While I seldom speak in absolutes, I must say Dude, that we will agree to disagree on this issue. I think you are way off on believing that we choose so much of our specific circumstance before birth; it would negate our experience here on earth - in some ways interfering with free will. My guidance tells me otherwise.
I'm still on the fence about the nature and frequency of reincarnation. Many times, when people are convinced that they remember a past life, they may simply be immersing themselves in a memory stored in our shared subconscious, and "feel" like it was their own experience. And the simplistic notion that if someone rapes and murders in one life, they are destined to be raped and murdered in the next life is not supported by reported NDEs or other experiences - but perpetuated by certain religious systems who believe in reincarnation.
That being said, assuming we do reincarnate cycle after cycle (a proposition I would dispute, as I believe many of us become guides, helpers, and continue ascending in spirit rather than return to the earth plane on a "karmic wheel"), it makes more sense that we could choose to congregate with loved ones back on earth rather than that we choose many specific circumstances prior to birth.
The only way an incarnated spiritual being can learn and experience on the physical plane is to exercise free will, and eventually create his/her own reality on earth. As we trace our beliefs and their trail to our subconscious and then the creation of real events in the physical world, we learn about our divine creative potential. It would be anathema to this "game of life" to stack the deck and choose all or most of our circumstances before we've actually lived. And, in fact, I would argue that those types of manipulations are deliberately not even possible - it defeats the purpose of the earth plane.
There is example after example of those born into poverty coming up with an idea of abudance/wealth and pulling themselves out of that situation by accessing their intent and creative power. This could not occur if some cosmic pre-destination were set into play before birth. We are born with complete free will, and if we believe in abundance, good health and success, we are entitled to it, whether in the physical world, or in the afterlife.