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how to explain this to friends/family (Read 4042 times)
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how to explain this to friends/family
Jun 5th, 2009 at 6:24am
Has anyone else encountered direct opposition to their participation on public forums such as this? I am running into repeated waves of protests by those closest to me. These protests are not simple protests, but emotional pleas which sound suspiciously the same to me. What I mean is, their 'god' or 'higher spirit' tells them to try to argue me out of my 'space' which I have created to 'express' myself here. I really found it unbelievable that I was hearing the words in almost the identical manner, and in an escalating way which shocked me a bit. They keep telling me you are not 'real' people. This, while they tell me that my friendship, in 'real' life, is not sufficient. Because of this, there is yet another person aggressively seeking to 'change' me in a way that they don't even understand. Actually, I think the first 'wave' was successfully 'survived' by me. I just wasn't really expecting this second 'wave' of criticism.

How many times do I have to hear that "God" or a "higher power" instructs SOME OTHER PERSON that I SHOULD BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY. Can you blame me for wondering if something else is 'up' here?

These people cannot comprehend that you exist in a real way.

Well, that truly offends ME. I think you are real.

Are you real?

I thought I'd give you a chance to speak for yourselves. Whew, I feel better now. I just know you will say something here to prove to anyone who asks me that you are real and that I am not throwing my life away on a heartless computer rather than respecting 'real' human relationships with people I can touch.

I find it almost amusing now that I am hearing such things. Almost as if you are 'ghosts' or 'figments' of my imagination. Or, you are a part of my 'online addiction' problem, which I must be saved from by all costs. God himself/herself speaks through my closest partners in life to tell me so, so it must be true, right?

I'm getting sarcastic now. No need for that. But it does stir up some anger in me.

The point is: I am not 'bothering' anyone. I am just living my life, supporting myself, working full time, spending my remaining time as I choose. What possible reason would there be for people to target this group? It's not as if I even spend all my time here. I read a lot of online sources.

Yes, they are threatened by what they don't understand.

That is not really love. That is fear. Your thoughts? If I sound like I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about this, you are right. After being confronted by someone else's 'God' and being 'rebuked' in similar manners, I find it impossible to take the arguments seriously anymore. I cannot open my mind again to go 'there' with anyone again.

I don't think that 'God' works that way. And as far back as I remember, I have heard that there is supposed to be freedom of religion and expression in this country. I stand up for that. I stand up for that and I stand for that. More and more, I stand up for and stand for that.

What's worse, people get so worked up about it. The more they get going with it, the more grandstanding, the more outrageous the statement that seems acceptable. I mean, they are the mouthpieces of GOD, right? So that gives them license to be a little more powerful, a little more persuasive, right? I mean, when you get right down to it, if GOD is speaking through them, how dare this puny, insignificant person argue with that?

But, then, if that fails, there's always the claim that the other is 'mentally ill' in some way. You're just plumb crazy!!!!!!!!! You're nuts!!!!!

So, perhaps the simple argument is the only one that doesn't bring on more problems. An argument which is used often on this forum: how can you prove your world is more 'real' than my world? Prove it to me.

And then, a little consoling hug: the internet isn't going to suck my spirit into itself like a vampire. After imagining myself on airplanes and in high places, such ideas seem like mere fantasy to me.

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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #1 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 9:30am
Dear Moonsandjunes,

Wow!  They must really miss you !!  Maybe they miss the time they spent with you and the topics you used to discuss. So maybe even when you're with them, it's not the same.  They sound like they are  retaliating against their perceived loss. You can feel very valued and cared for in that sense !

I'm real!  Wink  Cheesy  I know I'm real  because I suffer and I love. After coming here I've suffered less and loved more.  Smiley  Others here whom I've been blessed to get to know have those same two characteristics, plus amazing others -- intelligence, humor, and afterlife experience they got when they explored beyond the physical.
Variety in our backgrounds and geographical homes is extremely wide ranging. I'm a retired midwestern teacher and illustrator. I'm still Christian because nothing conflicts with what I can find out (but wasn't taught in church) about Christianity.  Shocked

I'd love for you to hear more' bios' to help make us real, if you think that would help. I can PM you some very brief summaries of non-active folks I've met here if you'd like to hear of a fuller range--countries, work, ages (no names)?  Maybe you could PM some people here to get to know them more personally.

My relatives don't understand either, so I try to have other topics ready to talk about. And now that I think about it, the friends who could not accept this aspect of Life gradually have been dropped.
Maybe there's a better way?

You add alot to discussions here!  I hope you can find a way to enjoy your participation and also to alleviate the fears of those close to you.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #2 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 10:00am
If they like you for who they want you to be, they don't really like YOU. My advice is to take notice of the control techniques being used when you don't appease them. Other times, when confronted by similar techniques, you can see through it, and perhaps not be caught up in their drama.

The monroe institue figure swirling around is symbolic to me about this. Spiraling out of the madness, learning your lessons, wanting to go forward, and so on. Those who aren't where you are might try to reign you back. And I don't see it as their higher spirits dragging you back, more like their bodies. As an example, if you check out a youtube clip of a basketball game where the crowd goes nuts and starts to fight for some lame reason, I say that's their bodies in the driver seats, not their spirits.

Thankfully, being individual experience sparks, being at different levels of progression, we can progress at our own pace. So maybe the question is, do you go where your heart/spirit wants you to go, regardless of external turmoil, or do you go where they want you to go, the seemingly easier road?

For me, there have been countless times where I've gone with external suggestions/demands, cos it was so easy. But it always resulted in me feeling down and depressed, cos I knew what was right for me, but didn't have the courage to do so. And the choices had consequences, a sequence of post-experiences, that would have been different, IF I had gone with what I knew was right for me.

Dubious argument being used by the way. Wonder if a phone-call would seem equally unreal as words being exhchanged in a forum.
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #3 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 12:27pm
We are all real here. Don't let some control freaks tell you what you must believe. Having an open mind will bring you far closer to the Creator than any religious doctrine. I think you will find opposition to your participation by those who are in fear of you opening your mind to other experiences and beliefs. Even on this site you will find these same sort of people. So stuck in their beliefs that will go to the end of the earth to attempt to make you believe in their idea of what is and what isn't. Not to worry. You are in a great place and among good company when you come here. You could tell those who are giving you problems that you love them, you haven't lost your faith in God, that you are just looking for more....There is that old adage that if you love something..set it free...if it comes back then....well you know the one.
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #4 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 2:34pm
Wow, you guys are all so great. Just to add a bit to the 'process' I started this morning by posting this.

Obviously, my post was triggered by an experience I had very recently, actually, yesterday. The 'conversation' which came on top of other conversations, so that I was frustrated enough to actually ventilate here briefly.

Well, I come to find out that this person has lost a family member overnight. So, now the emphasis has shifted. I went where I was needed to help this person, my friend, get on the way to meet with her family to deal with the crisis.

Shall I simply say that an 'attitude adjustment' has taken place.

All of the sudden, my possible 'services' seem more interesting to this person. Cause of death unknown.

I find that resistance is futile. I didn't resist, when talking to this person last night, before her family member died. I listened, said a little here and there. But, basically, don't most crisis situations originate from within?

I just find this quite interesting. A very intense part of the discussion I had with my friend last night was over the issue of being able to see and touch a real person. Over the idea that a 'real' person is somehow 'better' than one who is not physically present.

Oh, I am equally intense in my appreciation for the twists and turns of these complex lives we have chosen.

Ha ha, well, I am feeling very cheerful all of the sudden. Smiley
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #5 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 2:47pm
OUCH!! I just pinched myself, it hurt, so I guess I'm real. Smiley

You know, Justin saw me in a dream before he met me, and when he saw me in person, I looked like the person he saw in a dream.
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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2009 at 7:39pm by recoverer »  
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #6 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 6:39pm
recoverer wrote on Jun 5th, 2009 at 2:47pm:
You know, Justin saw me in a dream before he met me, and when he saw me in person, I looked like the person he saw in a dream.

Recoverr;you know it happed to me too..
The persons i've met "There" were the persons in front of me in person.
Have the feeling we show more of ourself there sometimes than here..Smiley
Make you wonder what is Real!
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Re: how to explain this to friends/family
Reply #7 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 7:46pm
She says she heard this song right away, when she began her journey:

I'll Fly Away

Some bright morning when this life is over
I'll fly away
To that home on God's celestial shore
I'll fly away

  I'll fly away oh glory
  I'll fly away (in the morning)
  When I die hallelujah by and by
  I'll fly away

When the shadows of this life have gone
I'll fly away
Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly
I'll fly away

Oh how glad and happy when we meet
I'll fly away
No more cold iron shackles on my feet
I'll fly away

Just a few more weary days and then
I'll fly away
To a land where joys will never end
I'll fly away

(Alison Krauss lyrics)

Later, she and her sister listened to a song on a phone message, recorded at a live venue, somewhere, pretty melody, a message in my estimation, no identification.

I suspect that everyone is fine, everyone is happy, that God in His Greatness has everyone in His Hands.
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