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Jesus (Read 50414 times)
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Re: Jesus
Reply #30 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 4:38pm
"Volu supports those like David Icke, and while i don't demonize him like some do, i see a lot of emphasis on the negatives, the problems, on fear, and little emphasis on the solutions in his work.  I see a seeking of notoriety."

Some of what he presents I find interesting, other stuff he says doesn't sit with me. I see him as individual who shares information about the bullies and their control schemes in the schoolyard. I see Monroe as one who shared his experiences of what's outside the schoolyard, and ultimately some good pointers to the question of "Who am I?".

"We do not find such in the sources i mentioned in the above.  Always consider the deeper aspects, what a source aligns to more than not, etc."

Dark. Light. Balance.

What do you think the following aligns to - Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Nope: there's no eye in team, and besides, the dentist is on vacation. Turn the other cheek. Yep: he took your plates, now give him your dishwasher too.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #31 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Recoverer wrote: "4. A part of growing in love, is getting to the point where you always choose according to love, rather than according to what is convenient.  If a person takes part in an abortion without "actually" knowing whether it is okay for abortions to take place, perhaps he or she places convenience before love."

Volu responded: "How does one choose according to love? What is the love above anyway, and why does it make demands?"

Recoverer responds: "It isn't a matter of what love demands. It is a matter of what a person needs to do in order to experience and live according to love.  If a person makes rationalizations for self-centered activity, he or she will define his or her self accordingly. For example, if for the sake of physical pleasure a man decides to define women as pieces of meat to be used sexually, how will he be able to experience their spirit selves? Perhaps there is something to the as you sow so you reap principle. Many people who have found themselves in lower realms after their death, have found this principle to be true."
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« Last Edit: Jan 28th, 2009 at 9:13pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Jesus
Reply #32 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 1:31pm
Recoverer, I am not belittling Jesus. It seams that your heart is closed to the possibility of others being equal to... or even perhaps bigger than he. That could be construed as  pretty closed mined or show a lack of true understanding of God and of love let alone the message Jesus expressed. Perhaps, by opening up your heart more you will begin to understand that many differant people have followed a God consciousness and have and were able to express a message of good over evil. There are far more than just Jesus. Your statement to me show hate, and a disrespect for others beliefs, and that only what you believe and think could be truth. My heart is open to love of not only this man named Jesus but to the All. You seem to think that's wrong for some reason. Perhaps there are some things you have missed and might serve you well to reflect upon. Perhaps even the messages from Jesus himself.
Robert, You do what you know to be right. Open your mind to truth and to love to include all possabilities. Don't close your mind as many will want you to. Your love of God/Creater will show through like a beacon.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #33 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 1:47pm

I figure there are lots of wonderful light beings and just about all of us are destined to become light beings like Christ. I figure this is what he has in mind. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that everybody who has claimed to be a spiritual master was a high level spiritual master. Many have made the claim without being a master. I agree with Justin in that for the most part, people who have reached a high level of being aren't well known. They do their thing behind the scenes. I believe it is important to be discerning about who is authentic and who isn't.

I believe it was wrong for me to use the word "meaningless." I apologize for doing so.

hawkeye wrote on Jan 29th, 2009 at 1:31pm:
Recoverer, I am not belittling Jesus. It seams that your heart is closed to the possibility of others being equal to... or even perhaps bigger than he. That could be construed as  pretty closed mined or show a lack of true understanding of God and of love let alone the message Jesus expressed. Perhaps, by opening up your heart more you will begin to understand that many differant people have followed a God consciousness and have and were able to express a message of good over evil. There are far more than just Jesus. Your statement to me show hate, and a disrespect for others beliefs, and that only what you believe and think could be truth. My heart is open to love of not only this man named Jesus but to the All. You seem to think that's wrong for some reason. Perhaps there are some things you have missed and might serve you well to reflect upon. Perhaps even the messages from Jesus himself.
Robert, You do what you know to be right. Open your mind to truth and to love to include all possabilities. Don't close your mind as many will want you to. Your love of God/Creater will show through like a beacon.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #34 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 1:50pm
  And is your heart so open and PUL attuned Joe/Hawkeye that you should be speaking on the lacks within others whom you don't know very well?

  My belief is that Albert is speaking from experience and a deep knowingness when it comes to Yeshua, and less from intellect, "what he would like to believe", and theory that many speak from. 

  From my perspective, all beings are essentially and potentially equal, its just that some in their spiritual developement have gone far beyond others, and thus are better sources.  There are plenty others who have remembered pure Source Consciousness again, and they like Christ are true Co-Creators.

   Albert sees animals for instance with so much respect and equality, that he doesn't think its ok to kill or torture them for shallow, temporal, and materialistic/hedonistic pleasures. 

  What about you?

  When you really walk the walk more purely and on all levels, and not just talk the talk, then can you righteously speak on the lacks within your siblings even as He occasionally did, BUT with real Love in His heart.  I sense little love in your words to Albert, but more mischaracterization than anything else.
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Jesus
Reply #35 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 1:59pm
Volu wrote on Jan 28th, 2009 at 4:38pm:
Dark. Light. Balance.

What do you think the following aligns to - Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Nope: there's no eye in team, and besides, the dentist is on vacation. Turn the other cheek. Yep: he took your plates, now give him your dishwasher too.

  So Volu, there is something lacking or limiting in the notion of self sacrifice for the greater good of the All?  And to return positivity to those who hand you negativity? 

To me, that is the highest form of PUL, which Yeshua, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and some others here and there epitomized.

  Those with a very strong sense of the little self, of course do not like, understand, or vibe well with what is to them such silly notions.   And this is  part of why many of these so dislike Yeshua and his example.

  Again, it follows the Like attracts, begets, likes and resonates with Like energy law.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #36 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 2:52pm
Many people end up following others. That's what followers do. I believe it important to move yourself in a direction that brings you closer to the God consciousness/All. If that movement takes you through the belief in Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, whomever...its the right direction. I love Jesus. My heart is open to his greatness. My heart is also open to Krishna, Mohammad, and ....Their teachings about love and God were all important. None less than the other. Jesus lessons, we are told, relate to the greatness of God and what is expected of us to honer him(God), our families, and ourselves. I don't remember ever seeing a message from Jesus about desiring he (Jesus)  being the focus. Your full of goodness Albert. Your love of Jesus is strong and good. I have also met with Jesus, and know him in my heart. His message to me is that the glory goes to God/Creator not to him. That others carry this message. That an open heart will led you home to him (God/Creator). Along with a multitude of other lessons that would take pages to fill. And that these lession are my lessons. Given to me in order for me to progress.
I am happy that you have found your truth. That your truth is Jesus. I believe there is more than just one truth.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #37 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:07pm

Robert asked about Jesus, and some of us spoke about Jesus. If Robert would've asked about somebody else, we might've spoken about somebody else.


Please ask about Joe (Hawkeye), so we can speak about him. Smiley

hawkeye wrote on Jan 29th, 2009 at 2:52pm:
Many people end up following others. That's what followers do. I believe it important to move yourself in a direction that brings you closer to the God consciousness/All. If that movement takes you through the belief in Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, whomever...its the right direction. I love Jesus. My heart is open to his greatness. My heart is also open to Krishna, Mohammad, and ....Their teachings about love and God were all important. None less than the other. Jesus lessons, we are told, relate to the greatness of God and what is expected of us to honer him(God), our families, and ourselves. I don't remember ever seeing a message from Jesus about desiring he (Jesus)  being the focus. Your full of goodness Albert. Your love of Jesus is strong and good. I have also met with Jesus, and know him in my heart. His message to me is that the glory goes to God/Creator not to him. That others carry this message. That an open heart will led you home to him (God/Creator). Along with a multitude of other lessons that would take pages to fill. And that these lession are my lessons. Given to me in order for me to progress.
I am happy that you have found your truth. That your truth is Jesus. I believe there is more than just one truth.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #38 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:26pm
AKA, We have had the conversation re meat. Your belief that we should not eat meat is just fine with me, but you forget yet again that plants are living things also. Yet you are more than willing to kill and eat them. You believe they are less than other living things. How wrong you are, in my view. You judge me because I eat meat. I have connected with the All, through a plant and know, without doubt, that plants are life, no less than an animal or ourselves.
Now as for my heart being so open and attuned.... well its open to differant possibilities. Its a start. Just like you, Albert, and everyone else who visits this site and posts comments, I do judge. I do have an opinion. I don't feel any more "pure" than anyone else. You sit in judgment of me and what you believe me to think. You are welcome to your "opinion". You have a right to one. Just as I have. Walk the walk, talk the talk. Look inside yourself AKA. That's where judgment starts and will finish.      
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Re: Jesus
Reply #39 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:38pm
I thank you for the Jesus love conchesness you send my way Recoverer. It reflects how close to him you truly are. Everyone is more than welcome to talk about me, if that is your wish Albert. All this time I thought he was talking about opening a church. Silly me.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #40 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:44pm
Uh y'all, it's a discussion not a Holy War...sheesh.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #41 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:46pm
I was just going to type  YIKES!!!!!  but your post beat me to it!

Smiley Aras
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Re: Jesus
Reply #42 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:50pm
Robbert, Sorry for the direction the thread has moved. As I said before, what you know is right in your heart. Just ignore the arguing between us juveniles. My point was the importance of spreading God's word.  That many have done just that. That Jesus was only one of them and yes, even Muhammad did good things. Open a center of "Faith". Does it really matter if the good word came from Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, whomever, or that it came and hearts are opened to it.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #43 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:23pm
When I see crops being grown so they can be eaten, they seem to be grown in conditions that are quite similar to the conditions they normally grow in. In fact, they seem to get more attention than usual. They probably don't need pesticides. Better for us and them if we eat organic.

When it comes to animals, each year, about 6.5 billion souls have to incarnate into the lives of animals that are raised in cruel conditions so they can be eaten. Because they have nervous systems just like human beings have nervous systems (unlike plants) they experience pain.

Chickens and Eggs:
-Chicks have their sensitive beaks cut off without any painkillers.
-Chickens spend their entire lives in filthy, ammonia-laden sheds with tens of thousands of other birds. They are dosed with a steady stream of drugs and bred to grow so large so fast that many become crippled under their own weight or suffer organ failure.
-Many chickens suffer form chronic respiratory diseases, weakened immune systems, and bronchitis.
-After six weeks in these horrible conditions, the birds are roughly thrown into cages that are stacked on the back of a truck, and then they are shipped through all weather extremes to the slaughterhouse.

At slaughter, workers violently grab them and hang them upside down by their legs, which they force into shackles, breaking many of them in the process. Then their throats are slit.

-Birds who are raised for their eggs are packed, five to 11 at a time, into wire cages that are so small that they don't have enough room to spread even a single wing. Their wings and legs atrophy from disuse, and their legs and feet become deformed from standing on slanted wire cage bottoms. The tip of each hen's sensitive beak is cut off with a burning-hot blade. After about two years of confinement, they are violently pulled from their cages and shipped to slaughter. Their bodies are already so battered and emaciated that they can only be used for soup or companion animal food. Male chicks are worthless to the egg industry and it kills millions of newborn male chicks every year.

-Are castrated, have hunks of flesh cut from their ears, bits of their teeth cut off with wire cutters, and their tails chopped off—all without any painkillers.

Sometimes, the stalls they are confined to are stacked, and excrement form the pigs in the upper tiers falls onto those below.

They spend their entire lives in crates so small that they can't even turn around. Many pigs go insane from extremely crowded conditions in factory farms and compulsively chew on the bars of their pens.

420,000 pigs a year arrive crippled at the slaughterhouse, and another 1 million arrive dead from the journey. Because so many are killed at a time, it is hard to insure that they have actually been stunned to death when they are placed into scalding-hot water tanks that are intended to soften their skin and remove their hair. Therefore, they are boiled to death.

The same is true for other animals such as cows, but my post is getting too long.

Perhaps a movie about this subject should be made and called "An Inconvenient Truth" or has that title already been chosen?

We wouldn't treat human souls in the above manner simply because we eat vegetables, so why treat animal souls in such a manner?

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Re: Jesus
Reply #44 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:26pm
Okay Joe:

I see the future, and you'll be a beautiful, vast and wonderful light being who abides in the oneness with God and many souls. However, before you get there, you'll have to spend some time checking passports as Disks attempt to wink out to wherever they wink out too.

hawkeye wrote on Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:38pm:
I thank you for the Jesus love conchesness you send my way Recoverer. It reflects how close to him you truly are. Everyone is more than welcome to talk about me, if that is your wish Albert. All this time I thought he was talking about opening a church. Silly me.

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