A couple of times you have stated how alike Rosiland's guidance material is to Seth's. I recently watched this video wherein it shares a voice recording of Seth talking philosophy.
Here is the link:
http://vodpod.com/watch/1181974-seth-material-jane-roberts In this video Roberts/Seth talks about physical matter and how our consciousness became involved with same. From what i get of it, "Seth" is putting the physical on a pedestal, and says that there is no error in our involvement with physicality. That our flesh is a great spiritual reality.
McKnight's guidance gives a rather different view. They seem to outline that due to freewill, some Consciousnesses decided to split themselves, and to indulge in illusions and separation from Source and each other, and that our physical existence is the result of this (and why suffering/fear is such a strong tendency in the physical). They seem to indicate that it wasn't a necessity or ultimately desirable ever, and as long as Souls via humanity, continue to be attached to illusion
within, we will experience physicality as we now do.
They say that once Souls release these illusions and attachments within self, that they not experience the illusion of physicality and its seeming limitations anymore.
Rosie's guidance in that sense, is quite similar to Cayce's. They both seem to say that our job as spiritual beings is to take the super slow vibratory level and illusionary nature of physicality which we temporally manifested, and raise it again to that of pure Light energy of which we originally experienced before we decided to indulge in illusion, false temporal ways and beliefs. They both agree that the main way to do that is through living and being universal, pure love consciousness, realizing the essential Oneness of Creation. They both highlight Yeshua as the highest and purest example of a human doing just that, and so totally coming to know while still connected to physical, how unlimited he really was. So unlimited that neither space, nor time, nor death confined him whatsoever.
Again, Seth seems to put the physical on a pedestal and say that there was no error on our parts ever in being involved with same. Furthermore, "he" emphatically states to NOT to listen to any source which tells us differently, that there was spiritual error (sin) on our parts in this whole thing. That such sources are ignorant and living in the dark.
So yes, even with a little research, there are major differences and discrepancies found between these two sources beyond the Yeshua info.
Also, it's interesting to note that I've heard a recording of Rosiland's channeling of her guidance (at TMI, part of the "Patrick event"), and also a rare recording snippet of Cayce's while he was in his deep trance state and giving a "reading". Interestingly, both speak in a more flat and monotone type voice like we would expect from a truly nonphysical being who is not so emotionally centered and dramatic as many of us humans are.
On the other hand, this was the first time I listened to a actual recording of Roberts channeling Seth, and well I couldn't help but giggle a little because it sounds so blatantly like what one would expect of cheesy campy "channeling", something that like Hollywood might portray and any decent actor with an imagination and suggestible personality could easily slip into. I could imitate both Roberts and "Seth". And believe you me, i could ramble on for hours about philosophy no problem, but that is not an indication of my divine knowledge and great expandedness.
Seth doesn't sound all that nonphysical, with all that emotion and drama in his voice. You would expect a highly spiritually mature nonphysical Being to talk much less emphatically and emotionally, because from my experiences of more developed nonphysicals, they often lack the strong emotional qualities that we humans are so well known for (especially noticeable in many E.T.'s). Not that they don't have feelings, or don't feel, but they don't have exaggerated emotions and because of their deep calm and stillness they would come off as more "flat".
Just as we find with Rosiland's work and Cayce's. Actually, i've read similar from some Regressionists/hypnotherapists whose clients went into a deep state, and their Greater Self, or an Ascended type being came through. Similar emotional detachment in their voice, very "matter of fact". Not a singing and loud "SORRRROOOOWW and DEGRAAADATION", in a silly half Jamaican and half English aristocratic accent.
With that said, Rosiland's guidance sometimes had a slight Asiatic accent, when "Ah So" was more primarily being focused through.
You don't need deep intuition to see through Roberts and her so called channeling, just some common spiritual sense and holistic reasoning is enough. Why is it that the only other "entities" that Roberts channeled were famous painters?
Why is it that in Monroe's first biography, it is discussed that Roberts and Monroe met up, but Monroe remains curiously silent about "Seth" and the whole thing, BUT relates later having an interesting run in with another well known channeler and more specifically her guide Ramtha?
Maybe "Seth" didn't exist except as eventually as an unconscious thoughtform of Roberts, who was working through various unconscious issues relating to the nature of physicality and our involvement with same? Hence, a person with both Sun AND Moon in Taurus (one of the most innately material minded/oriented signs there are) would want to believe it is alright to be sensuous, physical, and materially oriented, but felt conflicted because many spiritual belief systems say to get beyond those attachments... That there is a far greater "joy" (as Roberts Seth terms it), beyond anything the flesh could possibly offer.
For myself, i know this as reality and fact, and when a supposed channeled being tells me differently, and otherwise disagrees with certain key issues, well I wonder just how expanded such a source really is.