Delicately put Bets.
I think there's a definite stage we go through where raising our energy can cause sexual feelings, with an associated urge to dissipate this energy through sexual or other compensatory activity. Or cause fear, as a result of a lack of rootedness.
One of the keys to being able to maintain a raised energy state seems to be the ability to avoid dissipation and fear, to rest easily in this more highly energetic state.
This I guess is why abstinence has got stitched into so many traditions, and was escalated to prudery and an obsessive form of denial in the case of Christianity. Also why so many reject out of hand anything that doesn't go 'clunk' when you kick it.
As ever when it's happening right it seems to happen easily, and feel right. My personal experience is that over the years one becomes better able to contain and rest in the energy, that eventually it's directed towards other ends.
The eastern tantric traditions comprise a whole science of working with them, one which as ever is often misunderstood or lost the resulting charged innuendo.
As ever it's something that is dealt with correctly when the time is right, when we have developed sufficient equanimity.
Prior to this we commonly get into the above obsessive denial, or into indulgence, or suppress urges to the spiritual. Or at least reside in an edgy stasis caught between urges.
These behaviours I guess constitute the good old ego yet again trying to use even the urge to higher knowing for its own ends...