Hi Sue,
Although I believe what OOBDude says is true about attraction in a very general sense - that in negative cases it does not help anyone - it still takes much and prolonged focus to actually manifest such an occurrance in such an extreme way as a death** or even illness (although the latter can be more common). Fear and worry
can enter energetically into other people and affect them - IF THEY ALLOW IT - and even then, each person is still guided and protected by their own innate divinity.
We see this all the time - people throwing negative vibrations at each other all over the world all day long, consciously and unconsciously, regardless of geographic distance - and it can have an effect. (the same is true in the opposite case with love). Yet both parties have free will to modify and deal with what they project and what they receive - it is an ongoing process, a negotiation with life energy in all forms.
This happens all the time. Mostly it affects the sender of ill-will as much or more than the receiver - as that energy is binding and limiting in its nature vs expanding and liberating. It is true that each person must recognize and conquer these negative patterns within themselves so that evolution can allow for greater growth and spiritual progress.
However --
It is very unlikely that you
caused your husbands death, or even contributed to it. Rather, I believe that the premonitions you received were probably to prepare you for what was for whatever reasons, inevitable - you (your soul) agreed and he (his soul) agreed to this and you were probably being inwardly prepared.
If it was a less than certain outcome you might not have received the premonitions since free-will may have altered the situation.
Your husband may have completed his current "assignment", which you had the blessing and priviledge to share with him, and he just had to move on to fulfill God's Will in and through his individual life. Your role is integral but different.
It could be that your Highest Self/God/Soul simply wanted you to have this experience and surrender to it - for whatever reason(s) you may/may not eventually find out, or if and when you do, it may not be "rational" or make "human sense" - even if it is to transcend the experience itself, and open to greater life experiences which are beyond physical death. We are all dying every minute and coming to life every minute. What we invoke in that process is our choice and is compassionately supported always.
If you want to reach him, imo the best, safest way is through communication with God/Source and not trying directly with him (husband), especially after a few weeks or months when most souls have "moved on".
I'm sorry for your loss and wish you well,
- u
Can't speak for him, but having read many of OOBDudes posts here, i seriously doubt if he was suggesting this, but was only pointing out the pitfalls of fear and worry as an internal negative energetic.