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Posession during Out of Body Experience (Read 12153 times)
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Re: Posession during Out of Body Experience
Reply #30 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 12:40pm
Hi Vince,

  If you do think about going all the way in living a vegetarian lifestyle, i think the way that you are doing it now, as in gradual, is a good way.  It can be hard on the body to completely stop eating all meat right away, and due to that difficulty, some will think "i guess i need to eat meat in order to be healthy", when really its more of a cleansing reaction, and the body trying to adjust to a different way of being from many years of habit. 

   When i was 16, i stopped eating pork (i ate very little of this to begin with previously) and beef, due more to health reasons and concerns.   I ate foul and fish.   Gradually i ate less and less.

  As mentioned, when around 21 or so, i completely lost the taste and appetite for all meat.  Since also around that time i became more aware of and concerned about animal suffering, environmental issues around the meat industry, etc., i decided to completely stop and it was very easy for me.   
Very, very, very rarely, i feel the inner urge to eat a little fish, or recently when i went to a friends around Christmas, he had cooked fish thinking i ate that, and in the spirit of good will i decided i would just eat the fish with him.   I believe its important to not become overly dogmatic, fixed, and extreme regarding any practice or belief.

  Re: Cayce and interesting remedy relating to B12.   Some modern research has shown and suggested that due to its tricky nature, B12 is best absorbed via letting it release slowly in the mouth, and absorbing more that way than via the intestines and through normal digestion. 
  The high quality B12 supplement that i occasionally take, is designed to melt in the mouth and release and absorb primarily that way. 

   Many years ago before this modern research and before a lot was known about B12, Edgar Cayce gave a peculiar remedy for those he specifically said had anemia or his source generally said needed a strengthening of the blood forces within the body physical. 

    What he advised people to do, was to get some kind and amount of beef (i forget what part and how much), chopp it up, and put in a jar, and boil that jar with the beef in water for a time. 

  Eventually the juices from the meat would leach from the fibers, and separate.   Then he said to pour the juice into another jar and immediately cool it. 

   Then, depending on the person and situation, he said to take about a tablespoon or so, of this a couple or few times a day (depended on the individual), and to keep the juice in the mouth and to let it slowly absorb via mouth and mix well with the saliva.

   Now we know that anemia is oft caused by lack of proper amounts of iron and right ratio of certain b vitamins, particularly B12. 

  This "beef broth" remedy would provide both in good measure.  The verification comes in, in that B12 with its tricky and not easily absorbable and assimilated nature which has been shown by more modern research, would absorb ideally (especially if there are digestive issues as there oft are in people with dis-ease or disease as Cayce oft treated) in the mouth and not through normal means of digestion.
  Keep in mind, many of these people were already meat eaters, but they just weren't getting adequate amounts because of digestive issues, maybe not enough meat was being eaten, and because B12 is not the mos easily absorbed and assimilated nutrient to begin with.

  Some research has shown that amongst vegetarians, vegans, and meat eaters, that vegetarians who supplement with B12 tend to have the highest and most proper levels of B12 in the system, compared to even most meat eaters. 

  Vegans who do not supplement with a high quality B12 supplement, and who only occasionally eat fortified foods, tend to have harmfully low levels of B12, which then can lead to all sorts of issues and dis-ease symptoms eventually. 

  From a combo of experience, my intuition, reading McKnights work, and reading Cayce's work, i have come to the conclusion that on average the more material minded a person is, the more their body needs meat or at least the more they are attracted to eating same (McKnights' guidance touches upon this like attracts like issue with meat).
On average, the more spiritually minded a person, and more attuned to PUL, the less of a need for meat in the body physical system, and the less attracted to eating same.    I'm speaking in general, and there are always exceptions to such generalizations.  Such as a spiritually minded and very attuned to PUL kind of person, may get guidance to eat some meat because of dis-ease issues with the body physical, and which would be helped by the specific nutrients found in same. 
  When the body physical is more balanced, strong, and vital, it is easier to maintain that perfect balanced between Spirit, mind, and body which is so necessary in the "ascension" process.   This is also why i believe that some key and influential spiritual teacher/leader types occasionally promoted, or at least practiced themselves, fasting (even Yeshua did, and he seems to have not emphasized diet and health all that much). 
  Its an effective means and a practice of helping to bring these 3 into balance if the right intentions, motivations, etc. are there.
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