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Jesus (Read 50432 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #15 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 2:59pm
  And while I don't believe everything that Chopra says, isn't it more important that he speaks well of Yeshua and emphasizes the universality of Christ?   While i haven't read that whole book, i have skimmed it, and he seems to speak somewhat reverently about Christ and his life. 

  Yes, i'm with you in that i don't agree with his promotion of the Seth material, or using the old and shallow/1 dimensional characterization that Yeshua was just another enlightened Guru type, but again i think overall its more important that he speaks well of him and emphasizes the Universal nature of "Christ", or Christ Consciousness. 

  Why he would write a book with concepts that are actually fairly old and somewhat common in the New Age world and history, is another question.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #16 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 6:44pm
Well, speaking of Chopra and Jesus, I don't agree with everything he says either, but thought I'd post this article because of the questions asked why he would write this book.. etc...and I do believe that he knows quite a bit about the life of Christ.

Who is Jesus? He's three people, says Deepak Chopra
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Who is Jesus? According to spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, there are three interpretations.
In his book "The Third Jesus," published this week, Chopra says there is a "sketchy historical figure," a second "abstract theological creation" and a third Jesus with the highest level of enlightenment -- what Chopra calls God-consciousness.
"I want to offer the possibility that Jesus was truly, as he proclaimed, a savior," Chopra wrote. "Not the savior, not the one and only Son of God. Rather Jesus embodied the highest level of enlightenment.
"He spent his brief adult life describing it, teaching it, and passing it on to future generations," he said. "Jesus intended to save the world by showing others the path to God-consciousness."
Chopra, author of more than 50 books and head of the spiritual group Alliance for a New Humanity, describes God-consciousness as "a metaphor for a shift in consciousness that makes Jesus's teachings totally real and vital."
He said he began searching for the third Jesus as a child attending a Catholic Irish missionary school in India after being fascinated by what he described at the "most interesting, romantic, passionate, spiritual story of all time."
"Yet I was struck by the fact that my friends, who were part of the Church, had been indoctrinated into a belief system where guilt was actually a virtue and I couldn't quite come to terms with that," Chopra told Reuters in an interview.
"I said to myself there must be a third Jesus, a state of consciousness that I can actually relate to, and I started to really study the New Testament and the Bible," he said.
Chopra paints this third Jesus as one of both Eastern and Western spirituality.
"Leave aside the differences in the language of it -- they are all talking about the same thing," he said. "So I hope in the very least it will contribute to some healing of the rift in our collective soul, which is the cause of all the wars and all the problems we're having today."
Chopra said the Jesus created by the Catholic Church was confusing because although the religion had done a lot of good in the world, it had also taken part "in the Crusades, in witch hunts, in burning people on the stake, homophobia, depriving women of their rights, all kinds of things."
"The present day crisis in Christianity is it's bogged down in issues like -- what would Jesus do? They make pronouncements on things like abortion, women's rights, homophobia, stem cell research -- nothing to do with Christ," he said.
"It influences our politics, it influences our national policy, it influences whether we go to war or not in the name of God," he said. "It's inanity of the utmost extreme."
Chopra said he hoped readers would take away a practical way to understand the New Testament and understand that engaging in contemplative meditation can lead to positive change.
"Everything changes for the good," he said. "The way we think, the way we behave, the way we feel, the way we have our personal relationships, our social interactions, our environment all changes in an evolutionary direction because we have shifted in our own consciousness."
And that, he said "is precisely what is meant by the kingdom of heaven is within you."
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Re: Jesus
Reply #17 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 7:12pm
I haven't read Chopra's book, but I watched some of his PBS show that is based upon his books about Jesus. Much of what he said relates to what Aras just posted.  Hopefully, overall, what Chopra wrote will be helpful. Perhaps I shouldn't of written the post I wrote about Chopra.

Regarding abortion, I don't know what Jesus' feelings are about the matter. I don't know what the answer to the matter is. It's a complicated subject. Here are some thoughts:

1. Chances are that a soul won't incarnate into a fetus that will probably be aborted.

2. Nevertheless, since consciousness seems to be everywhere, does a fetus experience pain? Perhaps horrific pain.

3. It is possible that the consciousness of an incarnating soul merges with the consciousness of a body. What happens to the consciousness of a body if a soul never merges with it?

4. A part of growing in love, is getting to the point where you always choose according to love, rather than according to what is convenient.  If a person takes part in an abortion without "actually" knowing whether it is okay for abortions to take place, perhaps he or she places convenience before love.

5. It would be considered a crime to kill a baby right after it is born. Is it different to kill a fetus. Perhaps the answer is contained in the above.

Regarding how some Christians judge homosexuals, I don't agree with their doing so. I got really annoyed when proposition 8 was passed in California.
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« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2009 at 9:06pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Jesus
Reply #18 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 8:01pm
As it would be a church you start I think it important that you decide who this Jesus is and how his existence is important to you and those who you desire to have follow or to be in agreement with you. I am always concerned when someone whats to start a church and have it "their" church. A fellow named Don spoke of "his church" here and I must admit it did disturb me somewhat. Shouldn't the church be Jesus church or even better, the "Creators"? I personally believe its just fine to open your own, as long as its not about being "yours" and its more about being about the love.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #19 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 8:12pm
As for Mohammad, your heart and know the answer. Is he any less than any of the others you mentioned? Would you think that people who proclaim to follow his ideals be worse that those who say they have followed the ideals of Jesus or God and done as bad or worse than he?
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Re: Jesus
Reply #20 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 9:13pm

I believe you're making the below comment without really knowing. I did open my heart and as I've explained before, I've had experiences that reflect Christ in a very positive way.  

If you want to find out what Christ is about, pray with an open mind and heart and find out. Don't just spout opinions and make meaningless comparisons that are based more upon what bugs you rather than what you have found out. You don't do yourself or anybody else a favor when you do so. The below is the sort of thing people come up with when they read books like Conversations with God.

hawkeye wrote on Jan 27th, 2009 at 8:12pm:
As for Mohammad, your heart and know the answer. Is he any less than any of the others you mentioned? Would you think that people who proclaim to follow his ideals be worse that those who say they have followed the ideals of Jesus or God and done as bad or worse than he?

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Re: Jesus
Reply #21 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 11:49pm
Everybody is making great points here. Me? I'm tired of the spin on Christianity and the other major religions. I'm not tired of Jesus, just tired of having people who don't know, say that they do, because of Jesus. Invoking Jesus is not an answer, but I do believe that knowing Jesus on a personal level is an answer or at least it provides one with a pathway that seems very legitimate to me. And please don't get me wrong--Justin and Albert. I would never lump you guys into that group. But I admit that I have become conditioned to rebel. I hate the way Christianity forsakes the feminine. I don't buy it because of that. But that being said-- I don't believe that Jesus forsakes the feminine at all, but the people who have written about him did and that irks me. I want to know Jesus, but I have no desire to follow Christianity at this moment. Who knows though, I may read something in here in the next few weeks and completely change again. It's an awesome thread--Thanks a ton to all.

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #22 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 11:31am
"What is your reason for concluding the below? Does Val Valerian's books have anything to do with it?"

My perspectives are based on experiences, and that which I cannot validate yet, but sounds right. I haven't read any books by Valerian. The M5 series is published by Val.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #23 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:06pm
"Regarding abortion, I don't know what Jesus' feelings are about the matter. I don't know what the answer to the matter is."

But does it really matter what jesus or the neighbour would feel or think about this subject?

"1. Chances are that a soul won't incarnate into a fetus that will probably be aborted."
"2. Nevertheless, since consciousness seems to be everywhere, does a fetus experience pain? Perhaps horrific pain."

I think chances are a spirit doesn't connect with the fetus inside the womb. First breath sounds more reasonable to me. I don't  know about pains of a fetus, but I do know there are lots of ways for a spirit to leave a body. Maybe an incarnation eats right and stays fit according to health experts, but is then run over by a garbage truck while having a breather from jogging. The blood might then be washed away, and the remains burnt and the ashes flushed down the nearest toilet. I wouldn't mind nor care; I'd be having fun on the astral, free from the restraints of that body.

"3. It is possible that the consciousness of an incarnating soul merges with the consciousness of a body. What happens to the consciousness of a body if a soul never merges with it?"

I think it's possible that if a spirit doesn't connect to a body, the outcome will be a stillborn body, as the force that gives the body life isn't present.

"4. A part of growing in love, is getting to the point where you always choose according to love, rather than according to what is convenient.  If a person takes part in an abortion without "actually" knowing whether it is okay for abortions to take place, perhaps he or she places convenience before love."

How does one choose according to love? What is the love above anyway, and why does it make demands?

"5. It would be considered a crime to kill a baby right after it is born. Is it different to kill a fetus. Perhaps the answer is contained in the above."

I think the ultimate killer (of bodies) is my greater self, deciding when in the timeline my incarnations start, what to experience, and when and how they end.

"Regarding how some Christians judge homosexuals, I don't agree with their doing so. I got really annoyed when proposition 8 was passed in California."

The christians I've heard grumble at gay orientation blame it on the will of their god.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #24 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:06pm
I am, & in this Church, will be, always seeking the REAL truth...

What is the REAL truth?

The Catholics, (in which I was raised), say one thing, the Methodists, Baptists, etc., etc., another.  One of them is right!  Or, maybe, none of them are...   Shocked

My "Proposed" name for this Church is The Reality Church of Jesus Christ, and it will seek the REAL truth, no matter what it really is, or where it comes from.  Won't really be "My" Church, or anybody's Church, but just one that seeks the REAL truth...  Jesus, in the Gospels, said Judge the Spirits by their fruits, (i.e. - Good Spirits = good fruits/works; Bad Spirits = bad fruits/works).  That's all I really have to go on!!  I have heard, from whatever source, that the Emperor Constantine in 312 A.D., in adopting Christianity/Catholicism as the Church of Rome, paganized the whole of Christianity!  If Paul formed the "Christian" Church, did he do it under God's, (Jesus'), approval, or not?  Back to the question:  What would Jesus do?  -  Exactly who is this Jesus we read about?   Smiley

See:  My "small" efforts, so far, at: ; I may be "Off," but I'm trying!!  Any suggestions?

I am basing it's, the Church's, precepts on Old Testament & New Testament logic, atleast for right now!!  THE TEN COMMANDMENTS & The Beatitudes, which appear to be Universal Truths, but do support the government...  "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's!" - Jesus

Thank you.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #25 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:25pm
The one truth is spherical, like a globe. It's not unknowable, but it is seen from many different perspectives and that's why it is so tedious to define for everyone.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #26 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:46pm
Many people including myself have experienced differently. Information about Christ was presented to me in a progressive manner which shows that he isn't just some collective mind dream creation.

It is important to be discriminitive about whom we receive information from. Even though for the most part I communicate with friendly spirits, occasionally an unfriendly spirit will try to mislead me. It isn't always easy to tell when this is taking place.

Volu wrote on Jan 28th, 2009 at 11:31am:
"What is your reason for concluding the below? Does Val Valerian's books have anything to do with it?"

My perspectives are based on experiences, and that which I cannot validate yet, but sounds right. I haven't read any books by Valerian. The M5 series is published by Val.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #27 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:49pm
Checked out your website, Robert. I don't really see anything new there, to be honest with you, but the music is sweet. I"m not a Hell Fire person and I get the impression from your site that you believe it is your duty to save people or to inform them of an ideology that is already quite abundant out there in the ether and I suppose that is admirable taken on its own.

You say Jesus is neither black or white and a few other things, but Jesus is also neither male or female, at least that's how I see it and if Paul had picked up on that I think things would be much different today. Jesus was rebelling against much of what is still taken to heart in Christian doctrine.

Personally, and I say this with love I assure you, I don't think you've hit the mark on who Jesus least not to me. And of course I'm not the best judge as I'm not even sure he existed on the earthly plane, but I do accept the Christ light--because I can't come up with a better term for what it is. I know the LIGHT exists, but what you're discussing, with all the fear of hell stuff and get saved, I think is a misunderstanding that has permeated the last 2000 years. Good luck to you on your quest, Robert. It is a hardy undertaking to say the least. And I'm offering my opinion because you asked for it, but I'm not in need of a reply that explains why I'm wrong. My best to you and your family, sir. I am enjoying this thread immensely.

Yours Allways,

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #28 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 2:43pm
recoverer wrote on Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:46pm:
Many people including myself have experienced differently. Information about Christ was presented to me in a progressive manner which shows that he isn't just some collective mind dream creation.

 Similar here. I've been shown repeatedly in various ways (via dreams, meditation info, gut feelings, etc) that Yeshua lived an in-physical life, overall pretty similar to what the N.T. outlines.  That he was so intune with PUL and Source, he could manipulate physical "reality" fairly easily (compared to most humans then and now).

 Besides us, those who also believe he was in-physical and a great spiritual teacher are Rosiland McKnights guidance during her time with Monroe at TMI, Edgar Cayce, Bruce Moen, and many other more credible and helpful sources.  

While Bob Monroe doesn't outright say it, seems like he too from various clues figured out just who and what Yeshua and his Disk was. For example in his 3rd book, his meeting with the still in-physical being after some 1800 years "He/She".   There are repeated clues to the real identity of "He/She" and that it very well may be Yeshua.  In another of Monroe's books he shares a "channeling" which is obviously from Christ.  In his first book, he wonders about "Gods Son", when a peculiar and powerful experience happens multiple times to him no matter "where" he was in the nonphysical.  
It is important to be discriminitive about whom we receive information from. Even though for the most part I communicate with friendly spirits, occasionally an unfriendly spirit will try to mislead me. It isn't always easy to tell when this is taking place.

 Sooo true! And cannot be emphasized enough imo.  Just because one taps into the nonphysical in some manner, doesn't mean the info and sources from same are accurate, helpful, or true (and these run in degrees anyways depending).   There are many interweaving factors and variables that go into 1. the purity and accuracy of info we get and the sources we tap into, and 2. our interpretation and translation of whatever info we do get from whatever source.  

 Re: 1, this is why i always tell people two main things in encouraging them to explore.   What i say is similar to what Bruce says in the PUL method he talks about.  Bringing up a memory when you felt a lot of love.  
 Then, its very important and helpful to ask and intend to get help and info from only those sources which are the most spiritually mature/PUL developed and helpful/creative sources there are within and without self.  

 If one follows RAM's affirmation, one is potentially setting themselves up for tapping into somewhat misleading or ignorant sources.  Particularly because of the part wherein he states, I desire help and assistance from those beings who are at or beyond my developement (paraphrased, because from memory).   Even the great Monroe was mislead here and there, or at other times misinterpreted the good info from good sources he got.  

 Why?  It's a question of (meta) physics in a sense, and of static.  The more we ourselves are aligned to Source and PUL and vibrate in resonance with same, the less static (which equals distortion) is present.    This is a question partly of ones overall spiritual developement AND whatever happens to be ones more temporary state within any given moment of seeking info.    

One could be a rather spiritually developed person, but having an "off day" and seek info within that unbalance, and therefore pick up on info and sources which are not as helpful, accurate, etc. for Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like ever.  So the info one gets is likewise imbalanced or the interpretations skewed.  

  This question of nonphysical tapping in, is a very complex and mult-faceted one, and as mentioned has many variables and considerations to consider.   It is rather "relative" depending.  

 This is why it is always good to question outside sources, and even the sources one is tapping into when going within.   Because of this complexity and relativity, this is why Yeshua gave a general yardstick for things of such nature, "you will know them by their fruits."   Those who have inner peace, joy, clarity, and love, and who foster same around them generally are good sources to trust and listen too.   That doesn't mean such sources won't speak unpopular ideas or beliefs, or try to go along with whatever crowd they are dealing with.

  Volu supports those like David Icke, and while i don't demonize him like some do, i see a lot of emphasis on the negatives, the problems, on fear, and little emphasis on the solutions in his work.  I see a seeking of notoriety.  

 We do not find such in the sources i mentioned in the above.  Always consider the deeper aspects, what a source aligns to more than not, etc.  

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Re: Jesus
Reply #29 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 3:50pm
Regarding misleading beings, one time I was shown a white ball of light. This ball was made up of many bits of white light that represented souls that are a part of the oneness/greater good. A few bits of light flicked off of the ball of light and into the darkness. I heard a male voice say: "They thought they were more important."

I have received a couple of other visual messages that made the same point. There are beings who have considered themselves more important than the oneness/greater good/divine will. In each case I was shown an image which made the point that only a minimal number of souls have chosen to separate themselves from the light. I figure some of these souls are former human spirits, some are beings of another nature.

I believe that sometimes people have a problem with Christ, because they think of him as some sort of authority figure, and they don't like authority. Perhaps a better way to think of Christ is that he serves divine will, and divine will is about what serves the oneness/greater good.

Even though I believe that for the most part we make contact with spirits on a like attracts like basis, there are some exceptions. Therefore, we should be careful about who we are communicating to, or who we receive information from. If either a human or non-human source makes information available because this source is interested in serving itself rather than the oneness/greater good, then by humoring this source and saying things such as "the information is important, not the source," we give power and livelihood to a source that doesn't serve the oneness/greater good/divine will.  
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