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Jesus (Read 50404 times)
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Jan 24th, 2009 at 6:07pm
I am thinking of starting my own "Church" to help those, in this reality, find their way to the 'next', and not get lost...  In that vein, I ask this question:

Who is Jesus?  (I mean from the Afterlife experiences.)  This question can be addressed directly to Bruce, himself!  I want to know, so I can better explain it.  Is Jesus the real Son of Man, or Son of God, as the Bible teaches/most Christian faiths?  Is He just one of the "Big Fish," or is there something more that we don't understand?  Obviously, he is atleast a "Big Fish".  Budda, the Prophets, the Dalai Lama, etc., are all probably "Big Fish," as well.  Right?  What about Mohammed?  In light of the current terrorism going on, was Mohammed a "Big Fish," or a Devil in Disguise?

Please Answer...   Smiley

Thank You.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #1 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 7:04pm
Greetings Robert,

Welcome to this site!

The Jesus I met in the afterlife may differ from one met by someone else. Such an immense being as Christ has many aspects and speaks to each according to their need.

In my opinion, you might want to explore the Afterlife on your own so that your church will be grounded in your actual experiences.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #2 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 11:08pm
This couldn't be more true what Bets said. The problems with religions and churches are always starting when people do things not because they themselves think they're right, but because others are telling them they are right, and what they should believe.

When you really want to help people, try to be good and happy, and then try to give your goodness and happieness to other people, too. Sermons about the "truth" of religious figures are not helpful, because everyone, in my view, has to gain one's own insights, and this is hindered by people telling them "the truth", so that the audience takes an opinion instead of making own experiences and thoughts.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #3 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:00am
 Robert asks who and what Jesus really is?

 Justin replies:  After sliced bread, chocolate, and red wine, one the best things that has happened to humanity? Lips Sealed
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Re: Jesus
Reply #4 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:06am
There is great wisdom in the character of Jesus, there can be no doubt of it. Though I am not a Christian I do try to follow his example as best I can. Some days are better than others. I have an immense respect for the Christ Light and I listen and feel for it daily. BUT that being said, I am not even sure Jesus ever existed...I'm still working that one out and I'm glad I'm working it out rather than some preacher coaching me on what to believe. I don't say that to discourage you from your church, I just hope you will keep things open and free-- That's a church that would get my attention.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Right here and right there
Re: Jesus
Reply #5 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 5:31am
An astral thoughtform created by the energy of believers. When you go into the belief centres in the "afterlife" you can see that some religions' heavens are falling apart because they're not receiving energy anymore. Religions are imo designed to give your power away - by not having your own thoughts, by not making your own decision. Spiritual slavery, where the shackles are yours to make, or yours to break.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #6 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:20pm
Simple. He told us.

"What I AM, you are. What I can do, you can do. This and more will you do."

It was not He who decided to start a church. It was Paul, the self-proclaimed disciple, the one who never met Jesus in the flesh.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #7 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:36pm
Yeah, I think that's the kicker for me too, Thomas. I"m not so sure Jesus would call himself a Christian, you know, I'm just not sure about that. I don't think that what Christianity is, is what he had in mind. I could be wrong and I'm sure I'll hear about it when I get where ever I'm headed, but Paul's story doesn't add up for me and I guess that's my whole problem with that religion and so far any religion that I've come across. If Jesus is the symbol for PUL I have no problem with that, but the way the church uses his image for garnering wealth and propagating fear of the "outsiders" is preposterous and yet it has gone on for 2000 years. Thanks for bringing up Paul is really all I wanted to say--

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Jesus
Reply #8 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:49pm
You might try reading this book by Deepak Chopra, it may answer some of your questions:

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #9 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 12:17am
 Hey Robert,  

 I was joking earlier.  Sort of along Spooky's words, but also different.  I believe its fine to tell people your beliefs and opinions if you try to be respectful about it, realize you might not have the full and totally undistorted truth about something, and most importantly you encourage others to look within for answers.  

  With that said, you have the ability to go within and find out the truth for yourself.   I find it helpful to get relaxed, let go of any preconceptions, bring up a memory wherein you felt a lot of love--let that extend outward towards the rest of creation and inward at the same time, and ask/intend to get help and answers from the most helpful, spiritually/PUL developed/aware, and constructive sources there are within and without self.  
Also importantly try to feel gratitude for any and all answers and help received before hand.  

Now, also keeping the 1st paragraph in mind; this is briefly what and who I believe this character I prefer to call Yeshua is about.  My opinion, perceptions, and beliefs.  

Yes, in some ways Yeshua is just another "big fish" or big curl.  Yet, at the same time, his "Disk" or Greater Self, Spirit Essence, or what not and what we could call "Christ" is what Bruce perceived and labeled the Planning Intelligence, which we also may as well call the first concentrated awareness outside of Source of PUL.  

 Or what I or Cayce's work might call, the Co-Creator of this particular Universe or Galaxy.   And the first of those who "separated" from Source, to return fully (1st as a completed Disk...).
Kind of of the ultimate and longest Retriever around..   Again, i recommend going within under the above circumstances and looking for your own answers.  
So, yeah in many ways "just like us", and yet also somewhat unique in some ways as well.  You could say he was the genius par excellence of spirituality/PUL, and the first to accomplish what is all of our destiny.   I believe for that, and for his tireless service work trying to help out all stuck aspects of Creation, he deserves a lot of respect.  He is both a sibling to, and yet to many within this Universe, also a parent of our Disks.  

 If you want a more detailed synthesis from mostly non religious sources, and which all came together for me one night as a "rote" out of the blue after fasting a couple of days and while taking a relaxing bath, check out this link to another area of Bruce's afterlife site.   Read my posts that are towards the middle and go past somewhat.   It's quite an interesting picture when you compare the works of Monore, McKnights, (long time explorer with Monroe) Moens, Cayces, the N.T. (particularly John), and the Shroud of Turin research all together with an open mind/heart.

 I originally wrote this thread talking about the differing kinds of Resurrection, but turned more into a discussion about Yeshua:

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Re: Jesus
Reply #10 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 1:25pm
Hello Robert:

When it comes to figuring out who Jesus is, I figure the best results will come if a person tries to find out for his or her self, rather than relying on what other people have to say. The below is what I shared on another post.

Here's an example of receiving a clue about Christ before I tried to do so.

I was meditating and I saw the face of a man. He seemed to be in distress. I figured he needed retrievel help and spoke to him in such terms. Suddenly I found myself at the top of a cliff having a conversation with this man (non-physically).  I tried to get him to go to the light. He jumped off of the cliff and into the ocean below. I jumped in after him. I continued to talk to him while we were both under water. Next, we talked at the top of the cliff again.  Suddenly accross a bay to my left the image of Jesus appeared. Gold light radiated from Jesus and filled the landscape. The man I tried to help forgot all about me and floated to the shore where Jesus stood.

Here's another example.  Early on during my kundalini (creative aspect of being) unfoldment process I lay in bed awake one night, and suddenly I saw a lifesize image of a heavy metal rocker dude. I could see kundalini flowing within him. He said: "I use my kundalini for evil." Next, I saw a lifesize demonic image of myself. Next, I saw the face of Jesus Christ.  The message was clear. If I'm going to go through the kundalini unfoldment process, make certain that I do so with Christ consciousness/love in mind. Our creative energy can be used in different ways.

Another example, years ago I had what I refer as a night in heaven experience. At the time I was an atheist. I figured science had all the answers. Nevertheless, I found myself in higher realm one night. The happiness level was absolutely wonderful.  Not only did I understand that the afterlife exists, I completely understood how it was possible for it to exist without having to think about it.  I understood that everything works out wonderfully in the end. That our life of problems in this World isn't what life is really about. At the beginning of the experience I experienced the presence of Christ. I experienced his presence in a way where I didn't have to see his image. I understood without receiving any words that Christ is a key part of divine reality. It was an automatic knowing. There was nothing repressive about this. At the end of the experience I saw a star flash. I figure this star represented Christ.

It didn't take long for me to forget about the above experience. I forgot about it, just like some people forget about their near death experiences for a while.  After I made conscious contact with my higher self/spirit guidance, my memory of the above experience came back to me. I now remember it more completely than I did the days that followed the experience. I can't experience the full impact of the experience by thinking about it, but I am certain of this. When I had the experience I was absolutely certain about what I experienced and what I was understanding.

Here's an experience I had relating to Christ after I asked about him. One night I was reading a book by Elaine Pagels, and she wrote that the Gospel According to Thomas speaks of Jesus as if he was an enlightened being, the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke speak of him as if he is a messenger of God, and the Gospel of John speaks of him as if he is God incarnate. Before I went to sleep that night I prayed for a dream telling me which Gospel is true.

In the middle of the night I woke up from a drream, turned on my night lamp, and grabbed my dream journal and a pen, so I could write some notes. Before I could write anything I saw a light flash. I see spirits appear as points of light when I see them through my crown chakra. The light I saw on this occasion was much larger than any point of light I had seen before. It also radiated more energy than any point of light I had experienced before. It felt divine. It felt more real than the physical World. The thought occurred to me with a laugh, "And people don't believe in the World of spirit."

I put my note pad and pen away, turned off my night lamp, and lay on my side. I was overcome by the energy of the spirit that visited me. I didn't see nor hear Christ, but I inwardly understood that this was the spirit of Christ. His presence worked on my energetic system for about 15 minutes. It did so in a manner that is beyond how kundalini operates. Ever since, the energetic flow in my upper chakras has been more clear, balanced and alive.

I felt lots of love, grattitude, humility and reverences towards Christ as this took place. My belief is that the spirit of Christ knew how to find my energetic signature, and he extended a part of his spirit to my energy signature so it could be worked on. I had a number of follow up visitacions. On some occasions the energy would push towards my crown chakra so intensly, it felt like my head would come off. It is no longer necessary for such intensity to take place.

So which gospel is true? I don't know. Perhaps each is correct in its own way. The key is that the spirit of Christ can reach out to anybody he wants to reach out to. Perhaps, all a person needs to do is ask.

There have been a few occasions where the image of Jesus appeared to me as I received a message.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #11 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 8:01pm

What is your reason for concluding the below?  Does Val Valerian's books have anything to do with it?

Volu wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 5:31am:
An astral thoughtform created by the energy of believers. When you go into the belief centres in the "afterlife" you can see that some religions' heavens are falling apart because they're not receiving energy anymore. Religions are imo designed to give your power away - by not having your own thoughts, by not making your own decision. Spiritual slavery, where the shackles are yours to make, or yours to break.

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Re: Jesus
Reply #12 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 8:46pm
Regarding what Tgeks wrote:

One night I received a message that when Jesus was with this World he had divine authority. Then I received the message: "Paul too."

I couldn't tell you what Paul is about.  Some of his words seem right, there are a few that don't.  I don't know to what extent his words have been misrepresented. Some of the words attributed to him seem to be from his letters. Some might see Paul like a modern day preacher; however, preachers of today don't tend to have to go through what Paul went through. I'm not an expert from the time period, but it sure doesn't seem like it was safe to be a Christian preacher during Paul's time period. Therefore, perhaps Paul put his welfare on the line when he decided to preach.

Paul did get to meet some of Jesus' disciples.

I figure the divine powers that be had a pretty good idea what would happen after Jesus taught.  Some sort of vehicle was needed in order that his teachings would become known. If his teachings hadn't become known, people such as myself would not had learned about him. I used to follow the teachings of gurus. I found time after time that they aren't what they represent themselves to be. It wasn't until I made contact with spirit guidance, that I finally learned about a man who walked this earth that was indeed a master and didn't misrepresent himself. Not to say that there aren't any other teachers that I have respect for, but these other teachers don't misrepresent themselves as some kind of enlightened master. They simply share what they learned without suggesting that they are infallible, which is something you pretty much do when you refer to yourself as "enlightened," whatever that means.

If Jesus hadn't come along, other religions would've flourished instead. Is this actually preferable? If Islam would've spread instead, I don't know if we'd be free to have these conversations on the internet. I doubt that TMI would had come into existence, if the United States was an Islamic country.


Why do you believe the below is so? Perhaps during the 2,000 years or so since Christ a lot of people needed to be a part of church.  This could be true even for Christians who don't live their life in a positive way. Consider Sylvia from Bruce's books.  Because she chose to think of Jesus, she received help, rather than ending up in a lower realm.  Something similar happened for Howard Storm during his NDE. I help with retrievels in a way that is usual.  I help out while involved with daily activities. I can see some of the spirits that are involved as flashing points of light. Sometimes I see a blue oval of light and within it an image of Jesus can be seen. I'm not certain, but I believe this is what stuck spirits who call out for Jesus see. Why would they think to call out for Jesus if men like Paul didn't put in the effort he put in?

tgecks wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:20pm:
Simple. He told us.

"What I AM, you are. What I can do, you can do. This and more will you do."

It was not He who decided to start a church. It was Paul, the self-proclaimed disciple, the one who never met Jesus in the flesh.


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Re: Jesus
Reply #13 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 8:54pm
Deepak Chopra gave his stamp of approval to a couple of Jane Roberts Seth books that took three of Jesus' most famous sayings and reinterpreted them so they lacked spiritual value, and that came up with a detailed and ridiculous explanation for why Jesus supposedly wasn't crucified. This being the case, I wonder how much Deepak actually knows about the life of Christ?

My guess is that Deepak equates Christ with the gurus of the World and this isn't the case.

Aras wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:49pm:
You might try reading this book by Deepak Chopra, it may answer some of your questions:


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« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2009 at 1:28pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Jesus
Reply #14 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 2:40pm
  Hi Albert,

I oft get the sense that many more, somewhat open minded people, see Christianity in its various forms as far inferior to many other major belief systems.  Partly because of the various dogmas in same, the controlling/political history of the Church, and because of a percentage of a certain type or types of people that tend to get attracted to same.   

   Yet, someday, most will realize that real and true Christianity, which is sincerely practiced is the most expanded teaching and practice around on this Earth, BUT that one not need to necessarily call or think of themselves as "Christian" to practice and live in such a way. 

   At some point in their path, after doing enough of the above, they may find out just who and what this "Jesus" character was all really about.  Some will find out in their in-physical life, and many more in their Afterlife sojourns. 

  The important part is though, that they live in that manner, which Christ epitomized in his public life on Earth.   

  Plenty of belief systems, teachers, and what not in the Earth promote similar core beliefs as Yeshua did, but none had lived these Universal truths so purely and powerfully before him, and few if any public teachers since. 
I do believe there are others who have lived pretty close or the same though since he left the public scene, but that is partly because he created such a powerful ripple in the Quantum field making it easier for us to follow and accomplish that path within the physical Earth.  These don't seem to be public teachers as such, for whatever reason they keep a lower profile.  My guess is that they don't want another religion or belief system to spring up around them and their "miraculous" abilities and knowing.

  Most modern and historical public teachers that I've tuned into, while some of them I respect quite a bit, I don't get the sense that any of them were quite as intune and Source realized as he was in his public life.  This is not a criticism, or tying to belittle their efforts, just a plain statement of my intuition.

  Too many people imo emphasize what Tgecks emphasized, without the previous part of his words, "Because I go unto my Father and prepare a way, then shall you too..." 

  Yeah, pretty important part there that oft gets conveniently left out.   Very occasionally it bothers me somewhat how little respect there is for this person, this life, this example, and what he did for Whole/Total Self...but then i realize the above and that its more important how people live then what they specifically believe or don't believe.
And that many, even if its in the Afterlife, will at some moment realize just how important this life and example was.   Without it, and even the latter less pure interpretations (i.e. religion), we would be in much darker times indeed than we are.

  For those who emotionally dislike Christianity, and all things with a "Christian" label, that is a hard one to swallow, and somewhat understandably so.
In my youth, when i researched the history of Christianity and particularly the latter Roman influenced Church, well i didn't find much to like or respect.  In some respects that still holds true, BUT i have a more broad, holistic, and long term overview now which makes me realize certain important things about this whole question.
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