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Afterlife Mental Cases (Read 4044 times)
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Posts: 122
Afterlife Mental Cases
Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:44pm
Hi. I'm just wondering about what happens to mental patients when they pass over? I have read that alcoholics and drug addicts still desperately crave their drug and drink, unable to satisfy their cravings because they no longer have a physical body.

Does this mean that mental patients who have died will resort back to their crazy state of mind because of a lack of a physical body and the unavailability of chemical medications to 'sedate' and stabilize them.

We have a cousin who is a manic depressive and in the past has turned up at our house in his crazy manic state, upsetting the children, so's we had to call the police. They had their guns drawn on him but managed to subdue him with pepper spray. He was handcuffed and taken away yelling and screaming.

The second time this happened, many months later, the police was called and the pepper spray didn't work! He was then tazered with their electric shock weapon. We thought the police was going to shoot him as he pick up a weapon at them. We have now moved away to another house with an unlisted phone number.

He is an adult and I have heard his parents say that they wish he commit suicide. He's on medication but stops taking it from time to time causing mayhem on others. They only keep him in the mental  home for a short time where he behaves himself, then he's released back to his parents. So will the afterlife be a respite and rest for him or will he be like drunks, addicts, and other disturbed people causing problems for those 'normal' people in the afterlife and also causing problems for those of us still in physical life. I've heard they can possess us physical beings making us do crazy things also. Yours Sincerely. Carl and Family
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Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #1 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 11:35am
Greetings Carl,

From what we've experienced, in the afterlife, situations change rapidly or are left at the 'gate.'
Your cousin will soon reestablish his true being on a soul level when he gets to the afterlife.

His situation sounds hard on your family and you. It's difficult to comprehend how souls get so burdened by physical life that these states develop. Some say we have to experience everything eventually and that we choose which lives when we have these difficult periods. Your care and concern will be a great benefit to your family, I'm sure.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #2 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 3:05pm
Hi Carl there are spirit helpers who help people that are like your cousin when they pass over,and also spirit hospitals which help there soul to recover from the state of there mind and soothing chambers as well where beautiful music is played,so there is a lot of help for these people in the spiritworld.

Also there are small rivers where they bathe and this water cleanses there souls and in time they are made well again,what we do not have in the physical world we gain in the spiritworld,i feel thats what Jesus was trying to tell us when he said"Do not store riches up on earth as your riches are in heaven,i'm sure thats what Jesus said.

Love light and God bless     love juditha
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Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #3 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 6:13pm
How sad that the parents wish that he kill himself. I don't believe that he will be so effected by his disability once he has died. There is a big difference between the addictions of people and an altered state due to a mental disposition. I doubt he is addicted to the drugs that seem nessassary to keep him focused. (Sex can become an addition also and can also remain as one in the afterlife. )I have read that in some hell experiences that a drug addicted being would attempt to enter the body of a person, in body, doing drugs in order to feel the effect of the drug. Of course it doesn't work. Would it be hell if it did? And try and try they will, never feeling the experience as they would if they themselves were in body and doing the drugs. I believe Bruce writes a snippet about a drunk who does the same thing, and Bob about  a retrieval who dives into the sex pile. I might have them mixed up. It would seem that this person you are speaking of is living his own hell here on earth. I think he deserves compassion and understanding. That's not to say one shouldn't be extremely cautious as him mental stability is at question. Hard to imagine what lesson he has chosen for himself to experience this lifetime. Of course he may be one who is assisting someone else in their learning experience. But in my opinion, he will be just fine once this experience is over.  
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Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #4 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 8:17pm

I always find it a bit bizarre when a new person shows up and asks an odd question. Why are you asking this question? What do you want? Often the new person doesn't post again. That's too bad, because the question is often one that really doesn't have a simple answer.

I keep reading your post looking for some depth of understanding of mental health issues, and I'm not seeing that.

How can we know whether what will happen is that when your cousin dies he will continue to have episodes, or that whe you die, you will be in a place where you feel you have to have an unlisted phone number.

It would be interesting from the standpoint of how we do things in C1 to know trends. Do folks who have a genetic disorder here, clearly based on a molecular problem, continue to experience that problem in the afterlife? For instance, does someone who suffers from sickle cell anemia here carry the symptoms into the afterlife? Assuming that mental problems of the type you describe arise because of some chemical imbalance in the brain, then you can extend the question to mental issues. But I don't imagine that there is one answer for either situation. Rumor has it that we continue the growth we start here when we get to the other side.
So what we experience there might depend on where we are here when we cross over.
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gordon phinn
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Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #5 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 8:42pm

Carl, sorry to hear of such a difficult situation; we've had a number of cases up here in Canada where the taser actually kills the person; it's gone to the courts several times now.
Umm, as to the afterlife realities of mental patients; i have retrieved a number of such people, sometimes right after their passing and sometimes months after, and if they are "earthbound ghosts" out of the reach of astral helpers, they are usually still attached to their  "physical brain derangement", much as others are still attached to their addictions/religions/racial prejudices/general hangups/etc., and have to be dealt with on those terms.
Once "moved on" they can be sensitively treated in astral plane care facilities until their "attachment to their craziness" fades away to nothing.  This applies to senility also.

hope this helps:  gordon

carl wrote on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:44pm:
Hi. I'm just wondering about what happens to mental patients when they pass over? I have read that alcoholics and drug addicts still desperately crave their drug and drink, unable to satisfy their cravings because they no longer have a physical body.

Does this mean that mental patients who have died will resort back to their crazy state of mind because of a lack of a physical body and the unavailability of chemical medications to 'sedate' and stabilize them.

We have a cousin who is a manic depressive and in the past has turned up at our house in his crazy manic state, upsetting the children, so's we had to call the police. They had their guns drawn on him but managed to subdue him with pepper spray. He was handcuffed and taken away yelling and screaming.

The second time this happened, many months later, the police was called and the pepper spray didn't work! He was then tazered with their electric shock weapon. We thought the police was going to shoot him as he pick up a weapon at them. We have now moved away to another house with an unlisted phone number.

He is an adult and I have heard his parents say that they wish he commit suicide. He's on medication but stops taking it from time to time causing mayhem on others. They only keep him in the mental  home for a short time where he behaves himself, then he's released back to his parents. So will the afterlife be a respite and rest for him or will he be like drunks, addicts, and other disturbed people causing problems for those 'normal' people in the afterlife and also causing problems for those of us still in physical life. I've heard they can possess us physical beings making us do crazy things also. Yours Sincerely. Carl and Family 

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Posts: 122
Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #6 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 2:59am
Lucy wrote on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 8:17pm:

I always find it a bit bizarre when a new person shows up and asks an odd question. Why are you asking this question? What do you want? Often the new person doesn't post again. That's too bad, because the question is often one that really doesn't have a simple answer.

I keep reading your post looking for some depth of understanding of mental health issues, and I'm not seeing that.

How can we know whether what will happen is that when your cousin dies he will continue to have episodes, or that whe you die, you will be in a place where you feel you have to have an unlisted phone number.

It would be interesting from the standpoint of how we do things in C1 to know trends. Do folks who have a genetic disorder here, clearly based on a molecular problem, continue to experience that problem in the afterlife? For instance, does someone who suffers from sickle cell anemia here carry the symptoms into the afterlife? Assuming that mental problems of the type you describe arise because of some chemical imbalance in the brain, then you can extend the question to mental issues. But I don't imagine that there is one answer for either situation. Rumor has it that we continue the growth we start here when we get to the other side.
So what we experience there might depend on where we are here when we cross over.

Firstly, I would like to thank all those who replied to my post and questions. But! I would like to answer Lucy's post. If you find my message bizarre, then I find you bizarre! I asked a legit question/post requesting help, and got a reply from you that was banking on New Age Egomania! I'm a super member(you) with 700 posts and you are just a newcomer!....It was not until I read the great debate thread started by Beserk...'Channeling-A new reply to Roger'...that I came across your 6, Quote.."I don't believe in the existence of the historical Christ, because I don't know anyone who can walk on water. If one was really a Christian, He/She were Christ like and if he/she were Christ like, that person could could walk on water after 2 thousand years. This sort of thing should be old hat to the Christians.".....Well. So somebody doing sport should be breaking world records, in their respective sport,  because he or she is just doing it and continuing the energy tradition!!! ....Why are you not some sort of higher being or trainee Guru??.....Or are you!? Yours Sincerely. Carl and Family.
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Ex Member

Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #7 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 7:38am
Hi Carl I have two friends at my mental health center that i go to as i have mental health problems myself but i'm not a manic depressive,i just cannot cope with the outside world because of the life i have had,i do have two friends at the center who both suffer with manic depression and they are nice people.
As they do come there regular and do take there medication regular but one of them is a writer and he runs the writing class that i go to and the other one is a singer and she is a lovely kind person also my priest who i see was married to a manic depressive and he divorced her after 18mnths,so its hard to know how someone like this is going to turn out.
Its a shame that he does not take his medication regular as it really does help,thats why your cousin is better when hes in the mental heath centre because there he has to take his medication,it would be good really if he could attend a mental health day centre every day as it would really help him.But he would only go if he wanted to,so its hard to help people like him.

Love light and God bless   love juditha  

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 2368
Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #8 - Feb 7th, 2009 at 9:57pm

my opinion on this is, drinkers and those folks can have a quite lively drinking afterlife, with all their drinking comrads- for a while, this will not last forever.

Now, the case you told seems a bit different to me. It's a person who's out of control, a person whom we would think of to be split in more than one personalities, at least a person with severe inner conflicts who is going to break apart if not soothed with medication. Once this person has no physical body anymore, the main crystallization point of such a person has been gone, and it might well be that this person will fall apart. But this is no cause to worry, as all these parts are, usually, embedded in the higher self, which is much greater than a physical person self, so they all find back home and get newly aligned.

  I don't think you'd commit a sin when you kill somebody in self-defense, or to defense your loved ones, if this was part of your question. If it is really a defense.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Posts: 122
Re: Afterlife Mental Cases
Reply #9 - Feb 7th, 2009 at 11:49pm
Hi. It's me again. I would like to thank all those(again)who replied to my original post including even Lucy. I would also like to thank the Peer Moderator for sending me a private message saying to not take other member's posts too seriously. If you wish to continue this subject/thread I've started please do so. I will reply. Sincerely. Carl and Family.
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