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Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect (Read 4946 times)
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Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Feb 15th, 2009 at 10:47pm
Some of the most direct After death communications occur when a living (incarnate) person has  a one on one discussion with a deceased loved one.  In another thread, Don pondered, why guides would not be in a better place or spiritual state to help stuck people then we, the incarnate.

As I noted from several sources there were reasons why someone stuck in focus 22 or a belief system territory might have their sight earthbound, and still be caught up in thinking as they did while incarnate.  A guide from Focus 27 or higher might not be able to get their attention as easily as a living (incarnate) person.  There was also the perils noted by Swedenborg and others of a spiritually advanced consciousness lowering itself down to a stuck level, and losing its wisdom or perspective while there, adopting the stuck way of thinking for a time.

So, with Bruce's imagination method, we might make contact with earthbound or "stuck" individuals more easily and more often than spiritual helpers.  The logic behind this seems apparent, if a stuck consciousness has its sight set on the physical plane.  

But to really carry this discussion further, how else might spiritual communication occur?  On earth, in the physical plane, we can communicate one to one with language - dialogue.  Or, we can use a telephone, or a computer and communicate at great distances.  In fact, if one considers Ham radio, cell phones, walkie talkies, the world wide web, light based communication, the use of CDs, DVDs, sign language, even old Indian smoke writing, there is an enormous variety of physical communication.

Why should the afterlife be any different? There may be numerous ways in which spirits/consciousness could communicate to us, rather than forcing their entire consciousness down onto our earthly plane.  

One form of contact may occur in the form of images sent to either our waking mind or our subconscious. Maybe, there is continous contact from the higher planes to our subconsicous.  Maybe that is one doorway that doesn't require a more advanced spirit to lower its thought to our plane.  Mediums such as John Edwards, sometimes speak of getting certain tell tale symbols which they have learned to interpret.  Perhaps they are more sensitive to symbology than most waking people.

In a more tangible/concrete form, EVP, ITC and the ouija board have produced some striking examples of communication.  However, as noted by different sources, the ouija board especially seems to be prone to exploitation by lower level/malicious entities.  

Guidance may be via direct communication with a consciousness or loved one (which seems to be a rare, but life changing event), or by one of these more indirect encounters.  Someone may feel guided to take a certain path or do something out of the ordinary.   Could that guidance have been from an outside source (spirit guide)?  Could one form of indirect communication be to change probabilities in our lives to let us have a spark of synchronicity or intuitiveness that defies the laws of nature and lets us know that there are no accidents?

Those involved in paranormal research have written about materializations of objects (Don wrote of cherished rings of his parishoners deceased relatives that materialized and later vanished).  Thse physical signs, real or not may be a further form of spiritual communication.  

I would conclude that while one on one direct communication may be rare, that when we examine our lives and what has been reported we will find many more methods of indirect or secondary communication taking place.  Perhaps, we can be most open to these communications when we directly ask for them, during meditation or while relaxed in a receptive state of mind.  

Knowing that there doesn't always have to be a merging of two conscious entities on the same spiritual plane, gives us many more options to communicate with those in the afterlife.

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« Last Edit: Feb 16th, 2009 at 7:58pm by DocM »  
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #1 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 5:40pm

You provide one the best new threads in a long time because your are drawing attention to possibilities that can be researched and can potentially advance knowledge of the dynamics of the hereafter.  Psychologists have debunked mediums by inventing and meditating on fictional characters, and then suckering mediums into conjuring up these inventions with paranormal information about them.  The fictional charancters thus channeled speak as if they are dead and are now concerned about their surviving loved ones!  In my view, these ruses probably refute the genuineness of channeling.  

But there is another possibility.  Perhaps some mediums can at times tap into the minds of discarnates without their knowing it, and then reissue the information gleaned by role playing direct communication.

The infamous Gordon Davis case might have a similar explanation.  Sam Soal attended a eeance with medium Blanche Copper to contect his recently deceased brother.  The spirit of "Gordon Davis" interrupted the seance, spoke in a style that was true to his character (e. g. expressions like "old chap"; "confab"), and provided verifiably accurate details about his life that were unknown to both Sam Soal and the medium.  

In fact, Gordon Davis was alive at the time and knew nothing about the seance.  So the crucial point is this: someone had wrongly informed Soal that Davis had been killed and the medium was somehow able to tune in to Soal's false belief to recreate Davis's persona via ESP.  Did a spirit impersonator hoodwink Blanche Cooper? Or did the medium tune in to Davis's mind via ESP without Davis's knowledge and then recreate his persona by role playing a deceased Davis?  If the latter possibility is correct, then the chatty ease of channeled material no longer poses a serious obstacle to the claim that incarnate humans are needed to retrieve trapped discarnate souls.

A somewhat related productive issue to explore is the question of why the dead so seldom contact their grieving loved ones in verifiably spectacular ways.  Occasionally dramatic ADCs make this issue more compelling. I am looking for new perspectives on this issue to provide an excuse to reaqctivate my long dormant thread on this question.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #2 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 7:22pm
Psychologists have debunked mediums by inventing and meditating on fictional characters, and then suckering mediums into conjuring up these inventions with paranormal information about them.  The fictional charancters thus channeled speak as if they are dead and are now concerned about their surviving loved ones!  In my view, these ruses probably refute the genuineness of channeling. 

There may be more to this than you may think.

Perhaps rather than just "making up"  fictional characters, these psychologists are actually tuning into the lives of real individuals who have passed on. 

Perhaps everything we think exists in some level of reality, and our thoughts are simply us mentally tuning into these realities.  If you remember that our multidimensional universe is infinite, it won't sound as far fetched as one may initially think.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #3 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 7:26pm

I am curious as to why the ouija board seems to attract many more lower-level entities, rather than higher-level spirits.  I have a few ideas, but nothing really concrete.  What do you think?
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #4 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 8:24pm
Hi Don,

Yes, it would be interesting to compile evidence gathered by direct and indirect communication and go into detail about what is said, both in regard to physical evidence and also emotional response.  For example, what information comes across in EVP, compared to a personal encounter.  

If enough research were done, we could likely make meaningful statements about the type of information obtained for each of the indirect methods of contact (ouija, EVP, ITC, scrying, hypnosis, hemi-sync, mediums, etc).  

Clearly most people would prefer direct communication to indirect.  But with many techniques available, one has to consider various options.  

OOB Dude:
I am not an expert on ouija.  In part, I think that lower level or malicious entities may be invited in, so to speak, because the person with his/her hands on the board, is, in essence inviting a spirit/entity to move his/her hand.  This is similar to offering to be possessed.  My guess is that other than the recently departed, desparate to communicate, mostly malicious entities would be the type to desire to be invited in to the physical body (possession).  I'm sure there are contacts that are benign as well.  However, as I recall the actual case based off the movie The Exorcist began via ouija board use.  It is also interesting to note that Jane Roberts' initial contact with the Seth entity was via Ouija board contact.  

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I Am Dude
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #5 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 9:31pm
I played with an ouija board for a few days back when I was a young teenager.  My cousin and I began communicating with a being named Jaw.  It was actually quite amazing, because at first we were channeling a strange language.  When we asked what this language was we were told Latin.  He then changed his language to English.  At first it was fun and games.  He once told us to watch the news, even giving the specific channel and time, for somthing important.  Nothing came of this, however.  But then it became scary when we were told that I was going to kill my friend that we were with at the time.  That was the last time we played with it.

Jane Roberts may not be the best example of this, simply because it is debatable whether or not Seth was a negative or positive entity(we obviously have different opinions on this), and it can't be proven that her death was caused by her channeling this entity either.  Of course, an entity dictating an entire series of books dedicated to helping humanity wake up to their greater reality and offering mind-expanding philosophy, all the while helping Jane and those who knew her and Seth personally explore the higher levels of their existence through OBEs and dreams, and offering them all extremely helpful personal advice, can hardly be called negative, but we don't have to get into that.  I don't want this thread to get sidetracked.  

I don't know if playing the ouija board is an invitation to enter one's body.  It seems like the entities move the game piece rather than the player's hands.  Of course, playing can attract and entity into your consciousness, and from that point on anything can happen.
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #6 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 11:50pm

Sorry didn't mean to slight all the Seth data.  Clearly there is truth there (thought does create reality) and the philosophy behind it is very self consistent.  Whether the spirit is moving the ouija board or we are inviting something to move us using are bodies is the distinction that may invite some negatives in to play. 

I plan to use this thread to investigate various indirect methods of spiritual communication, and I will report back on them when I can.

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Neil Gordon
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #7 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 10:43am
I stopped having to think about it.

When I opened my mouth, I could talk for myself or for the entity. It was mostly done verbally. I would sometimes get it wrong - I would say a word, or I couldn't get the exact word, and he would say "close enough" or I would keep on trying until I got the right word. We were limited to using terminology and words which were in my personal vocab.

Interestingly we once used a method where he used my voice as an instrument and the feedback from ears to get the exact word. It would be a very freaky sounding speeded up sound, and gradually we would decrease the frequency until the word emerged. I'm not sure if he was yanking my chain on this one , though.

So to summarize I would have to be "in contact". The contact quality could be almost 100%.

At these times I could tell when he was present. Then just opening my mouth got the dialog started. I could also tell when he was gone. It felt like an whoosh and then like a vacuum.

Sometimes speaking random words (rambling on and on, about nothing) helped to open the channel. Eventually the nonsense started to make sense and the words morphed into real communication.

What was interesting was the morphing of words and how so many words sound so similar.

This was a very difficult method of communicating because of course everyone around thought I was talking to myself. At no stage was I in a trance.

The other method was a telepathic "YES" or "NO" in my mind's eye. Also an arrow, when he was dictating some text to me, he would point up or down or left or right in my minds eye. Also once we had a telepathic "SMS" communication - sparse communication, but telepathic (we also referred to it as teletype).

I could never get to telepathic concepts (although I came close quite a few times).

Can't prove that this wasn't all in my imagination, but then who can prove anything? One day I will know for sure.

Another method was when I could see slightly onto focus 22 or the astral, not sure which. He used any combination of background images to form whatever graphics he wanted to. I think he manipulated my impaired perception somehow, because if you looked directly at it, then it turned into the background. Interestingly, we got around this once, by obscuring the background with material completely, so I could then look directly at it, without dissolving it.

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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #8 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 4:58pm
"In another thread, Don pondered, why guides would not be in a better place or spiritual state to help stuck people then we, the incarnate."

Don, you should re-read Howell Vincent's book Lighted Passage!

For those who don't know, Vincent was a Presbyterian minister who published the book in the 1940s, during WWII.  His daughter Rea and her husband were killed in a car accident during their honeymoon.  

Vincent had several contacts with Rea after her death.  Here are some pertinent passages about retrievals that both he and Rea were performing.  There are lots of insights here!

"Immediately after th tragedy of Pearl Harbor, I became conscious of Rea's presence and cooperation whenever I prayed for those killed in battle, that they should be given light and be enabled to follow that light up to the Father.  AS I was inviting the bewildered spirits who had gone out suddenly from earth life into a condition for which they had only a little knowledge.......I became conscious that Rea was with me, that she was leading crowds of spirits from battlefields and bombed areas.....She was cooperating with me in prayer vibration to meet the world's most crying need."

"I do not know how essential we mortals may be in this cosmic gleaning which Rea and many others carry on daily.  We learned that the physical humanity of us can aid these bewildered multitudes of spirits where great and good spirits may not help.  (Italics mine.)

These words from Rea to her father: "To join us in the work for which we were called (ie retrievals) is the greatest gift you can give us.  Your prayers and faith are our credentials with the lost.  As we approach these bewildered deadwho know not which way to turn,we bid them look into your hearts for the credentials that validate our service to them.

"The reason for this is that they cannot see us clearly, our atmosphere or environment of light is too bright for them. Often they have more difficulty than living mortals have in seeing us understandingly."  Italics added.

"They are still of a slow, mundane vibration of life, and so they have no trouble in seeing you (ie Vincent), and they carefully scrutinize your motives.  The love and good will for them that they see in your heart, as you lift them to the Father in prayer, assure them of our sincerity, even though they cannot see us."

So here is a story of retrievals, called rescues, that was going on in the 1940s along with an explanation as to why living humans are in a better position than are helpers to help those who have died, especially in sudden and/or traumatic conditions.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #9 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 5:32pm

How did you initiate contact with this entity?  Do you still interact with this being?  What kind of things did he have to say?
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #10 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 10:27pm
Neil, thank you for telling us about how it is for you "channeling" another entitity. I think these kind of detailed reports are important for everyone to hear who is interested in this kind of topic. We will never clear the question of how genuine, truthful and what not this is, but we can give an impression to the visitor of this board what kinds of experiences are possible. What of these messages the reader considers to be true is his/her own thing.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Neil Gordon
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #11 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 12:05am
I Am Dude wrote on Feb 17th, 2009 at 5:32pm:
How did you initiate contact with this entity?

He initiated contact with me.

Do you still interact with this being?


What kind of things did he have to say?

Mostly about the nature of reality. Since Bruce Moen says we can find out for ourselves, that's why I'm here. (Some things correlated with what Bruce says, some not)

Don't want to take this thread off-topic

Anyway, great topic Matthew.
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #12 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 12:25am
Regarding the Ouija board and its tendency to attract ignorant and unhelpful energies:

  The main reason that i intuit is because of formation of collective thoughtform and intents around Ouija board.   Everything physical, is symbolic info and a reflection of nonphysical energy in a sense.  An "object" is essentially an "idea", which encodes meaning deeper than the physical object itself.

   Just as the human body, encodes info of the macro cosmos within it--you can see this truth in a deep and holistic and intuitive study of astrology.   As above/within, So below/without. 

   Ouija board was created and used by many, out of an idle curiosity and kind of a spiritually materialistic attitude... a immature vibe or thoughtform has been formed around this device.  And fear has developed as more difficult stories have come out around peoples experiences with same.  Some have preconceived conceptions along those lines, even if more unconscious, when going to use this device.   In short, SENSATIONALISM is the keynote of this device.

  Since most phenomena also follows the like attracts, begets, etc. like law, this then attracts similar energies to it, because this is what the Ouija board has come to mean collectively as a whole.   Spiritual materialism, sensationalism/drama, fear, etc..

  It would take someone with a lot of PUL attunement, high ideals and more pure intents, developed discernment, and spiritual power to overcome such an innate energy tendency when it comes to using this device.
However, such people in such stages don't tend to be attracted to such immature, spiritually materialistic, and frivolous means of nonphysical communication.  These types tend to prefer to go deep within for info.
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #13 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 12:34am
rondele wrote on Feb 17th, 2009 at 4:58pm:
"In another thread, Don pondered, why guides would not be in a better place or spiritual state to help stuck people then we, the incarnate."

Don, you should re-read Howell Vincent's book Lighted Passage!

For those who don't know, Vincent was a Presbyterian minister who published the book in the 1940s, during WWII.  His daughter Rea and her husband were killed in a car accident during their honeymoon.  

Vincent had several contacts with Rea after her death.  Here are some pertinent passages about retrievals that both he and Rea were performing.  There are lots of insights here!

"Immediately after th tragedy of Pearl Harbor, I became conscious of Rea's presence and cooperation whenever I prayed for those killed in battle, that they should be given light and be enabled to follow that light up to the Father.  AS I was inviting the bewildered spirits who had gone out suddenly from earth life into a condition for which they had only a little knowledge.......I became conscious that Rea was with me, that she was leading crowds of spirits from battlefields and bombed areas.....She was cooperating with me in prayer vibration to meet the world's most crying need."

"I do not know how essential we mortals may be in this cosmic gleaning which Rea and many others carry on daily.  We learned that the physical humanity of us can aid these bewildered multitudes of spirits where great and good spirits may not help.  (Italics mine.)

These words from Rea to her father: "To join us in the work for which we were called (ie retrievals) is the greatest gift you can give us.  Your prayers and faith are our credentials with the lost.  As we approach these bewildered deadwho know not which way to turn,we bid them look into your hearts for the credentials that validate our service to them.

"The reason for this is that they cannot see us clearly, our atmosphere or environment of light is too bright for them. Often they have more difficulty than living mortals have in seeing us understandingly."  Italics added.

"They are still of a slow, mundane vibration of life, and so they have no trouble in seeing you (ie Vincent), and they carefully scrutinize your motives.  The love and good will for them that they see in your heart, as you lift them to the Father in prayer, assure them of our sincerity, even though they cannot see us."

So here is a story of retrievals, called rescues, that was going on in the 1940s along with an explanation as to why living humans are in a better position than are helpers to help those who have died, especially in sudden and/or traumatic conditions.

Along these lines Ronedele:  Even back in the 20's and 30's, Edgar Cayce's source spoke of the need for spiritually oriented and high ideal type people, to pray for those who have transitioned to help them. 

   At others times, his source said interesting things like, "its of import to note that so and so, just became aware of having passed"   In some of these cases, so and so had died many years before. 

In other instances, trance Cayce mentioned, "there are thousands about us here at present", and from what his source seemed to be saying, they seemed to have been talking of those who are stuck.

  In other instances, it was remarked that some have stayed in the borderland for what we term centuries, before moving on to where they were really meant to be. 

  All in all, the Cayce readings seem to paint a rather clear picture of Retrievals; what they are and why they are necessary.   But, this source didn't devote a lot of time to this subject, just because it was based around more on peoples questions, and most just weren't asking specific questions about this topic.
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Re: Spiritual Communication - direct and indirect
Reply #14 - Feb 21st, 2009 at 4:28pm
Hi I  have done many readings and have most times been spot on,sometimes the person i talk to as a medium does not recognise what i tell them from spirit but its like what i'm taught in circle,to say exactly ewhat i get because sometimes information given thats not recognised can be recognised in the future.

Being a medium is hard because all the time you are decideing whether your own thought is coming through the reading or that its from spirit but all mediums go through that,when i get information from spirit ,i see the spirit of the person im my mind and now and again i get a visual,but spirit come in love and truth.

Jesus came to me one night and we said the lord's prayer together and he came with my catholic nun guide called teresa and i have been told by two mediums that they see a catholic nun standing next to me but this other medium told me that i can't possibly have a catholic nun spirit guide because catholic nuns are not allowed to be spirit guides so i'm not sure what to make of that as i have talked teresa many times.

When matthew asked on one of his threads what did the rug look like in his office i was shown it straight away,i hardly had time to think what it looked like as it was instant,i know i talk to spirit, i know i can see things as matthew lives in america and i live in engaland yet i still saw what that rug looked like.

I told spooky what the house looked like that he had lived in and he's in germany and i'm in england and i was given and shown this information from spirit.

The reading i did for marilyn was spot on ,all that i get from spirit  i have to give out whether its recognised or not and i do not charge anything for readings as its a gift and readings should be given with love not for gain.

Everyone of us is a medium,its just opening up your senses and letting spirit in.

Love and God bless    love juditha  
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