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Are we being deceived (Read 4822 times)
george stone
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Are we being deceived
Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:09pm
Is it possible that we could be led astray with the experiences we are having?the world is in bad shape right now.some one said yesterday that by 2010 the U S A would not be the same as we know it.are we in the end times?seems to me that we are headed that way.What do think.George
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 2:56pm
Hi George,

The state of consciousness we are leaving right now is not longer functional (In the past , for many hundred years, it worked, but not any more).  If we want to continue to grow spiritually, or to grow our consciousness, this world must change.  To change it, we must change internally and grow beyond our ego, beliefs and fears.  

Big changes often imply big pains.   I think the next two or three decades will big hard and many will see that negatively.  But on an bigger picture, it will be positive for all of us.

That's what I think!
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #2 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:45pm
My Dad is 83 and he uses the same language -things are terrible "these days" and people are crazy "these days". I do not go along with that idea. The world has always been terrible and people have always been crazy. What would there be to learn and grow from if it were an eden and we were all angels? And as for not recognizing the United States -I am 47 and I have never recognized it year to year. It is always changing -sometimes good and sometimes bad. Now, if you want to go to a place that never changes try the middle east -and look where thats got them...
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #3 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 11:56am
George has a point,

I don't know if it is any different in the USA than where I live in South Africa.

But when I  was a boy or even in the time of my children (now all in their forties) there was very little crime and we could go and play in the fields, climb trees, make fortresses, play Cow Boys and Crooks, go for long bicycle rides in safety , swim in dames and nearby lakes

We were outside in the sun most of the time, on our bicycles exploring all over. We even went caving in nearby magnificent dolomite caves.

Our friends were from all walks of life and racialism had not yet reared its ugly head.

I had a home gymanisum where I helped many of my friend , black and white in the sport of bodybuilding.

Of course the racist Nationalist Government made separation of racial groups a law. A revolting disgusting law at that.

It might surprise Americans , that South Africa of the 1940's and 1950's was much much less racially divided than some of the American states especially the likes of Mississippi. These states had much more hatred between groups than those in South Africa. Although there was  separation in South Africa as a young man if was more of a friendly separation

Then the laws of Apartheid was forced on us. (of course not all of us the racialist got their way for nearly sixty years)

But even given all this , with South Africa now a free democracy since 1994  with one of the most liberal forward thinking constitutions in the world. Crime has increased a hundred fold, people from all segments of the population are afraid to go out at night

We live now in a land where we live behind high electric fences, burglar bars , locked doors. I Am not just referring to the white and privileged, but black, colored, Indian and Chinese part of our cosmopolitan population. South Africa has a huge black middle and upper class , so the privileged are not all whites and some white people are now living in slums and abject poverty, that would horrify Americans

Our children dare not go out on their own as murder rape and violence are the order of the day.

Why this descent into utter chaos now, in a free society I have no answer

My grandchildren , sit behind computer screens not daring to go out and party as I did and even my children did

I think maybe this effect might be taking hold elsewhere in places like the beautiful USA.

Are American kids as free as you and were as a child ?

I would be interested in any comment

What I just posted was not a political statement , just the reality of where i live

Is this the coming change in consciousness the great divide, where para dice lost separates from a new paradise gained

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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 11:39pm
Just wanted to say that i totally agree with Phantasy Man and his entire post.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:11am
But Justin,

People in general are much more materialistic and less spiritual today than when I was a child, romping around in fun like Huckleberry Fin, and Tom Sawyer,

We really lived like that , without having to lock doors, etc we were  much much more free than we are now.

And this applies to America as well but of course to a much lesser degree than South Africa

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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #6 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:45am
Alan McDougall wrote on Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:11am:
But Justin,

People in general are much more materialistic and less spiritual today than when I was a child, romping around in fun like Huckleberry Fin, and Tom Sawyer,

We really lived like that , without having to lock doors, etc we were  much much more free than we are now.

And this applies to America as well but of course to a much lesser degree than South Africa


  I'm not so sure about that Alan.   What i perceive is that things are more extreme, and because of that, there is more contrast between these. 

   There are signs here and there, that more and more people are starting to wake up, and that a less dogmatic, more sincere, more intuitional and experience based, loving kind of spirituality is arising and becoming more prevalent in the world. 

  Take this site with its many members for example.  30 years ago, would there have been such numbers of such like minded folks, or a similar percentage?   I doubt it.

  What i see is this, the error is getting more erronenous and the Light in the lighted is getting brighter.   There are those who are very, very dark and more and more very bright Lights.

  I especially see this in my country America, i see a great extremism and a sometimes silent, and sometimes violent struggle between those who serve the little self/mammon, and those who serve the good of the greater Whole. 

  Also, notice how we hear so much more about corruption in this or that sector, this company, that government, this state, etc....

  Is this because things are getting more corrupt, or rather that there is a brighter Light shining on such activities, which is pointing out the glaring dark for more to see, sense and perceive.  That more people care....

  Corruption and materialism has been with us for a long time, and for a very long time it was just something that most of the "common people" and the majority just accepted.  Nowadays, more and more people are saying to themselves and to others, "whoa, wait a minute, this isn't right and shouldn't be allowed to go on."

  Now, there is still a great apathy, but it seems more people are disagreeing with the current paradigms everday.   

  Things will continue to become more extreme in nature.  Challenges will get become more numerous, frequent, and intense.  There will be many changes, on many levels, including even geologically and climate wise.   These are as adjustments, just as when someone whose back is totally out of whack from years of misuse, finally goes to a Chiropractor and has it adjusted. 

   It is much like a pregnancy, and there will be birth pangs involved.  But those who are truly attuning to what's real, will largely rise above these, though they too may be personally challenged here and there.  I know i will be.  I sense times of physical hunger and scarcity of basic necessities coming.  But am i scared?  No, not at all.  I will get through it if i'm meant too, and if i die so what?   

  I came for these times and am excited to be part of it all.  The last 50 years, and the next 50 years have been and will be a cycle of great change, and ultimately great spiritual transformation.  This will eventually peak in about a thousand years or so from present, wherein truly humanity will be collectively enlightened.
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #7 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 5:14pm
I just not so sure it is the "end times". I believe it is more likly the "start, or new times" I look forward to any changes with an open mind and an open heart. There truly is nothing to fear but fear its self. Many beliefs have told of these so called "end times". Keep you freaked out and looking to them for direction. Not that there is anything wrong in believing in anything you want to. Those who are existing in F25 and are with others with the same beliefs are happy where they are and I don't necessarily believe need to be brought into F27 at this point. But for me, this is not the end times. Its just another time.
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #8 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:22pm
The times are certainly evolving and great points made by all. Alan, your insight into South Africa is great, thank you.

Children now are questioning us earlier and not taking our answers at face value. They have so many other sources to gain insight and not as much direction for it. It's got its ups and downs I guess. Without them this change would be halted in its tracks but they have to come to grips with a new dawning even faster than we did. I think it's all gonna be right on target in the long run.

I agree Justin that we chose to be here at this time to see what it will be. There's no knowing that it a paradise or a pair a' dice, eh Alan?  Great subject, thanks for starting it, George.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #9 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 3:17pm
When I listened to my grandmother (now long deceased) and how she had to live and the fears that she had, the listen to my mother and how she lived ant the fears she had, and now myself telling my grandson how I lived and my fears: they were all the same.  You won't find many women on the planet that WANT war. You won't fined many wormen who WANT poverty for their families. You won't find many women who WANT to be fearful that someone will rape them or a loved one. You won't find many women who would turn away another child if s/he need food, clothing or shelter when complete destitute and no one else to turn to. You won't find many women who enjoy being in debt.

My grandmother had a hard life. Her mother died the day she was born. She was the baby of 10 children. Her father moved from Canada to the US so his many daughters could find jobs in factories in Massachusetts. The oldest had to watch the youngest as her dad worked full time. Grandma only went to grade 4 in school because her dad couldn't afford to keep her in school. She was moved from sister to sister until she married at age 16. She went through the great depression and had to wait in food lines and shoe lines for herself and her children. She had two husbands abandoned her leaving her to raise her 4 children virtually by herself. She worked since age 13 and never got to fully "retire" because she had to support herself before my mother and her sister took turns having her live with them because her health started to decline.
My mohter's generation went through similar situations: WWII, Korea, Viet Nam.  My parents struggled every day with bills, fearing that some "man" may harm me or my sister (and we were oblivious to what the heck that ment). My father worked three jobs to help make ends meet. My mother worked every Christmas holiday for 2 months so we would be able to get "gifts from Santa".  My mother worked from the age of 16 until she was 60. She still fears for her grandchildren that "men may harm them".
My generation also saw (I don't remember anything about Korea) the Cuban crisis, an American President get assinated, Communisim in Russia and China, viet nam, the Gulf War and now Afghanastan and Irac. I had two sons, but still worried that "some man might harm them". I have worked since I was 15 and won't be able to retire until I'm 70 because we are in debt. I raised my grandson and now it looks like we may have to help with the granddaughter.

Our lives never were a "bowl of cherries". We had many happy times and memoriable events. Women's liberation in the 60's better jobs for women in the 70's and 80's. The fall of the Berlin Wall. Countries like Africia and Russia struggling for a more democratic society. Thrid world countries now recoginizing women as human beings and not just property. A man landed on the moon and the satelites travel past Pluto. Jacque Custou discovered many wonders under the ocean. Many "cures" have been found for deseases that would had killed many in my grandmother's era. Some deseases are completely wiped out!

If you only look for the bad, you will find only bad. You must look into your "soul" and find the positive and good. Only then will we be able to send out Pure Unconditional[u][/u] Love.  We are better because as human beings we all want and try bo be better. Expically women. We want peace around the planet for all our children.  Love Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #10 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 3:39pm
Good things are coming to us everyday...perhaps not everywhere, but the vibration is changing. I think it comes down to our own fears, which only we can be responsible for deleting. Are we willing to stay our course instead of the fear based one.

The news media has always been hell bent on grabbing the worst of everything and rarely focusing on stories that aren't negative. Of course they fear, and perhaps rightly so, that their ratings will suffer should the bring us good news or even good spin. Thats why I got out of the business and I'm glad. I'm a much happier person without all that baggage.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #11 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 12:27am
Justin and others,

Justin Commented
What i see is this, the error is getting more erronenous and the Light in the lighted is getting brighter.   There are those who are very, very dark and more and more very bright Lights.

Well scripture says, in the last days the good or light will shine brighter and the bad will become darker.

You all have made very valid comments, much to think about.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #12 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 3:32pm
I wonder if the "end times" that many religions seam to want us worry about so much are really only a big deal to them. When these changes come, that many of us know are coming,( and I look forward to) get here in full swing, people will have to re look at religions and the doctrines that they push. Perhaps its the fear of the truth coming out that makes many religions afraid of the "end time". That truth being, that there is no reason to be afraid. That there is no death. That the so called "everlasting life" is for everone, not just those who worship some ideological God. You don't need to "prove" your self or your worth to anyone other than to yourself. That love, not fear, is the true answer to coming home to the Creator. I think that the "end times" have religions on the run. And in my book....none to soon for that matter. Because many religions (not all) are more about control and fear, than the love of self, others, and of the Creator. That's why I don't see the changes as "end times" but look at them as "new times". That there is nothing you can do that you can not forgive yourself for. No sin so great that you would be excluded from progressing towards your Creator. No lesson to large that you will never understand it. No hate so strong that you will never forgive it. No love so small that you could not feel it. We are truly of one. All connected.  None better or more than another.
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Re: Are we being deceived
Reply #13 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 5:25pm
The collective consciousness is moving toward a higher vibration as best I can tell. As this happens the instinctual fears are going to fight tooth and nail to stay afloat. Most people have no inkling of the vibrational perceptions, but I still think they will benefit greatly. It's already happening in many places. Just look at how many massage therapy centers have popped up and yoga and all that in last 15 to 20 years. People have to get there their own way, but it feels like to me that our guided evolution is paying off in the long run.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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