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Pesky Spirits (Read 2376 times)
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Pesky Spirits
Apr 22nd, 2009 at 10:21pm
I seem to be having a problem and if anyone could help it would be fantastic.   My fiance was killed over a year ago, and as time has gone by, we do talk on a regular daily basis.  Since we now can speak mentally he has introduced others who wished to speak to me, but those were people who I knew who recently passed, or who know people I know.  Which is fine, usually it is, say hello to...I am fine, and sometimes more information that the family may need to know.   

My problem is a spirit, who seems to have attached itself to me and will pretend to be my fiance, until I ask directly if this is my fiance, which it will answer no.  But continues to speak until I completely block myself off.    I have tried prayers of protection, saged, etc.  Nothing seems to work.   It has really become a problem because he insist he is not going anywhere!    I have tried knowledge and information to the spirit to either move on, speak to its guides, help, not interested in any knowledge of moving on.... So how do I get this spirit out of my life!!???

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 10:17am
Greetings ChantillyChopper,

Condolences on the passing of your fiance.

One method is to use on the pest is the power of words--they do have impact on the spirit. A phrase that has been suggested and used successfully  is   "I see you not there!"    Insist!
Say it with gusto, and see if you feel a slight twitch as the pest 'clicks out.' If he returns, say it again! It should discourage him at least by three or four tries.

Does your fiance seem well enough off where he is? I mean is he happy and planning for the future at all?
If not he may have been detained by these old buddies in a lower level than he deserves. Your love can send him higher and get him back on track. He can wait for you there and also meet his former loving family members who wait for him.

Sometime when he's communicating with you, if you will gently suggest that lighted doors are opening for him to a better place, that he needs to sit quietly for awhile watching for that lighted opening. --( Will that be hard for him? Is he more an action type of guy? ) You will still be able to communicate with him in the higher levels.

You could start with these steps and any others that get suggested here, but then do let us hear from you again, Chantilly!  We can offer further ideas and we do want to help.


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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #2 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 10:52am
Thank you for replying.  My fiance and I speak often.  We were in a motorcycle accident and he was killed instantly.  I was determined not to let death keep us apart.  So with my own knowledge that I had, I started reading about communication.  He was at first earth bound with me for about two months.  And from the first night I got home from the hospital, I woke up with something very special.  When I got home from the hospital I found this black cord laying on my front porch,  I picked it up and put it on a table as I walked thru the door.  The next morning, the cord was laying on the floor in a heart shape.  I knew he was with me.  I took a picture of it, and I also framed it.  But, he did cross into the light, and he is very happy.  He tells me things to prove to his family that he indeeds is alive and well by telling me things that happened to them on a particular day or that day.  I have called his sister, and said what he saw happening to her or to her dad that day at work.  With such detail, it really freaked them, but they knew I could not know those things without Scott telling me.  And of course it still continues.  

As far as communication it is totally mental now.  And I felt like he was talking to me, but, how do you know its not yourself responding...which is of course a good question..right?  So one day I was on my way to a funeral, a long time friend of my sons.  And as I was driving I was talking to Scott as I always do, and then suddenly he says,  honey slow down the traffic is going to come to a complete stop up ahead, and I went ok  And as i came up over the hill, the traffic had not stopped.  So I said, ok, I am not talking to you.  And his reply..."Would you give it a sec"  and as i rounded a corner,  3 lanes of traffic was to a dead stop.    So I was like I tested it again...  I said,  "whats the problem"   and he replied,   "just a little fender bender up on the left"  so after about 10 minutes of traffic crawling   I finally came upon the problem.   It was as he said.  So now, I am going ok,  Scott, what color shirt will my son be wearing.. and he said, Navy Blue.  And when I got there....Navy blue was the shirt.   So on the way home,   me, still being the tester,  I said, Scott can you play a song for me on the radio.  And he sure babe, what do you want to hear.  I said the song, and I said, I want to hear before I get home, and that is in 10 minutes, so just because I hear it before the day is over, will not be good enough, 10 minutes....I want to hear it.  Laughing to myself, but believing all the same time  I picked up my cell to call my g/f to tell her the events that was happening with Scott.  I turned the radio down, called her, the phone call would not go thru, just kept giving me an error message over and over.  This never happened after several attempts. I put my phone down, and turned on the radio.  At that moment, the song I had asked him to play, began.   I started crying.  And he said to me, "Its not suppose to make you sad"  And I said, " I am not sad, I am happy, because this IS REALLY YOU!"  and he said, "Babe, I have told you over and over it was me."  And I said "I know honey, but now I know it really is you"  And since that day, communicating is as simply as calling to him. And the conversations are in my head.  And he is funny as ever, jokes with me.  etc.  And it is WONDERFUL.   He made sure that phone call was not going to go thru, so that I would again turn the radio back up otherwise i would have missed the song!

But again this spirit that has figured I can communicate, will not leave me alone,  Tries to pretend to be Scott, and when I say, you are not Scott and ask directly, he admits it is not him,  But now is doing everything in its power to keep me from communicating with Scott.  He tells me I can't get rid of him.  ANd he doesn't believe in God, or that their is a better life, or he could just be lying about that too.  I don't know.  I just want him out and gone away from me.  
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #3 - Apr 25th, 2009 at 9:34am
Hi Chantilly Chopper,

Have you had a chance to try that method I suggested yet?  Smiley

Another idea that might work is to go somewhere else for awhile -- a visit, a vacation-- so that you are not at the same place/time where it may know to meet you. Stay as long as you can so it will hopefully give up finding you.
Do not think of him/the pest while you are gone since thoughts can also help them find you.

Another method that takes longer but works but seems scarey because it seems 'counter-intuitive' is to learn to project PUL to the pest. 
Pests perster to annoy and yet also to find their own source of love.  If you can glow Pure Unconditional Love from your heart toward this fellow, his goal will be met, he will feel better about himself, and so may leave you to go do other things or even raise himself high enough that he doesn't feel like perstering you anymore.

Thinking of how pure love feels and then imagining you feel it even without apparent cause is a big part of it.  The books of this site's host Bruce Moen discuss PUL and how to generate it.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #4 - Apr 25th, 2009 at 11:25am
Thanks Bet, I will try the PUL.   Although I really have tried that too,.  And as far as going somewhere, follows me everywhere.    I guess i just need to be stronger.  I will do prayer everytime he talks to me, but perhaps I shall just keep it up longer for more days.   

I have tried to explain that he has a chance to be educated and take himself to a higher level.  And that there is so much more he could do in a higher plane.   I have asked him to seek out his spirit family or even his earth family to no avail.   

I miss talking to my Scott, although the other day he did let me know he was here electronically.  Which was very cool.    Kiss,  But I have read what I can, and it seems no one has any answers.   Or ones that work for me.   I have to work on myself to help make something happen.  I personally don't understand how one spirit can block another spirit.  I have been told because he may be closer to my vibration here on earth, where Scotts is much higher and this spirit is on a lower plane and closer to earths vibration.  I am not sure if this is true,  But perhaps with some help from this board....Someone can give me the knowledge I need.  Thanks for replying!!! Chantilly Chopper
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2009 at 10:52pm
Hi ChantillyChopper,

thank you very much for your heartwarming and interesting post.

Now, I havn't had such an experience as you have with this attaching spirit, so the following are just ideas of what could maybe work.

As this spirit apparently is unwilling and probably doesn't have the mental horizon to move on anywhere on his/her own, it seems appropriate to sort of create a situation which will lead this spirit away from you. So, you could try to use your imagination. For example: Imagine a gate which opens to the appropriate place for this spirit, and direct the spirit's attention to it; imagine it will be attracted into the gate. Or instead of a gate, imagine "the" white light, representing the loving oversoul of this spirit, which is very attractive to most spirits. Or, imagine that already passed on family and/or friends of this spirit gather around him and taking the spirit with them.

These imaginations, as I see it, in this field are not only imagination, but a real mental creation; so, when you imagine that gate, there WILL be a gate to the spirit's appropriate destination, and when you imagine the spirit's family and friends around, it will be a call to them to really come and interact with this spirit. In retrievals, this is a surprisingly good working method.

It might be not bad when you talk with this spirit about his/her state- that he/she is physically dead. For some, when bluntly confronted with this simple fact, it's like a healing shock. Furthermore, intellectual discussions about the plans of this spirit might be interesting. Some hate it, and some start to think. For example, when this one believes not in God and in nothing, to ask where this spirit comes from, if he/she was born, or if he/she thinks he/she created him/herself? If not so, now who was it? And so on...

In general, you might ask for any helpers or your fiance to solve this problem (if you can bypass the spirit's blockade).

This spirit might somehow interfere in some way your communication, but surely this spirit cannot block your ability to create mental things.

A more rough method I used when I felt like evil minded spirits could hang around near me is to imagine a very bright white light flashing from within me. That worked, and I have heard this from others, too. Another idea is, to imagine a barrier around you which is permeable for friendly spirits only.

I wish you success.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #6 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 12:48am
Spooky, thank you so much for your kind response and ideas.  I have been doing a lot of mental imaging to try and bypass the blockade that this spirit has been putting around me and my communication.  I have asked that his spirit family call out to him and guide him.   I have asked my guides to ask his guides to help us out also.  As well as my fiance.   

You know, when my fiance was killed, I was bound and determined that death was not going to be a determining factor for us not to be able to communicate.  And with time, that became  a truth.  So, I am bound and determined that this will not stop us either. 

I will ask this spirit who calls himself Ron to me questions.  Mostly he refuses to answer about his existance.  And if it is all right, I will come back and post answers that he gives me.  And perhaps I can have some insight on how to move this spirit on.   I have read the retrievals and find them very interstering.   And I had wondered, could this same process help a spirit who seems to be lost, but who seems to have crossed over.   This spirit also reads or reads my mind on what I read, or think.  Although I can block him out and not listen to him, it is when I am opening up to communicate with Scott that he really like to get into my conversation and dominates. 

Thanks again,....Chantilly Chopper
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #7 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 10:40am
In general, you might ask for any helpers or your fiance to solve this problem (if you can bypass the spirit's blockade).

I'll second this one.  After he died, John apparently ran off all my resident ghosties.  My daughter says one is still around, but he stays out of my way (of course, that one always did), and she may just be feeling an echo of his former presence.

It's like "This was my house, now it's my wife's alone, you all spirits, out!"   Smiley

Also what Spooky said about the sheilding...imagine a barrier, like a big Kevlar balloon for instance, around you that you've made permeable only to the spirit you want to talk to (or only to spirits with a certain quality, like being easy to get along with...  Wink ).

I've had pretty good success with just reminding them that someday I'll be "over there", do they *really* want to irritate me now when they'll have to put up with me later??, but I'm naturally kinda annoying myself, so from me that's a real threat...  Smiley  And I usually preface it with "If you'll tell me (in a short succinct version) what you want, I'll see if I can help, *as long as you're polite*.

Spirits with the kind of bad manners to pester you aren't very mature, and I tend to treat them like the children that they essentially are.  Not condescending necessarily, but as you would speak to someone who had not yet acheived understanding (like a four year old) - simply and firmly.  It's nice to help out, but you didn't take them to raise.

Or you can send him to me - John's been hanging out with his kid who's about to get married lately, or somewhere over there anyway, and it's kinda boring around here.   Grin
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Deland, Fl
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Re: Pesky Spirits
Reply #8 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 10:57am
Cricket, I would love to send him to you.  The funny thing is, I live very close to a spiritual camp called Cassadaga.  And I have said many times, go hang out there, they would love to have you hanging around, you would be a celebrity!  And others would love to have you interact with them.  I, on the other hand, would like to be able to speak to spirits who have messages for those that I could get the message too. 

I have asked many times if he was a child, because of the imaturity factor.  It is almost like I can see him stumping his feet.  You are all mine and no one else can have you.   As I was reading your suggestions, he said to me, "you are not really going to try any of that stuff are you, because it won't work?"  I said back, I am going to do them all.  Basically for your own good.   He seems to think there is nothing else except this black void he is in.  I have asked if he sees other spirits and he says no.   Trying to relay to him, what a huge difference his existance would be if he would call out to his guides, spirit family, earth family to help him.   I am not sure he believes that there anything else other than what he sees.  which is me.   But I will ask him what the heck was he doing before he decided to attach himself to me.   

I have really tried to educate him on what is happening, etc.  One minute says he believes me, the next, doesn't.  Thanks for your input and love the suggestions....I will start working on them NOW!

Thx Again,  Chantilly Chopper
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