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Premonition of Death (Read 5806 times)
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Premonition of Death
Jun 7th, 2009 at 11:36am
I am new here.
My husband died four weeks ago aged 48. We had been together 6 years. We were I believe soul mates.

Before he died for 6 months I had become increasingly worried that something would happen to him. My anxiety increased and I found myself picturing his passing and going through a grief state. I would cry and imagine the future without him.
By the last week of his life I was in a panicky state but did not confide in anyone.
I had dreams where I was looking for him - or him being beyond reach. I had dreams of walking around a hospital alone.
I also used to think when he held me that I must remember the feeling and I would need to draw on it in the future.

Why did I have these terrible anxieties?

He died very suddenly of a cardiac arrest. There was no warning. One minute we were talking the next minute he collapsed slowly. I did not know what to do. The premonitions did not help me to save him.

We loved each other deeply and I know he will be with me. I wish I had something tangible but I know this is a test of our love somehow. I believe in the afterlife and want to do what is right now.

I had thought about seeing a medium but wonder if this is wrong or too soon.

Any advice would be appreciated

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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #1 - Jun 7th, 2009 at 3:55pm
Dear Sue,

Our condolences are heartfelt.

Four to six weeks is typically the time needed for a passed soul to adjust to its new situation, I've read. But that will vary according to what you are both to learn from this new separation.

You are closer to him than any medium will be.  You were very sensitive to your shared futures. You are respectful of his current situation ("...but wonder if this is wrong or too soon.")
You seem like you will be alert to any contact he can make---through dreams, daydreams, words others say that stand out strongly for no 'reason.' He could contact you through many ways.

Why not wait and see if such a personal communication is forthcoming --much better than some stranger telling you such and such.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #2 - Jun 7th, 2009 at 4:17pm
Dear Bets
Thank you for your wise words - they greatly comforted me.

You are right - its better to wait - and keep the faith.

Maybe I had a sign when I scattered my husband's ashes. He wanted to go in a special place by the sea - we, the family each placed a Rose in the water. All the Roses were swept along the beach by the tide but one Red Rose remained by the ashes. Everyone said this one was mine and he kept it for himself.

Thank you again for replying. Your answer will help keep me strong

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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #3 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:51am
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Remember your husband wasn't his body as you aren't your body. You are your mind, you are the awareness behind your body, just as he was the awareness behind his body.
Sounds as if you are pretty intuitive. You've had a sign with the rose and if you look you'll find plenty of others to confirm that you are more than a physical body.
Let beliefs go and let experiences happen. (easier said than done Wink )
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I Am Dude
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #4 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 1:20pm
There was once a period of time when I used to be worried that my wife would die.  I imagined what it would be like without her, and how much pain I would be in.  But I realized that the more I focused on this, the greater the chances of it happening(law of attraction), so I ended this negative, unproductive thought pattern and never came back to it.

Something I always wonder in situations like this... does the individual sense the predicted event before it happens.. or is it their strong focus on what is at that point a possible future reality that causes the event to manifest?
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #5 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 1:45pm
Oh .. the thought I may have caused my dear husband's death is awful...I really hope this was not a self filling prophecy. This terrifies me.. that I am responsible. I did not want these thoughts or feelings- they came out of the blue.

As for signs I think maybe I am looking too the wrong places..I want so much to communicate with my dear hubby -to know he is happy and loves me still. Right now I am awash with so many thoughts and emotions, fears , guilt etc.  Now he can see my soul and I worry I am not a good enough person and he will be disappointed in me. To think that my negative thoughts could have caused his demise scares me. 

What is keeping me going is the thought our Love will see us through this and death will not change anything


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Mark Andrew
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #6 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 1:54pm

I'm still searching for what I believe in regards to the afterlife.

So far, everything I've been reading tells me that you should not worry about your husband thinking about you in a negative way.  

Where he is, it's all about love and joy and understanding.  I don't think anyone on the Other Side cares (in a good way) one bit about any perceived flaws you may or may not have.  All he's thinking is how much he loves you.  It's the most positive place to be in existence.
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #7 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 2:22pm
Hi Sue,

Although I believe what OOBDude says is true about attraction in a very general sense - that in negative cases it does not help anyone -  it still  takes much and prolonged focus to actually manifest such an occurrance in such an extreme way as a death** or even illness (although the latter can be more common). Fear and worry can enter energetically into other people and affect them - IF THEY ALLOW IT - and even then, each person is still guided and protected by their own innate divinity.

We see this all the time - people throwing negative vibrations at each other all over the world all day long, consciously and unconsciously, regardless of geographic distance - and it can have an effect. (the same is true in the opposite case with love). Yet both parties have free will to modify and deal with what they project and what they receive - it is an ongoing process, a negotiation with life energy in all forms.

This happens all the time. Mostly it affects the sender of ill-will as much or more than the receiver - as that energy is binding and limiting in its nature vs expanding and liberating. It is true that each person must recognize and conquer these negative patterns within themselves so that evolution can allow for greater growth and spiritual progress.

However --
It is very unlikely that you caused your husbands death, or even contributed to it. Rather, I believe that the premonitions you received were probably to prepare you for what was for whatever reasons, inevitable - you (your soul) agreed and he (his soul) agreed to this and you were probably being inwardly prepared.

If it was a less than certain outcome you might not have received the premonitions since free-will may have altered the situation.

Your husband may have completed his current "assignment", which you had the blessing and priviledge to share with him, and he just had to move on to fulfill God's Will in and through his individual life. Your role is integral but different.

It could be that your Highest Self/God/Soul simply wanted you to have this experience and surrender to it - for whatever reason(s) you may/may not eventually find out, or if and when you do, it may not be "rational" or make "human sense" - even if it is to transcend the experience itself, and open to greater life experiences which are beyond physical death. We are all dying every minute and coming to life every minute. What we invoke in that process is our choice and is compassionately supported always.

If you want to reach him, imo the best, safest way is through communication with God/Source and not trying directly with him (husband), especially after a few weeks or months when most souls have "moved on".

I'm sorry for your loss and wish you well,

- u

Can't speak for him, but having read many of OOBDudes posts here, i seriously doubt if he was suggesting this, but was only pointing out the pitfalls of fear and worry as an internal negative energetic.
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #8 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 3:09pm
Hello, Sue, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

I believe your husband can feel your loving thoughts, your loving prayers, anything which you feel that you need to share with him/ for him.

It is interesting that you had such a sense of foreboding for so long. What I notice, and you also noticed, is that the fears that you had before your husband's death did not actually change the outcome. I think Ultra has hit on a good point, by mentioning this again. If the outcome could have been changed by the 'premonition' I think you would have been provided more opportunities to move in that direction. Something that stood out for you in some way -- more likely, directly to him.

I agree with several here who suggest that you can let go of any sense of responsibility, any sense of not noticing enough, any sense of not doing enough. Just send loving thoughts, in whatever way feels best to you, and remain open to any messages while you go through this process.

I feel that, no matter what comfort we receive from messages, mediums, meditations, etc., we must still go through the loss.

I feel sure there is a reason for this experience in your life. There is much more to come for you. As difficult as this is, it is part of your preparation for what is to come.

Welcome, I hope we can be of some help, some hope here.
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george stone
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #9 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 3:48pm
I have had many premonitions.and they are warning of dangers of something is about to happen to somebody,and I would tell that person to see a doctor as soon as possible for a could save that persons life,or no matter what you do,its going to happen.but its wourth a try.some premonitions may come the next day,and others may come 6 months or more.George
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #10 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 4:35pm
Thank you for all your replies. You are all helping me make some sense of what has happened. I am not very knowledgable on the Afterlife - I just have strong feelings that Love can transcend death and we have to undergo tests in this life to be able to move on in the next.

My wish is for our Love to reunite us in the next life.  Whilst I know I must have more to do in my life I want to maintain the bond of Love I feel for my husband and I believe he has for me. Is this unrealistic?

My husband died very suddenly and quickly but I do recall clearly the conflicting emotions in my head at the time of asking God for one more chance - but also acknowledging if my husband was to be left very damaged to allow him to pass over.


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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #11 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 5:19pm

Sorry for your loss.  I don't believe you're responsible for your husband's death.


I believe you're overdoing the below way of thinking. What if some us start believing that the below isn't true? Does it stop being true, or was it never true to begin with? Some mighty wealthy people are responsible for propogating the below way of thinking to a ludicrous extent.  Their way of attracting money to themselves is selling the idea to other people. One such person charges each seminar attendee $972.  His sense of selfless giving overwhelms me. If a kid in the ghetto keeps thinking he'll get a pony, will he get one? Jane Roberts didn't buy health insurance because she believed it would cause her to become ill, and look what happened to her.  She couldn't attract a light being to herself that would heal her, despite what she claimed.  

I Am Dude wrote on Jun 8th, 2009 at 1:20pm:
There was once a period of time when I used to be worried that my wife would die.  I imagined what it would be like without her, and how much pain I would be in.  But I realized that the more I focused on this, the greater the chances of it happening(law of attraction), so I ended this negative, unproductive thought pattern and never came back to it.

Something I always wonder in situations like this... does the individual sense the predicted event before it happens.. or is it their strong focus on what is at that point a possible future reality that causes the event to manifest?

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« Last Edit: Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:05pm by recoverer »  
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Ex Member

Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #12 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 6:48pm
my comments are italicized below...

sue wrote on Jun 8th, 2009 at 4:35pm:
Thank you for all your replies. You are all helping me make some sense of what has happened. I am not very knowledgable on the Afterlife - I just have strong feelings that Love can transcend death and we have to undergo tests in this life to be able to move on in the next.

My wish is for our Love to reunite us in the next life.  Whilst I know I must have more to do in my life I want to maintain the bond of Love I feel for my husband and I believe he has for me. Is this unrealistic?

In my opinion, no, not unrealistic at all. The bond you and your husband have created cannot be destroyed.

My husband died very suddenly and quickly but I do recall clearly the conflicting emotions in my head at the time of asking God for one more chance - but also acknowledging if my husband was to be left very damaged to allow him to pass over.

Do you see how giving that was, for you to let go, to emotionally let go, to let the best outcome occur for your husband, at that moment, no matter what it was?


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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #13 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:24pm

My condolences for your grief.  Deep down, I believe that death is only the physical body, but, the pain is real here in the physical plane. 

With regard to dude's is the deal - first, do not for one moment think that you were somehow responsible for his death.  No matter what others think, the individual person has the most impact on his or her life, death and health. 

Along the lines Dude was talking about - if your husband believed in the negative or that he was "cursed" (as some people do in Voodoo), that, in my opinion would attract circumstances most powerfully.

However, for most of us there is a complex interaction of genetics, diet, and circumstance. 

None of us are immortal in our physical form.  Your premonitions could have truly been precognition.  It may be that you were given that knowledge to forewarn you or somehow help by those who loved you.  I can't say for sure. 

Either way, I feel for your loss, though I truly believe that it is only a temporary loss. 

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I Am Dude
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Re: Premonition of Death
Reply #14 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 9:37pm
I am not saying that Sue is responsible for the death of her husband.  Perhaps her husband was in one way or another focusing on death and she was picking up on his energy.  Maybe not, maybe she sensed the future event and had no influence on it.  Maybe its both.  What I am saying is, it is a very interesting and complicated idea.  

Doc, I agree that while other people influence you, the individual is in control of their destiny, unless of course they allow other's influences to overtake their own.

Recoverer, I do not believe I am overdoing anything here.  You give some second hand examples which support your belief, yet I have a handfull of examples FROM MY LIFE which support my way of thinking, not to mention the endless ones which exist and can be found on the internet and in books on the subject.  I was actually making a more general statement about the nature of premenitions, and how many people fail to consider there may be more to them then what is commonly believed.  

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« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2009 at 4:49am by I Am Dude »  

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