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Jesus (Read 50459 times)
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Re: Jesus
Reply #60 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 8:50pm
If child asks a man for help, should the man reply: "Help you? What about all of the other people in the World that need help?

I believe it is a mistake to mix a bunch of issues together to an extent where you can't decide about any of them. It is better to discern them on an issue by issue basis.

Regarding praying, why should God do anything if we don't do anything?

Regarding abortion, as I wrote before, I don't know the answer. That being the case, I wouldn't take a chance and choose abortion.  A soul of a child has nothing to do with a mother being raped. If a mother doesn't want to raise a child perhaps she can put the child up for adoption. A lot of people have abortions without rape being a part of it.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #61 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 9:01pm

Is pulling weeds or mowing one's lawn, the same as killing one's pet? Should a man who has pit bulls fight be able to use a: "You mow your lawn defense?

How about when we scratch ourselves and kill skin cells? Is that the same as killing a person?

The reason people and animals are able to feel pain, is because they have nervous systems that allow them to do so.

The reasons people and animals are able to experience fear, is because their bodies release chemicals that cause them to experience fear.

Fear is related to the fight or flight response. Plants don't have this response because they can't run or fight. If a burgler breaks into your house, you can be certain that your dog will respond rather than your house plant.

I believe it is rather obvious that plant bodies were designed to provide a different kind of life experience than animal bodies.

Sometimes our common sense does know better, than a detailed philosophical answer.

How is a person "ever" going to figure out the right thing to do, if he or she comes up with rationalizations, justifications and denials for everything.

hawkeye wrote on Jan 29th, 2009 at 8:49pm:
AKA, perhaps you should look farther than just the body. I know you understand that there is more than the phyical. Why you must close your mind to the obvious I will never understand. Think OOB. What is your nervous system like when you are OOB or dead. You don't have one. This is the point that vegetarians just don't get. They are killing plants. They are no better than a person that kills an animal for food. Just differant. You, just like I, feel no need to apologise for taking the food. When you kill that plant, do you feel obligated to give thanks for it? I believe we should all be thankful for the sacrifice of life that all animals and all plants give for our existence. We are no better or farther progressed than they. Perhaps they are really far ahead of us as far as progression goes. They have been around a lot longer in the phyical.

(If I offended you Albert by saying that your statement showed hate, I apologise. I know you are a loving soul.)  

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Re: Jesus
Reply #62 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 9:57pm
You make excellent points. I know that we are all right. None wrong. Just with different answers and lessons. I think that you Recoverer are thinking along the same lines as aka. Thats great. If you have traveled to the astral then you will have probably experienced plant life there. Now those plants, just like us when we are there are not "in body". Does that make them less than you or an animal? And if they are less than why would they exist there?I would find it most interesting to more fully understand how both you and aka believe the spiritual awareness levels to be. What algae at the bottom then up to multy celled plants, to what then, small weeds or grass, then where? Fish, then? To me that all goes back to living in the physical and being stuck in that life and living process. God gave man power over the beasts in the field. and fish in the sea and the birds in the sky's. Its yet again "power over" or "being better or more than" something else. Its bull. Understanding that you are no more or less than anyone else or anything else might just open up a doorway to the All Powerful Creator. But this argument could go on for some time and many will never see eye to eye on everything. I think you are welcome to have your personal beliefs. As well as aka is. I don't have to agree with them. And that's OK also. If I offended you Albert, as aks thinks I may possible have, I am sorry. I meant no harm to you. I have spoken with my "All" and fully understand just how equal we are to plants and animals. Your God or Creator might place you above all others. Mine doesn't. It places me beside and equal to all other. I have no desire to better than any of them. Where I am headed, we are all the same. A fragment of one. Equal to All.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #63 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 1:03am
  Hi Joe, i found your comments about me being too focused on the physical quite funny, and from many perspectives!  Especially in regards to me practicing vegetarianism out of ethical reasons.  Lips Sealed Cool

   Like Albert i was curious about your referencing to me as aka and AKA, and not by my name Justin, and truth be told i wasn't quite convinced by your explanation BUT that's another story, and as my generation or really the one after says "whatev".   

   I wish you the highest spiritual good, whatever your true feelings and thoughts towards me, or towards Yeshua, or Albert for that matter.

  It's kind of silly to argue about Yeshua, and its not something I think he appreciates, so i will stop here. 

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #64 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 1:29am
Volu wrote on Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:35pm:
"So Volu, there is something lacking or limiting in the notion of self sacrifice for the greater good of the All? And to return positivity to those who hand you negativity?"

Yes, I think so; turning the other cheek - allowing the abuse to continue. No victim, no victimizer. Clearly a difference of opinion, but there you go. Smiley

  To me, this does not mean that one necessarily allows themselves to become a doormat.  There are times to say "no", there are times to walk away, there are times to defend or speak up about principles, but ever its the intent, the motivation, etc behind an action which makes it growth producing or limiting for a person.  Do you defend/resist more for your own negative tendencies and feelings (like revenge), or for higher principles and the good of the All.  Things like this are important to consider, and each situation can be different in the call of what kind of reaction is best for both oneself and the collective.

  I find true strength in the example of Yeshua.  His life and example was a statement of a couple of things, that you cannot really harm the real parts of a person, especially when they have transcended the physical. 

  He showed that there is no such thing as a "victim" for a fully Source attuned consciousness.   He had the ability to easily wither those who "attacked", lied about, tried to manipulate, tortured, and viciously murdered him and for what, because he spoke the truth (sometimes critically) and loved others.

  Instead of withering, he looked past these ill intentioned and spiteful actions and feelings towards his little self, loved them just as much as he loved those who agreed with and treated him well, and he said even while being strung up "forgive them Father for they know not what they do."  He realized that spiritually, they were as children and didn't yet know better. 

  If he had attacked in return, if he had withered the hands that struck him, he would not have been a Christ in the flesh. 

  We see a somewhat similar, though less extreme and dramatic example, in the Tibetan Monks and how they are dealing with the Chinese gov. and their mistreating of the Tibetans.  Is this weakness, is compassion/love weak, or is it really the strongest stuff around?   What would you advocate, them buying up arms and attacking the Chinese in return?   
Perhaps you would, but are you as spiritually attuned as a human can become?   Say theoretically Jesus really did live as a historical person, and the N.T. while skewed somewhat, is overall true, would you say that you are more aware and consciousness expanded than he was?


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Re: Jesus
Reply #65 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 1:28pm
No Justin, aka really meant aka. (Not the "aho" that I had used in the past during another conversation between us.) For me it really is just being lazy. I commend you for taking a stand with your vegetarianism along with Albert. You should always do what you feel is right. Just because I believe all things equal, and it would seem that both Albert and yourself believe differently is no problem. We would make pretty boring conversation if we all thought along the same lines. As my beliefs allow for even the worst of our humanity into heaven when they are forgiven by themselves and/or by the Creator, some here can't have it within their realities. As I don't know I don't really know why you practice vegetarianism. I am sure they are very valid. I have no problems with or ill feelings towards you, Albert, or Yeshua. I don't understand where would come from. What the real justification for the thought, only you would know. Some time back I had mentioned I didn't like men with red hair. You took quite an offence to the statement. You thought I was Joe Eagle or someone like that I recall, also. Both of us have something or some reason for the rub. Perhaps a past life thing.
I just recalled a story. There was this girl I know who is into David Ike. Big time. Pushing the whole reptilian agenda thing and all. She knew I was off to TMI for a week and upon my return really wanted me to listen to David tapes and seminar. When I explained to her my thinking, she just couldn't get it, and then she told me how desperately she wanted to put her brain into my head. I got quite the giggle out of it. Thought "No thanks, I am happy with my brain".
I wish the All of you the highest of spiritual wellness right back aka. If I have offended you, I know your beliefs couldn't allow you to hold it against me. That wouldn't be very Yeshua like.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #66 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 1:50pm
Something tells me that heads of lettuce don't have it as bad as pigs who spend their entire life in cages that are so small that they can't even turn around. Imagine what people would think if somebody did the same thing to their pet dog or a horse. Sometimes it is okay to look at things according to the hear-now.

If you can feed a starving child right now should you do so, or should you give the kid a lecture in metaphysics?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #67 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 2:42pm
 Hi Joe,

 Thanks for the further explanation, and yes your past derogatory references to me is part of why i thought perhaps there was another reason for you call me aka.  Thought maybe it was a snide little personal joke designed to poke another for a reaction.  I will say that on at least a few occasions, i did not get a very sincere vibe from you.

  Re: vegetarianism, i do not personally care if you become a vegetarian, nor am i trying to convert you.   I never wanted this to become a discussion about vegetarianism to begin with.

 You wrote earlier re: Recoverer, Quote:
"It seams that your heart is closed to the possibility of others being equal to... or even perhaps bigger than he."

 I was trying to make a roundabout point that if Albert didn't think all Beings were essentially equal, One, and if he didn't respect other beings besides Yeshua, then I doubt he would be a vegetarian.  He is a vegetarian out of respect, consideration, and concern for animals and the intense physical pain and emotional fear they often go through to become a persons meal.  

 I asked you what about you, do you walk the walk more purely, or more talk the talk.  

 As i explained to you before, you are right, all energy, all consciousnesses are connected and essentially One and equal in that sense.  

 Yet, there are obvious differences in physical, and otherwise, between say plants, animals, and humans.  Within that comparison, both many animals (particularly foul and especially any mammals), are like humans in that they can experience intense pain and emotional fear.  

 Plants do not, they are just no designed that way.  It is simple compassion, simple decency, simple respect for the concern for other beings different, yet connected to and similar to humans, to NOT contribute to the torture and killing of animals unless one absolutely NEEDS TO IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.   Most people i know in this day and age, do not need to contribute to the torture and killing of animals to survive.  

  What I and Albert are talking about, is simple common sense relating to having compassion for another beings acute suffering both physically and emotionally.  Plants just aren't built that way, their consciousness and bodies are different, though they are connected and One with All, just as All life is.  

 These reasons in relation to animals, are the same reasons I wouldn't torture or kill a human for food.   Would you?  I wouldn't think so.   Why, if animals, plants, and humans are exactly alike?    

 With that said, if one feels they must eat meat, then ideally, ethically, they would benefit from getting meat from animals raised and slaughtered in the most humane ways possible.  Or animals hunted with little awareness of same, and quickly killed.  

 I've gotten guidance that in the days to come, i may need to occasionally hunt and eat flesh in order to survive, and if it becomes that much of a necessity than i suppose i would have to do it occasionally.   But, i would never ever again contribute to the corrupt, totally inhumane, torturous mainstream meat and dairy world.  

  Those who do and don't think twice about it, well it indicates something about them and their "Heart openness" or rather lack thereof.  It indicates that they care more for shallow, hedonistic material pleasures than another being who feels acute physical pain and emotional fear like themsevles.  

 To not contribute at all to this monster machine of conventionally raised "food", takes at first some discipline and self sacrifice.  It is far easier to stay in ones negative and nonconstructive ways.  It is easy to make excuses, to rationalize, in order to not commence with self change.  It is easy to put the little self above others.   Hence collective human tendencies, and why the world and many people in same is so imbalanced and lacking in real love.  

 Perhaps this is why I have sensed and met many more older Souls, a much higher percentage who are vegetarian or vegan in lifestyle, than i have in the carnivore world.  And often, in the carnivore world, many of the older Souls i've met, tended to eat very little meat compared to the average Westerner and especially American.

 Another benefit of going meatless beyond the compassion to animals issue, is that you are not contributing to the pollution of the Planet and thus to the ill health of ALL WITHIN IT.   Giant "livestock" agribusiness is responsible for a lot of pollution that goes on.

 With all the above said, it would be hard for most people who are say living in the climate and ways of the traditional Eskimos to go completely meatless, for meat is one of the only foods around, and also more heat producing than most veggie foods.   Yet, theoretically it could be doable.  
I recently watched a weather channel show about a man who lives in the far north of Alaska, wherein it regularly drops to 50 below not even considering the wind chill.   He, even in the long, dark winter, only wears a t-shirt, some pants, and gloves for his hands.  An example of "mind over matter".   Such will power and belief, could also alter the seeming physical need for "meat" in ones diet as well.  

 I'm not black and white about this, or any subject.  I see the relativity in all situations.  

 As ever, actions speak much louder than typed words.  There is nothing else i could say or outline about this particularly topic, so i am done.   Be a conventional meat eater, a more ethical meat eater, be a vegetarian, be a vegan, i could personally not care that much about it one way or another, but your arguments lack plain common sense and logic, but speak much more of the need or wanting to believe something out of attachment NOT "Love" and "heart openness" which you so threw in Alberts face earlier.  
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Re: Jesus
Reply #68 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 2:54pm
Robert, if you limit your Church to the Christian faith "only", you will not be able to help "many".  If you look toward Jesus as an advanced human being (and this planet has had many) and approach your helping others to understand what the afterlife is-- that Jesus' spirit was more evolved, then you will perk the interest of more who are searching. Don't limit your church to a religion. The Unitarian Universalist Church accepts all beliefs. We had a minister who was an athiest! You need to separate philosophy from spirituallity. Spirit has no religion. It is one with All.  Jesus was only a very small part of Spiritual growth. The Buddist and Hindus have been expanding their spiritallity for many centuries, before Christ came into "being".
Who was he? A man born of a human woman. He was a student for many years in hiatus, examplary as a Jewish Rabbi and then a teacher of spiritaullity, not religion. Edgar Cayce said that he met with Jesus and Jesus was very wealthy while here on earth. He could afford to travel and study and teach.
Please don't limit your helping others find their "other side" with the restrictions of a religion.  Love and Light-- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #69 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 3:30pm
I never try to talk my friends and relatives into becoming vegetarians.  However, if the subject comes up.

There have been a couple of times when I tried to share the story behind veal to people, but they "really" didn't want to hear what I had to say. They chose to remain ignorant about the matter.
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« Last Edit: Jan 30th, 2009 at 9:06pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Jesus
Reply #70 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 3:53pm
Nicely stated Carol Ann--Brava.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #71 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 5:23pm
Robert, Would I be welcome into this church you speak of? You can see my tolerance level. I wish you good luck and God speed. You would serve your community well.
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Right here and right there
Re: Jesus
Reply #72 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 11:19am
"Moral relatavism suggests that a person can't listen to his or her conscious, common sense and heart, and see what actually is right. I believe that false channeled sources are greatly responsible for moral relatavism. They get people to believe that just about anything is okay."

I go with learning to trust what's within. Discernment. Haven't met anybody who hasn't made mistakes, even with the best of intentions, but that's a part of learning. As for channeled sources, family, friends, the government, ieasu, strangers, dark polarity, light polarity; the external - discerntment, again. If you think jesus is the best thing since breathing, then that's what's right for you. I don't like religion, that's what's right for me.

"Some people want to associate love with freedom. This is okay, but I believe that true freedom goes along with responsible behavior."

Yes, and I choose to define what's responsible behaviour, and not let any religions nor their deities decide for me.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Right here and right there
Re: Jesus
Reply #73 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 11:23am
"To me, this does not mean that one necessarily allows themselves to become a doormat.  There are times to say "no", there are times to walk away, there are times to defend or speak up about principles, but ever its the intent, the motivation, etc behind an action which makes it growth producing or limiting for a person."

Your thoughts sound healthy.

The bible quote says bend over backwards to me, the sort of thing an oppressor would love. Played a computer game yesterday called Fable 2. A dark character in the game hit me three times, and he wanted me to say 'thank you' after each hit. He stated it was because he wanted to teach me to be obedient, and not to question his will.

"Do you defend/resist more for your own negative tendencies and feelings (like revenge), or for higher principles and the good of the All.  Things like this are important to consider, and each situation can be different in the call of what kind of reaction is best for both oneself and the collective."

What's the good of the All?

"He showed that there is no such thing as a "victim" for a fully Source attuned consciousness. He had the ability to easily wither those who "attacked", lied about, tried to manipulate, tortured, and viciously murdered him and for what, because he spoke the truth (sometimes critically) and loved others."

Story-lines designed for the listener/reader to sympathize with the blood drenched character of the story. Manipulation of the feelings. Another story includes planes and towers.

"Instead of withering, he looked past these ill intentioned and spiteful actions and feelings towards his little self, loved them just as much as he loved those who agreed with and treated him well, and he said even while being strung up "forgive them Father for they know not what they do."  He realized that spiritually, they were as children and didn't yet know better."

As I child I once said that god wasn't home when I didn't see the funeral car outside the church. I didn't know any better. 'Let all the children come to me, do not stop them'.

"We see a somewhat similar, though less extreme and dramatic example, in the Tibetan Monks and how they are dealing with the Chinese gov. and their mistreating of the Tibetans. Is this weakness, is compassion/love weak, or is it really the strongest stuff around?"

I was in Dharamsala about 10 years ago and listened to a Tibetan monk tell about his exp. It was more extreme than any religious story I've heard.

"What would you advocate, them buying up arms and attacking the Chinese in return?"

That's your projection. I don't know what they should do, all the individuals have to find that out for themselves.
"Perhaps you would, but are you as spiritually attuned as a human can become?"

I'm not a human, but having a human experience. That's good attunement in my book, and yet I've got far to go. Right back at you; are you as spiritually attuned as you can become?

"Say theoretically Jesus really did live as a historical person, and the N.T. while skewed somewhat, is overall true, would you say that you are more aware and consciousness expanded than he was?"

Am I, as an incarnation, one piece of the whole self, more advanced than an astral construct? Yes.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Greenville SC
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Re: Jesus
Reply #74 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 11:29am
Volu, I like that mind set and I am prone to agree...though I think Jesus rebelled against the very things that make me sick about religion. I'm just sorry that his truest of meanings are lost on so many Christians thanks to the dogma instilled in them by people who weren't even there. Just an opinion and I've heard the argument that Paul was around the disciples but why is it that nothing survives from the actual period Jesus walked? Why isn't that stuff in the bible? Because it didn't fit the mold of the church..again my opinion.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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