harvey wrote on Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:47am:I Am Dude wrote on Feb 12th, 2009 at 5:09pm:Wow Harvey. Such negativity. Why? Are you a bit jealous perhaps? I have no reason to lie. These experiences were documented in my Journals of Nonphysical Explorations thread.
What I am saying is that If you meat a spirit in a higher nonphysical level and you believe this spirit is "God", then you obviously have a misunderstanding of the true nature of God. Show me how this pastor's credentials and testimonies prove that this being he met was God "in the spiritual flesh" and then you will have a debate.
I can tell just from your post that you yourself are lacking this same understanding. Have you had any nonphysical experiences in higher levels? Have you ever felt the blissful state of oneness with the universe and God? In what way have you experienced God which gives you any authority to say that I am wrong or lying?
By testimonials and credentials I mean your real name, profession, photo of yourself, marital state, personal blog about your experiences,
personal biography, educational history, etc. That's in the physical sense....
All the real Astral Travelers that appear on the web, write and reveal the above about this. Bruce Moen, Robert Bruce, William Buhlman, Monroe from the TMI, and many others. They have nothing to hide! You hide behind your username, then expect us to believe your fictional afterlife experiences! Harvey.
All the REAL Astral Travelers?
So anyone else is a Fake? A Liar?
That is a pretty bold statement. Anything to back that up?
Guess that makes me a Fake and a Liar by your reasoning.
I do not know OutofBodyDude at all.
However, I give him the benefit of
any doubt.
You know why? Because I never have walked in his shoes.
Sometimes you go on your gut and my gut tells me he is truthful when he speaks about his experiences.
If you told me you saw this and that then I would not say you did not.
I am sure you did see this and that. As FAR as you have been taught!
Same works for me as well.
We are all stuck within our 3D bodies. We all comprehend through our 3D senses.
So when we do have an OBE then not everything we see is as clear as we would like it to be.
We 'filter' what we see based on what we know. What we have been taught throughout our lives.
People can go only as far as they are taught.
So they will 'see' only that far.
Even highly enlightened people will admit to this.
I remember reading that Monroe while out of body could not see as clear as he 'thought' he did.
I sincerely doubt this Paster person actually 'saw God'. (That is my gut talking)
He saw what he 'thought' to be god. From what he was taught to believe.
I am sure that he believes he saw God. Maybe he needed to 'see that' for his own set of lessons.
What is 'real' to one person may not be 'real' to the next.
Reality is subjective. What I see while out of body may not be what you or anyone else sees while out of body.
My reality is meant for me and no one else. It is my set of lessons to learn.
I have had encounters that I still cannot figure out. I have come to the belief that our actual memories can be disrupted/changed/surpressed.
Not all beings that are within the higher planes/dimensions necessarily are 'light beings'.
I have come to believe many of these beings are simply other life forms that reside in the higher dimensions/planes of existence.
Some are STO (Service To Others) and some are STS (Serviced to Self).
I have a hard time NOT to think there is only humans in this multiverse.
That is too arrogant of a thought to think we are the only ones around.
I tread very carefully now on sitting in judgment of someone else's experiences.
This paster probably saw what he believes to be God. So be it.
Doesn't make it so. Possible? Sure. Probable? I doubt it.
If it is real to him then also...so be it.
I am sure then he needed to see that.