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Some light shed on the true meaning of the season (Read 17965 times)
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #45 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:00pm
Hi Justin-

Like Doc, I also was highly impressed the first time I read Seth Speaks.  I thought I found the Holy Grail!  It all seemed so impressive.  

But that was way back in the late 1970s or early 80s.  The Seth material remains the same, but I guess it's me who has changed.

For one thing, I've come to distrust any information that is supposedly channeled from a deceased entity.  Over the years, the more I've read from these sources, the more contradictions I come across.  You would think that highly evolved entities would be consistent at least on the major things.  As I've said before, Seth says earth is a school, but Elias says we are not here to learn, only to "experience."

And then we have ACIM, which says everything we see and experience is just an illusion.

At some point, and maybe it goes along with growing older, we need to step back and reassess this stuff.  What appeals to us at 25 or 35 might not have the same appeal when we are 55 or 65.  

For myself, I am far more critical and skeptical today than I was 30 years ago.  I just don't jump into what the latest new age guru says as I once did.

Ok, that's me, and who knows, maybe I am just more skeptical than most people and maybe that's to my disadvantage.  Maybe by being skeptical I turn off my own ability to "tune in" so to speak.  I guess the trick is to become open minded while at the same time having a mechanism to catch the undesirable things.  Sort of like what the oil filter does to avoid contaminating the engine.

On another issue, I also wonder, if Seth really is a highly evolved entity whose mission is to enlighten us, why is it that other people besides Jane don't also access him??  What is so special or unique about Jane that rules out the rest of us from contacting him?

Btw, other channelers have claimed they too have contacted Jesus just as Helen Schucman did. Only problem is, the Jesus they contacted does not say the same things that Helen's version does.

Doc's point about the Ouija board is well taken.  There was a time when I played around with it. No more.  Just because a source is from the other side doesn't mean that it's benign or well intentioned.  I imagine there's just as much deception in the afterlife as there is in this one.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #46 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:03pm
  Note that Mr. Monroe was a still in physical being, and that Rosiland's guidance energies were rather far removed from same (one of the very reasons none of them wanted to give any names, for it would tend to pull them into such earthly energies).   Perhaps that is one of the reasons of the difference in interpretation?  It can be hard to be completely objective when you are very close and emotionally involved with something. 

  I quite enjoy physical life Dude, but i never forget that it is ultimately an illusion and one that i need to transcend by being as loving and non material oriented as i can.  It is not easy to break such patterns while still focused in same, and probably why there aren't many more Yeshua types running around in this world.   

  It seems you are blinding yourself to Roberts/Seth's lack of credibility because you are emotionally invested in the material.   Your Greater self perhaps led you to it initially because it realized that some concepts in same might help to expand certain mental aspects, however maybe it didn't mean for you to get so attached to it? 

  Have you tried that experiment yet?   If you turned out to be very off about Yeshua according to your own experiences as you have admitted, could it not be that you are off about Seth/Roberts too?
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #47 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:12pm
Thanks for the Reply, Dude and others.

Dude,  I have seen many instances where Seth's words say that we must look for ourselves.  But the discourse is then followed by, these definitive statements about how things are laid out in the physical and mental planes.  This combined with the dismissal of other accounts of history, made me question how much we were truly meant to explore those issues that Seth felt were cut and dry (to his reckoning). 

If you say "explore for yourselves," but then dismiss others as being inaccurate, the bells and whistles go off for me.  That along with this so called reincarnation of Oscar Wilde, or the lack of true historical facts that we could check through the discourse, made me question why he would dwell on earthly history at all.

As I mentioned, many sources (which I could quote), talk of a spiritual dissociation from the physical plane after death.  If Seth were done with incarnations, certain concepts and notions we have here in the physical would fade from his understanding, since there would not be a spiritual equivalent.  Facts, figures and the like tend to be much more associated with entities close to the earth plane in focus levels 22, 23, etc. 

So I can't help but wonder.  Either way, I keep my volume of Seth Speaks and JR's other works to look at from time to time, so I enjoy the consistency of the the metaphysics as much as the next guy.

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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #48 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:16pm
Say you had a professor who told you that Abraham Lincoln wasn't assasinated. You looked into his reason for believing this, and found that he was mistaken. Would you consider him to be a trustworthy professor, or a man who gets carried away with his theories? Jane Roberts/Seth didn't simply say Jesus wasn't crucified and leave it at that. Jane Roberts/Seth had a very detailed and faulty explanation as to why Jesus supposedly wasn't crucified. More than a little confusion is involved.

As I've written before, because Jane Roberts/Seth chose to speak of Jesus in an inaccurate way, I'm not interested. I figure I gain much more by allowing myself to be a person who has love and respect for beings such as Jesus, than I would by reading material from a source that purposely misrepresents him. It isn't about being open minded. It is about opening your heart to having reverence and respect for a being such as Christ, and not allowing sources to get away with misrepresenting him.

Regarding it not making sense that over twenty books served the purpose of undermining Jesus, I believe it was more of a matter of Jane Roberts and her husband serving themselves. Even if a misleading entity was involved, it wouln't be necessary for this entity to say false things about Jesus for twenty volumes, in order for it to accomplish its mission. Twenty volumes would serve the purpose of misinforming and brainwashing people in other ways. If a person reads this much material from one source, he or she is bound to get braiwashed eventually.

Regarding Dude knowing better than the rest of us because he has read more Seth books, would it be fair to say that a fundamentalist knows more about Christ's teachings than one of us, because a fundamentalist has studied the subject more fervently? It is certainly possible that a person gave up on Seth early on, because he or she was able to see what Seth is about early on. Should a person be required to read numerous books about a source he (or she) found to be questionable early on, so some day down the road he can say that he read numerous books by this false source?

When it comes to Rosalind Mcknight's book contending that this World is the result of a mistake, Justin and I don't agree with this conclusion.  An oversoul/disk incarnates small portions of itself into this World, while the rest of it remains in the spirit World. It is more of a matter of what it needs to learn, than getting stuck. I believe too much thought was put into creating life in this World, for it to be a big mistake.  It is important to remember that from an oversoul's viewpoint all incarnations happen at the same time. Therefore, how much can getting stuck be a factor?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #49 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:24pm
None taken Beau, for me, this is not "about me", but about the misrepresentation of a great spiritual teacher and some main purposes of his life. 

  I'm not particularly attached to what other people do or don't believe.  I see things i greatly or mildly disagree with all the time in real life and on boards like these but i rarely disagree or debate anymore.  Certainly not so strongly as now.

  But when a so called channeled source misrepresents such a pure, loving, and helpful pattern that i know from my experiences was the real deal all the way through, then do i stand up and speak out.   

  Rondele made some very good points about Seth, Yeshua, and that if you get people to believe only one major point about his life was off, then its not so much a stretch to try to change their minds about other aspects.   

  Yes, one of the important things about Yeshua was that he was loving and taught love, BUT any real teachers and guide types that have come to Earth have been similar in that general manner.  Many major Religions teach compassion or love in some form. 

  But it was his specific example, and his specific teachings which arose out of same, which are what most important and central to the whole thing. 

  He transcended physical death, for physicality and limitations connected to same are ultimately illusions and if one is so PUL attuned, so pure and loving as He is, then they too will likewise transcend all illusions even while still focused in physicality.  That's his promise to us, if we but follow in his ways of living and being. 

  This what make Yeshua unique amongst all public spiritual teachers.  He walked the walk to the nth degree and proved it to the people of his times by showing up again after being killed, in a "body" with both physical and completely non physical attributes.  People who knew him, and those who knew those who knew him, left accounts of this.

  Because of the resurrection the crucifixion is essential in all this.   Someone once asked Cayce in trance how do we tell and know that we can trust say a channeled or mediumistic source.   They were told to ask them to recognize the birth, teachings, life, death and ressurrection of Christ.  If they answered in the no about any one of these, it would be best to just leave this source be. 

  Here we have such a one, and one which besides is not very credible from a holistic reasoning.  Limiting and false beliefs have a tendency to keep one stuck in some aspect of self.   These need to be let go of, if one wants to fully merge with Source again.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #50 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:28pm

I now have a better understanding of what you were saying.  I still disagree, but there's nothing wrong with that, what works for me works for me and what works for you works for you. 

I fully realize the issues regarding Seth's credibility.  I do not feel I am overly attached, however.  You heard her speak as Seth and thought, she must be faking it, her voice is over exaggerated.  I heard her speak as Seth and thought, thats interesting.  I wonder why she sounds like that.  I am not jumping to any conclusions because I really don't know the answers.  Maybe she is faking it.  Maybe she isn't.  I am simply reading this material and taking what I need from it.  This is what I do with all the sources I read. 

If Monroe said he travelled to the past and saw that the crucifixion was as Seth said, many people would probably discredit his entire work just as they are doing here with Seth.  This does not mean Monroe is dishonest, it does not necessarily mean he is wrong, and it certainly doesn't mean the rest of his work is bogus. 

I have already stated my reasons for giving Seth credibility, and these reasons are undeniable.  I am left believing that Seth had a good grasp on the nature of reality and worthy motives, although he was not a perfect being, and having to communicate through Roberts, mistakes have obviously been made in the material.

I wouldn't say I am too emotionally invested in this material.  I am emotionally invested in the search for greater knowledge.  I feel I see the material quite objectively, for I have gained knowledge and read things that others have obviously missed, and yet its all there in black and white for anyone to see.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #51 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:38pm
  Hi Albert,

Neither one of us are completed beings in the flesh, and hence neither one of us knows the full, undistorted truth in this.  Our very involvement in physicality tends to limit and subjectify our perceptions about this very issue and question.

  Now, i have a lot of respect and trust in you and in your connections to your guidance.  But i have even more respect for and trust in Rosiland and her guidance connections. 

  Also, as i've mentioned before, both Rosiland's and Cayce's guidance seems to mostly agree on this whole subject, except that Rosiland's guides were more clear about it. 

    I also have my own intuitions, guidance, and experiences to go by, which match up more to what Rosiland and Cayce's guidance seem to say. 

  Also, as i've explained before, i would not use the term "mistake", more like an experiment, which while certain choices slowed down the whole thing, it all eventually will reach the same destination so it's not that much of a mistake. 

  But what i emphasize, what Cayce's guidance emphasizes, and Rosiland's seems to support as well, is that IT WASN'T EVER NECESSARY TO BEGIN WITH.   It was just due to freewill and the separating from Source in Consciousness. 

  Since that initial occurance, many Light Beings have been involved with this World, and have helped to shape it as much as they can.  Perhaps this is why you sense what you sense, but can't seem to integrate the complexity and relativity of the actual situation?  Maybe you, like most of us, also have belief system blockage? 

  I don't see such belief system blockage with Rosie's guides, and they came through very clearly in her.    Until i get different info, i will side with Rosiland, Cayce, and my own intuitions on the matter.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #52 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:39pm
I have come to a conclusion.  We could debate this topic for our entire lives.  I understand that not everyone here agrees with the Seth material.  This is fine.  I cannot see myself putting any more energy into this debate, as it is taking away from where my energy should be going. Everyone has their own unique way of finding the truth.  If you do not trust a source, then that is your choice and I respect that.  No ones beliefs are ever really changed from these debates anyway, although they can introduce ideas which can be explored when the individual is ready.  I realize Seth does not offer absolute truth, but this does not mean I cannot benefit from his work.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #53 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:47pm
  Thank you for hearing and really listening to me OOBD.  The last thing i will say about this is...wait..cough cough
..cough cough.   Cheesy Wink

  It might not seem that apparent on the surface of things, but I have a lot of respect for you.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #54 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:51pm
I was wondering what I would read after I finish Bruce's 4th book. Thanks to this thread I have a lot to choose from--thanks to all.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #55 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:11pm

Perhaps it suffices to say that I believe that this World is a way of learning that spirits happen to get caught up in for a while. Many choose to do so even though they know it is a prolonged way of learning. Because they expect to eventually rejoin their higher self, they didn't make a mistake. Perhaps what Rosalind's guides said can be considered in this context.

Many souls don't choose such a way of learning. The souls that don't choose our way of learning benefit from our travails. Perhaps by enjoying the Loosh we create.

I believe something is added to source when we take part in the human learning experience. It provides souls with a way to develop their uniqueness, and to learn to make use of the creative aspect of their being in a wise and loving way.

Many sources say that we incarnate into this World in order to learn about love. This doesn't mean that love wasn't available before this World was created.  It is just that this World provides a unique way to learn about love. Unknown possibilities about love are discovered. For example, how can you know about the beauty of compassion, if a situation never existed where it was needed? How can you know about the value of showing somebody affection, if the need of being shown affection never existed? How can you fully understand about grattitude and appreciation, if you don't fully understand the beauty of your situation? Love is more than a feeling, it is a way of understanding that has various attributes. Contrast often plays the role of enabling us to understand something completely.

I've read little of Cayce, but I doubt he was beyond making mistakes. For example, his interpretation of the book of Revelations really seems to be off the mark. When John spoke of things such as seven churches he did not have seven chakras in mind.

In the end so much good comes from incarnating in this World, I believe it is a mistake to think of it as a mistake.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #56 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:18pm

I don't know what you've read. Perhaps Robert Monroe's Ultimate Journey. Read a bunch near death experiences. More than anything, rely on yourself. Have you made contact with your higher self/spirit guidance?

Beau wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 2:51pm:
I was wondering what I would read after I finish Bruce's 4th book. Thanks to this thread I have a lot to choose from--thanks to all.

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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2009 at 8:52pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #57 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:10pm
I have only read Monroe's first book and a little bit of the second. I want to go back and read the second one for real but I don't own it anymore so I gotta get it I guess.

I have made contact with a fraction of my higher self, but sometimes it has come when I am in what we bipolars call a manic state. See the problem with that is not that I don't trust the source when I'm level headed, but I definitely don't trust it when I'm in a depressed state. So I spend months coming to terms with what I learned from before and then getting over the fears that come about from trying to understand the information. It's kind of weird, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Wink
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #58 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:17pm
  Hi Beau,

  I had a similar thought as Albert/Recoverer.  Even if I believed Seth was a credible and helpful source, I would still say that it's more important and fulfilling to go within for your own answers. 

   And even in my debating with OOBD, i told him not to take my word and beliefs for it, but that it would be helpful to do deep within to get his answers.   

  This is what Bruces work is all about btw, and especially his last book.  It seems he doesn't want his info to just become another belief system, but more an inspiration to explore for oneself.  And he gives a pretty good set of tools and frame of reference to work from.   

  So why not go within instead?
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #59 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:23pm
I agree completely about going within, Justin. There is no substitute. I am pretty discerning, but sometimes not immediately. Because I like to let it gestate. Even though I am a seeker I found Religelous very enlightening--not to start up a new discussion or anything. Thanks for your advice sir.

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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