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Some light shed on the true meaning of the season (Read 17926 times)
I Am Dude
Super Member

Posts: 1462
Gender: male
Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:05am
I recently received a newsletter from Astral Pulse which may be of interest to many here..

The Nativity Agenda

It is understandable that at this traditional time of the year many
people are questioning the biblical origins of Christmas - the

The highly globally respected BBC New published this article

This in summary relates to a survey carried out by the Church, which
revealed that of the 1000 people questioned, 70%, including many
who profess to being Christian, no longer believe in the "Nativity".

And we must keep in Mind that the birth of Jesus is one of the most
iconic and crucial aspects of the New Testament, and one that
underpins the very existence of the Christian Religion itself,
along with the "crucifixion" and "resurrection" mythologies.

Why they are mythologies we will see a little later.

This though means that the dire warnings of the church as to the
consequences for all those who fail to be "obedient to God" and to
"believe in and respect" the life circumstances and meaning of
"his" only "son" as well as accepting him as their "saviour", are
no longer holding the controlling power they once did - and up
until not so many years ago at that.

We cannot be "saved" by "others" for two fundamental reasons:

1. There are no "others", we are all One, and therefore our
destinies are inexorably linked. Each influences the Whole.

2. As individuated aspects and Expressions of Source Energy we are
blessed with Freewill and Mind to Evolve in accordance with how we
best make use of the powers, abilities and Mind that Source has
provided us with - which are Infinite and Eternal - as Source.

In short - more of  humanity is finally beginning to think for

This is a strong indicator that finally, as humanity awakens, the
foundations of these old systems of "belief" are crumbling like the
fabled walls of Jericho, and will, in time, become yet another
useless ruin, ancient relics discarded and left behind by humanity
as they move on to greater levels of understanding, Spirituality
and Closeness with our True Source,just as before, when humanity
abandoned their great temples dedicated to their numerous pantheons
of god-deities, moving from a polytheic to a monotheic structure in
the process.

This time though is different.

Humanity, instead of grasping at yet another religion that they are
offered as a pre-packaged system of "belief" that does all thinking
for you, and which conveniently simply comes their way, this time
people around the world wish only to grasp Truth, Freedom and
Enlightenment, thus fulfilling the next great evolutionary step
from a monotheic deity based doctrine, to a realisation that the
True God is not after all a deity, but rather the Source of All
Creation in the Universe of Which we are an Inseparable Aspect and
Divine Expression instead of being a subservient slave to it.

These will endure through Eternity, because the foundations are
have been built by Source and are therefore Eternal - foundations
that cannot and must not be buried, ever again, by those who follow
the dark forces, the forces that are "anti to Christ" - the Highest
Energy and Embodiment of Freedom, Truth and Unconditional Love.

Ultimately absolute Truth is enduring where all else to the
contrary sooner or later must fall as all others inexorably have.

When referring to religion, I do not include Buddhism, Hinduism or
Taoism - these are cultures, ways of life, built upon a solid and
virtuous foundation of Truth, that neither seeks to control,
dis-empower, or disconnect from the Light, their adherents.

Quite the contrary in fact - these are noble, worthy ways of life
that seek to empower, to and to provide a path to Source, God
through Understanding and effort supported by Divine Freewill.

So what then of the "Nativity" - an icon of Christmas in recent

The creation of the Nativity must been seen against the backdrop of
how the Roman Church originally came in to being in the first place.

The ultimate agenda of Emperor "Saint Constantine" was to create an
alternative mode of far reaching power and control over the Roman
Empire and beyond, in the face of the crumbling Imperial Army and
global territories and in the face of increasing resistance by
various groups of "barbarians" who were rapidly eroding the Roman
Empire through force.

This process was a visible manifestation of Cause and Effect in
that the Roman Imperial Army originally took these lands which did
not belong to them by force.

Saint Constantine was ruthless - he even executed his own eldest
son - but a brilliant strategist, and he realised that the one thing
everyone feared more then any other was their "gods" or "deities".

Ultimately the entire course of humanity, and of their greatest
achievements such as the great pyramids of Mesoamerica can be
traced to how they perceived and approached their "gods", and most
importantly how these "gods" could be "appeased" and "on their side",
instead of incurring their mighty "wrath" of these deity "Gods" in
the form of great storms, crop failures, famines, draughts and so on.

The measure of their fear can be observed in the monumental efforts
and achievement, often in the form of massive pyramids constructed
from stone blocks so heavy that even the largest cranes today could
not lift them, positioning them hundreds of feet in the air with
geometric precision.

How ancient races such as the Egyptians, Maya and Teotihuacano's
achieved these "super-human" feats is still unknown to this day.

Fear of the blessings or vengeance of Gods or God is an extremely
powerful, primal force, which Constantine was very familiar with.

To Constantine God was a powerful "weapon" to bring humans to their
knees and believe and do almost anything to remain in favour -
especially after the misinformation they perpetuated about the
nature of "death", and in particular the false doctrine of "hell"
and of "satan" or "Lucifer".

As we have already determined in a previous newsletter, the true
identity of "Lucifer" is the Human Ego Mind which, in the
beginning, became detached from the Christ Mind of Source, that the
Luciferian Human Ego Mind could, through the ongoing process of
Perfection through Experience granted through Freewill, to
Ultimately return the Christ Mind from Whence it originally came.

The creation of the Canon of the New Testament was the result of
the efforts of the Constantine to rally the hitherto followers of
the pagan deities around this new "Christ figure" known as Yeshua,
who was the most recent, and convenient respected teacher in the
area of the time some 350 years before, resulting in plenty of
separate but scattered texts that could be made in to the basis, or
canon of a "new religion" based on fear, power and control.

So all Constantine needed to do now was how to make the "new
religion" palatable to the Romans, on the basis that once it had been
accepted by the Romans it would likely be accepted throughout the
world - they would of course force it upon what remains of their
Empire threat of death - a policy that became a trademark of the
Roman church for centuries to come.

So all the Roman Church under Constantine needed to do was to
"graft" on to the beginning and end of the Yeshua "story" of the "new
religion",sequences of events that would be most acceptable to
the majority of Romans, and in turn to the remainder of the world.

Constantine had zero regard for Jesus, Yeshua, except as an
instrument of control and power.

The Romans at this time worshipped the deity Mithra, their Sun god,
the story of whom had followed the same sequence of mythology for
thousands of years - 15 times previously in fact, commencing with
Osiris in Ancient Egypt.

The other ploy was to then replace the Mithraic pagan festivals
with the new Roman Church corresponding festivals, based upon the
fact that everything in the middle would take care of itself, and
the festivals that the Romans had become accustomed to may continue.

So this then is precisely what happened.

As an aside, another very long story, the Gospels of the Bible
became hopelessly corrupted in a very short time indeed.

The "Apostles" - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - had most likely
already "passed on" before the Gospels were placed on paper by person
or persons unknown, but who in any event spoke Ancient Greek as
their native language and not the Aramaic of Jesus or Disciples.

Jesus, being born to a Jewish family, spoke Aramaic which is
completely different to Greek. Aramaic is a poetic language that
can be perceived, understood and interpreted in many different ways
depending on the reader - much like the Bible itself in fact. So
Aramaic must always be taken in a proper context, and never
literally as the Greek speaking authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John, most clearly did.

Of course by then the true context was long gone, so there were no
longer any points of reference - but this was of no relevance to
Constantine, because he created his own "interpretation" in
accordance with his global controlling ambitions which proved to be
extremely successful. Even Constantine could never have envisaged
over one billion people prostrating themselves before this
instrument of control and fear he created from one of the very
greatest teachers of the Light and the Truth that ever walked the
planet - Jesus - Jeshua - a Divine embodiment of the Christ Light
Energy of our Source.

We also have to take in to account that the life and teachings of
Jesus must have been handed down by mouth through stories through
anecdotes which, like the party game "Chinese Whispers" will no
doubt have been distorted, glorified and embellished in the process.

So whoever wrote down the texts of what would become the original
Gospels, probably lost most of the true life and times of Yeshua -
the true Jewish name of "Jesus", which was the Greek name assigned
to him, right there, and much of Yeshua's true teachings lost in
transliteration upon transliteration, misinterpretation, by
misinterpretation, deliberate alteration by deliberate alteration.

Later it was transliterated to Latin and eventually into medieval
English which is where it remains today for effect. All those
"thee's, thou's, hath's" etc sound much more convincing than their
modern day English equivalents which would not have the same
mystery about them.

It is all of an immense, extremely clever but equally damaging ploy.

But anyway, the Roman Church removed parts and changed parts down
through the centuries to support their own agenda of power and
control, so any overall representation of the teachings of Jesus
were completely corrupted and all but meaningless except to those
who were equipped to see the deeper meanings of the words of Jesus
which the theologians never did or could see - and neither were
they intended to - Jesus said this himself:

"And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto
them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is
given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but
to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given,
and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him
shall be taken away even that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in
parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not,
neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy
of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not
understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive, For
this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of
hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they
should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should
understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should
heal them". But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears,
for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and
righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and
have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and
have not heard them. Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower."
--Matthew 13:10-18

Yes - the Prophecy of Isaiah was certainly fulfiled as Yeshua said
- and Constantine was the vehicle of that fulfilment.

So from a fundamental perspective, the New Testament became totally
corrupted, even it it represented an accurate account of biblical
events in the region to start with which is highly doubtful - much
of it would have been myth, glorifications of events and anecdote.

The Old Testament remains pure and true to its roots, because it
remains mostly totally unchanged and continuous in its original
Hebrew, with no apparent hidden agenda attached, and to this extent
remains faithful to Abraham - the father of all Abramic doctrines.

The same therefore applies to the books of the Jewish religion
which remain true to their roots - Abraham - for the same reason.

But then let us take a look at the Nativity a little more closely.

Did the "birth" event take place in Bethlehem?

Almost certainly not.

This myth became necessary due to a "prophecy" hundreds of year
before by the Jewish King David, which stated that the "messiah" or
"saviour" would be born in Bethlehem.

It was almost certain, based upon historical evidence, that Jesus
was actually born in Nazareth, which is the real reason he is known
as "Jesus of Nazareth".

It was felt necessary to ensure the prophecy of David be seen to
have come to pass, in order that his authenticity as the "messiah"
could later be established from his Jewish roots.

The "census" that Jesus and Mary went to Bethlehem for according to
the story is a myth. The Romans held their first census about 250
years later, and in any case why would Nazarene people be required
to travel to Bethlehem many miles away? It makes no sense at all.

Was Jesus a "virgin" birth of his mother Mary?

This is obviously a very, very sensitive subject. The actual
recorded history of the region is very telling. The most likely
answer, by far to the point of being all but certain is - no - this
was not a virgin birth.

The likely circumstances of the conception would shock too many
people, and is in any case moot, and in no way diminishes the
standing of Mary as a person.

Was Joseph the Father - almost certainly not.

Being an unmarried mother in that era, regardless of how and why, was
considered shameful, and so families rally round to conceal the
true circumstances of a pregnancy in order to save family honour
and against any possible reprisals by bigots and others.

There is also rather glaring evidence to suggest that considerable
effort was made to establish Joseph's relationship to Yeshua at the
start of the Gospel of Matthew with  all the generations of Joseph
being meticulously listed until finally in Matthew 1:16 we find:

"And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born
Jesus, who is called Christ".

Now surely we are being led to believe that this was a "virgin"

If this was the case, Joseph could not, by that logic, have been the
genetic father.

So why spend the first 16 pages of Matthew establishing Joseph's
relationship to Jesus who was "born of Joseph" when the fundamental
basis of the Christian doctrine is that Jesus was "born" of God
through the "Holy Spirit" - Universal Life Energy.

This was however such a popular theme that even in the Star Wars
Movies, Anakin Skywalker was apparently a "virgin birth" of his
mother Shmi through the "Force" - Universal Life Energy.

This is, whether the author realises or not, an excellent metaphor
for the Roman Church Synthesis and therefore how they viewed

Anakin Skywalker was turned to the "dark side of the force" and
became "Darth Vader", and we all know what happened then.

Darth vader created the dark Galactic Empire under the control of the
"dark side" - the dark forces.

Could Emperor "Saint Constantine, who was purporting to be a force
for good in the Roman Empire - after all - he was "canonised" - be
really a metaphor for the way Galactic Senator Palpatine - the
early days of Constantine - to "Darth Sidious" - the "dark lord of
the Sith" who wrought terror, darkness and oppression throughout
the Empire.

Darth Sidious never hesitated to kill anyone who got in his way -
even those on his dark side, just as he wanted Luke Skywalker to
kill Darth Vader - just as Constantine later executed his own son.

Later, when all seemed hopeless, and the forces for the Light - the
Jedi Knights - had been all but destroyed - out of the darkness
came Skywalker and defeated the dark side of the force, so the
Light could once again be allowed to illuminate the Empire.

Yes this is an allegory - whether the author knew it or not - but
you can be absolutely sure it is no "coincidence".

So much of the early parts of each Gospel, particularly Matthew
which used 16 pages establishing an erroneous connection to Jesus,
is simply "smoke screen" designed only to perpetuate the myth.

For the sake of completeness we should also note the fact that not
only could the "Apostles" not have written the Gospels, they could
neither have been present at Yeshua's birth to record the events
unless they were small, literate toddlers, and in any case Yeshua
did not choose them until he was around 30 years old himself, which
leaves the entire birth sequence in the Gospels without any known
author or witness whatsoever - which is not surprising because the
only witnesses were likely Joseph, their families and any helpers
in the birth process.

Was Mary a virtuous young lady - probably yes - I do not believe
anyone doubts this, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

Mary was probably a victim of "circumstance" and it must have been
extremely traumatic for her to say the least, as well as for Joseph
and the whole family.

Was Jesus laid down to sleep in a "manger".

Absolutely he may well have been.

But was he therefore laid to sleep in a cattle feeding trough?

Highly unlikely to say the least.

"Manger" is just another in an endless list of mis-transliterations
- deliberate or otherwise.

In fact "manger" in the language of the region at the time is a
special room in a often large home, usually associated with the upper
echelons of the society at the time.

So it is most likely that the pregnant Mary, by another man,
although not intentionally, was with her family in Nazareth with
Joseph, until the baby who was given the name of Yeshua, was born
in the "manger" room of the home where he "laid" after his birth.

Joseph and Mary may however have known of his future greatness
through the name they gave to him which was probably inspired.

"Yeshua" in fact is still a derivative of the Aramaic speaking family
name given to him of "Yehoshua".

Yehoshua in Aramaic consists of two fundamental components as

"Yeho" which invokes the Tetragrammaton - YHVH or IHVH:


Which is a mystical Kabbalistic name of God.

In the Jewish religion, the orthodoxy never write the full name
"God" lest what they have written become corrupted, for which they
felt responsible for the consequences, so they prefer to write God
as "G-d".

Often however they get around this by using other words of the same
meaning such as "Adonai", which is the plural of "Adon" which in
turn translates to "Lord" or "Master".

"Shua" is an Aramaic word which can be considered to mean "Saviour".

So the name "Yehoshua" can be understood to mean "Saviour from

This is no coincidence. It was concealed from most.

Yehoshua was indeed intended to be the "saviour" of humanity as
humanity was at that time - pagans unprepared for the coming
Transition - to prepare them 2000 years in advance.

"The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of
the age; and the reapers are the angels." Matthew 13:39

Here Jesus is advising that the agency that "sowed" the
consequences are dark thoughts, i.e. "the devil", and when the
"harvest" comes at the end of the age the "reapers" will be the
Beings of Light where only those who are ready can go.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into
the sea, and gathered of every kind: which, when it was filled,
they drew up on the beach; and they sat down, and gathered the good
into vessels, but the bad they cast away. So shall it be in the end
of the age: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from
among the righteous, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire:
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus saith unto
them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea,
Lord. -- Matthew 13:49 - 51

Here Jesus is saying quite clearly and unambiguously that those who
are Spiritually prepared will move onwards and inwards to greater
things within the Universe, Universal Mind of God, whereas those
who are not ready will be very upset about missing the opportunity,
and will have to be cast back in to the furnace of learning in the
physical Universe in readiness for the next opportunity. And hence
those who are ready will be separated from those who are not.

keep in Mind that 2000 years from a 25,800 year cycle is not that

And Yeshua did warn his disciples that the forces of darkness may
well attempt to hijack his Divine Mission:

"As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to
him privately and said, "Tell us, when will this happen? What will
be the sign that you are coming again, and when will the Age come
to an end? Jesus answered them, "Be careful not to let anyone
deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;
and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of
wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come
to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and p
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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I Am Dude
Super Member

Posts: 1462
Gender: male
Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #1 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:05am
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in
divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall
they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye
shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall
many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And
because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But
he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When
ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let
him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the
mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take
any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field
return back to take his clothes And woe unto them that are with
child, and to them that give suck in those days!

But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the
sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not
since the beginning of the age to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if
it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have
told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he
is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not.For as the lightning cometh forth from the
east, and is seen even unto the west; so shall be the coming of the
Son of man.

For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered
together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the
sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the
stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall
be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in
heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they
shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power
and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of
a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four
winds, from one end of heaven to the other. -- Matthew 24:3 - 31

So you see it has all come to pass beloved reader - just as Yeshua
forewarned it may.

But there is still time for the Light to prevail - and it will.

So getting back to the Nativity - what about the enigmatic "three
wise men", one of whom mysteriously changed his skin colour from
white to dark a few hundred years later as illustrated by the
surviving religiously motivated pictures?

Well this is a very interesting one lifted directly out of Mithraic
mythology/astrology especially for the occasion.

The "bright star in the East" was Sirius which is very bright at
that time of the year as observed in the region.

The three adjacent stars located in the belt of the constellation
of Orion have been known for thousands of years as the "Three Kings".

At that time of the year the astronomical positioning of these four
stars - Sirius and the "Three Kings" in the belt of the
Constellation of Orion are such that they are in what appears to be
perfect alignment intersecting Earth as observed in that region at

So when looking at the bright star of Sirius, we see the stars -
Kings" - "following yonder star".

But why did one of the three kings suddenly change skin colour?

Simply because - and the historical evidence full supports this -
when Christianity reached the African continent, it was deemed by
the Roman Church to be politically correct to have a "wise man"
with dark coloured skin to make the myth more acceptable to that
dark skinned continent, thus paving the way for that continent to
embrace the Roman Church because one of their own dark skinned
people was actually present at the birth of this baby "God-boy".

How about the infamous nasty King Herod who murdered all those male
babies hoping to murder the new "King of the Jews" by process of
elimination - literally?

The same Herod in fact that was implicated in Jesus "crucifixion".

Undisputed history comes to our help here by telling us that Herod
actually died around 4 BCE - 4 years before baby Yeshua's birth.

So Herod would have been dead and buried long before he could have
possibly given Yeshua a hard time, either at birth, or before his
passing - unless of course he was "resurrected" for the occasion -
anything seems possible in this "new religion" when it suited them.

Finally, why December 25 as the Yeshua's birthday?

Well there is a great irony in this as well.

The short answer is that it was the official birthday of Mithra, the
incumbent Roman Sun God, as well as of the 15 God-men that preceded
Mithra starting with Osiris.

But why that date?

How could 16 "God-men" of pagan mythology, with Yeshua, Jesus the
seventeenth, all happen to share the same "birth day".


No such concept.

Quite simply the Winter Solstice when the Sun as at its lowest in
the sky takes place on December 21.

And then, 4 days later, on December 25, the Sun begins its climb
upwards in the Sky once again again, and according to mythology the
Sun, or "Son" is said to be "born" again.

So the Sun, or "Son" once again become the "Light of the World".

Yeshua did say "I Am the Light", but he did not mean in a pagan
astro-theological context.

So quite simply December 25 represents the "birth of the Sun" or
the "birth of the "Son" depending which spin you prefer.

The ultimate irony, and one in which I usually allow myself a smile
whenever I see it, is that the Roman Church reproduced this pagan
icon so precisely, they even recorded it within the Christian
"cross" on the roofs of many churches across the World.

If you see a church bearing a cross with a large circle around the
intersection point of the horizontal and vertical axis, you will
see what I mean - especially as many of these circles also have
"rays" emitting from the intersecting circle.

These crosses do not depict the "crucifixion" cross, but rather
represents the very ancient cross of the Vernal Equinox which came
from the Roman pagan deity Mithra.

The circle around the intersection represents the Sun - which is
why many of these circles have Sun rays emitting from them as well.

Not only then does this represent the "rise of the Sun/Son" but
also the "death of the Sun/Son, and the reason why the true meaning
of the Cross is this:

The Sun, "dies" upon the Cross - of the Vernal Equinox.

So these church roofs are displaying a perfect icon of the Mithraic
pagan religion.

But of course the Sun/Son is also born on the "cross" - the Vernal
Equinox as well - on December 25 - as the new "Light of the World".

But I hear you say - surely Jesus was not crucified on the cross
at Calvary until some time in April?

Well actually Yeshua was not "crucified" at all - on the wooden
cross or otherwise.

But that is another episode in the greatest drama of all time, and
one that had happened 16 times before Yeshua, Jesus appeared, so we
can visit this at a later date - mid-April seems quite appropriate.

I do hope you have enjoyed my tour of the "Nativity" which even now
reveals only a fraction of the full drama.

This newsletter was intended to be more brief than usual today, but
has become almost certainly the longest I have ever written.

I have shown you many of the keys that unlock the reality which
humanity is now facing.

Neither Source, or any other Divine Being may directly intervene in
the "destiny" of humanity.

You see humanity can ultimately only "save" ourselves.

Yeshua, Jesus came to Earth to "show us the way", but was later
hijacked by the forces of the cycle of dark Energy that became

I cannot spell it out for you, but I hope I have provided
sufficient real knowledge to "figure it out" for yourself.

Humanity has been receiving many messages, often enigmatic,
regarding what has taken place and the way forward.

This newsletter has proven to be a harsh indictment of certain
"forces" that still dominate billions of Expressions of Source
Energy" today, at a most crucial and pivotal crossroads in the
ongoing evolution of the Human race - who our Source, God
Unconditionally Loves.

It is important to me however that you understand and trust my
motives completely which are these:

We should never, ever accept anything as truth, simply because
an ancient book says so - or your parents say so - or the Church
minister says so or whoever, or because it seems to be such a
glamorous story which you really to want to believe to be true.

Always, always take time to relax and ask yourself - just before
sleep is an excellent time - of any question you wish an answer to:

"Is this true".

Your Higher Self knows the answer Who in turn is connected to
Source, God Who knows the Ultimate Answers to All. So just ask.

You are not asking for the solution to "life the Universe and
everything", but simply "is what I am being told really true"?

Everyone recognises the truth for what it is - just allow your
inner guidance, Which will never let you down, tell you yes or no.

This equally applies to my own books, my newsletters including this
one, my website - in fact everything I write.

If my words do not "ring true" to you then you absolutely must
reject those word.

You really have no choice but to be true to your own inner guidance.

Never, ever believe anything I say simply because I said it or
wrote it - always confirm the truth within - it is there for the
asking - I assure you.

Everything I write I personally Know to be True beyond any question,
otherwise I would not, and could not write it at all.

It is very important to understand a crucial fact that no one ever
even considers - which is how the Roman Church achieved its agenda.

Religion is almost always perpetuated by one main route - Family

You will almost always find many generations where the same
religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, LDS or whatever.

It does not matter - they are all family traditions plain and simple,
often out of respect for the beliefs of parents who are assumed to
know why they believe something to be true - mostly they do not.

They simply accept it out of "blind faith".

It is extremely rare in my experience to find a deeply religious
person, and certainly none that have come to my door in pairs, that
have ever investigated all the belief system options, and Spiritual
literature out there, and arrived at the decision - "this is the
religion for me".

You can go to any person in the street, at random, ask them why
they subscribe to their religion, and they will always say the same

"Because it is the religion of my parents".

They have never, ever made an informed decision - they let their
own parents - who they rightly respect - make the decision for them
- an their parents before them and so on.

It is an unbroken, self-perpetuating chain, that feeds the very
forces that are keeping humanity hostage during these crucial,
pivotal times.

But is it still each Expression of the Light, Source, God, choosing
this of their own Divine Freewill which must always be respected at
all times - no matter what the consequences.

Every one of us is blessed with the Freewill to choose darkness or
Light and Live with the consequences in accordance with Immutable
Universal Principles and Divine Providence.

People have been programmed about religion as they have about food,
education, and all the other areas where informed decisions should
have been made but have not - it is all family tradition that forms
the basis of the entire life of many.

Almost everyone has abrogated their Freewill to the same forces of
darkness that control almost every aspect of your experience today
- from the moment you awake, to the moment you sleep.

The "financial crisis" is just the latest in a very long line of
events originating from the forces of darkness for one main reason
- to control humanity and deny humanity from its true Source, Light
and Destiny as a Divine Being of The Light.

Until age of 7 the brain of a child is in the Alpha brainwave state.

This enables their Subconscious Mind to absorb and process vast
amounts of information. This is an evolutionary necessity due to
the need of a child of ancient times to store enough information to
enable survival very under harsh and unforgiving circumstances.

So when the parents of a young child say "we are Christian so you
are Christian", and then rush the child down to the nearest church
where a formidable looking stranger dressed in strange black and
white clothes adds to their distress even more by tipping water
over the head of the baby while uttering a few incomprehensible
sounds, which are designed for no other reason than to affirm that
they now "belong to the church" to which the child must then remain
obedient lest they incur the wrath of the vengeful "God" of that

Then the child is programmed to be "Christian" or whatever, and
most humans are still running on the same program for the rest of
their current incarnation.

They become trapped in the "Matrix" without ever knowing it.

The parents beliefs and will, as well as the water ritual, cements
their belief that they have a label attached to them which
announces in large letters - "I am Christian" and I will wear the
icon - the "crucifix" - i.e. the pagan Cross of the Vernal Equinox"
with optional Sun symbology, to let everyone know that I am now
fully programmed.

It also becomes firmly entrenched the primal survival instincts of
the child - believe in this version of "God" or you will incur the
wrath of this jealous, vengeful, capricious "God" of theology and
religion, who will make you fry in the flames of "hell" for failing
to pander to God's "will".

Due to my own powerful inner guidance, I was able to overcome this
programming when I was 8 years of age, which enabled me to embark,
with an open Mind and open connection to Source on my quest for the
Truth, which I now know was for the purpose of sharing over 40
years later to all who who would listen of their own Divine Freewill.

If I had not overcome my programming, you would not be reading this
newsletter today - plain and simple. Being Sunday I would likely be
in church singing "hymns" and repeating "prayers" to pander to the
Ego of the deity in question, while hoping that I may be deemed
worthy of my "ticket to heaven" once my Soul is finally released
from its lifelong prison.

Consider this - if I am wrong and the Roman Church is right - then
I am toast like no one has ever been toast before for my "heresy".

But be assured that I am not prepared to have a dollop of dogma
spread over me yet - or ever.

If you are a committed Christian and I have rocked your religion -
I make no apologies. I waited until after Christmas to expose the
nativity to spare you that during your seasonal festivities which
must be about the family - not baseless creed and dogma designed
only to further perpetuate a fundamental tenet of religion.

I make no apologies because I have made you think for yourself, and
perhaps even broken your programming which is a blessing to you as
well as to me.

Above all, time really is running out. The Transition really is
happening Now and it will not stop for anyone.

I have no idea precisely when or how it will conclude, because that
part of the script is still being written by humanity.

What I do know is whether it be 4 years, 8 years or 12 years or
whatever - it is very close and it most likely in your Lifetime.

This is a most blessed time to be Human on Earth - but only if you
know that and know why and configure your Life here accordingly.

You have an opportunity that is only offered once every 25,800 years.

If you "miss the boat" there will not be another boat leaving of
this size until the year 27,812 if humanity is still here by then -
which is doubtful. So you had better make sure that your Mental
bags are packed and you are ready to embark - very, very soon.

There is simply no time left to "beat about the bush" and pander to
the same forces that have held humanity back for 1800 years or so
due to what amounts to being a huge and immensely damaging con.

If the words I share do not resonate with you then that's fine - at
least you can find ones that due and make an informed choice in the
knowledge that you have made use of your own God-given freewill,
instead of perpetuating a pagan myth that started in Ancient Egypt
with Osiris, and lives on today as the "Christian religion", and in
the case of the Roman version at least, designed only to deny you
of your freedom and destiny and to disconnect you with God, Who you
may only approach through some appointed "ambassador" in black cloth.

Ask yourself this - is that religion "anti-to-the-Christ" by denying
you the opportunity to grow closer to God while perpetuating only
fear and guilt through the false doctrines of "hell" and "sin", or
are they Pro-Christ in bringing you closer to God, Freedom of
Choice, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom to Live and to Love in
accordance with your own God-given Divine Freewill?

These are very serious questions that you must ask of yourself.

But we should, in the interests of completeness, acknowledge the
fact that Jesus - Yeshua - did exist around that era, and was a
very great teacher who came here to help prepare humanity for the
end of this current age.

He said himself: "lo I will be with you until the end of the age".

The Bible uses the word "world" but that is a deliberate
mistranslation of the Greek word "Aeon" which really means "Age".

As we have often discussed here in this newsletter, there remains
many very powerful teachings of Yeshua that were hidden from most
people, the literal words becoming the basis of theology of the

They were hidden from the dark forces for a reason. Had the dark
forces got hold of them, they would have surely turned them against
humanity, and who knows what the consequences would be.

Source in Source's Infinite Wisdom, Always provides protection
against the misuse of Divine Universal Principle of the Light.

So we should never rise up against any religion or any other source
of information as a matter of principle, discarding any truth and
valuable lessons with the untruths, dogmas and doctrines, thereby
"throwing the baby out with the bath water".

We should always take that new knowledge that we know to be true,
that it might help us evolve a little or even a lot further, and
simply discard the rest gracefully in to the bin of all other
useless "knowledge" out there that disguises itself as "truth".

Jesus had the benefit of 30 years of teachings by the Essenes, as
well as a very high level connection with Source, so the real Jesus
has much to offer us even now - if we can extract his true
teachings from the mire of creed, dogma and indoctrination.

I am currently researching original Aramaic sources of both the words
of Jesus, and of the Essenes - if we have that we have the true,
undiluted, unpolluted source of Jesus, and that would be really
something. Ancient Aramaic texts hold many valuable keys to unlock
the teachings of Jesus and other great teachers of the era.

Once we "find" the true Jesus, the false doctrines that later
emerged in his name, false doctrines are "anti-to-the-Christ, the
Light, Unconditional Love", the entities that fed on these false
doctrines must die, and the true Yeshua can emerge in all his
Divine glory in Love, Light and through the same Christ Energy that
flows through us all.

And this time of the year should always remain a season of Love,
Giving and Being - which can be carried through to every day of the

Until your next newsletter I wish you every happiness for your new
year festivities - make it a celebration of Life - and a Healthy,
Joyful and Abundant week.

In Love, Light and Truth,

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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #2 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 10:29am

Does Adrian want us to throw out every level of truth except his take on truth that we are all one/we are all God? 

A truth that is important can be realized at many levels, much as the Aramaic language itself apparently was.  It is not necessary to choose one level and dismiss the rest, for the truth carries throughout.  Each of us may find a level or two that we are more comfortable with and need reminders or instruction for the others, but Truth is still truth, regardless of any single limited viewpoint.

I'm not saying that I understand every event in the Gospels, but I do think the Nativity is a beautiful story/event/ beginning of a new age then. Why "throw out the baby with the bath water"?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #3 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 12:06pm
I guess the point is that you cannot believe everything you read, regardless of the source, until you personally secure the truth through spiritual guidance of some kind and/or experience. 

He actually states that one should not "throw out the baby with the bath water," but should retain all truth, even if it is hidden in a pile of untruth.  Adrian actually supports a great deal of what is written in the bible, especially related to Jesus.

It is a good story, the Nativity, but apparently that's all it is.  There is nothing wrong with revealing an untruth.  In this case, either the Nativity happened the way they said it did, or it didn't.  My guess is that it didn't, but I figured this out long before I read this article.  The idea is to think for yourself and find your own truths.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #4 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 2:56pm

The link above will explain the winter solstice. Before there was christianity, there was paganism. Paganism lasted longer than 2,000 years. The original winter celebration was to ward away the darkness and ask the daylight to come back.  (I have no idea what the Eskomos did in upper North America, Greenland, Iceland and upper Russia when they had months at a time in darkness.)  Anyhow, if you look at most of the Christian holidays, they coincied with the pagan traditions, falling close to the 1/4 yearly events; spring, summer, autumn and winter.

When I was a kid-- the "Virgin conception" was explained thusly: the spirit of an angel of God passed through Mary's physical leaving behind the spiritual seed of God in her womb. The virgin birth happened when these same spirits of angels of God reached into Mary's womb and pulled the child out, henceforth keeping her a virgin.

So, who actually has the pagan mind? The Catholic church whose men wanted to keep its followers under controll with "mysteries" of the virgin conception and birth?  Or the pagans who believed that by scrafice and worship they could bring back the summer light??

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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #5 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:42pm
A few years ago I asked Adrian how he (she?) comes up with his information, and he said some of it is based upon experience, some of it is based upon what he read. Therefore, he's like the rest of us.

How much of the above is true, how much is false? I don't know. I figure the most important thing is for each of us to find the Christ spirit that abides within us.  If the above helps a person get over restrictive viewpoints of Christ, certainly this is a good thing. Divine truth shouldn't feel stifling. It should enable you to experience a really nice feeling of peace within your heart.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #6 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 4:35pm
I'd like to add, when it comes to the virgin birth thing, I haven't received information one way or the other.  I don't believe it is necessary for a birth to take place in such a way. Nothing wrong with getting pregnant in the usual way.

I feel differently about the crucifixion, because according to the messages I received, Jesus was crucified. Therefore, if somebody states differently, I wonder why. 

Regarding the viewpoint that Jesus died for our sins,  perhaps he opened up a spiritual gateway that wasn't opened up by a human being before. Once one person reaches this level, it becomes easier for other people to do the same.  We're all connected. I doubt that such an occurence would be dependent upon Jesus' body being crucified.

A lot of people have considered Jesus' crucifixion to be an important event. I can't judge what's important for them. Different people get inspired in different ways. Going by my experiences lower realms exist. If some people avoided a lower realm partly because they believed in Jesus, I figure this is a good thing. If the crucifixion is a part of the reason they feel good about Jesus, this is for them to decide, not me.  I figure the divine powers that be realize that people get inspired in various ways. They might've realized that many people will respond to a historical event that stands out. How have things worked out?

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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #7 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:03pm
Recoverer said
"  perhaps he opened up a spiritual gateway that wasn't opened up by a human being before."

This is one of those Truth-things that resonates at all sorts of levels at once!  I can't explain it, I just know it when i hear it. 
This one  has to do with spirit evolving on all levels -- events in time, heart-based, mental concepts, etc.

These multi-level truths keep coming up on this site, thanks to all of you, more frequently than in any reading I can find beyond spiritual classics ! 
Today it's recoverer's, next it'll maybe be Dude, then Juditha, etc etc!
Thanks you All!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #8 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:35pm

Thank you for sharing your confirmation. I can't explain it, but I like that you wrote "I can't explain it." Smiley

betson wrote on Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:03pm:
Recoverer said
"  perhaps he opened up a spiritual gateway that wasn't opened up by a human being before."

This is one of those Truth-things that resonates at all sorts of levels at once!  I can't explain it, I just know it when i hear it.  
This one  has to do with spirit evolving on all levels -- events in time, heart-based, mental concepts, etc.

These multi-level truths keep coming up on this site, thanks to all of you, more frequently than in any reading I can find beyond spiritual classics !  
Today it's recoverer's, next it'll maybe be Dude, then Juditha, etc etc!
Thanks you All!


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« Last Edit: Dec 29th, 2008 at 8:44pm by recoverer »  
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I Am Dude
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Posts: 1462
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #9 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 6:03pm
I agree, Recoverer.  What's important is not so much what you believe, but rather in what manner your beliefs influence your thoughts and emotions.  In other words, it makes no difference whether you are Christian, Buddist, or Hindu, as long as your beliefs are a positive influence in your life.  Regarding this particular subject, it makes little difference whether or not you believe in the nativity, or the crucifixion.  If these concepts/theories/histories allow you to better live according to love and your innermost being, then that is what's important.  If they have little or no meaning to you, that is also fine.  No one should be forced to believe anything.  However, influencing someone to change false, limiting beliefs feels to be a noble and altruistic deed.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #10 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 11:55pm
Another perspective:


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of June, 1941, at the Tenth Annual Congress of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Gladys & Charles Dillman, Fannie L. & J. Floyd Leonard, Malcolm Allen, Florence Edmonds, Minnie & C. A. Barrett, Beatrice & Richmond Seay, Gladys Hardin, Frances Y. Morrow, Hannah & Noah Miller, Mignon Helms, Shea Hurley, Sallie Jones, Alberta Burmeister, Henrietta McClelland, Kathryn Patterson, Willie L. & Katherine McAllister, Sally Taylor, Marion Wolfe, Marsden Godfrey, Helen Storey, Esther Wynne, Jane Williams, Ruth & Jeanne LeNoir, Burt Davis, Mae Verhoeven, Riley Simmons, Doris House, Ethel & Edgar Parry, Rosa & Joshua Manning, Ruth Denney, Lucille, David, S. David & Richard Kahn, Thomas Sugrue, Hugh Lynn Cayce and others.


Time of Reading 3:40 to 4:35 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.

1. GC: You will have before you the enquiring mind of the entity Thomas Sugrue, present in this room, who seeks a continuation of information given on the life of the Master and its history in the material world, given in Readings of June 27, 1937 [5749-7 and 5749-8]. Because of the purpose for which this information is to be used, he asks at this time for a description of a literary nature of certain events in the life of the Master which are known to us in outline but not in detail. You will give these as presented, - first the birth of the Master at Bethlehem beginning with the arrival of Mary and Joseph at the Inn. You will include such details as weather, time, conversation with Inn Keeper, number of people at the Inn, types they represented, recreations and occupations engaged in during the evening, what was being eaten and drunk, whether the guests knew the Child was being born, actual time of birth, etc.

2. EC: Yes, we have the information that has been indicated respecting some of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary, in Bethlehem of Judea.

3. The purposes are well known, for which the journey was made in the period. The activities of Joseph are well known. The variation or difference in their ages is not so oft dealt upon. Neither is there much indicated in sacred or profane history as to the preparation of the mother for that channel through which immaculate conception might take place. And this, the immaculate conception, is a stumblingstone to many worldly-wise.

4. The arrival was in the evening, - not as counted from the Roman time, nor that declared to Moses by God when the second passover was to be kept, nor that same time which was in common usage even in that land, but what would NOW represent January sixth.

5. The weather was cool, and there were crowds on the way. For, it was only a sabbath day's journey from Jerusalem. There were great crowds of people on the way from the hills of Judea.

6. The people were active in the occupations of the varied natures in that unusual land. Some were carpenters, - as those of the house of Joseph, who had been delayed, even on the journey, by the condition of the Mother. Some in the group were helpers to Joseph, - carpenters' helpers. Then there were shepherds, husbandmen, and the varied groups that had their small surroundings as necessitated by the conditions of the fields about Nazareth.

7. In the evening then, or at twilight, Joseph approached the Inn, that was filled with those who had also journeyed there on their way to be polled for the tax as imposed by the Romans upon the people of the land. For, those had been sent out who were to judge the abilities of the varied groups to be taxed. And each individual was required by the Roman law to be polled in the city of his birth.

8. Both Joseph and Mary were members of the sect called the Essenes; and thus they were questioned by those not only in the political but in the religious authority in the cities.

9. Then there was the answer by the inn keeper, "No room in the inn," especially for such an occasion. Laughter and jeers followed, at the sight of the elderly man with the beautiful girl, his wife, heavy with child.

10. Disappointments were written upon not only the face of Joseph but the inn keeper's daughter, as well as those of certain groups about the inn. For, many saw the possibilities of an unusual story that might be gained if the birth were to take place in the inn. Also there was consternation outside, among those who had heard that Joseph and Mary had arrived and were not given a room. They began to seek some place, some shelter.

11. For, remember, many of those - too - were of that questioned group; who had heard of that girl, that lovely wife of Joseph who had been chosen by the angels on the stair; who had heard of what had taken place in the hills where Elizabeth had gone, when there was the visit from the cousin - and as to those things which had also come to pass in her experience. Such stories were whispered from one to another.

12. Thus many joined in the search for some place. Necessity demanded that some place be sought - quickly. Then it was found, under the hill, in the stable - above which the shepherds were gathering their flocks into the fold.

13. There the Savior, the Child was born; who, through the will and the life manifested, became the Savior of the world - that channel through which those of old had been told that the promise would be fulfilled that was made to EVE; the arising again of another like unto Moses; and as given to David, the promise was not to depart from that channel. But lower and lower man's concept of needs had fallen.

14. Then, - when hope seemed gone, - the herald angels sang. The star appeared, that made the wonderment to the shepherds, that caused the awe and consternation to all of those about the Inn; some making fun, some smitten with conviction that those unkind things said must needs be readjusted in their relationships to things coming to pass.

15. All were in awe as the brightness of His star appeared and shone, as the music of the spheres brought that joyful choir, "PEACE ON EARTH! GOOD WILL TO MEN OF GOOD FAITH."

16. ALL felt the vibrations and saw a great light, - not only the shepherds above that stable but those in the Inn as well.

17. To be sure, those conditions were later to be dispelled by the doubters, who told the people that they had been overcome with wine or what not.

18. Just as the midnight hour came, there was the birth of the Master.

19. The daughter of the inn keeper was soon upon the scene, as was the mother of the daughter, and the shepherds that answered the cry - and had gone to see what was come to pass.

20. Those were the manners, and the ones present soon afterwards. For, through the period of purification the Mother remained there, not deeming it best to leave, though all forms of assistance were offered; not leaving until there was the circumcision and the presenting in the temple to the magi, to Anna and to Simeon.

21. Such were the surroundings at the period of the birth of Jesus.

22. (Q) The first recorded miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee when the Master changed water into wine. The entity desires again such details as weather, names of people in wedding, food and drink, games and dances, etc.
(A) A great deal of that leading to the experience, to be sure, is being skipped over. For, that came about soon after the return of the Master from the Jordan, and his dwelling by the sea, his conversation with Peter - after Andrew had told Peter of the happenings at the Jordan; and there was the wedding in Cana of Galilee.

The girl was a relative of those close to the Mother of Jesus, who prepared the wedding feast - as was the custom in that period, and is yet among those of the Jewish faith who adhere to the traditions as well as custom of those people chosen as the channel because of their purpose with God.

The girl to be wed was a daughter of the cousin of Mary, a daughter of a younger sister of Elizabeth, whose name was also Mary. And she was the one spoken of as "the other Mary," and not as some have supposed. [See 2946-3 on 6/18/43 verifying this.]

The customs required that there be a feast, which was composed of the roasted lamb with the herbs, the breads that had been prepared in the special ways as were the custom and tradition of those who followed close to the faith in Moses' law, Moses' custom, Moses' ordinances.

The families of Mary were present, as well as those of the groom.

The groom, in the name Roael, was among the sons of Zebedee; being an elder brother of James and John who later became the close friends and the closer followers of Jesus.

The Master, returning with those who were hangers-on, naturally sought to speak with His mother. Learning of this happening He, too, with the followers, were bid to remain at the feast.

Much wine also was part of the custom. The day was what ye would call June third. There were plenty of flowers and things of the field, yet only a part of those things needed. For, the custom called for more of the meats prepared with certain herbs, and wines.

The day had been fine; the evening was fair; the moon was full. This then brought the activities with the imbibing more and more of wine, more hilarity, and the dance - which was in the form of the circles that were a part of the customs, not only of that land then but that are in your own land now and then being revived.

With those activities, as indicated, the wine ran low. Remember, the sons of Zebedee were among those of the upper class, as would be termed; not the poorer ones. Thence the reason why Mary served or prepared for her relative the feast.

From those happenings that were a portion of her experience upon their return from Egypt, - as to how the increase had come in the food when they had been turned aside as they journeyed back towards the Promised Land, - Mary felt, knew, was convinced within herself that here again there might be such an experience, with her son returning as a man starting upon his mission. For, what was the pronouncement to the mother when Gabriel spoke to her? What was the happening with Elizabeth when the mother spoke to her?

This might be called a first period of test. For, had He not just ten days ago sent Satan away, and received ministry from the angels? This had come to be known as hearsay. Hence the natural questioning of the mother-love for the purposes; this son - strange in many ways had chosen, by the dwelling in the wilderness for the forty days, and then the returning to the lowly people, the fishermen, about this country. It brought on the questioning by the mother.

23. We are through for the present."
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #11 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 12:00am
A rather interesting, more general reading:


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of May, 1941, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. Thomas Sugrue, Active Member of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Thomas Sugrue and Gertrude Cayce.


Time of Reading 4:10 to 4:35 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.

1. HLC: You will have before you the enquiring mind of the entity, Thomas Sugrue, present in this room, and certain of the problems which confront him in composing the manuscript of THERE IS A RIVER.

The entity is now ready to describe the philosophical concepts which have been given through this source, and wishes to parallel and align them with known religious tenets, especially those of Christian theology.

The entity does not wish to set forth a system of thought, nor imply that all questions of a philosophical nature can be answered through this source - the limitations of the finite mind prevent this.

But the entity wishes to answer those questions which will naturally arise in the mind of the reader, and many of the questions which are being asked by all people in the world today.

Therefore the entity presents certain problems and questions, which you will answer as befits the entity's understanding and the task of interpretation before him.

2. EC: Yes, we have the enquiring mind, Thomas Sugrue, and those problems, those questions that arise in the mind of the entity at this period. Ready for questions.

3. (Q) The first problem concerns the reason for creation. Should this be given as God's desire to experience Himself, God's desire for companionship, God's desire for expression, or in some other way?
(A) God's desire for companionship and expression.

4. (Q) The second problem concerns that which is variously called evil, darkness, negation, sin. Should it be said that this condition existed as a necessary element of creation, and the soul, given free will, found itself with the power to indulge in it, or lose itself in it? Or should it be said that this is a condition created by the activity of the soul itself? Should it be described, in either case, as a state of consciousness, a gradual lack of awareness of self and self's relation to God?
(A) It is the free will and its losing itself in its relationship to God.

5. (Q) The third problem has to do with the fall of man. Should this be described as something which was inevitable in the destiny of souls, or something which God did not desire, but which He did not prevent once He had given free will? The problem here is to reconcile the omniscience of God and His knowledge of all things with the free will of the soul and the soul's fall from grace.
(A) He did not prevent, once having given free will. For, He made the individual entities or souls in the beginning. For, the beginnings of sin, of course, were in seeking expression of themselves outside of the plan or the way in which God had expressed same. Thus it was the individual, see?

Having given free will, then, - though having the foreknowledge, though being omnipotent and omnipresent, - it is only when the soul that is a portion of God CHOOSES that God knows the end thereof.

6. (Q) The fourth problem concerns man's tenancy on earth. Was it originally intended that souls remain out of earthly forms, and were the races originated as a necessity resulting from error?
(A) The earth and its manifestations were only the expression of God and not necessarily as a place of tenancy for the souls of men, until man was created - to meet the needs of existing conditions.

7. (Q) The fifth problem concerns an explanation of the Life Readings. From a study of these it seems that there is a trend downward, from early incarnations, toward greater earthliness and less mentality. Then there is a swing upward, accompanied by suffering, patience, and understanding. Is this the normal pattern, which results in virtue and oneness with God obtained by free will and mind?
(A) This is correct. It is the pattern as it is set in Him.

8. (Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system dwelling, between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or an unusual step in soul evolution?
(A) As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this as respecting this very problem, - Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there - that is, in this planetary system, our sun, the earth sun and its planetary system - or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual one.

9. (Q) The seventh problem concerns implications from the sixth problem. Is it necessary to finish the solar system cycle before going to other systems?
(A) Necessary to finish the solar cycle.

10. (Q) Can oneness be attained - or the finish of evolution reached - on any system, or must it be in a particular one?
(A) Depending upon what system the entity has entered, to be sure. It may be completed in any of the many systems.

11. (Q) Must the solar cycle be finished on earth, or can it be completed on another planet, or does each planet have a cycle of its own which must be finished?
(A) If it is begun on the earth it must be finished on the earth. The solar system of which the earth is a part is only a portion of the whole. For, as indicated in the number of planets about the earth, they are of one and the same - and they are relative one to another. It is the cycle of the whole system that is finished, see?

12. (Q) The eighth problem concerns the pattern made by parents at conception. Should it be said that this pattern attracts a certain soul because it approximates conditions which that soul wishes to work with?
(A) It approximates conditions. It does not set. For, the individual entity or soul, given the opportunity, has its own free will to work in or out of those problems as presented by that very union. Yet the very union, of course, attracts or brings a channel or an opportunity for the expression of an individual entity.

13. (Q) Does the incoming soul take on of necessity some of the parents' karma?
(A) Because of its relative relationship to same, yes. Otherwise, no.

14. (Q) Does the soul itself have an earthly pattern which fits back into the one created by the parents?
(A) Just as indicated, it is relative - as one related to another; and because of the union of activities they are brought in the pattern. For in such there is the explanation of universal or divine laws, which are ever one and the same; as indicated in the expression that God moved within Himself and then He didn't change, though did bring to Himself that of His own being made crucified even in the flesh.

15. (Q) Are there several patterns which a soul might take on, depending on what phase of development it wished to work upon - i.e., could a soul choose to be one of several personalities, any of which would fit its individuality?
(A) Correct.

16. (Q) Is the average fulfillment of the soul's expectation more or less than fifty percent?
(A) It's a continuous advancement, so it is more than fifty percent.

17. (Q) Are hereditary, environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?
(A) Will is the greater factor, for it may overcome any or all of the others; provided that will is made one with the pattern, see? For, no influence of heredity, environment or what not, surpasses the will; else why would there have been that pattern shown in which the individual soul, no matter how far astray it may have gone, may enter with Him into the holy of holies?

18. (Q) The ninth problem concerns the proper symbols, or similes, for the Master, the Christ. Should Jesus be described as the soul who first went through the cycle of earthly lives to attain perfection, including perfection in the planetary lives also?
(A) He should be. This is as the man, see?

19. (Q) Should this be described as a voluntary mission One Who was already perfected and returned to God, having accomplished His Oneness in other planes and systems?
(A) Correct.

20. (Q) Should the Christ-Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?
(A) Correct. That's the idea exactly!

21. (Q) Please list the names of the incarnations of the Christ, and of Jesus, indicating where the development of the man Jesus began.
(A) First, in the beginning, of course; and then as Enoch, Melchizedek, in the perfection. Then in the earth of Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus.

22. (Q) The tenth problem concerns the factors of soul evolution. Should mind, the builder, be described as the last development because it should not unfold until it has a firm foundation of emotional virtues?
(A) This might be answered Yes and No, both. But if it is presented in that there is kept, willfully, see, that desire to be in the at-onement, then it is necessary for that attainment before it recognizes mind as the way.

23. (Q) The eleventh problem concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source?
(A) This is a parallel, and was the commonly accepted one until there began to be set rules in which there were the attempts to take short cuts. And there are none in Christianity!

24. (Q) What action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled reincarnation from Christian theology?
(A) Just as indicated, - the attempts of individuals to accept or take advantage of, because of this knowledge, see?

25. (Q) Do souls become entangled in other systems as they did in this system?
(A) In other systems that represent the same as the earth does in this system, yes.

26. (Q) Is there any other advice which may be given to this entity at this time in the preparation of these chapters?
(A) Hold fast to that ideal, and using Him ever as the Ideal. And hold up that NECESSITY for each to meet the same problems. And DO NOT attempt to shed or to surpass or go around the Cross. THIS is that upon which each and every soul MUST look and know it is to be borne in self WITH Him.

27. We are through for the present.

Copy to Thomas Sugrue
" " Ass'n file
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #12 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 12:17am
 Interestingly, this unusual source once referenced that not only was Yeshua "virgin born", but that there have been other "virgin births" in this world, though it did not list them, besides Yeshua's own mother, Miriam who also was said to have been born of a woman who did not sleep with a man to become pregnant.  

  Actually, there seemed to be two different kinds of virgin births as outlined in the readings.   One that is apparently ascribed to a seeming "past" life of Cayce himself as "Ra Tah", was rather from E.T. influence.  Course the Readings don't outright say this, but rather reference to the "Gods of the Caspian mountains" and their influence in Ra Tah's birth.  Perhaps because of his extra E.T. genetics, or their manipulation of his genes, he was born rather unusual, and was the first true White/Caucasian man in the Earth.   Interestingly enough, some genetic scientists from Denmark through their genetic research now believe that the first true white folks with blue eyes originated some 9,000 years ago or so (don't remember their exact number as this is from memory and something read awhile ago).   This is fairly close to the timeline of Ra Tah as given by the source of these readings.

 In other readings, Cayce's source seems to refer to E.T.'s and their influences.  One Life Reading for a woman who was a Mayan, referenced to "visitors from other worlds" in flying ships visiting the Earth at that period.  

 The other type of "virgin birth", seems to be different, a wholly spiritual/Spirit occurrence, such as Cayce seems to ascribe to Yeshua and his mother.   His source seemed to indicate that this was possible because of the degree of spiritual developement of both parties, AND because they were "Twin Souls" from the beginning of their Earth involvement.  
In another reading, it said that eventually humanity would spiritually evolve to the point that such births without pre-copulation would become more common in this world.  

 I do agree with Albert that belief in a virgin birth is not all that important.  However, i find these readings extremely interesting.   I find it interesting that a number of seeming "revelatory" info found in Bruce Moen's work, is actually found much earlier in Cayce's work, though worded different.   Such as the concept of a true Soul personality death in the "afterlife".  

 Perhaps that is because truth is ultimately universal in nature, and more spiritually/PUL attuned sources tap into deeper, more accurate, broad, and universal info?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #13 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 12:39am
More about "Christmas" and from a Life Reading of a woman who has another self in that space/time as a woman who worked for the Inn that Miriam and Yosef were turned away from.  

"10. Yet as the entity waited, expectant, there was the general rabble; and there were the discussions of those that journeyed to Jerusalem for the meetings, as well as to the centers for their taxing-registration - as ye would term in the present.

11. The entity was comely in person and was sought by one that would today be called a registrar, as companion; yet rejected him - though the entity has met him in this present experience; and the association has meant much, and much disturbance too.

12. Then the entity aided, so that all was in readiness, when in the evening - just before the sun in all its glory of the Palestine hills gave forth almost into the voice of nature, proclaiming the heralding of a new hope, a new birth to the earth, and the glorifying of man's hope in God - the spectre of His Star in the evening sky brought awe and wonder to all that beheld.

13. And the entity, being anxious, gazed with wondering awe at that UNUSUAL experience to all, and wept with JOY of those unfoldments within self, of the emotions that made for the expectancy of glory surpassing what had been told of all the glories of her peoples in the days of old.

14. There the entity felt what may be very close akin to the experiences in self in the present - that a new light, a new vision, a new experience was BEING BORN in every atom of its being.

15. Then when it was known to the entity that the den, the cave, the stable had been occupied - Oh, the rush, Oh, the desire to be off to see what that experience might be, held the very being of the entity!

16. And as soon as its duties were cleared about the home, as the space was very near, the entity started. But as the entity walked into the open upon that Eve, the brightness of His Star came nearer and nearer. And the entity heard, even as the Shepherds, "PEACE on earth, GOOD WILL to men."

17. There came again that awe, that feeling of a new creation, of a new experience, as the entity among those - only with the closer attendant of the Mother - hastened; while all the rabble, all the jeers of a world were stopped!

18. As it hastened to the quarters where the Mother lay, in all that awe of a new experience, and the light as from His Star filled the place, the entity then first beheld the BABE. That was the crowning experience, until the plea that she - too - might hold that glorious child in her arms also!"....  
Reading 1152-3

from another reading:

"32. (Q) Do we celebrate Christmas at approximately the right time?
(A) Not a great variation, for there having been the many changes in the accounting of time, or accounting for the periods from the various times when time is counted - not far wrong - twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth of December, as ye have your time now."
Reading 5749-8
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #14 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 1:09am
More on immaculate conception and the virgin birth:

"(The immaculate conception has) much more to do with the mental and spiritual aspects than the physical; though the body should be near to perfect coordination physically for such to be consummated in a body, and high mental and spiritual aspirations, desires, and purposes."
Reading 2072-3

"23. (Q) Explain the immaculate conception.
(A) As flesh is the activity of the mental being (or the spiritual self and mental being) pushing itself into matter, and as spirit - as He gave - is neither male nor female, they are then both - or one.

And when man had reached that period of the full separation from Creative Forces in the spirit, then flesh as man knows it today became in material plane a reality.

Then, the immaculate conception is the physical and mental so attuned to spirit as to be quickened by same.

Hence the spirit, the soul of the Master then was brought into being through the accord of the Mother in materiality that ye know in the earth as conception...

  27. (Q) Does the immaculate conception, as explained, concern the coming of Mary to Anne, or Jesus to Mary?
(A) Of Jesus to Mary.

28. (Q) Was Mary immaculately conceived?
(A) Mary was immaculately conceived. [See 2067-11, Par. 9-A.]..."
Reading 5749-7

"13. (Q) Is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church that Mary was without original sin from the moment of her conception in the womb of Ann, correct?
(A) It would be correct in ANY case. Correct more in this. For, as for the material teachings of that just referred to, you see: In the beginning Mary was the twin-soul of the Master in the entrance into the earth!...

See, there was no belief in the fact that Ann proclaimed that the child was without father. It's like many proclaiming today that the Master was immaculately conceived; they say "Impossible!" They say that it isn't in compliance with the natural law. It IS a natural law, as has been indicated by the projection of mind into matter and thus making of itself a separation to become encased in same - as man did.

Then, that there has been an encasement was a beginning. Then there must be an end when this must be or may be broken; and this began at that particular period. Not the only - this particular period with Ann and then the Master AS the son; but the ONLY begotten of the Father in the flesh AS a son OF an immaculately conceived daughter! [See 5749-8, Par. R1.]

15. (Q) Neither Mary nor Jesus, then, had a human father?
(A) Neither Mary nor Jesus had a human father. They were one SOUL so far as the earth is concerned; because [else] she would not be incarnated in flesh, you see. [See 2067-11, Par. 9-A.]"
Reading 5749-8

"55. (Q) Please give that information concerning immaculate conception that can be given for me.
(A) As the spirit was made manifest in the body purified by consecration of purpose in the lives manifested in the earth, so might the spirit - with the brooding of the body itself - bring to the organs of flesh a body through which the spirit may itself manifest in the earth.

Remember those forms which have been given. First, He was created - brought into being from all that there was in the earth, as an encasement for the soul of an entity, a part of the Creator; knowing separation in death. Then He was made manifest in birth through the union of channels growing out of that thought of the Creator made manifest, but so expressed, so manifested as Enoch as to merit the escaping of death - which had been the result as the law of disobedience. He was made manifest in Melchizedek by desire alone, not knowing body, not knowing mind, - save its own; brought into being in materialization as of itself; passing from materialization in the same manner. Then there was perfected that period again in BODY when the other soul or portion of self was made manifest by the consecration of the mother; meeting then self by that same quickening power as had been made manifest in the beginning - or at first.

Hence the cycle. Hence the circle. Hence the emblem of same becomes as the channel through which such takes its form, its expression, its symbol."
Reading 2072-4

This next one is taken from the book called, "The Edgar Cayce Companion"  I looked for the excerpt in the actual readings and can't find it, so i believe the author made a mistake when he listed it as reading 1904-2, but i'm sure the text for the excerpt does exist somewhere in the readings.

  "Mary had fulfilled all things that God had required of her and later fulfilled her physical karma by bearing three other children by Man.  In bringing perfection by balancing the spiritual, mental and physical in her own activities she made it possible for all women to have that opportunity..."
  supposedly reading 1904-2

  "Souls will evolve into the manner to be able to bring into the world souls, even as Mary did.
  And these may come as the Souls of men and women become more and more aware that these channels, these temples of the body are indeed the temple of the living God and may be used for those communications with God, the Father of souls of men."
excerpted from reading 1158-5
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