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Jesus (Read 50482 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Jesus
Reply #90 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:29pm
hawkeye wrote on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:13pm:
We all know what "preaching" will get you when you continually direct it towards your wife or husband. Many times you end up drinking your morning coffee by yourself. No body wants to live a life of belittlement to feed over inflated egos. We can go through a number of lifetimes having to repeat the lessons we just haven't had the opportunity or fortitude to learn. Isn't that why we are here? To learn. With God within all of us, then looking within instead of towards others for direction and truth, might be a good place to start.  

 Ah, the one of purity speaking on living purely.  The one who believes there is nothing wrong with contributing to the torture and murder of animals that feel both acute physical pain and emotional fear, much like we humans do.

It is perhaps a detriment to those who are very self honest and very honest/sincere with others, that others will try to use that against them in some manner.  

 I could be like many others i've tuned into, i could lie or self delude, i could be insincere, i could twist the truth, i could not speak how i really feel...but then i wouldn't be myself--a Jupitarian from Jupiter, those of the Just and sincere, just as my name implies.   Cheesy  Grin
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #91 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:43pm
  Joe, i bow deeply to your expression and example of pure enLightenment, may we all come to know and especially live such undistorted and pure truth as you. 

  What, doth i sense a hint of sarcasm and insincerity on my part?  Oops, guess i'm not always as sincere as i pointed myself out to be earlier.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #92 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:47pm
"So i feel so much gratitude, deep respect, and love to him that it sometimes bothers me when people degrade him in some manner. To me, to say that he is nothing but an astral construct created by the collective religious beliefs is pretty derogatory."

You like apples. I like oranges, and I'm not afraid of stating that opinion, no matter how much you love apples. If you thought oranges were astral constructs, and I found that derogatory, whose problem would that be? My problem. But I could try to make it your problem to by using guilt if I didn't like your opinion.

"In some ways, degrading Yeshua/his Disk-- its like a person cruelly hurting a happy, helpful, beautiful golden retriever puppy which is so pure and innocent.  It doesn't matter to me sometimes that both the dog and Yeshua always forgive these hurts, because it just so bothers me at times because it is so unbelievably wrong to do something like that to any aspect of Creation but especially intolerable when that aspect is as pure, loving, and helpful as they are."

..and out of the velvet glove comes the iron fist; hammer time. This goes to show light polarity is equally controlling as dark polarity, dressed differently though. Dark polarity is quite obvious for some. Light loves to use guilt. To what end (for both polarities)? Control. In this case - don't state your opinions, because they hurt cute puppies.

"By extension, its like slapping and spitting in Source and all its selves in the face. I believe that if more people really knew what he was about, they would at least speak up for him though they wouldn't necessarily debate others re: him like i have."

I rest my case. No offence taken though. It's your opinions, and I won't stop you from having them.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #93 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 2:09pm
Thank you Justin, I am not as deserving as you might feel I am. No, no, I sense no sarcasm nor insensearty from you that I haven't felt for the past few years. Why you haven't changed at all.
I believe strongly about the torture of animals. Of course I feel strongly about the torture of all living things, not just the beings. I wonder if Jesus was a vegetarian? Of course if he wasn't, perhaps another re-write could be in order. Of course I wonder why God put those animals here in the first place. Or why we, as in his image, have a necessity to eat. So many questions yet to be answered. Perhaps I am not as enlightened as you believe me to be. But thank you for all the sensearty that I have grown to expect from your posts.
(I wonder what my name implies? Joseph, hmm)
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Re: Jesus
Reply #94 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 2:33pm
Joseph means "Jehovah increases." See the Related Link.

Gender: Male
Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: God Will Increase
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #95 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 2:35pm
The word Joseph has a Hebrew origin, meaning "Jehovah or God increases." It is one of the most popular first names and surnames in the world with as many as 44 variants of which some of the popular one are Joe, Jose (Spanish version), Jodi, Josef, Giuseppe etc. In Arabic, the word Joseph is spelt as Yusuf.

The Old Testament shows Joseph as one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel and the son of Jacob. He was sold by his brothers into slavery because their father was partial in giving Joseph a coat of varied colours. The New Testament shows Joseph as a carpenter and the earthly father of the son of God Jesus Christ. Joseph also refers to an outer garment, worn as a long riding coat with a little cape, used by women in the 18th century.

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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #96 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 2:40pm
And because Robert started this thread and my brother's name was Robert:

Robert--- I truely hope that this thread of 7 pages has help you!  Love and Light-- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #97 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 3:39pm
I figure this conversation isn't accomplishing much, so I'm out of it.

It doesn't seem to matter how logical or non-logical our words are, in the end people believe what they want to believe.

In the future I'm considering the approach of stating what my experiences have been, and limiting the logical arguments.

My intentions are always good, but I don't want to make the mistake of being too pushy.

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« Last Edit: Feb 3rd, 2009 at 9:11pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Jesus
Reply #98 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 3:49pm
  Joe, it is much easier to become a vegetarian than it is to become a Breatharian, but as i said, i am working towards the latter and hope to realize that within this life.  Ever hear the term "lesser of evils", or the term relativity, well this seems to apply to this whole issue. 

  Jesus..well i'm not completely sure what he ate and didn't eat.  My sense is that for part of his life, he did eat some fish,a nd maybe was told to eat lamb and like when growing up.  To eat fish, is the lesser of the evils of eating flesh, for fish dont seem to experience emotional fear like some mammals and humans do.  Rosiland's guidance mentions that fish is lighter in vibration than beef or pork for example, and thus has less of a detrimental affect on the human system.

  I believe that Yeshua became a Breatharian, just like He/She of Monroes 3rd book.   

  There is an interesting and rather old book called the "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" written by an interesting and service oriented person who went by the name of Levi.  While i dont' agree with this book 100 percent, my guidance has let me know that there is much truth in it despite some occasional skewing and misinterpreation on Levi's part.

  Levi could supposedly read the "akashic records" while conscious.  In one part, describing the youth of Jesus, he states that when young Jesus heard the cries of the animals that were being sacrificed in the name of God, he became very upset and disturbed by the whole thing.  He tried to convince one of the Rabbis that what they were doing was wrong, and that animals shouldn't suffer because of mistaken ideas.  The one Rabbi was pretty touched by the sincerity and degree of perception of young Yeshua, and agreed with him that humans were still yet very barbaric in nature.

  So if this book is true on this point, it points to the truth that Yeshua was very sensitive to the suffering of animals, and probably didn't contribue much at all to their acute suffering.    So i would not be surprised if he at some point became vegetarian, and I do know he eventually became a Breatharian. 

  But, it has become glaringly obvious that you deeply desire to stay stuck within your beliefs re: eating meat and thus contributing to the suffering of beings which feel acute pain and emotional fear.   I love you no less for it, but it is a stuck belief/perception and one you continue to hold to because you are overly attached to your habits. 

  Compassion needs to be active, not passive and anything goes.  I will stop talking to you regarding this issue.  Hopefuly i have planted some subconscious seeds at least.
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Jesus
Reply #99 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 3:51pm
recoverer wrote on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 3:39pm:
I figure this conversation isn't accomplishing much, so I'm out of it.

It doesn't seem to matter how logical or non-logical our words are, in the end people believe what they want to believe.

In the future I'm considering the approach of stating what my experiences have been, and limiting the logical arguments.

My intentions are always good, but I don't want to make the mistake of being too pushy.

  I've been wondering the same thing.  Maybe it is a mistake to try to convince anyone through debate of such issues.  Yet, sometimes i sense it does plant subconscious seeds in some people here and there (rarely the ones you are directly debating with though). 

   I will try to follow your example in the future as well.  Thank you for your input. 
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Re: Jesus
Reply #100 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 8:11pm
Clean Meat, made good to eat by God
Genesis 18
Luke 11:11-13
Ezekiel 44-46
Isaiah 25:6
Luke 22:15-16
Genesis 9 3&4
Along with countless other passages.
God gave us meat to eat. Its there in black and white.
Most of all God told what was good to eat and what is not.
Lev 11:1 to 11:10
Jesus himself said nothing about eating pork.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #101 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 12:30am

You probably feel that no one has directly answered your question.  The answer is problematic because of the problem of distinguishing the real Jesus from spirit impersonators, projector thought forms, and sheer imagination.  An astral Jesus that basically quotes Gospel texts and confines his cmmunications to the parameters of Scripture might be suspect on the grounds that "He" is merely an imaginative expression of the projector's wishful thinking.  A Jesus who expresses New Age Ghetto rhetoric that contradicts the historical Jesus must be dismissed as either a spirit impersonator or a mere thought contruct from the projector's preconceptions.  In another thread, I have demonstrated in detail why the Jesus of ACIM is a spirit impersonator, indeed an impersonator that took Helen Schucman's life through the depression psychosis that resulted from her channeling "Jesus."  

So how can we discern "the real" Jesus?  Many atheists with no biblical training encounter Jesus during NDEs.  They are typically upset and tell Jesus something like "But I don't even believe in you!"  To this Jesus typically responds: "But I do believe in you!"  If Jesus proceeds to share teachings that are unknown to the atheist but consistent with biblical teaching, then the real Jesus is probably communicating to transform the atheist's life.    

Apparitions of Jesus often appear to Muslims who despise Christians.  In itself, such encounters lack unique evidential value because the Koran honors Jesus as a virgin-born prophet.  But apparitions of Jesus are a frequent way the Muslims are being converted to Christianity!  Recently a Ugandan children's choir sang in my church.  These children come from a part of Uganda with many Muslims.  A Muslim father of one of theses children  was converted to Christianity through a vision of Jesus.  A leader of this African choir said that Jesus routinely comverts Muslims there to Christianity through such visions.  I have previously posted the account of an Ethiopian Muslim mullah who wanted to kill Christians, but was converted and cured of AIDs through an apparitional encounter with Jesus.  

What is striking about these Muslim conversions is that Jesus never told them that Christianity was superior to Islam.  Rather, the apparition of Jesus itself somehow brought without words the certainty that the Jesus of the Gospels is the true Jesus who is reaching out to them to establish a personal relationship.  One of the best criteria for discerning the real "astral Jesus" are cases in which these astral encounters cannot be explained as either wishful thinking or projected thought forms from the projector's imagination.  

Another excellent criterion is the projector's ability to bring back paranormal verifications of the genuineness of his Jesus' enounter such as a miraculous healing or clairvoyant knowledge of the future.   The astral projector with the best verifications who encounters Christ is the 18th century Swedish mystic, Emanuel Swedenborg.

The most interesting case of an encounter with Jesus in an NDE is atheist Howard Storm's encounter narrated in his gripping book, "My Descent into Death."  Much of Jesus' teaching during this NDE would be dismissed as heretical by many conservative Christians.  But in my view, much of this extra-bibilical teaching can be verified by non-canonical books that we know Jesus admired, but which the projectors have not read.  I am comtemplating a new thread devoted to Storm's book. No one has ever devoted a thread here to Storm's NDE.

I will soon be meeting with a group of atheists and agnostics who are fascinated by such questions and want to meet with me in a church member's home for a bristling discussion.  I look forward to meeting and sharing with these strangers.  I have asked the host to ask them to provide me with a set of burning questions about Christianity and the paranormal so that they (and not I) can set the agenda for our dialogue.


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Re: Jesus
Reply #102 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 1:36am
Sorry, but I don't consider a "conversion" to Jesus, a conversion to Christianity. And there in lies the rub.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #103 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 2:09am

In what sense do you feel qualifited to make this distinction?  Can it be that your project a bad experience with particular churches onto an entire movement you know little about?  For example, take my church which is quite typical.

5 days a week we host ministries to the needy--Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Habitat for Humanity. Scouts, and Cubs, and (regularly but not weekly) a Community Blood Drive for our local hospital.  We sponsor a generous Love Fund (free gas and food vouchers; motel rooms, etc.) for the needy poor and provide free lunches for them.  Our people run a youth center for the poor that feeds them regularly and clothes them when they need it.  We take turns preparing the meals.  Our people are helping build a Senior Center for the elderly of all faiths (or none) and currently provide them a weekly lunch at church.  We also bring elderly shut-ins Meals-on-Wheels.  And these are only some of the projects that our small church (125 on Sundays) performs in our town.  It does not include what we do abroad (building schools, etc.). 

OK, Beau, I have two questions for you: (1) How is all this "Christianity," but not Jesus' brand of discipleship?  (2) What are you and other denizens of this site doing that is comparable to our church in demonstrating PUL?   Until you give me some reason to believe otherwise, I will assume that your wedge between Jesus and Christianity is driven without little understanding of either.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #104 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 7:54am
"I totally respect that, agree, and its not for me either.  But what does Yeshua and the reality of same, have to do with religion really beyond that some corrupt, power hungry, materialistic, and deluded folks got their hands on and manipulated what he was about and taught?" 

In your opinion, what is the undeluded gist of what he was about, and the uncorrupted teachings?

"Why can you not separate the Yeshua from the religion which sprung up around him after he left the public scene. Why do you constantly ignore that most of those sources i mentioned were extremely non religious."

Of the sources you've mentioned, I enjoy Bob's work. I didn't read anything related to this deity in any of the books. You have a different opinion. Very well.

"Why the disconnect there? Why the repeated similar statements re: religion in regards to Yeshua, his teachings and example?"

By example, are you suggesting following an example? Are the teachings the one true path? What happens is the teachings are ignored?
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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