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Why incarnate into poverty? (Read 7149 times)
Neil Gordon
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #15 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 8:52am
Quoted from the poverty web site:

Survival for children:

"    Worldwide,

       * 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (same as children population in France, Germany, Greece and Italy)
       * 1.4 million die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation"

Global spending: Military spending in the world $780 billion
Narcotic drugs in the world: $400 billion (and so on, and so on)

"And compare that to what was estimated as additional costs to achieve universal access to basic social services in all developing countries:

Basic education for all      $6 billion
Water and sanitation for all      $9 billion
Reproductive health for all women      $12 billion
Basic health and nutrition      $13 billion"

I wonder how much opportunity the children who died had to change their views on poverty?

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I Am Dude
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #16 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 11:46am

Reincarnation is a very interesting subject for me, and one I need to explore much further, beyond what I have read.  What makes the most sense to me is that we only incarnate once, and like you said, the other incarnations are actually other aspects of our higher self having their own experiences, but since we are connected as one through our higher self, we share these experiences on a higher level. 

So in my example, the child who was molested could be connected with a child molester through their higher self, and that molester would learn from the experiences of the molested.  But this is such a complicated subject, I am stilly trying to figure it out. 

Maybe we have a choice if we want to be reincarnated ourselves.  Some explorers believe this is true.  I don't know if I agree with this belief, however.  It seems like the energy of our consciousness grows and develops and expands as we progress through our lives, and the totality of our individual consciousness would be too much to have reincarnated. 

Perhaps a new individual would be created with an aspect of our consciousness to have its own experiences, and being that this new being is actually a part of us, we would share these experiences in a very intimate way.  I suppose this is how the higher self works as a whole.  So maybe we can become a higher self ourselves, while still being a part of a greater higher self, so it would be like having higher selves within higher selves.  This is what makes the most sense to me.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #17 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 11:59am
No problem Matt.  I can understand why you misunderstood me.  I meant that we choose poverty or wealth in that I believe we choose where, when, and with who to be incarnated, and therefore know our initial circumstances, whether this is poverty, wealth, or somewhere in between. 

I believe we go into this life with certain general goals of what to learn. 

I also strongly believe that we make connections with others before our incarnation, and probably during it as well in higher levels, to bring about certain specific encounters and experiences which will serve us later in our lives.  But like I said, this is not an everyday thing.  It would probably be a special occasion circumstance.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #18 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 12:04pm

I'm not one hundred percent certain, but going by the messages I received (and other factors), each probe/self learns from its disk, yet still continues to exist in its own way. Or in other words, if a disk sends out 1,000 probes, in the end you get 1,000 selves with the same knowledge as their disc, albeit, with some minor differences.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #19 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:05pm
Recoverer: I'm not one hundred percent certain, but going by the messages I received (and other factors), each probe/self learns from its disk, yet still continues to exist in its own way. Or in other words, if a disk sends out 1,000 probes, in the end you get 1,000 selves with the same knowledge as their disc, albeit, with some minor differences.

I think Albert is correct. To say this another way: Our Total Self / Higher Self / Disk is consciousness that has the ability to extend a stream of it’s consciousness into the physical world to learn / evolve / grow spiritually by experience. It seems logical that it would be possible to extend many streams of its consciousness in whatever direction it chooses. This idea would also coincide with the idea that there is only one incarnation, rather than many for each personality / probe. Each personality continues to evolve / progress spiritually in the nonphysical.

We only need to watch the evening news to clearly see much of the pain that exists in our world.  Most of the time we try to distance ourselves from it with thoughts and beliefs of this pain and suffering as having been created by and belonging to others.  We don’t understand and realize that each of us at an individual level is responsible for the creation of the world’s suffering.  Or that on a higher level of being this suffering is divine.

Yet, if we consider that all matter is created from consciousness, the idea that the earth is a live sentient being and that we are part of its body, then this makes sense.  The physical earth, just like our bodies arose out of the consciousness that created it.  

While I’m not so sure if the creation of suffering to the extent that it exists was intended or was created out of chaos, I do believe that we as individuals are responsible for the creation of all of the destructive forces as well as the salvation of these forces as we each contribute feedback within the collective consciousness.

Such a thought may seem overwhelming to most of us, which is probably why many people turn away from the immense problems humanity is faced with.  It’s difficult enough to deal with our own individual problems that arise in our everyday lives.  Yet, if we recognize that everything we do affects everything that exists, then each of us as individuals contributes either continued suffering or salvation from it as we live our daily lives.

Recognizing that we each are joint creators of all that exists in our world and that we each have made the world to be the way it is, is the first step toward any desired transformation.  As with all transformation process we move into the tunnels of darkness in order to emerge through a gateway of light.  

We each as individuals create the darkness to move through and in so doing consciousness not only becomes individualized, it becomes personalized as well.  In this way, then, darkness or suffering can be seen as divine.  Rather than push our individual darkness of suffering away, the transformation process requires us to move through it, to experience it in order to be transformed into the light of love.

Trying to suppress, cover up or turn away from the pain of suffering only serves the status quo.  Transformation cannot take place as long as we choose ignorance regardless of whether or not we do so consciously or unconsciously.  Many times healing comes only after we have experienced the pain of suffering to a great enough extent that we are willing to work through it to find solutions for the relief of it.

Given a choice of feeling pain or feeling pleasure, the great majority of us would choose to feel pleasure.  Why?  It is because we are afraid of feeling pain.  None of us truly desires to feel pain, so we do everything we can to try to keep ourselves from feeling it.  But this doesn’t work.  

At best we are only able to suppress, cover up or ignore the pain for a short period of time until we are faced with it once again.  Our lives become a vicious cycle where we continually wear ourselves out in an attempt to not feel pain and in so doing we only create more pain that we will eventually have to face.  Remember that the transformation process requires us to move through the darkness and this is the way to healing not only the pain within ourselves, but also the pain in the earth herself.

The longings of the human soul have no boundaries when it comes to creating the diversity of the world.  Through this immense variegate among the nations earth becomes alive with wonder and excitement.  It’s like a playground in which we can experience the distinction necessary for individualism, and yet do so without creating the pain and suffering such as we see among nations in the world today.

The creation of nations was never meant to become a battleground.  Cultural diversity was intended for the creation of discernment of duality without becoming completely submerged within it.  However, possibly because of an element of a chaotic nature within consciousness itself, perhaps an unexpected, yet fundamental belief in separation as reality occurred.

It is our concrete belief in separation that beckons us to return to earth time and time again.  This is the current relationship with have with earth and this relationship causes fear, so we come here because we have the desire to dissolve fear.  Yet it is through this fear that needs dissolving that we continue to create more fear because our experience of duality has created cross-purposes within the desires of human consciousness.

These cross-purposes are created when our intentions fueled by our desires are in conflict.  Desire is the origin of all our feelings and actions.  In the human mind exists the desire to heal something of which it is afraid.  The cross-purpose in this is the desire to not feel the pain fear causes.  Since desire is the whole of life brought forth in the receiving of and in the radiating forth the vibrations produced by the law of attraction, consciousness reaches out toward the direction that it feels the most affinity with.  

It is the commonality of all our human fears that are the deeper source of both individual fear and those that create world conflict.  In other words, we all have many of the same fears and it is these fears that have produced all of the problems we see in the world.

We all fear illness, death, loss, poverty and a lack of freedom.  We all also desire to create that which is opposite these – health, immortality, gain, wealth and freedom.  In many ways we have experienced success in our desires and we can continue to do so by understanding the workings of consciousness.  

Yet what many of us fail to understand is that the cross-purpose in creating health for example, is actually the desire to alleviate the fear of illness.  As long as fear is present in consciousness, then consciousness will continue the affinity with it.  If we truly desire health, then we must not fear illness.  It is our fear of illness that keeps drawing us toward the creation of illness.

We all fear that someone will take from us something of value once we have established it in our life.  Yet, the only one that can accomplish this is our self.  For example, if we fear poverty, then our desires arising out of that fear in which we act to prevent personal poverty will contribute to the creation of poverty on the larger world scale.  

We all see this everyday of our lives, as the fear of poverty manifests as greed.  Our personal fear of poverty or that of not having enough also serves to maintain a mass belief in the fear of poverty that results in everyone trying to get more and to keep more for their self.  This greed resulting from having an affinity with the fear of poverty has brought about impoverishment of the world’s resources through a struggle for economic gain.

It is the things that we fear and despise the most that seem to be the easiest for us to create.  This is because there is great power in mass consciousness.  A small system within a greater system is directly connected to and immediately affects the greater system.  In this way, whatever is strongly held in the beliefs of the mass consciousness becomes a governing factor within consciousness as it relates within the law of attraction.  Thus fear serves in the generation of more fear.

Beneath all of the fears imaginable rests a single fear that began the spiraling effect of all our distinguishable fears.  And creations such as that of greed have arisen out of and ultimately rest on the foundation of our deeper original existential fear.  Because of this original and consciously ingrained fear, we all have the desire to feel safe, yet the desire to feel safe arises out of fear and therefore we maintain an affinity with it in the consciousness of mankind.

If we return to the premise that we can experience the distinction necessary for individualism without the creation of fear and it’s resulting consequences, perhaps then, we can begin to create a new consciousness in which we can each release the fears accumulated throughout the ages and thereby transform the earth.

We begin by recognizing how our individual desires are in cross-purposes with each other.  If we each were to make a list of our desires and take these desires into the wisdom of our inner self we would begin to understand that many of our desires are designed to assuage fear and make us feel safe, yet they will never make us feel safe because of their affinity with fear.  Fear begets fear and this always results in adding power to humanity’s creation of negative intent within belief systems.

Rather than add power to the consciousness of fear by affirming it, we can choose to examine our desires to uncover the fear contained within the beliefs surrounding them.  As we recognize our own responsibility in the way we have created the world, we also empower ourselves to change our negative belief systems into those that would project those things we have come to value, such as love, caring, peace, and trust not only within the consciousness of our personal relationship with our self, but also in the consciousness of our immediate relationships, and on to those of world consciousness.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Neil Gordon
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #20 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:07pm
It seems we are in a BST which rejects the reality of whats happening in this world.

The abomination = Earth. And the "Discs" obviously don't care.

We're in a Green Zone (those who have internet), isolated from the Red Zone (poverty), those who will shoot someone dead for $1.00. Those in the Green Zone appear to feed off the Red Zoners without being concious of it.
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #21 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:32pm
Related to what Kathy wrote, I believe that if we don't allow ourselves to acknowledge the problems this World includes, we allow a part of our heart chakra to be closed.

Yet, once we allow ourselves to be aware, it doesn't do us any good to constantly worry about what takes place. When we worry we add a negative vibration and negative thought energy, rather than positive energy.

This is something I need to get better at. Allowing myself to be concerned while at the same time sharing a positive vibe.
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Re: Why incarnate into poverty?
Reply #22 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:34pm
Regarding the below, perhaps the disks do care, but it is up to us to change things, with divine help provided in a manner that is hard to measure.

[quote author=purplehaze link=1238041485/15#20 date=1238173664]

The abomination = Earth. And the "Discs" obviously don't care.

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« Last Edit: Mar 27th, 2009 at 7:32pm by recoverer »  
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