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Some light shed on the true meaning of the season (Read 17957 times)
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #15 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 11:35am
Wow, thank you for sharing that article, Dude. There was certainly some great stuff in there. I feel like something is coming and I don't know exactly when but I buy the precession of the earth's axis argument and the 26000 year cycle. But sometimes I feel kind of foolish about it too. It seems there was always a group of people believing that a massive change was on the way...but then when I think about it those massive changes have occurred lots of times. Perhaps the change will be a new way of thinking about peace and harmony here and a better understanding of healing energies and just energy in general. How can I get those newsletters? I'm not sure about every word but much of it was refreshing to me. Thanks again.

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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #16 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 11:56am
I, too have read several accounts from "seers" who discount the immaculte conception and attribuite it to Extra Terrestials. As in Whitney Strieber's books "Communion" and "Transformation" and in Irish lure: Extra Terrestials came to the planet and instilled their seed into primitive man in order to obtain a "likeness" to themselves who would be adaptable to the planets eco system. Edgar Caycee also stated the the immiculate conception was instilled this way (embro synthesis). This is supposidly how major brilliant minds like Einstein, Michaelangelo, Newton all came to be.

Sometime it's not good enough just to know things. Sometimes you just have to believe!!!  Tongue Grin
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #17 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 2:02pm
Interesting how so much of the channeled material wants to discredit the Biblical account of Jesus' birth and death.......

As I recall Seth also claimed Jesus was never crucified.

I would only ask that those who readily accept this material consider what possible agenda(s) are behind it.

And as always, the bottom line question should be how does any of it affect how we live our day to day lives?

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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #18 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 3:40pm

Its a very good newsletter.. go to  You can subscribe from there.


That is a very interesting idea... perhaps Mary was impregnated by ETs!  That would explain how she retained her virginity.


The idea behind discrediting false biblical material is basically to allow people to see what is truth and what is not.  Those who follow the bible down to the last word may very well be enclosed in limiting belief systems resulting from that blind faith.  So revealing the untruths of the bible can potentially expand people's perspectives and help them see that they need to search for truth that is not offered in the bible.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #19 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 5:48pm
I Am Dude wrote on Jan 4th, 2009 at 3:40pm:

The idea behind discrediting false biblical material is basically to allow people to see what is truth and what is not.  Those who follow the bible down to the last word may very well be enclosed in limiting belief systems resulting from that blind faith.  So revealing the untruths of the bible can potentially expand people's perspectives and help them see that they need to search for truth that is not offered in the bible.  

  Hi Dude,

  I have studied the various scientific research on the Shroud of Turin deeply and from various angles.  All evidence taken as a whole points to it being the burial cloth of Yeshua. 

  If true, like I have every reason to believe it is, then who is doling out false biblical information, you and Seth, or the Bible account?   The Shroud image shows a CRUCIFIED man, all anatomically correct and all aligned with the synthesized gospel story of his death by crucifixion.  One of the only ancient, full bodied depictions of Christ which show him crucified through the wrists and not the hands, btw as it must have actually been.

  Furthermore, two psychic, channeled sources which are a lot more INDEPENDENTLY verified in various ways and readily checkable in a factual sense, both claim that Yeshua was crucified and then resurrected.   One is Rosiland McKnight's guidance and her extensive (free and non fame seeking) work with Robert Monroe, and the other Edgar Cayce and his simply huge and profound work. 

    Will you continue to promote false biblical info even though the truth is readily available?   Again, we have 4 main sources which corroborate.   Historical documents written by people who knew Yeshua and saw his life with those who knew the former people, two much more credible psychic sources, and the Shroud of Turin--the ONLY artifact of its like ever found and oh yeah, just so happens to point to being the Shroud of Jesus. 

  You pride yourself on being logical, objective, reasoning things out for yourself,, and having an open mind?  The proof is in the pudding, instead you consistently defend a source in which you can't specifically back up any verifications yourself, other to say that another person claims they were clairvoyantly tested and found to have verifications. 

  Perhaps you have no respect for Edgar Cayce's work, perhaps you have no respect for the detailed, holistic scientific research done on the Turin Shroud, perhaps you have no respect for multiple historical accounts, but I would at least think you have respect for a source that shaped The Monroe Institute and the Gateway Voyage program itself, a source that Robert Monroe constantly and eagerly looked forward to every week listening too...

  So much for "openmindedness" eh...
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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #20 - Jan 4th, 2009 at 7:35pm

You have me all wrong my man.

I wasn't referring to the crucifixion when I mentioned false biblical material, I was referring to the nativity story, and also some other rather silly stories and lessons which can be found throughout the bible which are not in tune with PUL. 

As for the crucifixion, I do not know what happened, but I believe there is a good chance it did occur.  I am actually reading Cosmic Journeys by McKnight right now, and I realize there is more evidence for the crucifixion than against it.  I have said this before, I do not necessarily agree with Seth's version of the crucifixion.  I of course have to rule it as an extremely small possibility simply because I do not know the truth for sure, and closing it out would not be an open minded thing to do.  The biblical version resonates with me more than Seth's version does. 

I am not promoting false biblical info.  I simply posted an article relating to the season which I found very interesting.  I agree that the nativity story is false.  There is no harm in that.  The point of my statement about realizing what is true and what is false concerning the bible is that it is important not to believe that any one source of information is the absolute truth, unless that source is your inner self.

I have respect for Edgar Cayce's work, although I have never read any(yet), just as I have respect for Jane Roberts and Robert Monroe, and any other individual who promotes spiritual growth and personal fulfillment and the evolution of human consciousness.  I will definitely get around to reading Cayce.  Hopefully he can expand my perceptions even more.

Let me tell you why I am loving Roslind McKnight's book so much.  My belief system has been shaped by my own personal experience and the experience of others who are explorers, like me, but even more innovative and advance in their travels and spiritual attunement.  The reason their work is so credible to me is that we share these experiences of nonphysical reality, of leaving our bodies, of the reality of our dreamstate, and also have very similar ways of thinking.  The Seth material is different, because this is not a human sharing their experiences, it is a being on a totally other level.  The reason it is so credible to me is because I see the truth of it in my daily life.  The Seth material also answered many unanswered questions about reality I had acquired as I tried to construct a stable believe system as I experienced more and learned more.  The Seth material has given me an exponentially larger perspective on reality, and has helped me to experience much more meaning and fulfillment in my life.  The reason Seth's material was so credible to me is that it almost perfectly aligned with my "before-Seth" belief system.  This old system was based on the works of Monroe and others of a similar truth-bearing nature.  What Seth did was added onto these concepts of the afterlife and nonphysical dimensions and life's philosophies in a coherent nature which allowed me to piece together my own belief system in an interconnective manner, which has generated my own inner being to come out and influence my life even more.  I do realize that no source has all the answers, and I do not read Seth as if it was the word of God. 

So back to why I love McKnights book.  As I am reading what she is experiencing, and what her helpers are communicating to her, I realize... this is all so true.  And I realize another thing.. all of what is being said is also said by Seth!  Trust me, after almost 10 months straight of reading Seth, the material is still fresh in my mind.  Everything she said confirmed so many of my beliefs in the nature of consciousness and creation and reality and many other concepts.  It was as if she was saying exactly what seth said, only in a more basic, simplified, less-detailed and technical manner.  It was as if she was experiencing the concepts Seth talked about, especially as she entered different states of consciousness and described them.  It reminded me of you, Justin, and the way you support McKnight and deny Seth, and yet it is so apparent that they are actually complimentary.  Except of course the bit about the crucifixion.  This is the only point where they diverge. 

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #21 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 1:17am
 Alright Dude, I guess i now see better where you are coming from.  I'm not so sure that so much of the nativity story is so false.  I'm not a bible literalist by any means, and realize that its been both purposely edited for manipulative, control reasons, and also just errors due to re translations and multiple copying.  
  However, like Albert, i've gotten both inner guidance, and have come upon good outer sources which seem to affirm that the N.T. is largely correct in its basic story format, including much of the birth, teaching, death, and resurrection parts.  

 I'm a bit surprised by some of what you said in the above, especially about you resonating more with the biblical death version than Seth's stuff.   I remember it wasn't all that long ago when you were strongly arguing that Jesus probably didn't even ever exist as a physical person, and that peoples nonphysical experiences only occurred because Christianity has become a powerful thoughtform.    I remember things like that.   When it comes to the subject of Yeshua and his life, you seem to have been very extreme.

  It seems like you have quite changed your mind since these times.

 Me personally, i don't think Seth's version of Christ's life towards the end, is such a little deal and i don't so casually gloss it over.  He states that Jesus and/or his disciples had another would be Messiah drugged to take his place to be crucified and that this did happen.  

 This makes Yeshua seem rather umm unethical to say the least.  Also, with no crucifixion, there is no Resurrection, and i happen to believe that was the main point of Yeshua's whole life and message beyond the general PUL aspect.  In any case, the Resurrection grew out of PUL, PUL is life, God is love, God is life, love and life energy are also synonymous, all this in all dimensions.  Live that which is truly life, love, and Godly enough and the body physical even stays revivified.  

 Even if that is the only thing that Seth possibly states in error, well to me is it a big enough one to question the entire thing, because again I don't have any way to verify independently that Seth has material world verifications in connection with same.   I'm not just willing to take Robert Butts word for it.  Most of what i have read of Seth, is very general and philosophical in nature.   And actually, much of that general info i more or less agree with.   When i was reading it, most of it wasn't anything really "new" or revelatory to me, much of the stuff i had either read in other places, or had already had intuitions about.  

 If Seth is truly a nonphysical and spiritually mature consciousness, and Jane Roberts hooked up to him in a clearer way, then why would Seth via Roberts make such a erroneous and clearly diminishing statement about one of the most important aspects of Yeshua's life and example?  
His whole life was about PUL, and the highest kind of PUL oft requires self sacrifice from the little self for the greater good of the Whole.   Do you think it was easy, even for him, to go to his torture and death for a humanity who little appreciated him then, and still really doesn't even today?  Most people hated and despised him then, and many still do.

  Don't you think, as a man, as someone with still some human remnants in him, that there was some challenge in all this?   In the transcending of his last self attachments, and saying YES in the garden, i will do it, for it is the will of the Creative Forces because it is for the highest good for all, in that came the Resurrection experience and Consciousness.  
When the bible says, "he died for our sins", it doesn't mean literally, but symbolically.   He came to rectify certain false beliefs about humanity and the whole process we go through, and to do that, there was self sacrifice involved otherwise in the garden he would not have asked that there might possibly be some other way.  

 From evidence on the Shroud, we can tell that the man did experience pain and physical weakness, for there are indications that at some point his knee buckled and got banged up in that.   It was no walk in the park, and yet once he made his decision in the garden, he went to this fate joyously because he knew that it would help humanity.   Cayce said he even joked on the way to Calvary, and that is what most infuriated the authorities then.  

 As much as i dislike orthodox Christianity, and the whole religious thing, in the past i've asked guidance and have wondered what would have happened if none of it ever happened.  I got the impression that we would have experienced even much darker times than we did with the Church.   The Church and its influence, though corrupt and self serving in many ways, came on the heels of the likes of Vikings and such groups, who had NO morality whatsoever.  

It's quite likely that if Christianity didn't arise, even in its skewed form as it did, that such barbaric peoples would have overrun the world and it would be a very different place than it is.    Personally i wish that Christianity had survived in its pure form, as Yeshua had taught it, but i've been told that it just wasn't possible for the times and current developement of humanity as a whole..

  And why couldn't have Yeshua been "virgin born"?

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #22 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 1:34am
  Btw, i'm glad you are enjoying McKnight's book.  It is one of the most fast vibrating, clear, balanced, and holistically deep books i have ever come across.   I got instant and deep "good vibes" from it, even before really reading it in depth. 

   Since you are also born under Capricorn technically, you may enjoy this true story.  In a part of Cosmic Journey's about Retrievals, Rosiland's guidance mentions something about Rosiland's special Capricorn energy, which apparently facilitated her ability to do such Retrieval work.   

   Being born under Capricorn myself, i naturally was curious about this, and also curious to if Rosiland knew if she had any strong Capricorn energy in her chart.   On a lark, i decided to email her and ask her this.   

  Turned out we have the same b-day.  We became acquaintances, and my wife and I have had dinner with her.  She is a very lovely and down to Earth lady.  She really does emanate very "old Soul" and loving vibes.   Even before i met her in person, i had a feeling that her work at TMI and with Monroe was very important and deep indeed.   I sense very little major "skewing" in her work, which is kind of unusual for me when looking into channeled work.   

  I guess what i'm saying is that her work is one of the few channeled works that i really trust a lot, and one that i almost completely resonate almost 100 percent with.   

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #23 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:10am
identcat wrote on Jan 4th, 2009 at 11:56am:
I, too have read several accounts from "seers" who discount the immaculte conception and attribuite it to Extra Terrestials. As in Whitney Strieber's books "Communion" and "Transformation" and in Irish lure: Extra Terrestials came to the planet and instilled their seed into primitive man in order to obtain a "likeness" to themselves who would be adaptable to the planets eco system. Edgar Caycee also stated the the immiculate conception was instilled this way (embro synthesis). This is supposidly how major brilliant minds like Einstein, Michaelangelo, Newton all came to be.

Sometime it's not good enough just to know things. Sometimes you just have to believe!!!  Tongue Grin

  Hi Cat,

  I don't remember Cayce ever saying that specifically, though there does seem to be a link between E.T.'s and some unusual human births in this source.   But it was approached very generally. 

   Also, if you read some of my earlier posts on this thread, you will see that i point out that Cayce's source seems to infer that there are actually two kinds of "immaculate conception."

  One is wholly a spiritual, Spirit pushing itself into matter, activity, and the other is E.T. caused.   

   Cayce's source seems to say that the former is what happened with Yeshua and his birth, and seems to say that the latter is what happened with a "past life" of his whose name was Ra Tah.   

   I believe that E.T.'s sometimes influence some human births, not because of what i've read in this or that book, but because of some experiences relating to me. 

  My Mom had childhood illnesses, and various doctors told her that she would never be able to have children.  She very much longed for a son, and kept trying even though she had miscarriage after miscarriage.   

    One night she had a very vivid dream about being on a spaceship with some very familiar and loving non human Beings.  They told her everything was going to be alright.  It wasn't that long after this dream that she successfully had me.    I have a hard time believing that it was just a coincidence, and i believe the E.T.'s must have helped out in the process.   

  Btw, i'm not saying that i'm "immaculately conceived" in any sense of the word.  I have no idea about that part. My Mom was definitely not a virgin.   But because of this info, along with my own intuition, stuff in the Cayce readings, in McKnight's work, i do very much believe that E.T.'s influence both births and genetics of some human beings here and there (they seem to be doing it more lately).  With folks that are meant to act as forerunners of new consciousness developments in the Earth, such as with Ra Tah way back when.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #24 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 12:55pm
I'm a bit surprised by some of what you said in the above, especially about you resonating more with the biblical death version than Seth's stuff.   I remember it wasn't all that long ago when you were strongly arguing that Jesus probably didn't even ever exist as a physical person, and that peoples nonphysical experiences only occurred because Christianity has become a powerful thoughtform.    I remember things like that.   When it comes to the subject of Yeshua and his life, you seem to have been very extreme.

  It seems like you have quite changed your mind since these times.

This is true.  A little over a year ago I was kinda mixed up when it came to Jesus.  At this time I had never experienced Christ's essence, and because of the many similarities in his story with the stories of past religious figures, I figured J's story could only be a plagerism from older religions.  I now believe this is wrong, for I have had several at least semi-conscious experiences with Jesus.  I am not debating Christ's existence or importance.

Seth never states that Jesus was a part of the "crucifixion scandal."  And I disagree that this one discrepancy, if false, negates the validity of the rest of the material.  Don't you think its funny that McKnights work ties in so nicely with Seth's?  Except for the one aspect about the crucifixion, most of what she says and experiences is already said by Seth.  As I am reading Cosmic Journeys, I am thinking... this is all so true, I fully agree, and this is amazing that she can experience this knowledge, and yet still there are still higher aspects to what she finds which are described by Seth that she does not go into. 

The reason why what you have read of Seth's material is general and philosophical in nature is because in his early books he lays the groundwork, the basis, for his later books, which dive much deeper into more advanced and detailed subject matter which without the general knowledge of the first books, just wouldn't make much sense to the average reader.  Seth actually states that his work is meant to lead up to his books The Individual and Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment, which are basically his masterpieces, his most important works, which use the general knowledge of the past works as a platform to launch into the good stuff.   

I'm not trying to promote Seth.  I'm just trying to let you see that I am not crazy for reading his books, and that he is not as bad as everyone is trying to make him seem.  Its hard for me not to speak up when someone posts lies and misinformation, or tries to distort what is said to fit their negative beliefs about him, for I respect his work and his cause. 

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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #25 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 1:01pm
Justin--- I do think that your mom was blessed! To have a higher technology step in and help her with her quest-- what a privlege. Strieber describes how the procedure is undertaken. He thought that he was going crazy, (in "Transformations") and contacted Bob Monroe. They both lived in NY state at the time. Monroe assured him that he wasn't going crazy. By reading his book, I found my way to the Monroe Institue web page.

I've read both of Rossaling McKnight's books "Cosmic Journey" and "Soul Journey" and I met her at the Monroe Institute during my Guidelines week. She is very down to earth and glows like and angel. I would have to reread her books to remember all that was in them. But, she had no quams about Et's and their purpose of doing good for earthlings. I think that it was Rosie who stated that a space ship landed on the Monroe property in Virginia and one of the participants went out to greet them.  My closest contact to ET's are the orbs.  I can't say that I physicall see them--- only through photo's taken.

Yes, I truely think that a higher life form has a definate influence on human beings--- all throughout our history. --cat
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The three things you can never take back:
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #26 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 1:26pm
I Am Dude wrote on Jan 5th, 2009 at 12:55pm:
[quote] Its hard for me not to speak up when someone posts lies and misinformation, or tries to distort what is said to fit their negative beliefs about him, for I respect his work and his cause.  

  Yes, and as you feel about Seth, i feel about Yeshua likewise.  So in Seth's latter works, he gives various info which can be checked against factual material world info--stuff which can be "verified" as we call it?  What about his more specific statements which so far seem to be rather off, like the Bishop lifetime and the crucifixion parts?

  In any case, I will have to see for myself and if i have the time i will check out those latter books.

  I still get the sense that you tend to approach outer sources more intellectually than i do (hence why the difference in our initial perceptions of Roberts/Seth), and that for me, it's more of purely intuition kind of thing.   When i was reading Seth, i got very different "vibes" than when i was reading Rosiland's stuff.  The similarity is that mentally, both deal a lot with "consciousness" and the nature of same.

  As i've noted before, it's interesting to note that both Rosiland and Cayces guidance doesn't generally "name names" when it comes to themselves, even when repeatedly asked.   It's interesting to note that these are all more of a group kind of energy. 

  It's interesting to note that Seth not only names his name, but at some points talks quite a bit about himself, and also seems to be less of a group energy.  These are as clues to the truly impersonal and PUL attuned nature of these respective channeled sources...

  There is a part in one of Roberts books that i read, wherein Seth goes on this rebellious rant about him not following convention or something.  He (or Roberts) almost sounds rather angry.  At the time, he sounded like an angry teenager to me. 

  When one approaches such a source like Seth more intellectually/mentally polarized, it's easy to get caught up in such a source for it IS mentally interesting.   But from what you say, it seems that the latter works have a different, and more PUL oriented vibe.   
Funny enough, i find that PUL orientation and vibe throughout all of Rosies, Bruces, and Cayces work from the beginning to the end. 

  I cannot convince you of anything, so i really should just stop.  I had thought i had let it go earlier, but i guess i didn't fully.   

  If you haven't already done this, i suggest a specific experiment. Something quick and easy to do. Sometime during meditation, ask to hook up to the most expanded, PUL attuned energies/guidance within and without self, also try to remember the feeling of love when doing same and sincerely feel/give appreciation for any answers you may receive. 

  Then ask about Jane Roberts and Seth, and the true nature of same generally speaking.   Ask them if the former misrepresent Christ and his life.   Sometimes we have to go deep within for the truer answers and perceptions of things.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #27 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 1:33pm
 Thanks Cat.  My Mom was a very loving, spiritually oriented, and aware person, and i will feel eternally grateful that she was my first teacher in this physical life.  

 Interesting about the Strieber Monroe connections and all that.

 I've had quite a few, different kind of ET contacts, everything from dreams, to seeing UFO's (and orbs), to one bizarre and very real seeming OBE encounter, and having strong intuitions about them.  

 I think they are big part of the whole "2nd Coming" and spiritual transformation thing.   Some of these groups "work" for Christ, one could say.   This is to be a mult-layered and spread out developement, though it does actually involve Christ himself showing up publicly in physical form again.  

 And yes, Rosie rocks.  She is one of my "role models".  
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #28 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:22pm
Hey Dude-

Here's the thing- let's assume that Seth really is a disembodied, highly evolved entity whose objective is to enlighten us as to the nature of reality and the afterlife.

If we accept that premise, then we are left with a really difficult pill to swallow.  Because, if Seth's story that Jesus was never crucified is not true, how can we possibly accept anything else Seth says?

I mean, this is not just an ordinary mistake.  It is a major, deliberate  misrepresentation of a huge historical event.

That should give us pause, should it not?  

Let's assume Seth was a college professor, and he told his class that Jesus was never crucified. And then later the class, via reading the works of biblical scholars and yes, other channeled material, came to realize that what their prof said was totally wrong.

Wouldn't that discredit virtually every other thing the prof had to say?  How could anyone acknowledge that Seth was wrong about this event, and yet proceed to accept other things he proclaimed??

All of this leaves us with a couple of alternatives:  (1) Either Seth actually believed that Jesus was never crucified OR (2) it was a deliberate falsification.

If the former, Seth was pretty ill-informed to say the least.  If the latter, we have to wonder about WHY Seth (or Jane) would deliberately mislead us about such a crucial event.  

I have my own theory, for what it's worth.  I think we always need to ask ourselves what the agenda is before we accept anything someone else tells us.  That goes for the car dealer down the road or the latest Hollywood movie or the channeled entity du jour.

I personally think Seth or Jane's agenda is to discredit Jesus.  And the way you do that is not to just come out and try to undermine everything Jesus says.  You don't discredit someone with a club.  You do it with more subtle means.  If folks believe that the crucifixion never happened, it's a short leap to start wondering about things the Bible says about Jesus.  Heck, if the most significant event about his life never took place, maybe other things are bogus as well.  It's a slippery slope.

Same thing goes for ACIM.  Sure, you can pick out passages and say isn't it wonderful, but what is the bottom line of the Course?  Anyone who spends ten minutes reading various passages in the Bible that Jesus said, and then reads ACIM, cannot possibly believe that the same person authored both books!  The Biblical Jesus was very clear about sin and the wages of sin, but the ACIM Jesus tells us sin is just an illusion and there's no reason to have any guilt about what we do because, hey folks, the evil act never took place!  Huh??  

And just as a footnote, Seth kind of steps in it big time when he tells us Jesus was never crucified, because in other places he tells us due to the law of probabilities, every possible outcome of an event really does take place!  So, by Seth's own statement, there was a historical scenario in which Jesus WAS crucified.

Kind of makes you wonder how so many people are taken in by this stuff.


In either case, the conclusions have to be unsettling.
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Re: Some light shed on the true meaning of the season
Reply #29 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:30pm
I have to throw my ball in Justin's court here.  Initially, when I read Seth Speaks, it was an amazing experience.  For those trying to understand how thought creates reality Roberts/Seth came up with a very cogent system - one that does expand your awareness, if you never thought about this before.  I couldn't get enough of the Seth material and read through everything.  But it was more an intellectual exercise than a spiritual journey.  I felt no love or PUL associated with it.  Somewhere along the line, I realized that JR/Seth was just that - a cogent system of metaphysics and philosophy, but there was no tie in with PUL and the super-reality of what I consider to be a union with God and the universe. 

Don posted some interesting information about JR and Seth at one time.  That she worked with a priest I believe who noted that she became angry, erratic and her health deteriorated toward the end of her life (which was cut short at age 55.  Furthermore, a note of extreme caution is that communications with "Seth" began as ouija board contacts.  For anyone famliar with after death communications, the ouija board has been associated by many sources as being frought with interactions with lower level entities and mischief.  As described:      

"In late 1963, Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, experimented with a Ouijaboard as part of Roberts' research for a book on extra-sensory perception. According to Roberts and Butts, on December 2, 1963 they began to receive coherent messages from a male personality who eventually identified himself as Seth. Soon after, Roberts reported that she was hearing the messages in her head. She began to dictate the messages instead of using the Ouija board, and the board was eventually abandoned. For 21 years until Roberts' death in 1984 (with a one-year hiatus due to her final illness), Roberts held regular sessions in which she went into a trance and purportedly spoke on behalf of Seth. Butts served as stenographer, taking the messages down in home-made shorthand, although some sessions were recorded. These messages, channeled from Seth through Roberts, consisting mostly of monologues on a wide variety of topics, are collectively known as the "Seth Material".

  It didn't sound pretty, and certainly seemed like an ending of life devoid of PUL and spirituality.  We are all prone to human frailties, but when all put together, the ouija board contact, the deterioration of her health and sanity toward the end, it sounds like misdirection to me.

The problem I have with Seth material is that it is such a cogent system of thought put down on paper that its followers refer to this or that passage from Seth, to support their feelings about something or other in the physical/spiritual world.   As if this, non-human alien being "channeled" through JR is the last word for us about the spiritual and physical planes.  Pullleeazzee. 

Insight must be guided by love and personal exploration.  But Seth material is channeled, and readers take it to literally as "the gospel" of how reality is set up. 

Just my two cents of course.  I'm a fan of Seth's main premise that thought creates reality.  But my own instincts and guidance has informed me that there is not much PUL to be found in the material, and to stay away from it, now that I've moved on in other ways.

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