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Need some assistances (Read 7401 times)
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Need some assistances
Jan 6th, 2009 at 7:57am
Hi everyone,

I have to ge beyond my ego and ask for some helps.  Since few days, I go trough some fears an anxiety.  I almost sleep 2-3 hours per night and I wake up in fear.  I'm in a state of being I really don't like.  It remembers me my old days. 

If you could send me PUL energy, to help me to go trough this hard time, it would be very appreciated. 

I know that I have to find by myself the cause of those fears, but if information comes to your mind while you do it, don't hesitate to share it here. 

thank you in advance,
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #1 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:07pm
Phantasy Man:

Perhaps it is time for you deal with your shadow self. When I say this, I don't mean this with all of the implications that are sometimes attached to that term. While we live in this World sometimes we create according to our higher self's guidance, sometimes according to our self-defense instinct and other negative influences. If we basically choose to live according to love, this is what tends to be noticeable in our life. Eventually, when we want to grow to another level, our shadow self, which is a composite of our negative attributes, comes to life.

I doubt that such a part of yourself would come to life if you weren't ready to deal with it. Perhaps you higher self decided it was time for you to deal with it. Please don't allow what I wrote to lead you to believe that your shadow self has more reality than it has.  In a way, your shadow self is like a pair of pants. You can choose to wear it or not wear it. To the extent you are interested in it or concerned about it, you might pick it up.

Pray for help from your spirit friends, and have faith in your ability to choose love and light over dark aspects of mind. These dark aspects of mind are a confused collection of thoughts that operate according to their own limited way of thinking. They rely on you to give them reality.

Have you ever made a list of the issues that troubled you throughout your life? I've found that if you make such a list and let go of whatever you find, things will clear up quite a bit for you.

Another thing I've found that nothing outside of our self has the power to harm us, if we choose love and light. It is completely up to us.

I'll send some PUL your way.

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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2009 at 8:55pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #2 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 12:39am
 I kind of echo what Albert conveyed.  Often times when we deal with difficult feelings, life experiences, etc., we repress them into the unconscious rather than fully dealing with them directly.

 When we get to a sufficient spiritual state and level of awareness, these repressed energies get brought up to get worked on.  

 No one can work on an issue that they are not that aware of to begin with.  

 Remember when we did a group exploration/healing type thing awhile back, and you were at one point, one of the subjects?  Well the stuff i was picking up at the time didn't make any sense to me consciously because it seemed you were confident, physically fit, etc.  One of the main things i picked up on was emotional-physical insecurities relating to body image etc.    

 Like i said, it didn't make sense at the time from what little i knew of you consciously, later on down the road you shared some info about your earlier life, how unhealthy, unfit, and unhappy you used to be.   These were very difficult times and feelings for you, and i think for awhile you concentrated so much on rectifying things "immediately" and in a more physical kind of way, that you kind of glossed over the psychic, unconscious, and feeling parts of it (as we men are more inclined to do).   In other words, the healing wasn't complete and holistic enough.

  So some of these repressed issues are surfacing again to be worked on.   But please check all the above from what you get while turning within and tapping into your own guidance.   I could be off about some things.  

 Next time i meditate, i intend on feeling some PUL towards you.  I sense you are beautiful, older soul type, and quite frankly you deserve to be consistently happy, joyous, and at peace.   Please keep that in mind.
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #3 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 10:31am
I echo what's been said here,
Dear Phantasy Man

The deeper roots of old issues can resurface. Dealing with them is a step or leap forward. Assume that an issue that bothers you the most is the one that needs addressing. 
Forgive it and love yourself.

PUL to you,


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #4 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 10:20pm
Thank you so much.  

Today was a much greater day.  Yesterday I had a breakthrough  for the understanding of my current situation.  I now understand the specific work I have to do on myself, and some error I have done recently.

This episode surly created some chaos within my emotions and my mind, but in a long-term, it'll be amazingly benefit.  


You can choose to wear it or not wear it. To the extent you are interested in it or concerned about it, you might pick it up.

I think something like that  happened to me.  A mask (of illusions) felt, and my fears was seen as fears, not illusion to mask them.

Have you ever made a list of the issues that troubled you throughout your life? I've found that if you make such a list and let go of whatever you find, things will clear up quite a bit for you.

In the past, yes.  But I think it will be a good idea to redo this list.


One of the main things i picked up on was emotional-physical insecurities relating to body image etc.

You really got an hit on that one.  This is a big issue right now for me...  I worked on that the wrong way, but hopefully, I can now make progress... even if it's little step.

  In other words, the healing wasn't complete and holistic enough.

Well said.  Maybe I tried to much to make things happen, instead of allowing them to happen.  I must find the right balance between doing and allowing thing to happen.  So helping them, not forcing them.

I sense you are beautiful, older soul type, and quite frankly you deserve to be consistently happy, joyous, and at peace.   Please keep that in mind.

I'll keep that in mind.  It's really appreciated  Smiley


Dealing with them is a step or leap forward. Assume that an issue that bothers you the most is the one that needs addressing.  
Forgive it and love yourself.

I'll do step by step this time, not trying to rush.  Who know, maybe it will be a big leap forward Smiley

Thank you again for your good help,
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #5 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 2:50pm

While in contact with spirit guidance this morning I asked about you and was shown the following image:

A young man sits in front of his garage eating a plate of spaghetti.  His father stands in the garage working on something. I'm not certain, but I think you wore an Army green wool sweater. I have a possible interpretation if this message doesn't make sense.

Later on I received a message "We thought Joe was coming back." and then I saw somebody drive away in a car.  The car symbolized Joe. I don't know if your name is Joe, but I thought of you as Joe. I might've been thinking of Hawkeye. I usually don't pay attention to the names that come at the end of a post.
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« Last Edit: Jan 8th, 2009 at 8:59pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #6 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 5:54pm
Thanks for asking; much appreciated.

Sending PUL you way for understanding.
So be it.

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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #7 - Jan 11th, 2009 at 2:21pm

Thanks for asking your guidance.

Here how I interpret:  Young man is me and I'm taking my force back (eat spaghetti/energy).  The garrage is where projets are worked.  The father would be my higher self...  Perhaps is working on something for me.  The army wool sweater I wear may represent my combative aspect and my will to "fight" (don't like this word)  against my dark side...

I'm interested about your interpretation. 

Thanks again...


Thank you for the PUL energy Cheesy
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #8 - Jan 12th, 2009 at 1:44pm
That's pretty good PhantasyMan. I can't say my interpretation is more accurate, but here goes. It may be that both interpretations are correct:

The garage represents lower energy (this is what garages have represented to me in the past). Your father represents your lower human biological self. I saw him working on something because aspects of your lower self have become activated. Eating sphaghetti means consuming tangled up energy that is confusing.  Confused by aspects that come from your animal self, such as your self defense instinct and sex drive. Tomato sauce (I don't remember seeing the sauce), because of the color red, could represent lower chakra energy.

PhantasyMan wrote on Jan 11th, 2009 at 2:21pm:

Thanks for asking your guidance.

Here how I interpret:  Young man is me and I'm taking my force back (eat spaghetti/energy).  The garrage is where projets are worked.  The father would be my higher self...  Perhaps is working on something for me.  The army wool sweater I wear may represent my combative aspect and my will to "fight" (don't like this word)  against my dark side...

I'm interested about your interpretation.  

Thanks again...


Thank you for the PUL energy Cheesy

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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #9 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 6:27am
recoverer wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:07pm:
Phantasy Man:
Perhaps it is time for you deal with your shadow self. When I say this, I don't mean this with all of the implications that are sometimes attached to that term. While we live in this World sometimes we create according to our higher self's guidance, sometimes according to our self-defense instinct and other negative influences. If we basically choose to live according to love, this is what tends to be noticeable in our life. Eventually, when we want to grow to another level, our shadow self, which is a composite of our negative attributes, comes to life.

Since 22.08.2008 i reallized that that guy who i call "uncle dark" is me or part of me. Few times i woke up in sleep and sometimes he (me) did something with my liver  - took energy (cant move) - it hurts - i woke up with goose-flesh and creeps. In 11.01.2009 i took some action Smiley - manage to grab his arms and yell at him (duno why in english - it was wierd for me) I didnt see his(mine) face only violet hands (guess whole rest was censured). I got problems with my liver in real life. Since i took lower dose of steroids - its worse - pain, sickness and problems with sleep - guess it was mistake or im not ready. I dont understand so many things Smiley Now im back on older doses. I wanna deal with my uncle dark Smiley My liver is very useful for me Cheesy hehe

Greetings from Poland my friends Smiley
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Sorry for my english Smiley)))))&&
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #10 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 10:33am
Hi SnoozE,

(Your English is fine!)

I had some visions of attacks similiar to yours. In my similiar cases it turned out that I had an uncle who liked to toss me into the air when I was an infant.  That is how he played with children.  Smiley
But sometimes he caught me wrong, and as an adult I began having pain where he caught me.
( I remembered all this when I saw my nephew play with his infant brother in the same way.)
When I happened to forgive him in my mind, a tightness there (from pain and fear that it could happen again somehow) relaxed. After that amazing relief I purposely say in my mind that I forgive him any time the tightness starts to return. And it works!  Cheesy  Cheesy
I hope this gives you some ideas to try Smiley  Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #11 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 7:39am
Thanks for answering me Betson Smiley "Forgive" its good point of view Smiley One time i saw him (me) in real world - dark clow at my bed. I said to him come in to my bed i love u bro (yeah i know its silly Cheesy) Smiley I think i have to learn give love - energy from my heart. Guess i got problem with that + belive systems and hidden fear, anger hate maybe - dont know. So many question and so few answers Cheesy Maybe im manipulated Smiley
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Sorry for my english Smiley)))))&&
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Re: Need some assistances
Reply #12 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 11:36pm
Welcome aboard Snooze
Looking forward to read some of your experiences..Smiley

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