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Jesus (Read 50493 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Jesus
Reply #75 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 4:22pm
I sure hope that when aliens make themselves known to everyone on earth, none of them resemble vegetable matter as it would seam that some would only welcome them as soup or in a salad, and not as equal living things deserving of the love experience. I thank my God that my sense is not common, and I may be finally above some of physical realities, earthy logic. Thank you for your most generous acknowledgment. As for attachment and love, I do have that need. Part of me acknowledges that even the smallest of living things need love energy and PUL. I see all living thing as equals not one above the other. I am thankful for all of their sacrifices. Not just the "beings". Mother Earth needs love and healing also.
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« Last Edit: Jan 31st, 2009 at 5:52pm by hawkeye »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #76 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 1:21am
Volu wrote on Jan 31st, 2009 at 11:19am:
I go with learning to trust what's within. Discernment. Haven't met anybody who hasn't made mistakes, even with the best of intentions, but that's a part of learning. As for channeled sources, family, friends, the government, ieasu, strangers, dark polarity, light polarity; the external - discerntment, again. If you think jesus is the best thing since breathing, then that's what's right for you. *I don't like religion, that's what's right for me.

*my use of italics and bold

  Can't blame you one that one.  I don't much like religion either.  Neither does Recoverer, or many others who deeply respect Yeshua and believe he lived as a human.  One can really like and deeply respect Yeshua without having one iota of liking for religion or Christianity in its religious and dogmatic form.  

 Notice Bruce Moen, he writes about Yeshua a bit here and there in his books, and the way he writes about him, seems to obviously indicate that Bruce has quite a lot of respect for the guy.  

  He even capitalizes "He" in reference to him a bunch of times.  Is Bruce religious?   Is he the type to get stuck in a religious, Christian based hollow heaven?

  Bruce is one of the most intune people that i've yet come across and tuned into and gotten guidance about.   My dreams have verified for me that his claim and he and Bob Monroe are in the same immediate "Disk" self are true (i saw their faces morphing together and switching back and forth), yet he is vibrationally beyond what Bob reached in his life.  

  Speaking of Bob, who then is the mysterious "He/She" of Bob's last book?  

 Bob relates in his 3rd book asking his I/There/Disk/Greater self if he could meet the most mature person living in his pace/time cycle as a human.   He was told it might not be what you'd expect.  

 In comes "He/She" the some 1800 year old human who doesn't need to eat, nor sleep, doesn't age, works many various physical jobs (because "he likes people"), and which Bob hints is known about in some way already.   It's clear from the account that his I/There was quite right about him not expecting it, and Bob seemed pretty surprised.

  The only historical person that I know who was said to have transcended physical death around that long ago, is Yeshua.   Another clue is that Bob says he is not Asiatic in origin, i.e. he says "occidental" in origin.   Now some people might think first that it could be some ancient Indian Yogi or Tibetan Monk, yet Bob's info says no.  

  Besides that previous list (from a previous post) of non religious psychic sources who said that Yeshua was both a physically born personality and a graduate of the highest order, there are the well known and respected intuitive/nonphysical explorers Rudolph Steiner and Emmanuel Swedonburg.   Both of whom who tended much more towards science and research than religion before they become Seers/intuitives.

 And while the historical evidence seems flimsy to some, there is some nonetheless.   Then there are reasons that Josephus for example, didn't write directly of Yeshua--He was a Jew! and didn't like Yeshua or Christianity--he wasn't writing for the Christians but for the Jews.  Thus like many historians past and present, he was biased as are all non graduates to varying degrees in various areas.  

 Then we have the one and only, hotly debated in science circles, and controversial Shroud of Turin, which i've done a lot of study on the research about.  Many researchers with science backgrounds, have concluded that whatever it is, it is not a hoax and not made my human hands.  So much of it points to a uncanny similarity to Yeshua and circumstances surrounding his torture and crucifixion.

  So, we have Rosiland McKnight (and her guidance) long time and very influential in formation of TMI's 1st program--who vouches for Yeshua and his enlightened life, we have Edgar Cayce and his work perhaps one of the most profound psychic works out there, we have various clues and hints by the extremely non religious Monroe, we have Bruce Moen, we have some historical evidence and documentation, we have the Shroud of Turin lending strong suggestions, and we have the personal experiences of people like Albert and I (neither whom are religious) who have gotten numerous guidance messages about the authenticity of Christ and his role both in and out of the Earth.

 It's important to note, most of these sources are non religious and had a very universal perspective on spirituality in general, and believed that we ALL can attain the degree of graduation (for there are different grades of graduation) in the Earth as Christ did.  Hence, they don't have a religious agenda to push of limiting humanity but exalting Christ for various control purposes.  

 But who do we have speaking against Christ and saying he was just an astral thoughtform?   The likes of David Icke and Val, whom both i've read some of and got the definite vibe and feeling that there a lot of deliberate dis-info in their work (there is plenty of truth too, but more half truths which is the best way to deceive people).   The latter source is from what i can gather, once and perhaps still very connected to the U.S. gov.  

  Then we have other interesting tidbits scattered here and there, like this.  Both Bob Monroe and Joe McMoneagle write about a little remote viewing session that Bob had Joe do one time.   While i don't vibe with McMoneagle on a deeper level, i do respect his remote viewing skills.  

 Anyways, Joe didn't know about the target before hand (it was "Jesus"), and interestingly one of his impressions about the target was kind of transcendent human/nonhuman whom he even connected to having reddish hair color.  

  Many years ago, Edgar Cayce spontaneously gave some info about what Christ looked like in his life as a human.   He said his hair was rather reddish in tint.  (as a side note, he gave his weight as an extremely similar one to what scientific research on the Turin Shroud has ascertained Shroud dude to have weighed about)

  Even more interestingly, i read a NDE wherein a Jewish woman reported meeting Christ and also said likewise that she saw him in very vivid, physical and detailed like appearance that that strangely, he had reddish hair.  

 Now, i've seen quite a lot of the artistic renditions of Christ that were religiously inspired, and yeah reddish hair is just not that common at all.    Most often he has brown hair of some darker shade, and occasionally more blondish--the common stereotypical "Aryan" Jesus.  (Cayce's source said he looked neither all that Jewish or Aryan in features).    

 One would think that if Christ was nothing but an astral thoughtform created by the collective beliefs of religious folks, he and his fictitious  appearance in various non religious and psychically gathered experiences would conform to the more commonly accepted and promoted views, particularly in relation to religious art since its the only medium which really seeks to put a look to the character.  Really, who besides some Celtic looking, reddish hair folk would think Christ had reddish tinted hair (btw, more specifically Cayce said it was kind of a mix of light brown, with strong reddish and some golden highlights)?   For one, hair color that is naturally and strongly reddish tinted, whether very red, a light brown reddish and golden mix, auburn, etc. are the rarest natural hair colors and tints around.

  Despite my many years of interest and involvement in nonphysical subjects, experiences, and reality, well my left brain hasn't fallen completely out of my head yet, thank goodness, otherwise i probably might just believe what i want to believe based on nothing more than inner prejudices, dislike, distasteful experiences with religion or religious folks, and religiously inspired angst.  One could even have "experiences" and get nonphysical info based on that.   We oft perceive as we believe, unless we attune to the great perception expanding energy/consciousness of PUL--as Bruce often talks about in his work.

 He seems to believe and promote that choosing and attuning to PUL is the only way to transcend self, with all its skewed perceptions and beliefs.  

 But i cannot convince you of anything--no matter how many credible, more verified, non religious, psychic sources i outline or how similar they are on core info relating to Yeshua (that we was born, taught, and reached the ultimate graduation in the flesh) or how much logic i use, can I?  I'm not writing just to or for you though.  

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #77 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 2:22am
hawkeye wrote on Jan 31st, 2009 at 4:22pm:
I sure hope that when aliens make themselves known to everyone on earth, none of them resemble vegetable matter as it would seam that some would only welcome them as soup or in a salad, and not as equal living things deserving of the love experience. I thank my God that my sense is not common, and I may be finally above some of physical realities, earthy logic. Thank you for your most generous acknowledgment. As for attachment and love, I do have that need. Part of me acknowledges that even the smallest of living things need love energy and PUL. I see all living thing as equals not one above the other. I am thankful for all of their sacrifices. Not just the "beings". Mother Earth needs love and healing also.

   Joe i got this really funny visual while reading your reply, i saw this "green man" type E.T., me really hungry and him seeming just oh so delectable, me taking a couple delicious bites out of "him" and him not really caring cause well for one, he didn't have a nervous system and pain receptors, nor did he have any emotions like humans and animals have so he didn't have any fear of self destruction.  He kind of just stood there like your average houseplant and took it the poor fellow.
Man, i really hope that i'm not tempted thusly in the future.  I don't know how i could live with myself if i fall prey to such darker instincts.  
Thanks for the laugh!  Truly humor is about as Christ like, besides love, one can get.  Wink Grin

 On a more serious note, there are some who believe that one can live without eating anything.  Some label this as Breatharianism.  If its possible at all, well it seems rather rare for a human to completely do, though speak of the Light filled Devil, Yeshua was said to have gone very long times without food, to the point where his friends the disciples went up to him and tried to get him to eat something, which he refused as a teaching opportunity and told them, "I have food ye know not of".    

 Then we have the super graduate "He/She" of Monroe's 3rd book whom Bob picked up telepathically that this person didn't eat food anymore, this person said, "Oh, i gave those up (eating and sleeping) years ago."

 That food that Yeshua talks about, to me, is PUL and the pure attuning to, choosing, and living same.  If lived purely enough, it allows or facilitates one to transcend all human and physical limitations.  Truly we are unlimited beings, though most of us have many and constant thought prisons around ourselves.

   So, yeah to address your constant points to me about plants, etc, well I'm consciously working towards what some label as being a "Breatharian", though i must say its more of a side affect rather than a goal unto itself, and meanwhile i'm not particularly bothered by eating plants since they do not have a nervous system and don't have an emotional system like most animals and all humans do.  I wouldn't eat my pets, and I wouldn't eat my human friends, so why would i eat a cow?

 Probably will take quite awhile--the whole breatharian thing, if ever reached, in this life.   Good thing i'm still relatively young though, plenty of time to practice that which will get me there.  

  Someone once said to me that walking on water, not needing to eat food, etc. (all things that Yeshua did in his life) were just mere parlor tricks and didn't indicate anything about spiritual attunement.   Well hot darn, i haven't met anyone in physical so far who could do any of the above.  Of course, i haven't met anybody in physical whom i sensed the degree and purity of radiation of PUL, as i have with Yeshua in my dreams and nonphysical experiences.

 There are some so called spiritual teachers, mostly gurus, who have faked various miraculous like things, or used massive collective group energy (most anyone could materialize a coin or what not if they had hundreds or thousands of adoring and believing disciples around them helping them out via their collective belief) to achieve some minor results, but yeah no such complete mastery over so called physical reality.    

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Re: Jesus
Reply #78 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 4:43pm
"Volu, I like that mind set and I am prone to agree...though I think Jesus rebelled against the very things that make me sick  about religion. I'm just sorry that his truest of meanings are lost on so many Christians thanks to the dogma instilled in them by people who weren't even there. Just an opinion and I've heard the argument that Paul was around the disciples but why is it that nothing survives from the actual period Jesus walked? Why isn't that stuff in the bible? Because it didn't fit the mold of the church..again my opinion."

Just an opinion you say, but an opinion I think is important, as you are the captain.
doesn't apply to my world, but I like that your sentiments seem to come from your spirit, and not what some would like for you to think.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #79 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 4:47pm
"[...]But i cannot convince you of anything--no matter how many credible, more verified, non religious, psychic sources i outline or how similar they are on core info relating to Yeshua (that we was born, taught, and reached the ultimate graduation in the flesh) or how much logic i use, can I?"

That's a good estimation. Smiley My greater self has 24/7 input pouring in from over a thousand incarnations, choosing what I want to expericence, learning what I need to do to eventually move on. So I don't need nor want a master. Any being who presents themselves as a master/teacher, who needs a following, and/or hands me you shoulds, you must, dos and don'ts: so long, and thanks for all the laughter, and maybe we'll hook up again when you're content living your own life, and not too busy trying to run mine nor others'. There seems to be a vast melding somewhere along a long, long road. Not there yet, by a long shot, and happy with it, as there seems to be plenty more to enjoy, by exploring Individuality (like a mini-source expanding, and then coming back together), before that. *Cue: The 5th Dimension, Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In at 2:16*

"I'm not writing just to or for you though."

What?! Wink No, I get that; a sharing of thoughts, and I like to hear what makes people tick, so thanks. Smiley
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #80 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 5:15pm
Volu, One of my most favourite songs. It is one I want to be played at my gathering.
This need for a "master", other than ourselves, to me shows a lack of love for ones self. Some feel a need for a Deity like Jesus to forgive them. And without this forgiveness they believe themselves not worthy of moving on to be enlightened. Many to be trapped within areas of F25 and 26.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #81 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 4:11am
Volu wrote on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 4:47pm:
That's a good estimation. Smiley My greater self has 24/7 input pouring in from over a thousand incarnations, choosing what I want to expericence, learning what I need to do to eventually move on. So I don't need nor want a master. Any being who presents themselves as a master/teacher, who needs a following, and/or hands me you shoulds, you must, dos and don'ts: so long, and thanks for all the laughter, and maybe we'll hook up again when you're content living your own life, and not too busy trying to run mine nor others'. There seems to be a vast melding somewhere along a long, long road. Not there yet, by a long shot, and happy with it, as there seems to be plenty more to enjoy, by exploring Individuality (like a mini-source expanding, and then coming back together), before that. *Cue: The 5th Dimension, Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In at 2:16*

 Ah, the trust in only self attitude.  I've had that one before in many lives, and funny enough in those lives and in the times i felt that in this life, i just didn't progress as much as when i have humility and recognize that this little self with its narrowed awareness doesn't know better than those who have reached full graduation in the flesh, and hence it would be prudent to listen to those closely.  

 The little self is ever the stumbling block to a more full and complete spiritual growth.  

  When you, like Yeshua, reach that ultimate graduation in the flesh, then i will then humbly listen to you closely as well.   Wink

  So i see that your little self is infallible about the subject of Jesus and your beliefs regarding same, and by inference Bruce Moen, Bob Monroe, Rosiland McKnights guidance, Edgar Cayces gudiance, Emmanuel Swedonborg, Rudolph Steiner, historical documentation (for one, there is much more historical testimony/documentation for Jesus than say Krishna and many other far past teachers), my guidance, Joe McMoneagles remote viewing of target that Monroe handed him,  and various NDE's, are all probably just smoking way too much wacky tobacky or something and we are all completely off on this topic?

  Why would all these non religious sources (except the historical aspect i mentioned), promote and believe that Christ did live a life and reached a very high level of spiritual developement within the Earth?   What do the non religious have to gain from that?

 The wisdom of the little self--a thing to greatly exalt above all sources.

 I've met some people here and there who thought they were in communication with their greater/Disk self but when you looked under their slip a bit, really they were more in stronger and more consistent communication with forces which try to mislead despite their real Disks efforts to constantly steer them away from such interference (for every personality has freewill even from its Disk self).  'There are some well known and popular channelers who fall under that common experience.  

Why, well generally because of the energy/consciousness resonance law, and that they tended to place the little self above the collective and others in various ways, and still had much to learn about PUL and even more to put into practice.  So, like attracted like, all the while they thinking themselves above such dualistic fallacies as positive and unpositive, fast vibrating/expanded and slow vibrating, etc.    

 That is one of the common "tricks" of those forces which try to mislead, to convince people that there is no such thing as more constructive or less constructive.

 Quite common amongst these sources and people who listen to them non discriminatoryly, is a degrading in some way or manner of the life and example of Yeshua.  Funny how much attention an astral construct gets from so many of these, and for so long.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #82 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 8:11am
Justin, I hardily agree with much of what you've written in the last post here, but that said, what if Jesus had not been allowed to think creatively and form his own thoughts about what was the truth? Do you think he was born into the world with everything and didn't have to remember who he was? I don't think this ever gets addressed. Were are all creative thinkers at the root of what we are.

I say this again. The truth is spherical, like a globe--we could find out countries in her. Because while the truth is the earth's core we all stand in a different place on the planet, thus we see the truth from a different perspective. Nothing can change that as long as we are experiencing separation.

I'm not at all attacking you, Justin...I love how you make me think, sir.

Best to you, Volu

"Listen to me---Here what I say, Our hearts can be, nearer each day, only darling---Listen closely to me...I told the stars you're my won true love I want to love you tenderly. Those same bright stars in Heaven above know now how sweet, Sweet Hearts can be"---Buddy Holly, The Jesus of Rock n Roll---Just an opinion guys Cheesy

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #83 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 12:32pm
  Hi Beau, no problem I get what you're saying and sense no personal attack, and even if i did it wouldn't bother me all that much.

  I agree with you to a point, and i would like to put things into perspective for you from my viewpoint. 

  Believe it or not, i rarely, rarely ever "preach" to others (except occasionally to my wife) in real life.  There are a few reasons for this; one is that i'm a fairly calm and gentle person and don't like getting overly heated which such preaching and real life debate can facilitate--cause if one loses their cool then it becomes harder for both parties to remain cool and cordial.  I've found that it is usually best to "teach" through example and just sharing vibes.  Through that mode, i have "converted" (i was not seeking to do same) some to vegetarianism though they did ask a few questions which i did answer.

  Often, i only speak in real life about these kinds of things or vegetarianism when someone asks me directly about it.

  2. i believe it is disrespectful to people in the sense that in such situations people oft feel overly cornered or singled out--you're putting them in a situation wherein they are more likely to lash out or at least feel some negativity towards you.  You are focusing a lot of them as an individual and if there is any kind of, or even just a hint of criticism, it can get uncomfortable for them.   

  This medium is much more detached in nature, and people can easily choose to read your words or not, and its easier for people to realize that some people like my self usually speak more in the general to people as a whole about these kinds of subjects i.e. more impersonally.

   Also notice that I did not start this thread.  I'm not on a zealous holy crusade to convince people of the greatness of Yeshua.  If i was, i would be more pro-active about it.   Usually i only speak long and hard about him when other sources severely degrade him or his example in some way. 

  I believe that if there are no outspoken voices to counter act that or give a balanced but different perspective of such expressions, then people who are more sitting on the fence about Yeshua (its those i am more speaking to than any) will be apt to believe these outside sources. 
In my experience, its somewhat rare for people to really go within under the ideal circumstances to get info.   Most just want to listen to outside sources--particularly in the book format-- a bit strange seeming to me sometimes that people pay money to read others opinions (of course the right book at the right time can be a great catalyst). 

  Consider a commonly held belief here--one about guidance and guides.    Guides are in the business of trying to change peoples limiting beliefs.   They do this in various ways, for various reasons, but one of the common reasons is that often the listener just doesn't listen very well nor make the effort to get into the right state to do so (many things can affect this state, even diet and health). 

   In the end, our self experience IS the best teacher, and yet we all have guides that are constantly trying to steer us in certain directions, and constantly trying to change/upgrade our belief systems. 

  The real guides rarely ever do this in a more forceful manner, and they don't use fear tatics like you are going to hell or something.  I'm occasionally a bit over blunt and persistent in my expressions, but i try hard and rarely lately get negatively personal with it, such as labeling people in a fixed manner, calling them derogatory names, etc.

  My guidance, i've found, is occasionally gently critical of me and my expressions and attitudes at times.  They do not "tear me down" about things ever, but i've gotten a stern, no nonsense and more Masculine response before.   

  Its much, much, much easier for a nonphysical guide to remain cool, calm, collected and in a more positive space at all times because well they aren't in the physical anymore.   This helps to release a lot of baggage and negativity.   Even those very mature, well when in physical it is harder to keep fully centered at all times like a nonphysical guide does.  In many respects, this is "battle ground Earth", and by its very nature has an uncentering and narrowing affect. 

   Also, a guide isn't usually too attached to whether or not they have changed a persons beliefs or perspective about something.  They do care of course, for they want the best for the person, but they are non ocd about it and they realize that sometimes people will just have to go through some stuff before they become more receptive to whatever concept, belief, attitude, or perspective. 

  Occasionally i am too attached to my beliefs, perceptions, feelings, and expressions.   This is because i'm not a full graduate in the flesh.  Oh, believe me, i could fake it if i cared what others thought of me, and live in a more false humility type manner, but that is a specific dharmic issue that i'm trying to counter act, hence my at times too outspokenness.   If you know astrology at all, well Pisces S. Node in the 7th and Libra Moon (strong karmic patterns) but Leo Rising, N. Node in Virgo in the 1st, and Capricorn Sun (dharmic patterns i.e. what we should become more of in the present) might indicate some of that to you.   

  Really i'm just following my life plan as was wrote up for me, but sometimes i go to the extremes and tip too far to the balance of the other side in my trying to achieve the perfect balance between these issues.
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Greenville SC
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Re: Jesus
Reply #84 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 12:48pm
Gosh Justin, I feel a little bad, It wasn't my intent to direct anything toward you I was just bringing up a point that I think is often over looked about our own creativity in our advancement. Jesus had to rely on his, I'm sure of it. That was my only point. Thank you for this post, I feel I know you much more now. I really look forward to meeting you someday. Wink
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #85 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 12:58pm
 Also, i would like to more briefly add that when it comes to Yeshua i can become more overly passionate than in pretty much any other subject.  
Someone could rail at me and call me all kinds of names, and either i would just logically and cooly explain where they were misperceiving, or i would just ignore it.  

 I can become overly passionate re: Yeshua because i've become aware, non religiously and both from guidance and from synthesizing other guidance info, that his Disk is the Co-Creator of this at least Galaxy and of this World.  

 I also know and have become aware that He Co-Created my Disk and with the ultimate purpose and hope of me being a Retriever type.  He Co-Created many Disks within this Universe, but he loves all Disks dearly even the ones that stray far from Source and him.  

 I've become aware that he has helped my Disk and  in so many ways, so many times, and all with the purpose that i can grow to be fully happy and at peace again like he is.  In some ways, i've been more helped by him and his Disk, than by my own greater self/Disk.  I fully recognize that his Disk is vibrationally beyond my collective energies, even most of the most mature aspects.  Hence, there is no distortion, no skewing when it comes to his perception as there is occasionally in mine.

 So i feel so much gratitude, deep respect, and love to him that it sometimes bothers me when people degrade him in some manner.  To me, to say that he is nothing but an astral construct created by the collective religious beliefs is pretty derogatory.

In some ways, degrading Yeshua/his Disk-- its like a person cruelly hurting a happy, helpful, beautiful golden retriever puppy which is so pure and innocent.  It doesn't matter to me sometimes that both the dog and Yeshua always forgive these hurts, because it just so bothers me at times because it is so unbelievably wrong to do something like that to any aspect of Creation but especially intolerable when that aspect is as pure, loving, and helpful as they are.

 By extension, its like slapping and spitting in Source and all its selves in the face.   I believe that if more people really knew what he was about, they would at least speak up for him though they wouldn't necessarily debate others re: him like i have.  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #86 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:02pm
Beau wrote on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 12:48pm:
Gosh Justin, I feel a little bad, It wasn't my intent to direct anything toward you I was just bringing up a point that I think is often over looked about our own creativity in our advancement. Jesus had to rely on his, I'm sure of it. That was my only point. Thank you for this post, I feel I know you much more now. I really look forward to meeting you someday. Wink

 No need to feel bad, sometimes i just like to hear myself talk.  Isn't part of the reason we come on these boards to both listen to others, but also to self express  Wink Cheesy
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Re: Jesus
Reply #87 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:05pm
"Ah, the trust in only self attitude."

Dark: I (the body) got it all right, and dont mind walking all over you. Light: I (the spirit) have got nothing right, can anybody save me?. Balance: I (the disc, bigger me, the being involved in this roleplaying game) know what's best, for me. I (mini-me; pun intended) don't know what proper balance is yet, but got lots of other smaller selves to work it out, with the director working behind the curtain. One of my fellow incarnations, close in the timeline, currently enjoys playing drums in a 70s progressive rock band, which bleeds into mine.

"I've had that one before in many lives, and funny enough in those lives and in the times i felt that in this life, i just didn't progress as much as when i have humility and recognize that this little self with its narrowed awareness doesn't know better than those who have reached full graduation in the flesh, and hence it would be prudent to listen to those closely."

Alleged masters claiming there's one path (conformity) for all doesn't hold water for me, as they haven't mastered allowance/releasing control yet. The destination's the same, but there are many ways of getting there.

"The little self is ever the stumbling block to a more full and complete spiritual growth."

The smaller self is still connected to the bigger self (the director) while acting in different scenes.

"When you, like Yeshua, reach that ultimate graduation in the flesh, then i will then humbly listen to you closely as well. Wink"

That's of course okay. You're happy with your world, good for you.

"So i see that your little self is infallible about the subject of Jesus and your beliefs regarding same, and by inference Bruce Moen, Bob Monroe, Rosiland McKnights guidance, Edgar Cayces gudiance, Emmanuel Swedonborg, Rudolph Steiner, historical documentation (for one, there is much more historical testimony/documentation for Jesus than say Krishna and many other far past teachers), my guidance, Joe McMoneagles remote viewing of target that Monroe handed him,  and various NDE's, are all probably just smoking way too much wacky tobacky or something and we are all completely off on this topic?"

Ah, the smaller selves of other I-Theres. As much as I like Bob, he's not my uncle nor master, very inspirational individual though. I go with what sounds right, and discard whatever doesn't. I don't have to eat all of the brownies offered. If others want to, your choice, your path. We're probably right and off at the same time, as we're still progressing. So, as of yet, we're not the crux (the most difficult sequence or section of a pitch) of it all, the highest rollers by the crap table, nor the trippiest space cadets to travel the hairline of a dancing teapot-nebulae not even there, but we do with what we've got so far, and continue to progress.

"Why would all these non religious sources (except the historical aspect i mentioned), promote and believe that Christ did live
a life and reached a very high level of spiritual developement within the Earth? What do the non religious have to gain from that?"

I dont't know, you'll have to ask them.

"The wisdom of the little self--a thing to greatly exalt above all sources."

Once my smaller self discovered my real identity, the fluoridan nightmare of exalting the external, bowing for the sand around the pidestal, the pidestal, the funky deity dressed in speedos on top of the pidestal, and crying I'm not worthy to be the scratch of thy wounds, became a pointless excercise. For me.

"I've met some people here and there who thought they were in communication with their greater/Disk self but when you looked under their slip a bit, really they were more in stronger and more consistent communication with forces which try to mislead despite their real Disks efforts to constantly steer them away from such interference (for every personality has freewill even from its Disk self).  'There are some well known and popular channelers who fall under that common experience."

I've met some people here and there and I thought different things of them, not sure if I got it all of it right though. Got leeway to make mistakes, but not go totally of my path, as my disc won't allow that to happen. It'a game, not a dungeon. I've had phases, where first the needle pointed more towards darker experiences than lighter, then vice versa, and now a more moderate situation, still with lots of fine tuning to do. My lighter exp. included pain and suffering, because I accepted the dark's gift of being a nobobdy (self sacrifice); their source of energy. I had lots of opposition to move out of unbalanced light mode, and the opposition was blatantly not friendly. Well, I gave them the finger, but not the whole hand.

"Why, well generally because of the energy/consciousness resonance law, and that they tended to place the little self above the collective and others in various ways, and still had much to learn about PUL and even more to put into practice.  So, like attracted like, all the while they thinking themselves above such dualistic fallacies as positive and unpositive, fast vibrating/expanded and slow vibrating, etc."

I'm happy about letting others progress at their tempo, some slower, some faster than my path. I now prefer to evolve as an individual, not the slow progression as a race, collective nor as a planet, and that's why I (the bigger one) chose Earth. As for unconditional love, I've seen many lips move, but didn't feel a thing except an obligation on their part. My best friend, whom love or other words can't even beigin to describe my feelings for, is also the one who previously hurt me (the smaller one) like nobody else. We worked it out. My best friend taught me to stand up for myself, among other things. That's were many/most experiences come from in this game, other smaller selves connected to bigger ones, but I feel no need to scrape for, nor worship this or other friends.

"That is one of the common "tricks" of those forces which try to mislead, to convince people that there is no such thing as more constructive or less constructive."

Backing off from my friend would have been more constructive, but that was not something I knew at that time, and so my friend stepped in, and we gave eachother valuable lessons.

"Quite common amongst these sources and people who listen to them non discriminatoryly, is a degrading in some way or manner of the life and example of Yeshua.  Funny how much attention an astral construct gets from so many of these, and for so long."

When Bob visited the curls, he recognized a pattern, a loop, because he had broken these loops (and moved on to another game with more advanced loops). Religion sure is loopy. For me. A big one.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #88 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:13pm
We all know what "preaching" will get you when you continually direct it towards your wife or husband. Many times you end up drinking your morning coffee by yourself. No body wants to live a life of belittlement to feed over inflated egos. We can go through a number of lifetimes having to repeat the lessons we just haven't had the opportunity or fortitude to learn. Isn't that why we are here? To learn. With God within all of us, then looking within instead of towards others for direction and truth, might be a good place to start.
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Jesus
Reply #89 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 1:24pm
 Volu, have you ever heard of the saying, "the burden of proof"?  I would like to change that a bit to the "burden of suggestive evidence".  

 As i pointed out, many more credible, more verified, psychic, and non religious sources agree on core, similar aspects of Yeshua.  I pointed out many of them earlier.  

 The "burden of suggestive evidence" is a simple concept and an in physical check and balance for nonphysical exploring and perception.  It would seem that the above burden weighs in balance of that Yeshua is not an astral construct.  

 You keep saying things like, "Religion sure is loopy. For me. A big one. "  

 I totally respect that, agree, and its not for me either.  But what does Yeshua and the reality of same, have to do with religion really beyond that some corrupt, power hungry, materialistic, and deluded folks got their hands on and manipulated what he was about and taught?  

 Why can you not separate the Yeshua from the religion which sprung up around him after he left the public scene.   Why do you constantly ignore that most of those sources i mentioned were extremely non religious.  

Christian religion became primarily loopy after the Roman state got its hands on it, and after persecuting the original and real Christians, and this was centuries after Christ left the public scene.  

  I would not try to convince anyone of anything that was just my own personal belief and guidance message.   To me that is arrogance and possible delusion.   But when so many other non religious, psychic, etc. sources speak for him, I do add my own small voice to the bunch and tell people "hey, maybe there is something to this" in the hopes that they might critically examine their beliefs irrespective of religion.  I suggest that perhaps those like David Icke and Val are perhaps rather off in this area.

 Can i say it any more plainly that one doesn't have to be religious at all to deeply respect, love, feel gratitude towards, and believe in the example of Yeshua.  Just as many of those sources i mentioned were not religious in the least bit.  

 Why the disconnect there?  Why the repeated similar statements re: religion in regards to Yeshua, his teachings and example?
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