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Friendly aliens, 2012 and such (Read 15878 times)
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #15 - May 7th, 2009 at 5:17pm
Yeah, reptilians view us as a bunch of bugs that should be eaten. "Gulp." I hear they don't like garlic, so eat lots of garlic, and you'll be safe.

Smiley No disrespect intended. I couldn't help myself with the joke. I don't know which alien theories are true. Because of some of the experiences I've had, some of the messages I received, and what the evidence seems to show, I believe aliens have made contact with the human race.
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« Last Edit: May 7th, 2009 at 8:08pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #16 - May 7th, 2009 at 7:54pm
Maybe the only question these "friendly aliens" have about is whether we would be good to eat! Shocked  It will be hilarious to see how New Agers rationalize the fact the December 21, 2112 will come and go uneventfully.  My guess is that they'll say: "Oh yes, the cosmic shift in consciousness is happening; you just aren't aware of it yet. Give it time."  Lunacy enters a door which cannot be locked by any falsification test.  Ignorance of history helps this delusion.  The heyday of channeling came and went in the late 19th and early 20th century.  Many New Agers act as if channeling is just now assuming its greatest level of prominence.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #17 - May 8th, 2009 at 4:15am

Most "new agers", including me, realize that nothing drastic is going to happen on that date, but rather that it signifies the beginning of a new period in the development of human consciousness. Hell, even the Mayas new this thousands of years ago.  The fact is that there are too many independent variables which point to this year being significant in some important way to just play it off as "new age ghetto garbage".  But I'm sure you have done at least some research in this area to realize this.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #18 - May 8th, 2009 at 10:01am
Reminds me of my Jehovah Witness friend, who insisted many years ago that 1975 would be Armageddon.  He gave me lots of Watchtower and Awake magazines that warned about it.

1975 came and went (just like 2012 will).

The point of this story is that when I asked him why Armageddon didn't happen, he immediately went into spin mode.

1975, he explained, was just the beginning of the end times.  He claimed with a straight face that no one ever said it would actually be the end time.  

But this is what the end times folks do.  They make predictions, and when the predictions don't come true, they wiggle out of it any way they can to save face.

I also remember years ago when people actually insisted that aliens had established a base on the far side of the moon.  No one could dispute that since no one had ever seen the far side.

When technology enabled us to examine the far side, we didn't find any signs of an alien base.  Yet folks continue to maintain this delusion via all sorts of explanations and excuses.

Isn't life full enough and challenging enough for us such that we don't have to indulge in such fanciful notions to pass the time of day on the net?


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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #19 - May 8th, 2009 at 12:25pm
2012 awakening of worldwide spiritual consciousness... the exchange of information with aliens.....the second coming of Christ. The likelihood of one or the others seams pretty low. Some border on the ridiculous.
Or perhaps they all speak of the same thing. Didn't Christ come from above? Or heaven? Wouldn't a return by a "Christ" to earth in 2012 cause a spiritual awakening?
Perhaps this spiritual being is a alien, or even a reptilian being from anouther planet who is returning to earth to eat us, or control our minds. Well eat us anyways. Hasn't the mind control been going on already for a few thousand years? Hmmm?
The possibilities are endless. And all of them potentially as realistic as the others.
2012 will come and go. There just no need to wait for a person or space being to follow or believe in to have a spiritual experience.
Time to stop waiting and start doing.
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Old Dood
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #20 - May 9th, 2009 at 7:45am
2012 is not just a 'Spiritual Beginning' it is a Physical Beginning as well.

I do not believe things will automatically 'change' just like that.  It is a process.

Physically our solar system is coming around it's 26K revolution of the galactic plane.
We are also coming into the age of Aquarius (Water Bearer) and leaving Pisces (Fishes).
These are 'AGES'.  Christ spoke of these Ages.
They have meaning.
The Great Year BOOK

The Great Year VIDEO

Answers are coming....More importantly we need to be asking the Correct Questions in order to find the Correct Answers.

To even contemplate that WE Humans on Earth are the highest civilization in the Universe is pure arrogance on our part.
We today are not even the Highest Civilization that has been on Earth.

There has been others.  The Mayans knew this to be true.
The Mayans were not the highest civilization on Earth...they were only a Remnant of what once was...
As were the Egyptians and the Sumerians were also a Remnant of a past Highly Evolved civilization(s)...

To think that we on Earth have not been visited is also very arrogant of us...
We have not only been visited...we have been genetically engineered/changed since our beginnings on Earth.
Many of our races were transplanted here and then had our DNA altered to fit what ever 'plan' other very advanced beings had for us.
Mostly it was to make us slaves to do their bidding.
And what is the best kind of slave?  One that does not know he/she is a slave...
This is the Era of 'The gods' on Earth...
This is were all these 'Myths' came from....
Based on real facts.
Yes, there were many beings that 'Played God' when we were young & dumb.

We use to have more strands of DNA.  Up to 12 actually and it was 'dumbed down' so we would forget our true selves.
Even when this was done to us we still are a threat to many STS beings out there.
Even with only 2 strands of DNA we are waking up and fulfilling our potential.
However, it is up to us to make this change.
There are No Aliens out there that is going to swoop in and 'Save us'.
WE have to Grow Up on our own.
There are some STO type Aliens/Beings/Whatever that are willing to HELP but, they are not going to do it for us.
They have been helping right now.  More then we can imagine.

That is what I believe and many believe is happening now...not on 12-21-2012...We are evolving back into our True Selves.  
Our DNA is changing back to it's original form.

There is a lot of info out there on this.
How Light can change/alter DNA.

Do some research with an open mind and you will start to find out pieces to the puzzle...
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #21 - May 9th, 2009 at 11:54am
I have no doubt that there is life on other planets and that aliens have possibly visited this planet.

I realize credible people, including airline pilots and military officers, have seen things that defy ordinary explanations.  The Phoenix sightings were verified by the then-Governor of the state.

Having said that, I also think there is a line between this belief and those beliefs that aliens live among us and have abducted humans, implanted monitoring devices, dismembered livestock, etc etc.

Our agency in DC used to get hundreds of letters from people convinced that aliens were spying on them via their TV sets, radios, etc.  

There are all kinds of mental illness.  If you do research, you'll find lots of information about this particular form of paranoia.

We just have to recognize where the line between reality and fantasy begins.  For some people, they never see that line or they deny such a line exists.

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #22 - May 11th, 2009 at 12:33pm
I have a hard time believing in the 12 strand DNA theory.  Our bodies are so incredibly complex, even though we make use of just 2 strands of DNA. I doubt that 12 strand DNA, if such a thing was even possible, could do anything that an equal amount of 2 strand DNA could do.  When proteins are synthesized, you don't need more than 2 strands of DNA in order for amino acids to be assembled in the required way.

Check out this link and see how many people try to make a buck by activating 12 strand DNA remotely. If such a thing were possible, couldn't our own connection to higher self/guidance cause such activation to take place?
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« Last Edit: May 11th, 2009 at 7:55pm by recoverer »  
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New Member

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #23 - May 13th, 2009 at 1:45pm
I believe in the fact that aliens have been interacting with us humans for a long time. It's hard to think that 2012 is an exact date for alien disclosure, because they show themselves daily in the skies above us. I've seen the statement of the Vatican saying the alien life is almost a certainty, and that they are beings like us with a "soul". So I know that the highest level of the Christianity accepts the possiblity of aliens.

But every person will react differently, depending on what their belief  tells them. I've already accepted that they exist in many forms, so I'm just calmly waiting...  Wink

Interesting topic BTW, good stuff.
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #24 - May 14th, 2009 at 5:22pm
We have been visited by these Star Visitors since the Earth began, some 108 different star systems, it is said by researchers. A written treaty with the Greys was made in 1954 by Eisenhauer who was quoted as saying, "How could we stop you?" There have been official operations funded by your government that discredit and harass people for their reports of sightings, abductions, and such, and many are thought to be still in existence. The OSS is in charge, and they have been reported as saying that the executive branch does not "need to know" as "....that is not where the actual power in this country resides." Clinton and his CIA head asked for the information and were refused.

Since I read SHirley MacLaine's "Age-ing while Sage-ing" a year or so ago I have researched it a lot more on my own. Her book was truly shocking for me, and I literally had a physical reaction to it when I read it, and later heard the audiobook. But expanded my brain  or consciousness enoiugh that I was open to what I found out since.

Of course they are here. And Lord knows we can use the help. It is ours to create the vision and the dream of the New Earth as we step in to the higher dimensions in 2012.

I agree with Old Dood. They are among us, and some are us.

Just my opinion, but I did not think there was any doubt about it. Check out Steven Greer's which will convince even the most hardcore skeptic.


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #25 - May 14th, 2009 at 7:54pm
I believe it is very possible they are here among us.  The question is, which of the many viewpoints are true?
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Ex Member

Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #26 - May 15th, 2009 at 8:12am
<<A written treaty with the Greys was made in 1954 by Eisenhauer (sic)>>

Well, let's step back a bit and say that there are allegations that such a treaty was signed by Eisenhower.  Let's not phrase things as if they were a proven fact.

And these allegations come from a highly dubious source- Michael E. Salla.  He admits he trolled the net looking for things that "might" indicate the existence of such a treaty.

When proper research is done, the story is full of qualifiers such as "could have" or "it's possible that..." etc etc.

Eisenhower, for those of you too young to remember, had several quick disappearances during his first term, but it wasn't because he was rushing to meet aliens at an air force base.

He had serious heart problems, including a heart attack, and in those days these things were covered up, with media compliance, so as not to alarm the public. A sudden trip to the dentist was probably a  sudden trip to the cardiologist.  

Now, we can believe whatever we want, and in this age of the internet, there are all sorts of crackpot theories to choose from.  

For anyone to really believe that a treaty between the President and aliens could be successfully covered up for 55 years is to believe in Santa Claus.  Such a treaty would have been leaked to the press a thousand times a thousand in the intervening years.

The funniest reason given as to why no leaks occurred was that "unauthorized release of information concerning UFOs was a crime under the Espionage Act punishable for up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine."  

Media outlets would have given many millions of dollars for such an explosive story.  And even if they didn't, it's impossible for so many people to "know" about this monumental story and not tell someone.  To avoid doing so because of a fine "up to" a measly $10,000 is laughable.

Come on people, we can accept the possibility of UFOs without swallowing such nonsense.

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Posts: 468
Right here and right there
Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #27 - May 15th, 2009 at 10:09am
"Come on people, we can accept the possibility of UFOs without swallowing such nonsense."

That's what you deem as nonsense or crackpotty, so what's there to come on about regarding your opinion? I think it's good to be critical when dealing with all sorts of information, but what's proper research or not is in the eye of the beholder.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Old Dood
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #28 - May 15th, 2009 at 2:17pm
More then Dr Salla has spoken of this 'Treaty' in 1954....there was talk of one in 1952 as well....

You need to study this on your own...

I cannot nor will I try to change anyone's mind....
That is an inside job.

Anyways lets say there was a treaty in 1954....
No matter what there is NOTHING to enforce it from our end.


ET can do as he pleases...and in my opinion...they DID just that!
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Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Reply #29 - May 15th, 2009 at 6:44pm

Actually you make an excellent point.

Namely, a treaty between this country and aliens would be totally useless because we would be unable to enforce it if it were violated.

Using some logic here, if the aliens were friendly, no such treaty would have been necessary.  If they were unfriendly, a treaty would have been useless.

And let's not forget human nature in all of this.  Keeping a treaty of this magnitude secret for over half a century, with zero leaks, would be an impossible job in any case.

There are even some websites claiming that Obama is an alien.  Heck, maybe he is.  He does look peculiar.  And consider this: he refuses to release his original birth certificate.  There is a lawsuit trying to force him to do this, but so far his lawyers have prevented its release.  A birth certificate from an alien planet would present somewhat of a problem for his continuation in office.

Having an alien as President would fit nicely into their agenda.  After all, he clearly wants to expand the reach and power of the federal government.  And he clearly wants to make folks as dependent on the government as possible.

So here we have the perfect storm- a nation of sheep, easy pickings for an alien takeover.

Think about it.

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