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The Second Sunrise of Spring (Read 6600 times)
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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The Second Sunrise of Spring
Mar 23rd, 2009 at 9:42am

I had such a lovely experience this morning while sungazing I decided to post it while it is fresh. I live in the country in northern Georgia, near the southern end of the Appalachian Trail, on Cherokee land. The Equinox is easy to know here, because the sun rises over Mount Yonah, which was a sacred mountain to the Cherokee. It was easy to see there are no sunspots just now (yes, you can see then at a clear sunrise with the naked eye-- see

As the sun rose over the mountain I began to expand and open my field (of energy, of awareness...). I became aware of the squirrels busy in the trees and the chorus of chirping birds, the mooing of the cows down the hill, the rustle of a rabbit in the leaves, the cry of a hawk overhead (and the rabbit scurries away)... I could feel the rhythm pulsing from the planet as it awakens with the Equinox here in the northern hemishere. As I gazed at the fully risen sun it was
as if the sun became a peephole in to another dimension, like a tunnel of light, a "rainbow bridge", the antekarana.... I have a great deal of out of body experience, having trained and practiced it much these last years, very much facilitated by my ORMUS experience. Usually I can travel out of my physical body to these other dimensions, but I do so while in a darkened booth with headphones playing binaural beat stuff and a blindfold. This morning I traveled on this thread of light with my eyes open, as awake and in the physical body as I ever am. The peephole became larger and larger, and became the primary
field of my vision, very bright, too bright at first...

It was a lovely Park, filled with flowers and benches and trees, what I have come to know as The Park, in Monroe-speak Focus 27, a place that many near-death experiencers describe at the end of the tunnel of light. I was so awaare of the birdsong, and could not be certain as I considered it if it was here or there, or both, or neither, or even if it made any difference at all. I was sitting on a stone bench both places (oddly because it is such a grounding place for me) and for a bit I wavered her-there-here-there, until I was not sure where I was,
though I was still awake. My lovely departed friend and partner Janice, who died two years ago this very morning, came forth out of the pathways and approached and sat next to me on the bench. Of course, with the anniversary, she had been on my mind a great deal, and I had spent some time blessing and releasing her memory and my loss. She touched my hand and I could feel everything she said
with no words, like a holographic transfer, a rote, a thought ball containing everything: emotion, thought, love, past-present-future--- it was almost overwhelming it was so bittersweet and lovely. And the birds kept singing...

And there is more. I am not sure how long I spent there with her this morning at sunrise. The sun on which I was gazing was getting a bit bright for me, and I was aware I was here, still covered up (as we say in the South) with birdsong and sqirrels bustling and cows mooing. I could smell Jan's perfume around me, and as I glanced around here, the first hummingbird of the season arrived to drink from the waiting feeder. All in all it was a lovely experience that I know will stay with me all day, all Spring.

You are much more than your physical body. There is much more than what your five senses tell you there is. Life is but a dream....

I do not want to keep coming back here over and over and over unless we can create the Heaven on Earth that I know many of us
sense may be coming with 2012. Or maybe Hell. What will we choose this time?

Great Love and Light,

ORMUS=Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements
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Right here and right there
Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #1 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:55am
"I do not want to keep coming back here over and over and over unless we can create the Heaven on Earth that I know many of us sense may be coming with 2012. Or maybe Hell. What will we choose this time?"

I've noticed several people have observed different areas are being thinned out in the astral, including the BSt areas. The way I see it, this is a game, and a game won't last forever. Think it will be way beyond amazing to share all the game experiences with one's friends, as higher selves/discs, outside of the game. Monroe mentioned becoming a game creator yourself as one of many possible options after graduation. I guess amazing and a zillion other superlatives won't add up to explain the wonderfullness up ahead. Smiley
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #2 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 1:38pm
That's beautiful, tgecks. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #3 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:55pm
The melting of the "here" world and the "there" world... that sounds quite mystical and promising Thomas!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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I Am Dude
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #4 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:11pm

How long have you been sungazing for?  Are the benefits of this practice evident in your daily life?  How long at a time do you gaze at the sun for, and how often do you do this?  (sorry for the bombardment of questions lol) 

I came across this concept/practice for the first time a few weeks ago and was intrigued.  I plan on starting a steady sungazing routine as soon as my classes are over next week.  I would be very interested to hear any other extraordinary experiences you have had while sungazing.  Thanks!
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #5 - Mar 24th, 2009 at 8:55am

That beautiful experience brought a tear to my eye this morning.  The sincerity, the intensity and the clarity conveyed by you...

I too have wondered about not returning to the physical plane, full of its ego driven madness, doubts, hindering belief systems, and misery.  However, I wonder how many of us would come back, knowing that we are doing so for a loved one or a noble cause?

I certainly doubt that reincarnation is forced on any of us, since free will seems to be inextricably linked with consciousness. 

When are we sufficiently cleansed of ego driven thinking and identity?  When are we content on the spiritual plane?  Or is it more complicated than that.  Do we have, as some here believe multiple aspects of ourselves active in multiple planes?

By the way, OOB Dude, if one sungazes, just make certain, you don't burn out your retinas.  No matter what you may have read, the process is still controversial, and visual impairment has been documented (even if looking at the sun at sunrise or sunset).  It is an interesting practice.

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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #6 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 10:54pm
About sungazing, I do it only at sunrise or sunset (my deck looks East, so sunrise is easiest) for a while, now (after some time) about fifteen minutes tops.

I belong to a group
This group uses ORMUS ("orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements") and practices sungazing. Guidelines are on the list files section.

It can be done safely, but PLEASE read about it, maybe even join the group and read the archives. The Egyptians were thought to have done it and then gone in to the pyramids for a dark retreat after.

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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #7 - Mar 26th, 2009 at 8:19am
Volu wrote on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:55am:
I've noticed several people have observed different areas are being thinned out in the astral, including the BSt areas. The way I see it, this is a game, and a game won't last forever. Think it will be way beyond amazing to share all the game experiences with one's friends, as higher selves/discs, outside of the game. Monroe mentioned becoming a game creator yourself as one of many possible options after graduation. I guess amazing and a zillion other superlatives won't add up to explain the wonderfullness up ahead. Smiley

Hi folks,
a great thread. However, I think the above touches on a bigger issue that's certainly of interest to me -maybe others here?
What's happening in the various Focus levels? Can anyone here report on the changes to the BSTs, Focus 27 and above? Are things being prepared for us without our conscious knowledge and what changes are they?
Anyone have more info?

Many thanks.

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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #8 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 11:29am

Yes, I think they are. I spoke with many people at Starlines II (Monroe's most advanced program) about this very thing-- the notion or impression that the areas between (Monroe-speak) Focus 24 to Focus 27 were being "cleared", and that they were much less populated and were actually dissolving because therte is no one to maintain the thought form in form... It was everyone's impression that especially the lower realms (Focus 24) were emptying and passing....

Simultaneously, we have noticed The Park and the environs (Monroe-speak) Focus 27 is much more extensive and busy. Those places which we had made on 27 were now found on 28 or 29, and things appeared much "deeper" through these levels. My effort has been to find and communicate with my friend and partner Janice who passed over two years ago last week. She made the decision to move on to other opportunities instead of coming back to this C-1 again, and has completed the work she was to do at The Park. I found her, and when I asked what level this would be in Monroe-speak I was told 32/33. It seems there is less distinction between the "layers" beyong the din of the human emotional energy buzz, what Monroe called M-band noise.

The Gathering (both Monroe and Bruce Moen write about it) is at Focus 34/35, as well as the thought platform from which all Monroe advanced programs are launched: Voyager 8. Voyager is a Startrek-like thoughtform which provides a target both for both traveling to and traveling from at this level. I have explored the levels from The Gathering inward to C-1 extensively, and resently was given a detailed cosmology of these levels by Miranon.

In Starlines and Starline II we jumped from this level of Focus 34/35 Voyager 8 up to Focus 42, the level of the I-There clusters. Bruce spoke of this in his books as the Disk, and Bob Monroe wrote of meeting his EXCOM "Executive Committee" on this level. From Focus 42 we jumped again, up to Focus 49, the level of the Cluster Council and The Stargate. Starlines uses "Space Station Alpha" at Focus 42, and "Space Station Alpha X" at Focus 49 and describes them as a "hotel or cruise ship lobby". I do not find this image at all helpful in an area without form of any kind.

Currently I am occupied in exploring the intervening areas. I would say that there is much being done and prepared on those levels for what Echerd Tolle would call The New Earth. Much of Starlines II was concerned with 2012, and everyone's messages were similar: what happens depends on what we choose. Nothing is decided or set in stone except for the transformation and the opening itself. What will we choose? I choose a place of love and peace.

I have posted several times about "Beyond Focus 27" and sourced Partnered Explorations "To Infinity and Beyond" as well as Not Beyond, The Moon, and Ayres Rock, but there is only a small group who participated, and so few have context or experience beyond 27. A few have responded, but this is a place of retrievals mostly, and there has not been a lot of interest for exploration.

I know there are others doing this exploration because I can see them out there, much as Bruce talked about them sitting and listening to his conversations with the Planning Director and such. I have come to know some of them individually, but there are not many.....

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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #9 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 3:35pm
Hi Thomas,
many thanks for this -this is terrific info!
I'll look forward to more as it comes up.

Very best wishes and thanks again,
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #10 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 3:52am
tgecks wrote on Mar 27th, 2009 at 11:29am:

Currently I am occupied in exploring the intervening areas. I would say that there is much being done and prepared on those levels for what Echerd Tolle would call The New Earth. Much of Starlines II was concerned with 2012, and everyone's messages were similar: what happens depends on what we choose. Nothing is decided or set in stone except for the transformation and the opening itself. What will we choose? I choose a place of love and peace.


Hi again Thomas, thinking about what you wrote above, I'm wondering about 2012 being dependent on what we choose. Does this mean there has to be a critical mass of humanity who has to choose love and peace before it will work? I could see the cynics reacting something like 'too few, too little, too late' -so for them there's no hope; or will those who choose peace and love experience 2012 as just that, and the ones that don't choose this experience a completely different world: for example David Icke's warnings about the potential global fascist state (which I know is a little off topic, but I hope you understand what I'm driving at)?

Best wishes,

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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #11 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 6:34pm
Recently I heard Gregg Braden say that only one tenth of one percent of the world's population is required, but that seemed awfully small. There are some writers who have suggested that there will indeed be more than one world, or perhaps just one in a different or several different dimensions. "One Mind" is what I am most consistently told by guidance, the end of the Dream of Separation.

But even if a critical mass is required, it is/was accomplished. Remember that the outcome is NOT in doubt. We have only to hold the Vision of what we desire, the world we desire, and the Universe will respond! What I am saying is that it is up to us, each of us, all One of us, and we will be ready.

As for the rest, who can say?

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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #12 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 2:10am
well..i hear ALL sorts of conspiracy theories flying about 2012...i did some research n found out tht...the only actual thing i found out is the Mayan Calender ending, is it that u guys r talking about, some kind of "portal" opening up between us n the after life?..i am all about loving since the past few count me in tht critical mass Smiley
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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #13 - Apr 4th, 2009 at 1:14pm
Hi Seeking answers,
try here for more info:

and here:

which may give you more insight.

Best wishes,

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Re: The Second Sunrise of Spring
Reply #14 - Apr 4th, 2009 at 1:59pm
thanks dethridge Smiley
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