I don't know absolutely for certain, but I figure God (source being) exists in the following manner.
1. At first there was just source being. This being didn't understand what anything is until it got around to figuring out what everything is. Fortunately, right from the start, source being had awareness, the ability to learn, think, and create according to what it learned. Because source being is quite large it didn't take long for it to figure things out, not that linear time had much to do with the process.
2. Eventually source being used parts of it's own self to create many other parts, souls if you like, so it could have other beings to share existence with, and so they could help with the process of figuring out what's possible.
3. Source being never viewed these parts as being separate or inferior to itself. Just parts of itself that play their unique roles and learn what they need to learn in order to rejoin source being. Out of love and just plain common sense, source being doesn't consider it necessary to eliminate the parts once they rejoin source being. Once a part gets to the point where it no longer limits itself and lives according to the same love that source being lives according to, such a part can become aware of as much of the all as it wants to be aware of.
4. Some of these parts while existing in a form that looks and operates in a manner that is quite different than how they started out and end up, figured that source being looks just as they do. Source being got a good chuckle out of this. Source being figures it looks like everything that ever existed. Even this forum is a part of itself. Does something other than source being exist?
P.S. I channeled this from the right side of my brain. I hope it's right.