Junior Member
Posts: 54
Indianapolis, IN
Hmm... Interesting.
I am noticing a few 'themes' in my dreams lately too. Themes are usually absent from what dreams I can remember. I've noticed an increase in insect appearance in my dreams. Unwelcome worm/grub things, and scary looking black and red spiders are making memorable appearances.
Mostly it's the people around me in my dreams that have changed the most. Or should I say their interactivity and availability that has changed. They are so much more… noticeable. They 'feel' different than anyone in any memorable dream I've ever had. I can see them more clearly, I am beginning to become aware of the shifting nature of these people (one minute being an old friend, then a relative, then a stranger, and back), and the changing of the environment from one location to the other. I have even taken note of my noticing of these changes and my acceptance of them.
And finally, I have a theory that pertains. For the longest time, my own personal path of explorations seemed to bottle-neck at a vibration-y sensation with paralysis that always frightened me and out of that fear; I would break out of it. After resolving to face this fear, I was able to pass through the vibration stage a couple of times (having come on by accident while wanting to sleep for the most part.) When attempting to purposefully get to this vibration state, which seems impossible to do on purpose, I would start to fall asleep. Then at the last second I would see something slightly frightening. Like a face staring at me that I wasn't expecting, or the feeling of a spider on my face or neck. These things would startle me just enough to keep me from falling asleep, and allowing me to continue with the exercise of exploration once I got over the startle.
I keep getting the impression that these things I see at these times are deliberately intended to keep me aware through frightening me 'awake' or scaring me into being conscious of what's going on. My dreams are now following this pattern. When I remember them the most easily it follows just such a startling image or sensation. I quickly get over it and the next bit of dream I have is easier to remember, to perceive, and to understand.
Can someone/thing be helping me out and the best way they've been able to get through to me is by startling me? This idea feels right.