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Recently changed my over view re: physical & (Read 2526 times)
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Recently changed my over view re: physical &
May 23rd, 2009 at 2:39pm
the whole process.  I was going to write this to a friend via p.m., but figured i would share it here publicly.  Maybe it will inspire others to go within to check to see if it is correct or not?

  To friend: I have amended some of my beliefs re: physicality after both going within more, and looking at certain Cayce readings more.   

  I have come to understand that there was a seeming, Consciousness “separation” which first happened in Spirit, and which was self chosen on part of some individual Soul Essences.  Because of this separation or turning away from the Source Consciousness/awareness, there was necessitated the creation of the physical. 
The physical was created partially by Source and those still fully intune with Source (primarily Christ I feel), as a means for those who had separated themselves, to become more fully aware of this separation in Consciousness.   This is because the nature of the physical as one of intense contrast and polarity, and it‘s suffering nature when one doesn‘t hold to the Spirit of Truth (that of Love/Oneness/positivity)..   We can more easily come to know the nature of good, and not good here than “where” we were before.

  I realized I had been correct before, but in an indirect way--meaning, if there was no separation to begin with, there might not have been the temporary manifestation of the physical (and related nonphysical dimensions, or the various Stellar systems), or what Bob in his 3rd book calls the “dream” after going near the aperture and communicating with some completed Beings.  Yet the physical was created out of a helpful purpose and desire, to help counter balance that which happened in Spirit so I was wrong in the physical being a direct manifestation of collective spiritual error on part of those erring. 

   I still believe that we have collectively densified matter even more than it was to begin with.  I believe matter, or the physical can be lighter, less dense, and more flexible in nature though still basically structured and more dense/slower vibrating than nonphysical levels. 

I still believe it is our individual and collective “jobs” so to speak, to do what Yeshua did, to speed up the vibratory patterns of our bodies to such a degree as to convert same back into pure energy or pure Light and in doing so, we become fully Conscious, and at One with the Creator again and we can be and interact physically, but not be of this world and not be limited by it whatsoever.   This is something Bob did not yet get when he wrote his 3rd book, but I have a feeling he got some or most of the concept and importance of same before he died. 

   Dunno bout you, but in the above I see a reconciling of your beliefs with my old beliefs, a kind of merging and balance.

  Except that I still believe that the physical wasn’t ever “necessary” to begin with, and didn’t become necessary until we as freewilled portions of Source, chose separation.   But you are correct in your assumption that the physical was created purely out of positive and helpful reasons, whereas I was off about that before.   

   It is pretty self evident though, that some Souls have not used the physical wisely or the way it was intended, and have increased their  essential “stuckness” via experience through same.  Yet, again, because of its suffering (when erring) and innate contrasting nature, it is still the best, or one of the best, means for a Soul to become aware of its stuckness and I both hope and feel that these Consciousnesses will eventually “get it”. 

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Re: Recently changed my over view physical &
Reply #1 - May 24th, 2009 at 7:03pm
Your view seems to be close to gnostic scripture. The "evolution" according to that scripture (from my memory) seems to be that at first one divided itself, and mostly from this duad a "child" was born, so that we have a trias. This "child" then can function as a new creator of a second, lower level, or it contains this lower level.
There are some more of these hierarchic levels created, and at one point, on a lower level, somehow the "distance" to the source became so high and the love rays less intense that this lower sphere became impatient and started to create on it's own, soon regretted it, but the step was done, and so there was a low-level-creator, the demiurgos (Lucifer is one name for this character) who created the physical. Sometimes this creator is an evil character, sometimes not. Sometimes the creator works consciously to make the best of the situation, sometimes this creator thinks to work against spirit, but in truth is fulfilling the plan of the high spirit. The humans in the physical are a mixture of spirit and flesh. Humans have to become aware of the true spirit world and become aware of the falseness of the physical (for example the drives of the ego). The role of Jesus, who had been a perfected spark in spirit but came down into the physical to become a teacher, was to open the eyes of the people to the true world of spirit. The destiny of the physical world either is to break down from itself one day, or to be changed according to the true spirit world.

What's different to your view is, usually the physical world is described as something to turn away from as much as possible, and not to attempt to perfectuate the physical body. As far as I remember, in gnostic scripture the physical body of Jesus was just a physical body and died. But Jesus/Christ died not, as he had developed an eternal body because he was in tune with the high spirit. Those who achieve this will live forever in the world of spirit, those who not, will become unconscious and incarnate again into the physical.

That's what I remember is, in short, the story according to relevant gnostic scripture.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Recently changed my over view physical &
Reply #2 - May 25th, 2009 at 10:57pm
 Thank you for sharing that Spooky as it is interesting in the light that i haven't read much at all about Gnostic scripture.

 I believe Yeshua is still very much here and involved with the physical.  It should be interesting when he goes public again.
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Re: Recently changed my over view physical &
Reply #3 - May 29th, 2009 at 3:43pm
I don't know if this relates, but a few days ago (May 24) I had dream that included a lady who was supposed to be Edgar Cayce's mom, and Justin.

The dream:

I'm outside and there is a lady who is the spirit of Edgar Cayce's mom. She looks as if she is a little younger than 40 years old. She's fairly attractive and has blonde hair. I'm suprised to see her as clearly as I see physical people.

Next,  I was inside of a ship. Justin is there, but I don't communicate with him.  Edgar Cayce's mom is there, but now she's a physical person, a reincarnation of her previous self. She looks the same as she did when I saw her outside, except that her eyes look spooky (no pun intended Spooky Smiley).  Justin has a bookcase on the ship and I try to find a book about Edgar Cayce within the bookcase, so I can see what Edgar Cayce's mom looks like. I didn't find such a book.

Next, my sister, who in this dream symbolized the creative aspect of spirit, made a big pot of soup under some floorboards of the ship, and added ingredients according to the instructions Edgar Cayce's mom provided.  I tasted it, and it tasted awful.

Possible interpretations:

-The common viewpoint of reincarnation was negated in three ways: 1) the spooky look in and around Edgar Cayce's mom's eyes suggested that a reincarnation of herself didn't represent the truth; 2) such a way of creation was referred to as negative when my sister made an awful tasting soup under the ship's floor boards according to Edgar Cayce's mom's instructions; and 3) I couldn't find a verification photo of her in Justin's book case.

Going by what I figured after giving it a lot of thought, and going by the spirit messages I received, no self/probe incarnates more than once. Therefore, any one self gets stuck only to the extent of how long it takes such a self to return to its disk.  This approach suggests that the typical viewpoint regarding being stuck in rounds of reincarnation isn't true, unless you figure a disk gets stuck.  Since the majority of a disc remains in a place beyond focus 27 and is able to handle multiple incarnations throughout various periods of time, I find it hard to believe that such beings are actually stuck. Perhaps they have some issues to work out, knowledge to gather, and incarnating selves to assist so they can become a part of the party in a knowledgeable way, but stuck?

Just recently I asked for a confirmation that my way of understanding reincarnation is accurate, I heard a voice say, "For the last time," and was shown a couple of symbolic visual images that seemed to indicate that I'm correct.

The next evening, the same evening when I had the above dream,  I wanted to make certain that I interpreted the messages I received correctly.  I didn't receive a response.  I took this as a cue that I should trust my interpretations, and/or try to become more certain on my own.  I tried to do so, my awareness expanded, and I tuned into the feeling of how all generations of the human race happen at the same time, it just seems as if they happen at different times.  I recalled that both Rosalind Mcknight and P.M.H. Atwater had experiences where they experienced all generations of mankind happening at the same time.  This being the case, it isn't possible for one parcel of consciousness to incarnate over and over again, because all of its other incarnations are taking place while its incarnation takes place, the connection between the different incarnations exist at higher self/disk level.

I can't say I'm one hundred percent certain about the main subject Justin is talking about, but I basically believe that life in this World isn't a mistake, it's just that the learning experiment has gone astray.  Going by my night in heaven experience and a dream where I witnessed the end result with indications of how we proceed to this end result, I believe that despite our learning pains, every thing works out.

A part of things being better than they seem is the factor of how each self has to incarnate only once, rather than hundreds or thousands of times as some sources suggest. How much suffering and imperfection can one self stand?  It is no wonder that such a way of thinking sometimes advocates self anihilation.

Regarding the ship, sometimes ships in my dreams represent vehicles of learning, a way of trying to get to where we are trying to get.
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Re: Recently changed my over view physical &
Reply #4 - May 29th, 2009 at 4:08pm
Here's another thought.

One reason that in addition to our awareness we have minds to make use of, is because having a mind enables us to make a choice.  If we didn't have the ability to decide whether or not we like our state of being, then we might get stuck in a state of being that isn't preferable.

I don't assume that source being started out with attributes such as, happiness, peace and love.  I've had experiences where I experienced lots of energy, and this energy was neutral.  It reminded me of the pure raw energy Bruce wrote about.  In order to turn this energy into something that is enjoyable to experience, source being had to learn how to do so.  When souls such as ourselves get involved with learning experiences such as this World, we learn how to make use of the creative aspect of our being in a meaningul way.

Sure, source being probably understood how to do so before we incarnated, but in order for each of us to have the right to decide what we want for ourselves, we needed to go through some form of learning process that enables us to find out about the possibilities.

Consider the telepathic beings Bruce wrote about.  They didn't naturally experience PUL even though they didn't have any obsurations towards doing so.  Their energy created in another way, until Bruce shared PUL with them. Once they found out about PUL, because they didn't have the kind of obsurations humans tend to have, they were able to go with it.

Love isn't just a feeling, it's an understanding.  An understanding of the value of having compassion for other beings, and appreciating other beings both unconditionally and for the beautiful ways in which they manifest.  Going through what we go through helps us learn about such things.
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« Last Edit: May 29th, 2009 at 8:01pm by recoverer »  
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