Don said:
"The verifications are not what you would expect from the real thing and the deafening silence of unmet expectations seemed to refute such claims. For this reason, I abandoned this site and will probably do so again once the novelty of my return and the lack of exciting new verifications fails to materialize here. Still, it is fun to create a lucid dream of floating up near the ceiling and looking down on your sleeping body, even if you later realize it isn't real."
Don, you were missed in your absence. I should point out that this site has much to offer beyond verifications of retrievals in the physical world. And you add to the forum when speaking of your own congregation or scholarship. What we have is a meeting of minds. An exchange of ideas. And you share many values and ideas with us. You know of concepts such as "as above, so below" and "like attracts like." These ideas have been stated in many different sources, but as we hash them out on this forum, we each come to our own understanding about the meaning of sentience and consciousness. We find ways to understand PUL, and cut through the hype.
I guess I'm trying to say that if the verifications in the physical were all anyone was after, this forum wouldn't be the right place. There are few Swedenborgs around these days. I've heard of some gifted individuals with amazing verifications, mediums and others, but while the individual verifications may be inspiring, it doesn't make you directly experience your own epiphany.
In brief, do stay for a while Don, when it suits you, for the right reasons. We are a group of individual souls, sharing, learning and exchanging in an open forum. And you bring with you your own irascible, yet charming way...