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A very open letter to all of you, please read. (Read 6417 times)
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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #15 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 4:26pm
Hi Jai The mediums i have gone to are genuine as a true medium will say to you "Dont tell me nothing,let me tell you "because if there genuine they dont need you to give them information as they will get it from whoever there communicating with from spirit.

False mediums will try and get information from you,by asking you trick questions but in a way were you probaly dont realise you are feeding them with information ,so if a medium does not say to you "Dont tell me anything,let me tell you"then there false.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #16 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 5:02am
Hi guys,

thanks so much for replying,

Petrus, when you say:

That's true, and generally people who've done retrievals or had Near Death Experiences have less fear.  I'm still afraid of the pain involved wile dying, and the loss of self, etc...but not loss of total existence.

what do u mean by loss of self?...Do u mean the memories of this life etc? Because if thats what happens and we dont remember anything, then the whole concept of after life makes no sense?

Further more, if Bruce has been able to do all that you people say, why isnt it been published largely?...

I read on a website, that "Bruce cannot and has not been able to prove anything scientifically....he uses the imagination".....

Does that mean he uses hypnosis?
one more question i wanted to we remember everything of this life once we move to the After life...IF it exists. Smiley
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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #17 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 7:41am
My replies are within the quote below, in brackets.

seeking_answers wrote on Mar 19th, 2009 at 1:52am:
Hello guys,
After life -  ok after life. what is the after life....from what i have seen on the board, it seems like a fairy land..where u get what u wat u want etc. Now isnt tht a bit too far fetched???...i mean look around us, we are neck deep in problems created by us alone, and we believe tht after life wud be a holiday...albeit a permanent one? why wud god..or some other force give us tht? why cant this be a sugar coated pill to help use die a bit easily...u know so the entire world doesnt get into a panic frenzy like i am Shocked

{My replies are in brackets here and below: Seeking answers, I don't see the afterlife as a holiday, but the descriptions I have been able to put together simply come from my own experiences in meditation, and a lot of my meditation is guided. I have experimented a lot, and used these resources extensively, different kinds of cds, with and without music, with and without brainwave frequency technology, and some of my experiences have translated into a feeling of connection between this world and 'that' world. It has been empowering in many ways. I have no explanation why 'God' would give us all these experiences. It just seems to me that human beings are much more complex, much larger in mind and emotion than is apparent from the roles we fulfill in our everyday lives. That is not really a fair comparison, because it sounds almost like someone who has 'seen' the afterlife has an advantage over another. All I can say is that meditation and experimentation and comparison of my 'notes' with the reservoir of knowledge here has very greatly reduced any fear of death for me.}

Travels to and from afterlife - i have read ppl posting tht they went to the afterlife to for retrievals...visits etc and that they had visits from people who told them they r fine. how can this not be a hallucination? mind as we know it is a master illusionist, and we can imagine anything possible...i mean look how far have we evolved!.

{I agree with others who ask that anyone define what a hallucination actually is? We all see the world very differently than at other times, based on many different circumstances.}

Purpose of life - what is the purpose of life if eventually we all are going to be blessed with eternal peace with our loved ones, why do we slog to make our ends meet in this world? and wat when one day this earth ends? i mean meteorite hit....sun engulfing or even tht 2012 thing? what happens then?

{A purpose for life is something you must define for yourself. It is really entirely up to you.}

Western world's fear of death - i am sorry if i may seem racist here but over the years the western world esp the americans see death as an enemy ex- "she lost her battle with cancer" "he won his fight with so and so disease". having said this i dont say ppl r scared...but this all after life thing could be a way to calm them down...more so to give them a sense of hope tht no...u will survive!.

{I agree that there is much fear based thinking here in the West. We are obsessed with youth and materialism of all kinds. It does not make us happier people. But, of course, that has been changing recently.}

OBEs etc - people claim to have had OBEs etc and NDEs. i frankly cannot talk about NDEs coz i havent read about em which i will.
but can u move out of ur body unless ur dead!...i believed if a soul leaves a body the person is dead.

{From the experiences of others here, which I agree with, I would say that you are much 'bigger' than you give yourself credit for. Your mind is vast, and contains abilities you are not yet aware of.}

logically after life shouldnt exist because it serves no purpose, but i am secretly wishing it would.

{What else would you like to see in an afterlife? What would you like it to look like, feel like? What would you like for this life to look like, feel like? The universe hears your wishes.}

many people claim to have been contacted by their loved ones, but no one can guarentee tht we meet them after we die, thats kind of weird isnt it? more importantly, how come no one who is visited by their loved ones can say with belief how after life looks.

{The afterlife is a TRULY personal experience. The messages you get in your life, the things you learn in life, are meant for you. You are given a lot of information, sometimes, in a visit, but no one has ever handed me a map, a diagram, 'out there' --- or a big, giant rulebook, saying this is how it's supposed to go. You just kind of get out there -- and STUFF happens.}

my second last point is, people some times post that after u leave this world n go to the after life  u can live with ur loved ones for ever, then someone stands up and says no u have to reincarnate!...and a third one says no! u can choose so. please someone clear it up for me and other seekers.
and why hasnt anything after the after life been remotly proven?

{I don't know. I'm reincarnating every minute here, as far as I can tell. Sometimes I think life is all about accumulating experience until you know what kind of thoughts/experience to avoid, so that you can be of greater happiness and service.}


{If you are depressed, learning something new can make you feel better. Everyone, of course, will encourage you to have a visit to the afterlife yourself....ask for a dream, and see what you learn from it. I believe the afterlife is something we each have inside of us, but it is not some kind of 'solid' thing, it is fluid, changing. You don't have to believe me, but I really don't think that it is something truly 'out there' but something inside of you and me at the deepest levels}

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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #18 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 7:46am
But Moons, according to the thing written about the after life by all the members and Bruce himself, it seems like the next that does make it...something outside..right? Undecided
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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #19 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 7:59am
It can be a next stage. It can also be right here, right now. I believe it is. Right here, right now. It doesn't sound logical, and it gives me great pleasure to write these things here, rather than standing in front of someone looking perplexed, trying to explain it to them until they start laughing in my face. It is all interconnected, in my view, and what we do and think here now affects the 'feedback' we get from 'there' -- I wish I could explain it better. But from my point of view, it is all completely connected. When we 'get there' -- meaning, after physical death -- I don't know how to predict that. But I feel much, much, much better prepared for it now that I have spent considerable time 'practicing' different kinds of  'mind movement' and also listening to others talk about what is possible. For example, the near-death experiences of others.

There are so many things to notice, in this life, once we begin looking. Communication can come in many forms. Understandings can come in many forms. If I were to begin writing a list I would be here all day. But, for the moment, I feel very confident in telling you that there is a huge 'afterlife' -- huge -- right here, right now, inside of you and me and all of us.
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Re: A very open letter to all of you, please read.
Reply #20 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 4:49pm
Hi jai You do not have to reicarnate,only as you are living this life,when you die the higher spirits will just ask you what you think you have learnt and sometimes souls that have passed to spirit feel they have not learned enough, so they choose to reincarnate to try again but that is there choice ,you dont have to reincarnate.

You take your memory with you when you pass to spirit and you are still the same person you were on earth,i'm not sure myself when you reincarnate to another life through your own choice, whether the memory of your former life leaves you,can you all on the afterlife answer that question for me.

I have done retreivals and have also guided them to one of there family,i did this for one of my freinds that lost his life tragically,i helped guide him to my dad and his dad as my dad and his dad were best friends.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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