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Friendly aliens, 2012 and such (Read 15852 times)
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #45 - May 19th, 2009 at 8:38am

3D thinking....yeah I'm beginning to understand.  Takes us Rondellians a bit longer than most folks to get the picture but it's coming in loud and clear!

(Thanks for clearing up my confusion about the B-52s.)

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #46 - May 19th, 2009 at 1:36pm
There is not one of use who is not an alien or has not been one. If you except the premise that we came from somewhere to inhabit this little blue marble, if you understand that you are more than your phyical body, if you have ever been OOB or astro traveled, you know...we are the ones who are the aliens. In fact, many of us here may have already experienced a lifetime as a Gray or a Reptilian or a ....,in a phyical sense and in some cases not in the phyical.  I have done a recovery on a part of myself that was when I experienced existence as a Blob like creature. Now we/I have made the choice to experience life here. So as for these aliens we speak of...well I am one for lack of a better way to explain who I am. (You have no need to fear. I prefer to eat my humans with fries and a Coke.) This fear of the Reptilians is based on that lifetime you may have experienced. A part when you could have been a food source for them. But not here on earth, at this point in Time. The biggest fear many have is, remembering who and what they really are. But when you drop this body, you will remember.
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #47 - May 19th, 2009 at 1:39pm
In fact, some times I think my wife is from outer space. Cheesy
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I Am Dude
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #48 - May 19th, 2009 at 4:43pm

I think we can be sure there is no intelligent life out in the universe because we have not been visted by any 

If these being are hugely more advanced than us, they might perceive us as filthy animals defecating in our own home.

If you were a friendly alien would you be as kind to humans as humans are to the earth and its animal life.

I believe you are way off here.  To start, you cannot say that "we" have not been visted by ETs just because you have not.  I have had several experiences with ETs, so I can say for a fact that they exist.  You also have to understand the infinite nature of our universe, and the fact that it is multidimensional.  Are you really going to ignore the millions of ET abduction/contact cases, as well as the undeniable evidence of highly advanced UFOs in our skies? 

I beleive advanced ETs perceive us as exactly what we are... fairly undeveloped beings of consciousness with infinite potential for spiritual growth.  They see the problems we are creating for ourselves and trying to lead us in the right direction. 

Do some research in the area and you will start to understand the reality of the situation.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #49 - May 19th, 2009 at 5:22pm
I'd have to say i've never seen or experienced an alien or a UFO - despite often going out at night to watch the sky. I'd love to though.

I'm a little cautious about the whole series of types etc that get talked about as though they were real. Maybe they are, maybe it's being in plain sight like that that keeps us sceptical, but it's all a bit Star Trekkish for comfort.

Nevertheless it seems unlikely that we are alone. If we're being visited by beings anything like ourselves that have got here using physically based technologies i suspect the chances are they are way ahead in that regard.

Possibly spiritually too, in that if they had that sort of capability but were not by some means moderated from indulging selfish urges they probably would have destroyed themselves before getting that far.

Could be though that a different form of organisation e.g hive mentality where the hierarchy and roles are genetically determined might deliver a stable situation that wasn't necessarily spiritually or love based.

The other big possibility is i guess that what some experience is not physical per se, nor based (at least entirely) in this time-space reality or set of dimensions.

I can't help thinking that perhaps we presume the likelihood of contact coming from far too human-like a type of visitor.....
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #50 - May 21st, 2009 at 1:56pm
Many could be far more than having an existence in phyical reality like we do. Is the perception of them having bodies more because of our own egos needing them to be like us, in order for them to be advanced?
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Old Dood
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #51 - May 22nd, 2009 at 10:28pm
Has anyone here ever heard of the book called: In League with a UFO by Lou Balwin?

It is a fascinating read.

It is on the website Scribd.


I post this to try to show how to 'Think Out side of the Box'.
Or to give some idea of what that entails...

Check out how the scientists were having a very difficult time with the Alien ship and it's 'gadgets' inside.
They even tried to use psychics to 'read' some of these gadgets and their puposes.

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #52 - May 23rd, 2009 at 2:15pm
recoverer wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 3:18pm:
Some sources of information claim that friendly aliens will come to this planet in a very noticeable way in the year 2012. I don't know if this is true.

Such sources contend that people such as fundamentalist Christians will have a problem with these aliens, acuse them of being Satan.

What if these friendly aliens stated that a lot of the channeled sources people believe in aren't genuine? Will people who are really into these channeled sources respond to friendly aliens in a similar way that fundamentalist Christians respond to such aliens?

If my question doesn't seem reasonable, there is all kinds of contradictory information out there when it comes to channeled sources.  They speak of aliens in different ways. There is no way that aliens are going to be able to appear in a manner that matches what all channeled sources contend.

Another question:

Is it possible that some of the people who wait around for 2012 or friendly aliens, make the mistake of waiting for either 2012 or friendly aliens, or a combination, to make this World a better place, rather than taking steps to change things, including themselves? Even if 2012 or friendly aliens come, they'll have to have something to work with.

  This is such a massive, complex, and relative oriented subject that we could write a large book just on this subject alone and still not fully cover it. 

   The information that i've received, indicates the exact timing of public, open contact with the human public is somewhat dependent on how we are using our freewill to grow in love, or to stay stuck in collective lack of light.  In a state of probable, relative flux in other words.

  One message i got (in a dream) indicated that it would probably happen sometimes in the decade of 2010, so sometime from beginning of 2010 to end of 2019.  I doubt it will happen exactly in the year 2012, if anything it will probably come AFTER certain extreme developments within the Earth and within the world wide civilization.  For example, i've seen the Sun becoming particularly active and explosive and that this will have a powerful affect on our climate and on our civilizations.

  I believe such contact is an important part of what some have called the "2nd Coming of Christ" though in truth the individual Christ never actually left the physical. 

  I also believe an important part of the 2nd coming, is that other people besides Yeshua who have remembered and developed to a full Source attunement, will come with Yeshua out of their current incognito state and demonstrate in plain, material manners, such full attunement, as well as talking of and being an example of the importance of pure unconditional love.

  Some of these E.T. groups are "Christs", just that their developement happened more collectively and in some cases probably a lot quicker than humanities see saw cycles of up down up down. 

  None of this negates that we should ever, in every moment, in the now, be choosing to awaken the Christ within, and focus on remembering and growing in love.   If fact, none of this will happen until those who are his, have made his way and the way of the universal Christ passable.  Or in other words, like attracts and begets like and we need to have attuned to a certain degree of collective Light before many of these developments actually take place in the material dimension.

  Humanity is still at a collective place wherein we need outer examples and guides to help facilitate us back to this state though, so there is some balance between "like attracts and begets like" and the law of necessity or service.

  We are so locked into fear and survival modes, that we need some particularly strong and shocking outer catalysts to help wake us up in the collective sense.   This will happen in various ways, but primarily in the tearing down of our financial monetary system which in turn will happen through various means and manners.

  We shouldn't project our path and developement onto others and realize that some (many it seems) people will need stronger reminders than others.   Obviously you are not one of those people now, but perhaps others might need some strong outer signs.   

  It would be nice if we all just went within more, attuned to love, and made the world a better place, but this isn't all that probable without some of these outer catalysts whether economic, geological/climate Earth changes, public E.T. or Christ contacts, etc.

   A very instructive point in this, is the interesting conversation in Bob Monroe's book Ultimate Journey between "He/She" the most spiritually mature/evolved person Bob Monroe asked to meet. 

  He/She talked of world wide recognized necessity being a catalyst towards greater human unification. 

  Bob replied that necessity is severe stuff, and "He/She" affirmed this perception and said cryptically, that's why the waiting, the time will come."

  Btw, same basic message of the Cayce readings as well. 

  So, let's not turn this into a black and white subject my co-workers and friends in this great work, which will help to lead to "escape velocity" for many in a relatively short period of linear time.
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #53 - May 23rd, 2009 at 2:32pm
Old Dood wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 10:28pm:
Has anyone here ever heard of the book called: In League with a UFO by Lou Balwin?

It is a fascinating read.

It is on the website Scribd.


I post this to try to show how to 'Think Out side of the Box'.
Or to give some idea of what that entails...

Check out how the scientists were having a very difficult time with the Alien ship and it's 'gadgets' inside.
They even tried to use psychics to 'read' some of these gadgets and their puposes.

  Old Dood, i generally like your posts, but i can't help but notice that you are constantly referencing outer sources. 

  I'm more curious about what you get when you go within.  Relying too much on such outer sources can tend to block greater, holistic perception of such "unknown" issues.  It's also easier to get mislead by outer sources if we don't attune enough to our inner teacher and guidance.

  You have just as much ability and potential as anyone here, to contact your guidance more directly, and if that's already the case i'm far more interested in what an interesting person like yourself has to say on this matter rather than these unverifable sources i don't know personally at all.  Basically what i'm saying is that i trust you more than i trust a lot of online sources re: this kind of info.  You strike me as a sincere person who tries to be honest in his relations with others and with self.

  Something i ask myself sometimes is, "why do i keep putting off the necessary practice and work to get info more directly"?"

  See, i meditate and pray, but not very consistently, and i keep getting from guidance that it needs to be more consistent, more of a steady practice if i'm to open up to these inner levels of knowing and being.
  So i'm speaking as a student and as someone who needs to practice what they preach too.  Although, i suspect that my path involves more subtle intuition (and thus greater trust) rather than having a lot of the dramatic and more sensory oriented experiences that say someone like Bob Monroe had. 

  RAM was rather stuck in certain respects when he first started out, and needed some strong outer catalysts and convincing before he really started to open up.  He wouldn't have had much trust otherwise.

  The other day, my wife called me up and she asked out of the blue with little to no context for me to guess, "guess what i'm doing tomorrow morning?"

  A quick flash popped into my head, and i blurted out "para sailing"   She laughed (for we have had many intuitive experiences with each other) and said, "close, hang gliding." 

  I really had no conscious idea, but when i got still in that brief moment, it was enough to allow some info to be relatively accurately tuned into. 

  As Bruce says, the more verified experiences we have along these lines, the more we will tend to trust this process, which in turn tends to lead us to greater depth, frequency, and accuracy of such info receiving. 

  The more we grow in, and remember love, and the more we consistently meditate/pray, the more we will tend to experience these kinds of experiences as well. 

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #54 - May 23rd, 2009 at 8:49pm
quote: Justin

"outer sources"

Justin, you say to Old Dood that you notice he quotes 'outer sources' frequently

You know I love ya but don't you very often quote an 'outer source' of your own

It's all about the love, you know
Who really cares

I guess I'm saying that I'd be nothing, and I mean nothing, without my sources
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Old Dood
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #55 - May 24th, 2009 at 10:03am
First of all did you even check out that link?
Read the prologue at least?

It is a kinda 'Damned if you do/Damned if ya don't' situation. (grr...the NANNY filter changed my phrase...  Roll Eyes)
If I did not post anything to show some people what is out there to study then People would say...where do you get that info from anyways?

I see no need to share my experiences all the time.
I am also NO EXPERT on any of this.
I am more AWARE of it though then some if not most people on this planet.
No different then people that post on here are more aware/knowledgeable about spiritual things then most people on this planet.
Being AWARE of something is a far cry from being an EXPERT on something. Smiley

I understand that you are younger then I and you have your own way of 'doing things'.
That is fine...for YOU!
I will not tell you what to do.  I may suggest somethings at times but, I have learned never to TELL people what they 'should do'.
That only irritates or angers people.
BTW: I mention you are younger then I because I just may have picked up a few things along my path in life simply by being around longer.
AND...making a zillion mistakes...  Grin

Getting back to the point of this thread...
I was sharing what I have seen ONLY to give people a choice.
I never intend to reach everyone...I only 'Plant Seeds of THOUGHT' for people.
Let them run with it...or not.
That book by Lou Balwin (He is known as Sleeper on the net) is a hard book to find.
I been meaning to read it for a long time now.
I have read his other book though.
I just wanted to share it with you all here because it is a good way to SHOW how something ALIEN really truly is.
We use that term a lot today but, many of us lost it's true meaning of what ALIEN really truly is.
That happens with a lot of terms...we simply hear them so much we lose sight of it's MEANING!

Alien life forms do NOT think like we do.  So to put things always in a 3D thinking mind set doesn't fit.
I understand it is hard NOT to think like we do. Hell, we are human after all...are we not?  Wink
To 'think' like they do or try to think like they me can only be achieved as if we are looking into a room full of mirrors.
We can only get a 'reflection' of how they think in our present mind set.
Many of these races of beings are not thousand of years ahead of us spiritually and/or technically...they are Millions of years beyond us.
That I also can understand is a hard thing to comprehend.....or even try to believe.

I personally believe some of these races of beings have lost their way...spiritually I mean.
Mainly the Greys and the Reptilians!
There is a lot on that subject alone but, I will not get into that here.
There is more then one race of Greys too.  Not all are STS...some are STO too.
Most are STS though and I would run away from them...if I can that is.

You see that is the difference that I have is not 'Black & White' ..or 'Good vs Bad'....or 'Friendly vs Unfriendly'.
I understand it would 'look' that way to many of us....
What it is then is STS (Service to Self) or STO (Service to Others)...period!

Some of these beings actually FEED off of us.
Our emotions is FOOD to a higher dimensional being.(I should say 'Some' Beings...not all)
No different as how we look to eating a potato...or even animals.
We as 3rd Density beings need FOOD...and we eat 2nd Density consciousness food.(that is veggies and animals... 'consciousness' wise)
Higher density/dimensonal beings eat 3rd density consciousness FOOD too.
Our consciousness. And if they HAVE to then they use our animals on this planet.
It is not as far fetch as one would think and I can UNDERSTAND how crazy it sounds.  Trust me...I really do.
(I try to think of it as a form of Loosh)
Once again I will reemphasize that I am NO EXPERT.
As many of you are no experts at what you all know.
We are all learning still....but, we all have our gifts and our experiences and our knowledge.

Also I am a Moderator on more then one forum.
I am a Mod on a very private Invite ONLY forum that I will not even give the name out.
It is set up for Abductees and people that have had any kind of experience with ALIEN life forms.
So they have a safe place to share their experiences and hopefully receive some help in all of this.
It is truly a remarkable forum and the person that set it up has known me for quite some time now.
He has had some unusual experiences himself.
We are both Skeptics first...and we do not jump to conclusions and blame EVERYthing on Aliens, Spirits, etc.
We look to the 3D first because we LIVE in the 3D and we are here for a reason.
For example...A little while back George here was sharing his problems with his computer.
Many here assumed it was spiritual.  It very well could have been...I don't know.  Hard to diagnose a computer in a forum without seeing it in person.
ALL I did was suggest that he try some Spyware Removers FIRST.
Why? Because we need to rule out anything in the 3D before we assume it is 'something else'.
After that and someone else agreed with me I then read that we were making fun of George or something to that effect.
I was not...I was simply looking to rule out anything before assuming something.
I was trying to HELP George out... nothing more.. nothing less.

So I understand what you are trying to tell me but, think about it...I have done some home work here before I posted up.

I am of the FIRM belief that people that can travel out side their bodies either by Lucid Dreams, RVing, etc and people well versed in UFOlogy would work together more...THEN we might ALL get some answers to many questions we have.

It is no question in my mind that there are MANY other races of beings in this Multi-verse.
We need to look at it from that perspective If we are going to understand ourselves.
Nothing is NEW...everything that has been done on this planet has been done before...Either here or elsewhere.
I believe that wholeheartedly... Smiley

Justin, I believe you are a good hearted soul but, you have a lot to learn do I.
I would 'suggest' stepping back and looking at things as far apart you can get yourself from them.
That is totally up to you of course...I will not tell you what to do. Wink

Sorry All for the LONG post...I did not mean it to go that just rolls out of me at times...

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #56 - May 24th, 2009 at 9:29pm
quote: Justin

"outer sources"

Justin, you say to Old Dood that you notice he quotes 'outer sources' frequently

You know I love ya but don't you very often quote an 'outer source' of your own

It's all about the love, you know
Who really cares

I guess I'm saying that I'd be nothing, and I mean nothing, without my sources

  Yes, i see what you are saying, but do you know why i use this particular outer source and reference it?

  It's because i've gotten clear, repeated inner guidance that this info is correct in many ways and in many areas. 

  Then besides inner guidance re: it, i've had verifications and deep personal experience with a certain source and its helpfulness even on physical levels.   

  I'm not saying one should just drop all outer sources completely, oft times the more intune ones can act as a check and balance since humans have a tendency to believe what they want to believe and be overly subjective.   When we have become pure love personafied, then can we drop all outer examples and teachings.   

   But, i was hoping to perhaps nudge or inspire Old Dood to focus a bit less on outside sources and focus more on going within.   I was hoping to inspire a greater balance

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Old Dood
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #57 - May 24th, 2009 at 10:23pm
But, i was hoping to perhaps nudge or inspire Old Dood to focus a bit less on outside sources and focus more on going within.
  I was hoping to inspire a greater balance.  

What makes you think I have NOT?
Never assume...  Cool

Err...and please do not forget my earlier post...That took some time for me to produce.. Smiley
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #58 - May 25th, 2009 at 10:54pm
   My friend, i could reflect that whole "never assume" statement back.  I didn't completely assume same.

I had already wrote earlier, Quote:
"You have just as much ability and potential as anyone here, to contact your guidance more directly, and if that's already the case i'm far more interested in what an interesting person like yourself has to say on this matter rather than these unverifable sources i don't know personally at all.

   And, i gave the reason why I would like to hear your experiences and guidance more than these sites on the web:

Basically what i'm saying is that i trust you more than i trust a lot of online sources re: this kind of info.  You strike me as a sincere person who tries to be honest in his relations with others and with self.

  In any case, no biggy Old Dood, i'm just more interested in hearing about your experiences and guidance than the many sources you link to, as i've done some online research re: E.T.'s and i don't tend to trust most of the ones i've looked at all that much.   I've started to become a very intuitive person and oft can easily sense the overall accuracy of a source or not. 

  Yes, i read your long post.  I don't have much to say.  I agree with a good percentage and yet disagree a bit.  No i didn't check that particular link.  That info wasn't even a part of my point.   It may or may not be a good source, but that wasn't why i was writing.
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