it also helps the rest of the World. It helps the rest of the World, because as I wrote in chapters [] and [], when we grow in love, we share the energy of love with others, who in turn share love with others, and so on an so on, as a wonderful game of love tag takes place. As a result the World's vibratory rate increases.

Higher selves and guides hope we make contact with them, because they love us dearly and want to help as many of us as possible overcome our limitations so we can grow in love and help ourselves, the rest of the World, and whoever else this World effects. I included "whoever else this World effects," because, to a degree I can't specify, our World effects other parts of our universe.

I've found that my spirit guidance knows me incredibly well. They know precisely what I need in order to grow. They have ways of helping me that go beyond words that can be heard or read in a book.  A common occurrence is for me to lay in bed awake contemplating an issue, and suddenly I'll be shown a symbolic visual image, or find myself taking part in a short waking dream or other experience that helps me figure out what I'm trying to figure out. Additionally, while asleep I'll have regular dreams, lucid dreams, and dreams that lead to out of body experiences, and these vehicles of learning help me learn in a manner that tends to be more effective than learning through words. I also receive thoughts and occasionally hear a voice, but these thoughts and voices are secondary to the visual and experiential messages I receive, and don't tend to last for more than a sentence or two. I must add that there have been occasions where the words I received meant a lot to me. Therefore, I hope I didn't undersell word-based messages too much.

I have also received energetic work. I wrote about this in chapter []. I sought spirit help because my kundalini was awakened, people often have problems with awakened kundalini, and I wanted to obtain help that was beyond what could be found in book or false guru form. There have been a number of unethical kundalini gurus who have taken advantage of their followers.

I'm sure it is obvious by now that I'm not a big guru fan. I have found that too many gurus aren't what they claim to be. Despite this, I have been more than willing to receive assistance from my higher self and spirit guidance. When we do so we don't have to worry in the same manner as when we get involved with a guru. What angle would our higher self or a light being who is assigned to help us have for taking advantage of us? They can't collect money from us. One's higher self or a being of love and light doesn't get a thrill out of controlling and manipulating people, nor do they attempt to do so.  If you make contact with your higher self and/or spirit guidance, you'll find that such guidance is tirelessly there for you 24/7. Beings of love and light don't help out for the sake of themselves. They do enjoy helping people, and watching the people they help become positive influences in this World and beyond.

If you are afraid that you might make contact with unfriendly spirits, several factors will help you insure that you make contact with friendly beings. First, if you try to make contact for positive reasons, you are naturally bound to attract a being of love and light. Second, you have a natural connection to your higher self and the beings of love and light who are assigned to look after you. As long as you have good intentions, why wouldn't such beings be the first to respond? Third, even if you end up making contact with an unfriendly spirit, you are always free to decide whether or not you want to listen to the messages you receive.

The more you make contact with a being of love and light, the more clear it will become that this is what you are doing. You will realize that the messages you receive serve a positive purpose. You will realize that your guidance helps you have experiences for which it is hard to imagine a negative minded spirit having the ability to assist you with. This is especially true when it comes to the natural access factor. We are naturally connected to our higher self and other light beings, not spirits that have negative intent. This factor is reinforced if we choose to live according to love and a higher purpose that respects divine will. You will also realize that it would serve no purpose for an unfriendly spirit to help you in the way your higher self or another light being helps you. For example, would and could an unfriendly spirit help you drop a negative pattern of mind so you can live more according to love and reverence towards that which is divine?

I've been speaking of empirical evidence. If you make contact with a friendly spirit guide and tally up the results, you will see that the data tallies in a very favorable way. Even though going through such a process is very important, in the end it isn't the difference maker. The difference maker is how you feel within your heart when you make contact. If you feel peace, love, divinity and certainty about the type of being you are communicating with as you make contact, this will touch you on a deeper level than a process that involves mental discrimination.  You will touch into a level of being where certain knowledge abides.  I've found that this isn't the same thing as discriminating the intent of a physical person.  Not unless you make a mind to mind and heart to heart connection with the spirit of the person you speak to.

A little while ago I mentioned that light beings want to help us not only for our sake, but also for the sake of those we help. The help we can provide includes more than sharing the energy of love with the rest of the World and how we interact with people. Beings that represent the light need some of us to help out with various types of spirit work. For example, the retrievals I wrote about in chapter []. After death, the spirits of some people have a hard time moving on towards the light. Sometimes light beings have a difficult time making contact with these stuck spirits because of vibratory rate issues and what these spirits are open to perceiving.  People are able to help when such problems exist, because they have an energetic connection to the physical body they've incarnated into. A stuck spirit is able to have an awareness of the energetic effect of a person's body. A person can help a stuck spirit either through an out of body means; or if he has been energetically developed in the appropriate way, he can have spirit energy run through himself, and a stuck spirit will first see his body based energetic, and then his connection to the light. Light beings help out when such a process takes place.

Making contact with my higher self and spirit guidance didn't play out quite as I expected. I figure there are other people who find the same when they make contact with their higher self/spirit guidance. I expected lengthy conversations that made use of words, but instead, as I've stated before, I mainly received symbolic visual messages, regular dreams, waking dreams and out of body experiences, and only a word or a sentence or two via thought or voice. I believe I receive messages in the way I receive them for several reasons. One, as mentioned above, receiving a message in an experiential way tends to have a bigger impact than receiving a message verbally. Two, when I receive messages in a visual or experiential way, my interpretive processes are less likely to interfere. Three, spirit beings aren't limited to linear thought and voice based communication as human beings usually are, and it is spiritually beneficial to receive messages in a manner that more closely resembles how light beings communicate.  Receiving messages as I do helps me develop the intuitional part of my self, because making use of my intuition helps me figure out what a symbolic message means.

The above isn't one hundred percent accurate when it comes to receiving thoughts. I've found that my higher self and spirit guidance can send me thoughts just about any time they want to do so. I can tell this is so even when their thoughts go through my mind as thoughts usually do, because I have received thoughts in such a manner where it became clear that the thoughts came from my guidance.

It isn't always easy to tell if a thought comes from my own mind or my guidance's mind, without the volume being turned up a bit or a thought appearing in a manner that is different than usual. And even if the volume is turned up a bit or a thought arises in a different manner than usual, as I mentioned above, my interpretive processes are more likely to get involved when I'm sent thoughts. Plus, when a person breaks down the barriers between his conscious mind and subconscious mind as I have done, he is more likely to hear thoughts from his subconscious mind. It is also possible that when he becomes more receptive to psychic noise, he might occasionally pick up on thoughts that come from an origin that is hard to determine.

On the other hand, I believe that one of the reasons my higher self/guidance doesn't turn up the volume more frequently, is because they want me to understand that I'm not separate from them. This is especially true when it comes to my higher self.  If I tune into an inner knowing and listen to my heart, more often than not I'm going to come up with the right answer without receiving a thought from my guidance.  Even if I get it wrong now and then, I'll figure it out eventually. If my guidance gave me answers too often it would interfere with my learning process. There have been times I asked a question, didn't receive an answer, and became frustrated. Sometimes I didn't receive an answer because I already knew the answer but wasn't acknowledging that I knew it. Sometimes I didn't receive an answer because I would figure something out more completely if I put some effort into figuring it out for myself, rather than relying on a message. Occasionally, I didn't receive an answer because despite my request for an answer, I wasn't open to receiving an answer. Occasionally, I didn't receive an answer because it wasn't time for me to learn about the matter I asked about. Without exception, I always found it was for the best when I didn't receive an answer. What often happens is that I'll try to figure something out for myself, ask my spirit guidance for a confirmation, and receive a confirmation.

Sometimes people will have an imaginary conversation with themselves with the belief that they are receiving answers from their guidance. I believe there are limitations with this approach for a few reasons. One, even if a person receives thoughts from his higher self/guidance, his interpretive processes might interfere with the messages that are sent. Two, his imagination might get more involved than he expects. This could especially be true if his higher self/guidance decides that it is best to not provide an answer. We can't force our guidance to provide us with an answer. Three, if he gets involved with an imagination based approach, to a certain degree he provides his subconscious mind with instructions to come up with responses. It isn't easy to get our subconscious mind to be quiet. It has its way of functioning. To the extent our subconscious mind gets involved, we are liable to receive thoughts based upon our beliefs rather than accurate information.

Some people like to say that because they are psychic and/or really intuitive, they don't get it wrong. I've found that this isn't true. Psychic people don't always agree with each other, sometimes say false things, and as long as a person has false beliefs and attachments, he is liable to get it wrong now and then, no matter how psychic he is.

Perhaps you doubt that visual images and experiences are more trustworthy than thought messages. The main reason I believe they are more trustworthy is because there have been many times when I have immediately received a very detailed and well thought out response to one of my questions in a way where it didn't seem possible for my subconscious mind to respond in such way. Sometimes I would receive information I didn't have prior knowledge of. Additionally, I often receive clues about an issue I'm trying to figure out without asking for help, and the answer comes in a way that is too unexpected for it to be a matter of what my subconscious mind came up with. There is also the factor of how I can feel a presence when I receive messages.

This presence is often accompanied with a feeling of love and peace. Sometimes these positive feelings aren't experienced for several reasons. One reason is that on some occasions I'll feel the pressure that is created as energy tries to make its way past an energetic block. This is especially true when a heart chakra block is involved. Another reason is that psychological issues tend to come to life when an attempt to become free of them is made, and if an issue is fear related, some fear will be experienced. Also, a person's self-defense instinct might become active as he tries to move on to a new way of thinking, and this causes fear to be created. Once an energetic block is cleared, he will notice the difference.

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« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2009 at 7:13pm by recoverer »  
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #7 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 3:10pm
Hi Supermodel and welcome!

since you asked for contact and got it  Smiley  perhaps you are giving up on her too quickly.  She didn't harm you,  just scared you, right?
So maybe she only wanted to catch your attention at a time when you had nothing else on your mind.
Why not ask again and when she shows up have a question ready for her?
You can tell by the way she answers your questions whether she's helpful or  to be avoided.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: I'm New Here...
Reply #8 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Thanks everyone for chiming in! I think I really like it  here. I will try to make contact with her soon. I have a feeling she wants me to.
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