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Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing (Read 22256 times)
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #15 - May 1st, 2009 at 1:38pm
"new age person"

definition, please

recoverer wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 1:01pm:

a new age person

rondele wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 11:05am:

It's ok to copy as long as the author acknowledges the source.  Otherwise it's plagiarism plain and simple.  And the fact that other people have done it is really not relevant.

But more to the point, Walsch has already admitted fabricating his so-called "conversations" with God.  What he actually did was read ACIM and then merely reconfigured its "teachings" into alleged direct conversations with God.

That is morally wrong and frankly repugnant.  Yes, he has managed to build an entire cult of followers and, like any other cult, its members find it hard if not impossible to face the truth when the perpetrator is exposed.

Same thing, by the way, could be said about Sylvia Browne.

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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #16 - May 1st, 2009 at 1:42pm
My guess is that you know what I mean.  I consider myself a new age person.  However, not all new age people think the same. There are some that believe that just about any channeled source that exists is valid and for some peculiar reason it is wrong to seriously question such sources, while new age people such as myself have found that there are many fraudulent sources, and therefore it is extremely important that a new age person, such as myself, uses his or her discrimination.

New age people won't be able to serve the new age to their fullest, if they get sucked into all of the misleading sources that exist.

"new age person"

definition, please

recoverer wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 1:01pm:

a new age person

rondele wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 11:05am:

It's ok to copy as long as the author acknowledges the source.  Otherwise it's plagiarism plain and simple.  And the fact that other people have done it is really not relevant.

But more to the point, Walsch has already admitted fabricating his so-called "conversations" with God.  What he actually did was read ACIM and then merely reconfigured its "teachings" into alleged direct conversations with God.

That is morally wrong and frankly repugnant.  Yes, he has managed to build an entire cult of followers and, like any other cult, its members find it hard if not impossible to face the truth when the perpetrator is exposed.

Same thing, by the way, could be said about Sylvia Browne.

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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #17 - May 1st, 2009 at 1:48pm
new age person

who: you and others
what: not clarified
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #18 - May 1st, 2009 at 1:56pm
I don't believe there is one simple definition; nevertheless, I'll try.

People who believe that there is more to reality than this physical World. People who believe that the World isn't going to remain as problematic as it is, but is going to evolve into something greater that is based upon principles of love and light.

People who are willing to consider sources of information that more conservative people won't consider. Unfortunately, there are people who take advantage of this openess.

Whatever the term means, I didn't invent it.

new age person

who: you and others
what: not clarified

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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #19 - May 1st, 2009 at 2:33pm
To me, new age means information or teachings that are beyond traditional sources.  Just as one example, the Bible was the source of teaching for Christians and Jews for many centuries.

We all date things based on our own experiences, but I remember the fuss when Bridey Murphy was hypnotized and reported that she had led many lives prior to her current one.  Reincarnation became very popular in the media and a big subject of conversation.

Then, at some later point, channeling became in vogue.  Ruth Montgomery had her "guides" who gave her information via automatic writing.  Among other things they assured her that there would be radical upheavals prior to the year 2000.  The earth, they said, would shift on its axis, causing earthquakes and floods and millions of deaths.  Very few places would be safe.  Western Canada was one such place.  People actually relocated to Saskatchewan.

And around the same timeframe came other channeled material, including Seth, ACIM and a host of others.

And the bandwagon caught on.  I imagine there are tons of channeled entities right now saying all sorts of things.  

But new age thought is not just limited to religion or spirituality.  Its influence is in medicine, food, name it.  Some of it is good, some of it is just plain bogus.

Unfortunately, we now live in a culture that is seriously lacking in something that used to be valued and used to be taught: discernment.

We seem to have lost the ability to discern.  We gobble up whatever the latest guru or medium says.  If a guy says he's conversing with God, we don't critically examine what he says.  We jump on the bandwagon with gusto.  We drink the kool aid willingly.

Conversations with God is a book riddled with inconsistencies and outright contradictions.  It's not a surprise that Walsch has been exposed.  It was just a matter of time.

True learning is hard.  Takes time.  Takes effort.  These days, that's too much trouble.  Far easier to listen to some disembodied entity who tells us to chill out and not to worry, there's no such thing as sin.

Seductive messages like that always attract the gullible part of the population.  This part, by the way, is expanding exponentially.  Not a good omen.


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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #20 - May 1st, 2009 at 3:27pm
Hi Rondele,

you make 'new age' sound similiar to nuclear fission, or a virus or mold!  Wink
All these discoveries were first considered dangerous.

When a new field of knowledge is developing, it does take 'awhile' for it to be shaped to the needs of humanity. Unfortunately for you and I, this "awhile' will probably last our lifetimes, which are just mere dots on any timeline.

Explorations do involve some dead ends. Fraud does create one type of dead end. Negative mindsets create barriers too.

Bravo to the explorers who are willing to risk abit to find 'the eye of the needle.'

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #21 - May 1st, 2009 at 4:38pm
Hi Bets-

I like the virus and mold analogy!   Smiley

I would probably compare it more to a fad.  Sort of like the colon detox mania that is sweeping the tv commercials these days.

But seriously, as I said, there is both good and bad in it.  It boils down to a matter of discernment.

I would disagree a bit with your characterization of new age stuff as a "field of knowledge."  It is way too fluid and contradictory to represent a field of knowledge in the same way as, for example, nuclear physics.

It is more of a mulligan stew.  There is something in it for everyone. If I don't like what Seth says, all I have to do is turn to Elias. These two highly evolved characters have quite contradictory messages about things.

There really is no unified field in new age thought.

But it's sure entertaining!
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #22 - May 1st, 2009 at 4:48pm

I think you should be like Albert Einstein and try to come up with a unified theory-not for physics-but for new age thought. Tell everybody that you're channeling Albert Einstein. As far as I know, nobody has claimed to channel Albert Einstein.  I figure it would be too difficult to demonstrate the same level of intellect.  But God, that's a piece of pie, supposedly.
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #23 - May 1st, 2009 at 4:52pm
If pie is involved, I'm there.....
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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #24 - May 1st, 2009 at 4:54pm
That's one thing most of us can probably agree upon. Pie is yummy. Smiley 

If pie is involved, I'm there.....

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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #25 - May 1st, 2009 at 4:58pm
Channel Einstein?

Heck yeah, no problem.

I already have the book Einstein, all I have to do is pick out some passages, re-do them somewhat, and then I'll have Albert down pat.

Come to think of it, no one has channeled Lincoln or Washington.  Kind of strange when you think about it.....after all, if Jesus can be channeled, why not some of our well known historical characters?


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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #26 - May 1st, 2009 at 5:08pm

I saw a book where somebody claims to channel Gerry Garcia.

Regarding channeling Einstein, if you didn't really have your physics and mathematics down, a physicist could really expose you. I figure God knows physics and mathematics better than Einstein. If a physicist asked Walsch some really difficult questions while he was supposedly channeling God, would he be able to come up with the answers?  I bet you I could think of some questions I know the answer for but Walsch doesn't, and he couldn't come up with the answer even if he was supposedly channeling God. I figure the same is true for each of us. Each of us knows something that Walsch doesn't know, but God knows.

Don once wrote that the God Walsch supposedly channels doesn't even know the Bible.

rondele wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 4:58pm:
Channel Einstein?

Heck yeah, no problem.

I already have the book Einstein, all I have to do is pick out some passages, re-do them somewhat, and then I'll have Albert down pat.

Come to think of it, no one has channeled Lincoln or Washington.  Kind of strange when you think about it.....after all, if Jesus can be channeled, why not some of our well known historical characters?



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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #27 - May 1st, 2009 at 5:16pm
REgarding 'channeling' Lincoln--

Does anyone know where on the web  there might be an interactive facial documentation program like they use in forensics ? They measure bone structure so that diet and ethnicity doesn't show much.

I'd like to put Obama and Lincoln in it to see if bone structure -wise, they are similiar.  Cheesy

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Posts: 122
Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #28 - May 1st, 2009 at 5:37pm
betson wrote on May 1st, 2009 at 5:16pm:
REgarding 'channeling' Lincoln--

Does anyone know where on the web  there might be an interactive facial documentation program like they use in forensics ? They measure bone structure so that diet and ethnicity doesn't show much.

I'd like to put Obama and Lincoln in it to see if bone structure -wise, they are similiar.  Cheesy

I thought all you enlightened New Agers knew!...Barack Obama's previous life on Earth was Abraham Lincoln! Carl & Family


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Re: Neale Donald Walsch caught plagiarizing
Reply #29 - May 1st, 2009 at 6:05pm
<<I thought all you enlightened New Agers knew!...Barack Obama's previous life on Earth was Abraham Lincoln! Carl & Family>>

So this is what passes for enlightened thought these days?

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