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Remote Viewing (Read 2638 times)
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Remote Viewing
May 29th, 2009 at 12:00pm
What do you guys think about remote viewing?  If it's for real, wouldn't that indicate that the future is fixed?
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #1 - May 29th, 2009 at 12:33pm

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see how remote viewing and prophecy are related. That remote viewer seems to now think he can also see into the future.--??  You are a critical careful thinker, Rondele. What impresses you about him?

I googled that fellow interviewed on the link you gave (Ed Dames) and found that he lost a $2M lawsuit for stealing some psi equipment.  He doesn't seem to be trustworthy or maybe is just confused about what his limits are. We'll find out, soon, since his first prophecy is due in a few months.

A free remote viewing test is on the web. I took it and could get the basic shapes but not any details, but I don't claim that gives me abilities to prophecy as was shown on this link.  Huh

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Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #2 - May 29th, 2009 at 1:07pm
Sounds to me like he is selling fear with a lot of BS.

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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #3 - May 29th, 2009 at 1:37pm
Hi Kathy-

Exactly. You got it. Fear sells. There's always an agenda.  Per the old saying, "follow the money."

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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #4 - May 29th, 2009 at 2:21pm
 From the perspective of one who doesn't care about money beyond the basic necessities and who has nothing to sell:  

 It doesn't matter what tool, method, or focus one is using to get info from beyond physical and intellectual means--one's perceptions can only go so far as the self itself has expanded.   This is why Bruce and other teachers so emphasize tuning into PUL, for it is THE great perception expander par excellence.  

 Then of course, practice makes perfect, the more one practices nonphysical exploration and going within, the better one is going to get.  

 You could have two, about equally loving and balanced people, but the one with more practice in the above is generally going to get a wider range, depth, and accuracy of info.   Not always in every case, but generally speaking.  

 Personally, i don't tend to easily trust those who were or are part of the military, for by extension they are part of the U.S. government, and have been trained to be followers.   I'm not saying there aren't good, sincere, free thinking, and non corrupt people are in or were in the military or in the Gov., of course there are.  

 But it also has become apparent to me that otherwise many good, decent, and honest people have a price of some kind, or can be manipulated in some way.   Whether it is literal payment, or one's loved ones or self's material safety being a pushed button.   In short, most people have some fear within them, which can be exploited by those who desire ever more control and power within this World.

 Re: specifically what Dames has supposedly seen in his RV sessions:  Some of it rings true for me, based on what guidance i have received.  

Dames: Quote:
#  In five to six months a powerful quake, probably in the 6.5 to 7 range will hit near Carson City, NV. (see article below for further details).

 I have generally sensed that we are going to see some very large quakes as certain geological and climatic events unfold.  I have not been given time frames for these, probably because they are just probability factors to begin with, and guidance knows i have an overly big mouth at times.  

Dames: Quote:
# In that same time frame, Israel will attack Iran, in what he called an "Armageddon"-like situation.

 While at TMI and taking the Gateway Voyage program, during one deep meditation, i got a waking "dream" or vision, very vivid, very real seeming, of many Israeli tanks rolling out in the desert.   There was a sense of aggression, and also for me personally an ominous "oh great, humanity has done it again." kind of feeling.  
  No time frame or specifics were given.  Generally speaking, i've been worried in a detached manner, about Israel and U.S. trying to start something with Iran, and it leading to severe consequences for man.  

Dames: Quote:
#  The global economic collapse is just beginning and will be especially bad this summer. Gold will rise in price to $2000 an ounce.

Have no idea about the gold part, but yes, do generally sense the economy is generally going to get worse though there may yet be some more up down type cycles involved.   No specifics or time frames here.

Dames wrote: Quote:
#  The North Koreans are going to use a nuclear weapon, and the Chinese will allow it. This will further tax US military forces.

 I had a very recent dream about a nuclear event.  I have no idea when, where, or how.   There was a partial map of the U.S. shown to me, but i don't know if this had something to directly do with the nuclear event or not.  When i woke up, i immediately asked guidance what the probability factor of such an event actually occuring was, and to my surprise i got "99 percent".

 My wife has had some repeating dreams involving the U.S. and a missile.  

 So, have no idea if Korea, China, etc. are going to be involved.  I would more lean to Israel and Iran conflict being involved, or perhaps another mock terrorist attack on U.S. soil and us being duped into some other military aggression.  

#  Within five years, the solar "killshot" will occur, with the sun emitting some very large solar flares. The first series of flares will take down all electrical infrastructure. People may need to be underground, and have fresh sources of water to survive.

 During deep meditation one time, i asked about the physical Earth changes, and unbidden, got a very vivid, sort of waking dream vision of the Sun being extremely active, redder, and almost seemingly "angry" in a way.  

 Again, no time frame.  I assume it will be near the upcoming Solar maximum cycle which is scheduled for around the 2012/2013 period, or the next one is about 11 years after.  

 My wife has had a few dreams that i can think of, wherein the Sun has become very active and is powerfully affecting the climate and the health of people, and that water, sanitation, electricity, etc. will become major issues.  In these dreams we are always nomads traveling from place to place.  

ET races have been observing humankind. Another race similar to humans in appearance will help us rebuild after the catastrophes.

 Generally speaking, many more credible sources have indicated that E.T.'s have been observing humanity, and have interacted with humanity in the farther, not currently remembered past, and will probably again.  

 My first intro to direct E.T. info, and deep interest in all things E.T., came when i had a dream some 11 years ago wherein i was telepathically communicating with an E.T. group after seeing a "craft", and them telling me that they were here observing the Changes and also helping out.  
  At the time of the dream, i had very little interest in E.T.'s and while i wondered if there was intelligent life elsewhere, or even possibly visiting us, i just wasn't focused on it at all.  

 Since that dream, i have many other dreams, as well as my Wife, and both have other experiences indicating that E.T.'s are big part of the Changes and on many levels.  

 Whether what Dames specifically said is true, i do not know.   I don't generally receive info about appearance re: these E.T.'s, and i know they can manipulate our perceptions of them towards certain ends anyways.  

  So, in a very general sense, i sense quite a bit of truth in what Dames has recently reported.  

 However, if it one of those cases of "half truths are worse than whole lies for they can deceive even the Soul", i do not know, but would keep that possibility in my mind.   There are many either duped, or actively deceptive forces about us here at present, groups and forces that want to keep humanity in the dark, confused, imbalanced, etc. re: certain important subjects.

 A great leveling is coming, and in the rebuilding phase shall much that has been hidden from us, come to Light.  

 There is no "end of the world" coming anytime soon, but there are major changes to our current way of living coming from both within and without.  

  Only those overly attached to the material and to bodily comforts should and will feel fear in relation to these very spiritually necessary changes. 

  I had one dream wherein i was speaking from direct knowledge of what Yeshua wanted for this world, and it was relayed that he very much wanted these changes to happen so that he and those that are his, can really begin the more lasting and intense transformation of this very stuck World. 

  I trust Yeshua and my dreams more than any other outer source, including even Bruce Moen.
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #5 - May 29th, 2009 at 3:43pm
Hi Justin-

The thing is, most of what Dames says could be figured out by anyone who keeps up with current events and uses reason along with common sense.

For instance, the huge deficits being run up by the Fed Govt combined with unprecedented spending will surely usher in inflation, if not hyper inflation. That in turn will mean huge increases in the price of gold and other precious metals. 

The warnings about Iran, North Korea and Israel are also quite plausible, given what leaders of those countries have already said and done.

Geologists have given plenty of warnings about earthquakes, including vulnerable areas within the continental U.S.

My point is, Dames' warnings about most of these things do not require an ability in remote viewing.  But when you check further into his website, you'll see that he is peddling a DVD which is supposedly free except for his shipping fees!  That's why I mentioned about following the money.  After all, no one would order the DVD if his predictions were all soft and fuzzy.

People have been forecasting disasters over the centuries, and once in a while they will have a hit or two.  And when they do, they make sure we hear about it while at the same time ignoring their many misses.

It's sort of like people who like to brag about their winnings at the casinos. Sounds great, but they never talk about how much they lost in the process.

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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #6 - May 29th, 2009 at 4:18pm
The whole 'get ready, get prepared so you won't be one of the unlucky millions who are going to die soon' stuff that I read all over the internet makes me feel a little ill.

It used to be 'keeping up with the Jones' that was always promoted -- by buying things to keep up appearances and to live the 'good life'. Now, it's all about how you can protect yourself from the hordes of hungry, desperate people who are going to try to get your supplies which you have carefully stored away for the coming disasters.

Nothing wrong with being prepared.

But, yes, it's all about selling more things. Fearing more people.

Is that the attitude we want to have in this world? Do we need anymore of that attitude?

I've never received what I wanted by focusing on negative images. It is the positives that we want to create in this world that should be our focus, in my opinion.

So, anyone who has a 'free' video to send me needs to show me that the knowledge they have is being used in a way I can respect. Otherwise, why do I want to know what terrible things are going to happen, anyway?

I don't know if this fellow is legitimate. But the selling techniques are very common, and are everywhere these days.
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #7 - May 29th, 2009 at 4:50pm
Ed Dames is a typical fear-mongering apocalyptic extremist.  I'm confident that none of his predictions will be fulfilled in his time frames. The predictions that do fill me with awe are those of the 5 visionary children of Medjugorge in Bosnia.  These children have experienced several ongoing visions of Mary, some more than others.  A Franciscan priest, Father Jozo, who originally discounted their visions as fabrications is now one of their key spokesmen.  When the visions began in 1980, Communiist police tried to arrest the children.  But they fled toward their church through corn flields.  Jozo know nothing about this, when suddenly Jesus spoke to him in an audible voice, "Protect my children!"  Shortly thereafter, the children arrived and Jozo hid them in his church.  

Their visions are accmpanied by several ongoing healings and miracles that have convinced many skeptics. A local lawyer just returned from Medjugorge and experienced visions of angelic orbs.  

10 momentous secrets have been revealed to them, including the precise dates of their fulfilment. Marija has authorized her priest to reveal each prophecy 3 days before its fulfillment; so that the authencity of Mary's predictions will be powerfully verifiied.  3 of the predicted disasters have been revoked because of the fasting and prayers of God's people.  So I guess we have 7 (not 10) major predictions to anticipate.  I'm impressed with this because the divine origin of these secrets will either be verified or decisely discredited by the advance announcements 3 days prior.

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« Last Edit: May 29th, 2009 at 8:18pm by Berserk2 »  
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #8 - May 29th, 2009 at 5:30pm
Remote viewing as most think of it deals less with global predictions of the future, and more with concrete information.

The idea behind it, in a nutshell is that our consciousness may focus in on specific coordinates if given to a person acting as a viewer.  That if they are trained to empty their mind of preconceived thoughts, they get "impressions" of the area to be viewed (often given to them as longitude and latitude).  The military in the USA was quite interested in this, and Ingo Swann, an adept mentalist pioneered this field with, I believe it was Joseph McMoneagle.  There was a race to perfect it both in the USA and Russia during the cold war. 

Essentially, the concept of RV was, in my opinion, similar to the idea of the Akashic records, or connecting to a universal mind, then honing in on a specific target.  As such, some remote viewers gave readings that proved to be true, but surprisingly were true at different periods of time (past, present or future).  This was somewhat startling. 

All this aside, RV has been used mostly for the physical world/here and now.  As such, those dire predictions, while fascinating, are not typical for the training of most RVers. 

I like the concept of remote viewing in that, if verifiable information comes this way, it speaks to us being more than our physical bodies, and having a connectedness to something even greater.


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