Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member
Hi Albert,
Neither one of us are completed beings in the flesh, and hence neither one of us knows the full, undistorted truth in this. Our very involvement in physicality tends to limit and subjectify our perceptions about this very issue and question.
Now, i have a lot of respect and trust in you and in your connections to your guidance. But i have even more respect for and trust in Rosiland and her guidance connections.
Also, as i've mentioned before, both Rosiland's and Cayce's guidance seems to mostly agree on this whole subject, except that Rosiland's guides were more clear about it.
I also have my own intuitions, guidance, and experiences to go by, which match up more to what Rosiland and Cayce's guidance seem to say.
Also, as i've explained before, i would not use the term "mistake", more like an experiment, which while certain choices slowed down the whole thing, it all eventually will reach the same destination so it's not that much of a mistake.
But what i emphasize, what Cayce's guidance emphasizes, and Rosiland's seems to support as well, is that IT WASN'T EVER NECESSARY TO BEGIN WITH. It was just due to freewill and the separating from Source in Consciousness.
Since that initial occurance, many Light Beings have been involved with this World, and have helped to shape it as much as they can. Perhaps this is why you sense what you sense, but can't seem to integrate the complexity and relativity of the actual situation? Maybe you, like most of us, also have belief system blockage?
I don't see such belief system blockage with Rosie's guides, and they came through very clearly in her. Until i get different info, i will side with Rosiland, Cayce, and my own intuitions on the matter.