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Magnified consciousness (Read 1822 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Magnified consciousness
Mar 21st, 2009 at 9:17am

(Cleve Backster is that fellow who has spent about 50 years so far  recording the responses of plants and other living cells with EEGs, EKGs, lie detectors, etc. Now he works more with live cell scrapings similiar to those collected for DNA research and also with bacteria he gets from yogurt, etc.)

Backster has decades of lab research showing that cells around us pick up our human intents and attitudes. They then reflect life's reaction to those attiudes and intents out within a range or territory that varies in size and is filled with other life.
The biosphere is interconnected units of these territories, seemingly teeming with relections of human attitudes and intents !

What do you see are the implications of this ?!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: Magnified consciousness
Reply #1 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 11:19am
Only drawing on intuition and what I have read Bets, but my strong feeling is to fall back to a basic position that's starting to achieve scientific respectability these days too - that all (whether living or apparently not) manifests as a result of mind or intention acting on an underlying energetic fabric.

Like the zero point energy field and related effects (including demonstrated instantaneous communication at the quantum level, and the influence of intention on physical processes) now being explored by a few open minded scientists as written about by Lynn McTaggart in 'The Field', and discussed by various academics in Down the Rabbit Hole.

Less scientific terminology described a similar view in the Vedic, Hindu and Buddhist traditions thousands of years ago - perhaps demonstrating the power of intuitive knowing.

Put another way: it seems possible that Einstein got the first two variables by realising the equivalence of mass and energy (E = MC2 - the 'what'), but maybe didn't get so far as figuring out the 'how'. i.e. how these processes are controlled.

More and more it seems to be becoming clear that (as long held by the spiritual traditions) that (a) third party independent observation of strictly newtonian interactions is largely impossible because mind and intention influence outcomes, and (b) mind seems more and more to be emerging as the fundmental first level creative power - as the determinant of perception, and therefore of all experience.

That's not to say that I'm arguing against for example evolution or physical newtonian processes - but it's starting to look like the picture is one that requires a very holistic view, that there are multiple interdependent systems and levels in play. Physical, non physical, quantum, and heaven knows what else.

Viewed from the perspective of this long held but now increasingly verifiable view, it's maybe not too surprising to start to discover that all may in some way be 'alive', that all is interconnected.

Put in spiritual terms. Our task is to drop the illusion of separation, to end the experience of life as a matter of interaction of separate beings in an uncaring world - to come to experience the interconnectedness and equality of all - to live love. Why should love extend only to include 'people'. That sounds like the usual 'me-centric' thinking....
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Lights of Love
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Re: Magnified consciousness
Reply #2 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 11:52am
Hi Bets,

This research is interesting. Some years ago several of us that see auras and work with the human energy field for healing performed experiments that showed (at least to us) that plants have the ability to sense someone’s intent. For example when someone approached a plant with the intention of cutting off a leaf the aura around the leaf would turn blood red even before it was cut. After a cut was made a healer could heal the wound in the plant’s aura and the leaf aura would return to normal. Something else that is interesting and goes along with this research is the aura of a leaf will appear before the plant forms the leaf, while it is in the bud stage of growth.

I think the reason for this is that everything is consciousness, which is information. This information seems to be carried within or through our energy field, which is non-physical. Quite possibly cells have energy fields that carry and exchange conscious information within their entire system just as we do. Intent could be said to be the mechanism that moves consciousness along its evolutionary path. Feelings (states of being) are intrinsic to the entire system because that is how the whole of consciousness (God) evolved with love being the primary state of being because that was/is the most profitable state to exist in.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Magnified consciousness
Reply #3 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 3:43pm

Many thanks for your input s ! Smiley

Kathy, did the healer 'fix things' (the leaf) by picturing it whole or by projecting PUL ?  I am dissappointed that Backster's work has not (as published) discovered the energy of PUL. Maybe someday science can match our PUL to the essence of life/consciousness, if they have not already.  I feel we do since it affects so much in the non-physical--the negative malevolent spirits as well as the innocent ill, lost souls, eetc.

Vajra, I think Mr Backster feels that his ideas are not received by science, and yet your comments show that they are right there together with the latest and best that science can offer now!
Would you e-mail him your comments? 
(If not, may i quote you to them?) Contact Francine Prowse at Primary Perception (google?)and she will forward your comments to him.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Magnified consciousness
Reply #4 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 5:57pm
Hi Bets, Kathy. It's hard not to think Bets when you read with an open mind that there's not lots of work that's been left in that situation.

The culture of highly aggressive competition that prevails in academia has with vested interests resulted in a situation where objective scientific method and acceptable (not accepted) theories amount to an institutional dogma that not just excludes but actively attacks the subjective, and all thinking that threatens the cosy status quo.

I'll pass on the link, it'd be interesting to find out if this man's work connects in any specific way with what's reported in the sources I quoted. I seem to remember that Lynn McTaggart in the Field describes to work which was able to identify plant responses of the sort Cathy mentions in plants, but I don't know who it was attributed to.

Here's a couple of links to McTaggart - first her blog on the topic of the Field, and then an interview with her where she talks of the link demonstrated in experiments between plant growth rates and intention.

This for me is incredibly important work, if only because it may result through scientific validation in the bringing of a view which has been the preserve of the spiritual traditions into mainstream acceptance.

Intellectual understanding of the reality of interdependence and interconnectedness is only a start towards living in love, but the first step is often the most important...
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Lights of Love
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 881
Re: Magnified consciousness
Reply #5 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 1:48pm
Hi again Bets and Ian,

Bets there are many healing modalities and they are all only metaphors of consciousness to help us focus our intent. Visualization and projecting PUL are used by many healers and can be very effective. However they are not the methods that others and I use, which is laying on of hands healing. A brief description of my experience includes seeing the aura very clearly. I have extreme clarity of mind though I can think and communicate with beings that come to help. Heat and colored light is emitted from the palm of my hands depending on what is needed for the individual.

All of this seems to me to happen automatically. I’m no doubt in an altered state of consciousness, however this state feels like normal consciousness to me with the only difference being that of clarity. This state of consciousness is similar to what people that have had a NDE describe… the grass is greener, everything is alive with vital consciousness, everything is permeated with PUL, etc. The “sweetness” of PUL cannot effectively be described with words. It’s like the consciousness of this reality is a state of PUL in and of itself. It is truly extraordinary. The intent behind the action appears to be like the same intent that keeps us alive in a physical body… the heart pumping, lungs breathing, etc. It’s the deeper base intent within God consciousness and most likely within personal consciousness in a connected oneness that is also difficult to describe.

Again it is not the modality that is significant. It is the altered state that permits your brain wave frequency to change the state of your consciousness that is significant. This is a state such as one you reach during meditation. It is as simple as changing your focus or perspective from the physical world to the nonphysical world. It is something that is simply and effortlessly allowed to happen rather than something you have to concentrate on, strive for or try hard to do. It’s allowing what is hidden, your deeper intent that “intends” you here in physical reality, to be revealed. This state of consciousness can take place no matter what you’re doing, even while standing in a crowd of people you can go into an altered state such as that of meditation.

I do not use imagination or visualization because it is difficult to tell the difference between what is imaginary and what is really occurring. I see this as a matter of taking responsibility in my ability to discern accurately. I need to be able to trust what I’m experiencing. I’m not speaking against Bruce’s imagination method or any other visualization methods. All those can work fine because it is the altered state of consciousness that allows nonphysical experience and certainly similar activities such as daydreaming for example can put you into an altered state as well. From that altered state you can do many things such as healing and exploration.

Ian, I have thought about reading The Field off and on, but haven’t gotten around to it. I will check out the links you provided. Thanks! And I’m so glad you are feeling better!

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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